Q1: Questions to which the respondents can answer in their own words
Answer: Structured questionsAnswer
Q2: Number of units to be included in the study is called
Answer: SamplingAnswer
Q3: Technique used to motivate respondents to enlarge on, clarify or explain their answers
Answer: SamplingAnswer
Q4: Non-metric data can be measured on
Answer: None of these—IntervalAnswer
Nominal or ordinal scale
Ratio scale
Q5: Which of the following represents the middle value when the data is arranged in the ascending or descending order
Answer: MeanAnswer
Q6: Story – telling is an example of
Answer: Observational methodsAnswer
Q7: A Local radio station asks people to call in and express their reactions to some controversial issues is an example of
Answer: Quota sampleAnswer
Q8: In which scale objective evidence is missing that such scales measure the concepts for which they have been developed. We have to rely on researchers’ insight and competence
Answer: Arbitrary ScaleAnswer
Q9: In which scale the statements are related to one another in a way that if you have a favorable response for an item you should also have a favourable reply for the previous items
Answer: Interval ScaleAnswer
Q10: Likert scales are treated as yielding interval data by a majority of marketing researchers
Answer: TrueAnswer
Q11: Which study or survey leads to monitor behavior
Answer: Experience surveyAnswer
Q12: Main text of the report should have-Introduction, Summary of Findings, Conclusions and. Fill in the space with an appropriate answer
Answer: RecommendationsAnswer
Q13: Which does not form the objective of Research
Answer: To formulate causal relationship between variablesAnswer
Q14: When one variable determines values of other variables, research design is used
Answer: CausalAnswer
Q15: Exploratory research is used in Convenience Sampling
Answer: TrueAnswer
Q16: The sampling in which the selection of additional respondents (after the first small group of respondents is selected) is based upon referrals from the initial set of respondents is called
Answer: Snowball SamplingAnswer
Q17: Which type of sampling over-rules the possibility of any essential group of the population being completely excluded in the sample. It thus provides a more representative cross section of the population and is frequently regarded as the most efficient system of sampling
Answer: Judgment SamplingAnswer
Q18: Marketing Research, is everything except
Answer: Politically biasedAnswer
Q19: is undertaken to help identify problems that are perhaps not apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in the future
Answer: Problem identification researchAnswer
Q20: In order to determine customer needs and to implement marketing strategies and programs aimed at satisfying those needs, marketing managers need information about
Answer: All these—CustomersAnswer
Other forces in the marketplace
Q21: Marketing managers need the information provided by marketing research for many reasons. Which of the following is not a reason to need information provided by marketing research
Answer: All these—Firms have become national and international in scopeAnswer
Consumers have become more affluent and sophisticated
Competition has become more intense.
Q22: The Nielsen Television Index is a set of information of known commercial value that is provided to multiple clients on a subscription basis. The Nielson Index is an example of
Answer: Syndicated servicesAnswer
Q23: Customized services are
Answer: Companies that tailor the research procedures to best meet the needs of each clientAnswer
Q24: Which one of the following techniques is not a qualitative research technique
Answer: Conclusive researchAnswer
Q25: Which of the following tasks is not a component of research design
Answer: Develop hypothesesAnswer
Q26: As compared to primary data, secondary data are collected
Answer: All these—Rapidly and easilyAnswer
At a relatively low cost
In a short time
Q27: Depth interviews are like focus group in all of the following ways except
Answer: Both are one-on-one interviewsAnswer
Q28: An interviewing process which uses a computerized questionnaire administered to respondents over the telephone is known as
Answer: Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI)Answer
Q29: In marketing research, attitudinal data obtained from rating scales are often treated as data
Answer: IntervalAnswer
Q30: When used for classification purposes, the scaled numbers serve as labels for classes or categories
Answer: OrdinallyAnswer
Q31: The mathematical symbols ‘lo’ and ‘ XS’ represent a for the population and the sampling distribution respectively
Answer: Standard error of the meanAnswer
Q32: Respondents have been asked to express their degree of agreement with a series of lifestyle statements on a l-to-5 scale, assuming that 9 has been designated for missing values, data values of 0, 6, 7, and 8 are out of range. Where in the data cleaning process might any out-of range data be caught
Answer: Consistency checksAnswer
Q33: Which option for the treatment of missing values involves the researcher using the respondents’ pattern of responses to calculate a suitable response to the missing questions
Answer: Substitute an imputed responseAnswer
Q34: The linear combinations of independent variables developed by discriminant analysis that will best discriminate between the categories of the dependent variable are
Answer: Group centroidsAnswer
Q35: Factor analysis is a (n) in that the entire set of interdependent relationships is examined
Answer: Interdependence techniqueAnswer
Q36: The amount of variance a variable shares with all other variables included in the factor analysis is referred to as
Answer: CommunalityAnswer
Q37: An analysis technique which uses methods that are heuristics based on algorithms is known as
Answer: ClusteringAnswer
Q38: In which approach to collecting perception data are respondents often required to rate all possible pairs of brands or stimuli in terms of similarity/dissimilarity on a 1-5 scale? (1 – Most similar, 5 – least similar)
Answer: LikertAnswer
Q39: Marketing research has often been described as having four stakeholders. These stakeholders have certain responsibilities to each other and to the research project. Which of the following is not one of the stakeholders
Answer: The environmentAnswer
Q40: The management decision problem focuses on , while the marketing research problem focuses on
Answer: Symptoms; underlying causesAnswer
Q41: is a type of non-sampling error arising from respondents who do respond but give inaccurate answers, or their answers are mis-recorded or mis analyzed. It may be defined as the variation between the true mean value of the variable in the net sample and the observed mean value obtained in the marketing research project
Answer: Response errorAnswer
Q42: Which of the following is a disadvantage of surveys
Answer: Data may not be representative; quality of data limitedAnswer
Q43: Which option for the treatment of missing values involves the researcher using only cases or respondents with complete responses for each calculation
Answer: Pair-wise deletionAnswer
Q44: Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical techniques used when, there is
Answer: Variable interdependenceAnswer
Q45: Conclusions must necessarily follow from the premises. Identify the type of arguments that follows the above condition
Answer: DeductionAnswer
Q46: Number of cars in a parking lot, “Number of students in a class” are examples of
Answer: Discrete variable.Answer
Q47: a “real world” environment in which experiments take place is also referred to as
Answer: field settingsAnswer
Q48: A base document for research purposes, providing the questions and structure for an interview or self-completion and providing space for respondents answers is more popularly known as a
Answer: questionnaireAnswer
Q49: A bias that occurs when respondents tend to answer questions with a certain slant that consciously or uncounsciously misrepresents the truth is called
Answer: Response biasAnswer
Q50: A complete disclosure of methods and procedures used in the research study is required. Such openness to scrutiny has a positive effect on the quality of research. However, competitive advantage often mitigates against methodology disclosure in business research
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q51: a condition that exists when an instruments measures what it is supposed to measure is called
Answer: validityAnswer
Q52: A critical review of the information, pertaining to the research study, already available in various sources is called
Answer: Research designAnswer
Q53: A population is the total collection of elements about which we wish to make some___
Answer: InferencesAnswer
Q54: A producer of herb mixes that wants to explore adding new products should use close-ended questions in interviews with a sampling of its current customers
Answer: Wrong – FalseAnswer
Q55: A proposal is also known as a
Answer: All of these—Work planAnswer
Draft plan
Q56: A research design is the strategy for a study and the plan by which the strategy is to be carried out
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q57: A researcher wants to study the characteristics of people who are heavy users of film (purchase more than 12 rolls per year). This group is referred to as the
Answer: PopulationAnswer
Q58: a sampling method in which the final choice of respondent is left to the interviewers who base their choices on one or more variables such as age, nationality, education etc is called
Answer: quota samplingAnswer
Q59: a semantic differential scale takes a form such as “united airline food service is___excellent ___very good ___good ___fair ___poor”
Answer: Wrong – FalseAnswer
Q60: A set of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that are advanced to explain and predict phenomena is called
Answer: TheoryAnswer
Q61: a significant proportion of the marketing research approaches is based on___constructs from the social sciences and systems thinking
Answer: theoreticalAnswer
Q62: A statistical fluctuation that occurs because of change variation in the elements selected for the sample is called
Answer: Random sampling errorAnswer
Q63: A survey asked questions like, “Are you currently married?”, “Do you have a favorite TV show?”, “Do you go to the grocery store at least once a week?”, and “Do you own a car?” What type of close-ended questions did this survey have
Answer: DichotomousAnswer
Q64: A systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypothesis is called___
Answer: Scientific ResearchAnswer
Q65: A variable that is not influenced by or not dependent on other variables in experiments is called
Answer: Independent variableAnswer
Q66: according to the marketing director of a frozen food marketer, “we need to determine why our coupon redemption rate dropped from 20 % last month to 5 % this month.” This statement outlines the firm’s
Answer: issue (problem ) definitionAnswer
Q67: Adequate analysis of the data is the least difficult phase of research for the novice
Answer: Wrong – FalseAnswer
Q68: After working for a plumbing contractor for several years, Ken Crowe finally established his own plumbing shop. Unfortunately, Crowe’s first six months have been disappointing. Crowe decided to conduct a marketing research study to gather preliminary data to shed light on the nature of the problem and suggest some new ideas. He needs to conduct___research
Answer: ExploratoryAnswer
Q69: All students studying in UAE College are having bright future. Abdul Rahman is a student of UAE College. Abdul Rahman has a bright future. This type of argument is called as
Answer: DeductionAnswer
Q70: an appropriate adage might be, “a problem well defined is a problem half solved.,” an orderly definition of the research problem gives a sense of___to the investigation
Answer: directionAnswer
Q71: An easy reference about the sources of the data through which the research has been compiled is provided by the
Answer: BibliographyAnswer
Q72: A___is conducted to detect weaknesses in research instrument’s design
Answer: Pilot studyAnswer
Q73: Both stratified and quota sampling have the___objective, the approaches should not be confused
Answer: sameAnswer
Q74: Business research has an inherent value to the extent that it helps management make better decisions. Interesting information about consumers, employees, or competitors might be pleasant to have, but its value is limited if the information cannot be applied to a critical decision
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q75: Business research is a systematic inquiry that provides information to guide business decisions. This includes the following except
Answer: Predictive studiesAnswer
Q76: closed ended questions are used when the majority of answers are known and appropriate___responses can be presented
Answer: pre codedAnswer
Q77: data collection that focuses on providing an accurate description of the variables in a situation forms the basis of which type of study
Answer: descriptive studyAnswer
Q78: Data that is created, recorded or generated by an entity other than the researcher’s organisation is collectively called
Answer: External dataAnswer
Q79: Dividing population into subpopulations (strata) and using simple random on each strata is called___sampling
Answer: stratifiedAnswer
Q80: Eminent scientists who claim there is no such thing as the scientific method, or if exists, it is not reveled by what they write, caution researchers about using template like approaches
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q81: Every research proposal, regardless of length should include two basic sections. They are
Answer: Research question and research methodologyAnswer
Q82: experiments in which households log their weekly purchases and consumption patterns are known as
Answer: diary testAnswer
Q83: Exploratory investigation of management question adapts the following approaches except
Answer: Survey methodAnswer
Q84: Exploratory research design includes
Answer: Secondary Data Analysis.Answer
Q85: For answering questions about sensitive issues such as age, it is ideal to use
Answer: response bracketsAnswer
Q86: for questions which the respondents are not likely to answer truthfully, it is ideal to use which technique
Answer: hypothetical projective response techniqueAnswer
Q87: Greater confidence in the research is warranted if the researcher is experienced, has a good reputation in research, and is a person of integrity
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer
Q88: how would delta, a manufacturer of acrylic paints used in arts and crafts, use observational research to gather primary data
Answer: By watching how members of a class learn to paint mailboxes using the paintAnswer
Q89: Identify the dissertation chapter which involves drawing together the main points revealed in the research, summing them up and stating the implications of findings
Answer: e. Conclusion and recommendationsAnswer
Q90: Identify the style of thinking that is defined as “to devote observations and propositions based on sense experience and/or derived from such experience by methods of inductive logic, including mathematics and statistics”
Answer: EmpricismAnswer
Q91: If flexibility is the most important criterion for a research project, the preferred contact method is
Answer: Personal interviewAnswer
Q92: If population = 100, sample size = 20, interval size = 5, and randomly selected number from 1 to 5 is 4, then for choosing a systematic random sample, the first unit 4 will be followed by
Answer: 9Answer
Q93: If the guests at Bayside Resort were asked to rate their night’s sleep on a scale with the following ratings: excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, the resort would be using a(n)___to gather primary data
Answer: Rating scaleAnswer
Q94: If the researcher is concerned with finding out who, what where, when, or how much, then the study is___
Answer: DescriptiveAnswer
Q95: If the study is carried out once and represent a snapshot of one point in time, then the study is___
Answer: Cross sectional studyAnswer
Q96: If the study is repeated over an extended period, then the study is called as___
Answer: Longitudinal studyAnswer
Q97: If time is of the essence for a research project, the preferred contact method is
Answer: TelephoneAnswer
Q98: If we consider the possible relationships that can occur between two variables, we can conclude that there are three possibilities. The following are the possible except
Answer: Property-behavior relationshipsAnswer
Q99: Imagine your college is in the process of measuring student satisfaction with the college’s cafeteria. The college is concerned about the objectivity of the research process. Which of the following strategies best illustrates objectivity
Answer: Mailing the questionnaire to a random sample of all studentsAnswer
Q100: In deduction, the conclusion must necessarily follow from the reasons given. In inductive argument there is no such strength of relationship between reasons and conclusions
Answer: Correct – TrueAnswer