MS056 Materials Management IGNOU exam question paper

MS-056: Materials Management last 3 yrs paper

June, 2021

  1. Describe the various roles of materials management in the context of internal and external interfaces of materials management system
  2. List the problems and risks in supplier networking. What are the preventive measures that may be suggested in this context?
  3. “Just-in-time is a disciplined programme for improving overall production and reducing waste.” Explain just-in-time production system in the light of the statement.
  4. Explain the concept of spare parts management. What are the various myths/ misconceptions about spare parts management programme? Discuss.
  5. “An efficient layout and design is very important.” Explain the concept of warehouse layout and objectives of a good warehouse layout.
  6. What are the advantages of organizing a purchasing department into specialized subunits? What are its disadvantages and how a firm can overcome these? Elaborate.
  7. Write short notes on any three of the following:

    (a) Materials logistics management

    (b) Authority and responsibility of purchasing

    (c) Materials planning and control

    (d) First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method

    (e) Advantages of codification in materials


February, 2021

  1. The materials management for an organization is very important. Discuss the role of Materials Management in various organizational functional activities.
  2. Describe the four main stages of source selection process. What is the most critical stage in source selection as per your opinion? Give reasons for your answer.
  3. Discuss the use of Material Requirements Planning (MRP) in Continuous Process Industries. The use of computer can greatly ease the problems of implementation of MRP in such industries. Comment.
  4. Describe six stages of life cycle of spare parts management and highlight the importance of each stage.
  5. What are the essential requirements that a coding system should satisfy? Explain the different systems used to codify materials.
  6. What are the advantages of organizing a purchasing department into specialized sub-units? What are the disadvantages? How can a firm overcome these disadvantages?
  7. Write short notes on any three of the following:

    (a) The Materials Management Pyramid

    (b) Reasons for International Purchase

    (c) Optimized Production Technology (OPT)

    (d) Problems in valuation for finished goods and work-in-process inventory

    (e) Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model

June, 2020

  1. “Material management procedures are strategically placed within an organization. They have different meanings for different people.” Comment on the statement. Also explain the objectives and advantages of material management in an organization.
  2. Identify the elements that determine a stronger and longer buyer-seller relationship. Does multiple sourcing lead to a bad relations with suppliers? Who or why not?
  3. In manufacturing planning and control (MPC) systems, why is detailed capacity requirements planning necessary, even when aggregate planning (or rough-cut capacity planning) has been carried out earlier? Explain, preferably with the help of the flowchart of MRP II.
  4. “If you reduce work-in-progress (WIP) then you expose many organizational bottlenecks.” Comment on this statement. Also state the reasons for your agreement and disagreement.
  5. Why customer service, packaging and production scheduling are considered to be inter-functional management activity? How can they be managed effectively within a functionally organized firm?
  6. “Receiving is an important control point in a firm’s materials system.” Explain the statement in the light of the receiving procedure and receiving system.
  7. Write short notes on any three of the following:

    (a) Material flow process

    (b) Vendor networking

    (c) Manufacturing, planning and control

    (d) Benefits of spare parts management

    (e) Warehouse layout

    (f) Simulation methods for materials

    information: A system approach.

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