MS-097: International Business last 3 yrs paper
June, 2021
- Discuss in detail international trade theories and their implications.
- Explain various types of trade blocks and discuss the welfare impact of Preferential Trade Arrangements (PTAs).
- Define the term ‘strategy’ in international business and describe the framework for designing global strategy.
- Explain the concept of emerging market economies and their characteristics in detail.
- Write short notes on any four of the following:
(a) Effects of Globalisation
(b) Legal Environment
(c) Matrix Organisation Structure
(d) International Consumer Behaviour
(e) Corporate Values
- “FDI is much sought by developing countries whereas some sections of society oppose it so much.” Why? Discuss this giving examples.
- Do you find a link between economic growth of nations and their cultural values? Which values in your opinion promote economic growth and which ones retard the same? Support your answer with examples.
February, 2021
- Differentiate between domestic and international business and discuss the importance of international business.
- ‘‘Country attractiveness is a function of the market prospects, the competitive context and the risks involved in the country.’’ In this context, discuss country attractiveness and opportunities with suitable examples.
- Discuss in detail the concept and need for strategic alliances, giving examples
- Examine the various strategic issues involved in International Operations Management.
- Discuss the issues involved in transfer pricing and double taxation.
- (a) In what ways is the increased affluence and growth of consumer goods industries in developing countries like India, leading these countries towards values and beliefs that are more like those prevailing in the United States and other Western countries? What, in relation to Indian business, has been the effect of such influences on
(i) personnel selection practices,
(ii) decision making, and
(iii) quest for improvement?(b) Several Indian companies have internationalised their operations over the last two decades or so and some of them have even become global companies. What could have been the motivations for expanding business by way of internationalising their operations? Discuss with suitable examples.
June, 2020
- Explain the concept of globalization and describe the drivers of globalization.
- Whit are the socio-economic factors that influence business? What are the problems that companies face when they ignore cultural sensitivities of a country? Discuss with relevant examples.
- Describe the framework for designing global business strategy in detail.
- Define global financial system. Discuss the various terms of payments of international trade
- Write brief notes on the following:
(a) Ethics, corporate social responsibility and corporate philanthropy.
(b) The concept of BRICS
- (a) Analyse the policies that have been implemented in developing countries to attract higher volumes of FDI with special reference to India. Do you think that the policy shift in India has been successful in this regard? Give reasons.
(b) What effects do MNC operations usually have on management of domestic firms? Discuss in the light of your own country’s experience, citing relevant examples.