MS-043: Management Control Systems last 3 yrs paper
June, 2021
- Discuss the concept of strategy and explain the BCG model and the General Electric (GE) Planning model. Explain the interface dynamics of strategies and management control.
- What are the attributes of Management Control Systems? Discuss the behavioural aspects of management control systems.
- What are Responsibility Centres? Discuss the various responsibility centres and explain how units of an organisation are designated as responsibility centres.
- What do you understand by Profit Decentralization? How does the process of profit decentralization lead to the establishment of Profit Centres? Discuss the benefits and limitations of profit decentralization.
- Explain the following:
(i) Capital Budgeting and Control
(ii) Behavioural and Ethical Aspects in Budgeting and Reporting
- What do you understand by Performance Measurement System? Explain the various types of metrics used in performance measurement.
- ‘‘Multinational Corporations operate across nations having different national cultures, institutions and local environment.’’ How do these differences across nations alter the management control systems of multinational corporations?
- Explain the nature of projects and discuss the phases of a project life cycle. Explain the control environment of a project.
June, 2020
- Explain the nature and purpose of management control systems. Briefly explain the various new management techniques used for management controL
- Explain the concept of Radical Performance Improvement (RPI) and discuss the role of management control, systems in facilitating RN.
- What is a Responsibility Centre and why are responsibility centres estabilished? Briefly explain the various types of responsibility centres.
- Explain the concept of profit centre and discuss the rationale for profit decentralization. Discuss the limitations and benefits of profit decentralization.
- Define budgetary control and describe the steps involved in budgetary control system. In what way is standard costing different from budgetary control?
- Mow does organization wide incentive plans differ from individual incentive plans? Discuss the different types of organizational incentive plans.
- Describe the unique characteristics of financial service organizations. Explain in detail the various variables of banking system which affect the management control system of a bank
- Discuss the characteristics of a project. How do processes and prdcedures relating to project differ from on-going activities?