Q1: Market Research data cannot be used for marketing decisions
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q2: Product demand can be predicted by market research
Answer: TrueAnswer
Q3: Market Research can be used for Tax Management
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q4: Secondary data should not be trusted as it comes from unreliable sources
Answer: TrueAnswer
Q5: Market Research objectives can not be clearly defined and hence are not achievable
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q6: In primary survey, people generally give vague replies. Close-ended questions can help in getting focused answers
Answer: TrueAnswer
Q7: Market Research has done in proper market segment gives better results
Answer: TrueAnswer
Q8: Sample size has little influence on the result of market research
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q9: Market Research is a fact finding exercise, the facts are all known to marketers
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q10: A new product can be launched with the help of appropriate technology. Information has no role to play in this game
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q11: Open ended questions help in getting free and frank opinions, time permitting
Answer: TrueAnswer
Q12: Market Research is carried out only as an excuse for delaying decisions
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q13: Observation method can not be used for gathering primary information
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q14: Exploratory research is conducted to develop themes and ideas
Answer: TrueAnswer
Q15: Secondary data is what the research finds of less importance
Answer: FalseAnswer
Q16: Market Research can not to be done fir which one of the following
Answer: SALES TAXAnswer
Q17: Market Research can not can not to be done understand which of these
Q18: Market segmentation is done to
Q19: Pre-testing of copy is
Q20: Sample selections is not done on
Q21: Contact with customers in primary research cannot be made
Answer: FROM RECORDSAnswer
Q22: Market Research goes wrong if
Answer: Segment of market is not definedAnswer
Q23: Exploratory research is conducted for
Answer: For getting basic informationAnswer
Q24: In questionnaire method open ended questions are kept for
Answer: Getting respondents viewsAnswer
Q25: In questionnaire method closed ended questions are asked for
Answer: Helping the respondents arrive at a consensusAnswer
Q26: While tabulating data, the following should be done
Answer: Data should be categorizedAnswer
Q27: MR report should surely contain
Answer: Research findingsAnswer
Q28: Secondary data may have the following shortcoming
Answer: It may be outdatedAnswer
Q29: In secondary data the following is not important
Answer: Closeness with the authorAnswer
Q30: Which is not a research framework
Answer: Top of the mind recallAnswer
Q31: Secondary data can be obtained from
Answer: Trade publicationsAnswer
Q32: Primary data is so called because
Answer: Data is direct from customersAnswer
Q33: Primary data can not be obtained from
Answer: MagazinesAnswer
Q34: Questionnaire method can be used for
Answer: Data collectionAnswer
Q35: Which is not a form of Advertising Research
Answer: Preparation of art workAnswer
Q36: A sample selection is not done on
Answer: Entire universeAnswer
Q37: Market Research is still not popular with marketing team because
Answer: All these—Delay in reportsAnswer
Researcher’s caliber
Personal bias in reports
Q38: Research reports should not contain
Answer: Personal opinionsAnswer
Q39: MR report should not contain
Answer: Objectives Answer
Q40: While editing data which one is not edited
Answer: Incorrect answersAnswer
Q41: In a questionnaire method closed ended questions are asked for
Answer: Getting the answers you wantAnswer
Q42: Market demand does not include which of the following
Answer: Supply shortageAnswer
Q43: A market research has better control over market variables during investigation in case of
Answer: Experimental studyAnswer
Q44: The error associated with wrong coding of data is called
Answer: Avoidable errorAnswer
Q45: Hypotheses are formulated in a marketing research project because these
Answer: All these—They describe the phenomenon under studyAnswer
They are testable
They help in reporting
Q46: Non-response is highest in case of
Answer: Telephone interviewsAnswer
Q47: The exploratory research is carried through
Answer: The experience surveyAnswer
Q48: The variables which are supposed to influence the dependent variable are called
Answer: Independent variablesAnswer
Q49: Which of the following is a source of primary data
Answer: Information obtained from the respondents on telephoneAnswer
Q50: In which method of data collection, field staff is required
Answer: Personal interview with questionnaireAnswer
Q51: The characteristic of sample random sampling is that
Answer: Each unit of population is assigned equal probabilityAnswer
Q52: The degree of control on external factor is more in research studies classified as
Answer: Experimental researchAnswer
Q53: Which of the following is not a part of text in a report
Answer: AcknowledgementAnswer
Q54: The investigation of relationships among variables without knowing the objective of inclusion of these in the study is part of
Answer: Artificial researchAnswer
Q55: In the context of research, objectivity refers to
Answer: Exact planning so that one step leads anotherAnswer
Q56: The inability of the investigator to contact a respondent listed in the sample would result in to
Answer: Researcher errorAnswer
Q57: In a research process decision regarding specific field procedures and design of instrument for recording data are covered under
Answer: Research designAnswer
Q58: The variables which are supposed to influence the variables under study are called
Answer: Independent variablesAnswer
Q59: The process of research in which certain variables are manipulated under researcher control to facilitate the collection of data showing effects is known as
Answer: Artificial researchAnswer
Q60: When the units in the sample are selected according to a number of key characteristics, the procedure is called
Answer: Systematic samplingAnswer
Q61: If responses for a question are classified as belonging to one of the k classes, this type of measurement falls under
Answer: Interval scaleAnswer
Q62: The most flexible method of data collection is
Answer: Mailed questionnaire methodAnswer
Q63: Sampling is a must in case of information obtained such that
Answer: It is obtained through destructive experimentsAnswer
Q64: Quality of primary data is dependent on the skills, knowledge and training of the investigator to a greater extent in case of data collected by
Answer: Observation methodAnswer
Q65: A pre-test of questionnaire will enable us to
Answer: Identify misinterpretation of questionsAnswer
Q66: Systematic sampling is inefficient when
Answer: There is a hidden periodicity in the populationAnswer
Q67: The data collected afresh and for the first time, and this happen to be in character is called
Answer: Primary dataAnswer
Q68: The respondent’s perceptions that their identities will not be discerned by the interviewer or the researcher
Answer: Social desirabilityAnswer
Q69: Observation bias for mechanical observation
Answer: Medium Answer
Q70: Pretest-Posttest Control Group is which type of Experimental design
Answer: Pre-experimental Answer
Q71: The process of correcting data to reduce them to the sample scale by subtracting the sample mean and dividing by the standard deviation
Answer: Standardization Answer
Q72: Scale intervals can be used for
Answer: AgeAnswer
Q73: The process of recognizing and noting people
Answer: Experimental methodAnswer
Q74: Descriptive research is a type of
Answer: Conclusive researchAnswer
Q75: What is meant by value of research information
Answer: cost benefit analysis of the dataAnswer
Q76: The efficiency of OTC products is checked by
Answer: Retailers onlyAnswer
Q77: An extraneous variable involving changes in the measuring instrument or in the observers or scores themselves
Answer: StatisticAnswer
Q78: ___may be broadly classified as exploratory or conclusive
Answer: Longitudinal designAnswer
Q79: The time which a respondent takes before answering the question
Answer: Verbal modelsAnswer
Q80: An extraneous variable attributable to the loss of test units while the experiment is in process
Answer: InstrumentationAnswer
Q81: Which one of these is a Market Research Firm
Answer: AC Nielsen Answer
Q82: A focus group technique using a telecommunication network
Answer: Telephonic interviewAnswer
Q83: In Exploratory research design the methods are used
Answer: All these—Expert surveysAnswer
pilot surveys
Qualitative research
Q84: The research methodology which provides insights and understanding to the problem is
Answer: Exploratory research Answer
Q85: When is the transcribing process of data preparation irrelevant
Answer: CAPI Answer
Q86: A scale for measuring attitudes that consists of a single adjective in the middle of an even-numbered range of values, from -5 to +5, without a neutral point
Answer: Staple scaleAnswer
Q87: Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs shared by a number of clients
Answer: Syndicated servicesAnswer
Q88: Which is a type of limited services
Answer: Standardized services Answer
Q89: Types of syndicated services
Answer: Purchase panel Answer
Q90: The research design which is used to obtain the evidence of cause and effect relationship
Answer: Cause and effect Answer
Q91: What is list of all units/observations is known as
Answer: Parameter Answer
Q92: Promotion of cable TV affects the health of a child 1) strongly agrees 2) agree 3) disagree 4) strongly disagree 5) undecided is an example of
Answer: Ordinal scaleAnswer
Q93: Multiple choice questions for which usually only two responses are given such as: yes -no, male -female
Answer: Open-ended questionsAnswer
Q94: The summary description of a fixed characteristic or measure of a target population is known as
Answer: ParameterAnswer
Q95: Which of the following is a technique of exploratory research design
Answer: Secondary dataAnswer
Q96: Which of the following techniques is commonly used in social science research
Answer: Systematic samplingAnswer
Q97: Ranking of a team can de done with the help of
Answer: Nominal scaleAnswer
Q98: What is the degree of freedom for F-test
Answer: nAnswer
Q99: Which of the following is the source of secondary data
Answer: Focus groupsAnswer
Q100: What is the another name for single cross-sectional designs
Answer: Projective techniquesAnswer