MS-052: Project Management last 3 yrs paper
June, 2021
- What is the criteria for selecting a good forecasting method? Explain. Also explain any two methods of demand forecasting
- ‘‘Management of materials and equipment forms the core of project management.’’ Justify your views giving supporting evidence.
- . ‘‘Plans are nothing; planning is everything.’’ Explain the meaning and the process of project planning in the light of the statement.
- ‘‘In order to keep track of the project’s status and head off problems before they occur, it is important to regularly report activity process.’’ Explain the project monitoring and reporting in the light of the statement.
- Explain the concept of control. Also explain the various factors affecting control of project cost.
- What are network-based milestone charts and what are their advantages/disadvantages as compared to squared networks? Describe.
- Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Need for Project Management
(b) Project Managers with Line Authority
(c) Financial Aspects of Materials and Equipments
(d) Elements of Control in Projects
(e) Computer Applications in Project Appraisal
December, 2020
- “To facilitate proper and reliable appraisal of investment proposal, we require a reasonably accurate forecast of demand.” In the light of the statement explain, in brief, any three methods of demand forecasting.
- What is the concept of “Free Float” (Primary Slackness) and “Total Float” (Secondary Slackness)? Bring out their significance in project management.
- Explain the meaning of cost of projects. Discuss the various kinds of cost estimates for commissioning of projects.
- What are the objectives of project management information system? Explain with the help of suitable examples the concept of planning by network analysis.
- . Once we switch over to PERT/COST system, can we do away with time-based project control? Supplicate your answer with reasons.
- “Planning and control in projects are indivisible.” Explain the statement in brief. Also explain the importance of “Project review” in the context of control of a project.
- Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Payback period for project evaluation
(b) Harnessing human resources
(c) Contracting for materials and equipment
(d) Computer applications in project appraisal
(e) TQM in projects
June, 2020
- What do you understand by “Project Decision”? A typical project would go through a development process having three distinct phases. Explain these phases in detail.
- Compare Activity-on-Arrow (AoA) networks with Activity-on-Node (AoN) networks and justify, why AoA networks are preferred internationally?
- What are the different organization structures recommended for project organizations and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
- Explain the concept of control in project ‘ management. Also explain the various factors affecting control of project cost.
- “In order to keep track of the project’s status and be prepared of the problems before they occur, it is important to regularly report activity progress.” Explain project monitoring and reporting in context of the statement.
- What is the importance of project review? What are the network-based milestone charts? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Discuss-as compared to squared networks.
- Write short notes on any three of the Allowing:
(a) Criteria for a good forecasting method
(b) Project planning
(c) Cost control system
(d) Concept of Cybernetics
(e) Organization matrix for commissioning of project.