MS054 Management Of Information Systems IGNOU exam question paper

MS-054: Management Of Information Systems last 3 yrs paper

June, 2021

  1. (a) Describe the organisational choice models. How would the design of systems be affected by the choice of model employed?

    (b) ‘‘Internal information is used for day-to-day decision-making whereas external information is crucial for long-term planning.’’ Comment.

  2. (a) What is the relevance of Nolan’s Stages of Growth Model for the study of information systems in today’s organisation?

    (b) What do you mean by System? Why is systems view justified towards organisational needs

  3. What are the various system analysis tools and why do we need more than one tool at a time?
  4. (a) How much importance should be accorded to implementation phase as part of the total MIS development activity? Explain.

    (b) What are Expert Systems and how do they help in decision-making? Give examples to illustrate the same.

  5. (a) What are Multiplexers and Concentrators? What are the main functions of data communication software?

    (b) Describe the types of switching available in networks. Also describe the various applications to which networks can be put.

  6. (a) Outline the basic sequence of steps to acquiring a DBMS. What steps are the most important? Explain.

    (b) Assuming that you are managing a computer centre which has stand-alone PCs. What rules will you frame for the users? Discuss.

December, 2020

  1. (a) Explain Simon’s decision-making model.

    (b) Discuss the role played by information in an organisation.

  2. (a) Differentiate between physical structure and conceptual structure of information system.

    (b) Discuss the different ways of allocating resources to different applications related to MIS in an organisation.

  3. (a) Describe the major steps in implementation of MIS design. Are they overlapping or exclusive? Explain.

    (b) What are the various ways in which serial transmission can be achieved? Explain each way in detail.

  4. (a) What are the emerging standards that are important to both users and developers of DBMS product?

    (b) Describe in detail the role of computer in changing our life styles.

  5. (a) Describe some applications to which computer network can be put.

    (b) What are expert systems and how do they help in decision-making? Explain with the help of an example.

  6. (a) Identify and briefly describe some of the terms which should normally be included in a software acquisition contract.

    (b) Why should there be law against benign computer virus maker? What harm can it cause to your computer?

June, 2020

  1. (a) Define Management Information System and discuss various characteristics expected of a good MIS.

    (b) Evaluate critical success factor method for the purpose of information requirement analysis.

  2. (a) How much importance should be accorded to implementation phase as part of the total MIS development activity? Explain. Briefly discuss the various implementation strategies.

    (b) What are the typical functional information subsystems in an organization? Discuss.

  3. (a) What are expert systems and how do they help in decision-making? Give examples to illustrate the same.

    (b) What kind of decisions can be appropriately programmed on expert system? Give examples

  4. (a) List and describe the various topology alternatives available for designing a computer network.

    (b) What is the effect of normalization on database storage and database performance?

  5. (a) Discuss the evolution of software systems and its application in business organisation.

    (b) What are the main functions of data communication software?

  6. (a) Briefly describe Relational Database Management System.

    (b) Differentiate among Trojans, Worms and Viruses. Give one example of each.

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