MS058 Management Of R and D And Innovation IGNOU exam question paper

MS-058: Management Of R&D And Innovation last 3 yrs paper

June, 2021

  1. (a) Evaluate the possible negative impacts on society of technological developments, particularly on health and environment.

    (b) ‘‘Development is closely related to design.’’ Explain. In what way has the development process been changing?

  2. (a) ‘‘Corporate function of R & D is a managerial rather than technical function.’’ Discuss and identify the contents of this function.

    (b) What are the basic requirements for successful partnering in innovation and R & D? Do you visualise difficulties cropping up in such processes? How would such difficulties be overcome?

  3. (a) ‘‘Corporate function of R & D is a managerial rather than technical function.’’ Discuss and identify the contents of this function.

    (b) What are the basic requirements for successful partnering in innovation and R & D? Do you visualise difficulties cropping up in such processes? How would such difficulties be overcome?

  4. (a) What is meant by the ‘‘potential’’ value of an invention or discovery and why is it important? Why are quantitative methods inadequate for measuring R & D outputs?

    (b) Discuss the salient features of the incentives and support measures provided by the following countries for promotion of R & D and technology development.

    (i) Japan
    (ii) Korea
    (iii) U.K.
    (iv) U.S.A.

  5. (a) What are the differences in commercialisation approach between developed and developing nations? How do developed nations score over developing nations in R & D business?

    (b) What is meant by R & D funding in an organisation? Discuss the various considerations to be kept in view while allocating funds for R & D in an organisation.

  6. (a) What do you mean by the term Patent? What is the procedure for patenting in India? What kind of inventions are not patentable?

    (b) How can engineering and technical consultants facilitate the process of R & D and innovation? Is the cost of consultancy in a firm justified in terms of expected returns?

December, 2020

  1. (a) Discuss the linkage between R & D, innovation and economic development. Discuss the experiences of USA and Japan in this context.

    (b) Explain the relationship between design, innovation and market. Why is design important in market context?

  2. (a) Discuss the following techniques of enhancing/maintaining the creativity:

    (i) Brainstorming
    (ii) Synectics

    (b) Write a short essay on SIRO (Scientific and Industrial Research Organisations).

  3. (a) “In a highly competitive industry, business should be technology driven.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your agreement or disagreement.

    (b) What is Mather licensing concept of partnership? On what factors partnership based on this concept rests? Explain.

  4. What is meant by the ‘potential’ value on an invention or discovery and why is it important?

    (b) India is a nation with very sound scientific and technological base and yet we rely on foreign technologies for our industrialization. Supplement your view with examples.

  5. (a) Explain the different types of R & D projects with the help of examples.

    (b) Discuss the rationale of cooperation between industry, academic and research institutions and government.

  6. Write short notes on the following:

    (a) Technology Sourcing

    (b) R & D Budgeting

    (c) Strategic Integration

    (d) Benchmarking

June, 2020

  1. (a) What are the basic elements of India’s Technology Policy? Discuss major reasons far our technical resources not being adequately exploited.

    (b) “The role of R & D is no longer restricted. It is becoming pervasive.’ Explain, Why and in what way the profile of R & D is changing.

  2. (a) Bring out similarities and differences in the concepts of technology base and ‘core’ competence.

    (b) Who can be partners in innovations? Discuss their role and limitations.

  3. Discuss the rationale of partnership in innovation and R & a- Why is the need of partnership in innovation felt more strongly today?
  4. (a) How would you define innovation? What are the distinct characteristics of innovating persons?

    (b) What are the four different leadership styles as reflected in the Blanchard model? How are the styles interrelated?

  5. (a) Discuss the provision for funding of R & D projects under various schemes of the Government of India. Also comment critically upon them.

    (b) What have been the achievements and failures of the technology policy of India?

  6. (a) Explain the good practices in technology transfers.

    (b) Explain the following terms:

    (i) Patent
    (ii) Design
    (iii) Trademark
    (iv) Intellectual Property Rights

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