MS-063: Product Management last 3 yrs paper
June, 2021
- (a) With the help of examples, explain the characteristics of convenience, shopping and speciality products.
(b) What is Product Line Extension? Discuss the problems and risks associated with it
- Explain the concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC). Does the PLC take classical bell curve shape for all the products? Discuss giving suitable examples. How can the PLC be used as a guideline for formulating marketing strategy?
- (a) What do you understand by the term ‘Product Prototyping’? What are its uses? Explain giving suitable examples.
(b) Explain the Skimming pricing and Penetration pricing strategies for a new product.
- Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Product Mix and Product Line Decisions
(b) Types of Display Matrices
(c) Brand Equity Measurements
(d) Organising New Product Development at the Divisional Level
(e) Test Marketing - (a) What are the various sources of new product ideas? Explain how attribute analysis can be used for generating new product ideas for a toothpaste.
(b) Taking the example of cooking oil, discuss the various functions that its packaging can perform.
December, 2020
- (a) What is a product? With the help of an example, explain the anatomy of a product.
(b) Discuss the major areas of product management decisions.
- (a) Discuss the important factors that make companies pursue product line extensions as a significant element of their marketing strategy.
(b) Explain the BCG growth-share matrix. What are its limitations?
- (a) Explain the organization of new product development at the corporate level. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
(b) What is test marketing? What are its objectives? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of conducting test marketing.
- Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Product life cycle concept
(b) Factors influencing pricing decisions
(c) The concept of brand equity
(d) Break-even analysis
(e) Importance of industrial design - Your company is planning to launch a range of packaged fruit juices.
(a) Suggest a suitable brand name for the new product range. Justify your choice.
(b) For the above mentioned new brand suggest a suitable positioning strategy.
(c) Suggest what different functions the packaging of your above product can perform
June, 2020
- (a) What is a Product? Taking the example of any product of – your choice, explain the anatomy of the product i.e. the core benefits, tangible specifications and augmented features.
(b) Explain the term ‘Product Line’. Discuss the important factors that make companies pursue product line extensions as a significant element of their marketing strategy.
- (a) Name a product each, that in your view is in the ‘introduction’ and ‘maturity’ stage of its PLC. What recommendations do you have for these products with regards to their marketing strategies?
(b) Briefly explain the BCG growth-share matrix. What are its limitations Explain.
- (a) Taking the example of packaged fruit juice, explain the alternative bases available to marketers Sr its positioning.
(b) Discuss the strategic relevance of branding to marketers, giving suitable examples
- Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Types of pricing
(b) Brand equity measurements
(c) Sources of new product ideas
(d) Sales forecasting methods
(e) Concept testing - Taking any consumer product of your choice, formulate its packaging strategy. Your strategy should cover the following aspects:
(a) Functions to be performed by the packaging.
(b) How the packaging can be used for product differentiation?
(c) Legal and social aspects of packaging.