Marketing Management Objective Set 2

Q1: Marketing managers are challenged by all of these problems, except

a. developing reasonable sales and market share goals

b. developing a targeted list of customers

c. developing reasonable product costs

d. how to differentiate their product


Answer: developing reasonable product costs

Q2: Which of the following best describes a marketing objective

a. a corporate vision and mission

b. a written definition or general intent or company position

c. the criterion by which the success or failure of the strategy is measured

d. a measurable evaluation of the business


Answer: a written definition or general intent or company position

Q3: Increased market share is not a good objective because

a. it is too challenging

b. it is not measurable

c. it doesn’t mention quality

d. it doesn’t assign responsibility


Answer: it is not measurable

Q4: All of the below are characteristics of good objective statements, except

a. should assign individual responsibility

b. should have a quantified standard of performance

c. should have a clear time frame

d. should be stated in measurable terms


Answer: should assign individual responsibility

Q5: For which of the following would marketing managers target a market penetration strategy

a. Individuals who have never used the product or service

b. Offshore customers who have a need for the product or service

c. Individuals who are buying your product or service or a direct competitor’s

d. Individuals who buy closely-related products or services


Answer: Individuals who are buying your product or service or a direct competitor’s

Q6: Which of the following best describes why marketing managers should pursue a market penetration strategy

a. There are always a large number of potential customers who have never purchased your product or service

b. They have purchased your products or services in the past and are familiar with its benefits

c. There are customers who don’t know about your product or service

d. There are customers who have an unmet need for your product or service


Answer: They have purchased your products or services in the past and are familiar with its benefits

Q7: Which best describes the realities of targeting competitors’ customers

a. It is easier to locate them because they are already buying the product or service

b. It is easier to sell them as they already know the advantages of the product or service

c. There is little loyalty among consumers and getting customers to switch is easy

d. It is riskier and more expensive to “steal” customers away from a competitor


Answer: It is riskier and more expensive to “steal” customers away from a competitor

Q8: In which Product Life Cycle phase is it easier to persuade a customer to switch to your product or service

a. introduction phase

b. growth phase

c. mature phase

d. decline phase


Answer: mature phase

Q9: A marketing manager uses all of these groups to give more focus to market segmentation decisions, except

a. existing customers

b. competitors’ customers

c. non-buying customers in currently targeted segments

d. most profitable customers in the largest segment


Answer: competitors’ customers

Q10: Which of the following best links the consumer and the marketer through information that can be used to identify marketing opportunities and problems

a. strategic marketing

b. consumer behavior

c. marketing research

d. personal selling


Answer: personal selling

Q11: The mission of the Market Research department is all of the following, except

a. gather information

b. analyze information

c. interpret marketing information

d. evaluate past promotional programs


Answer: evaluate past promotional programs

Q12: According to the text, all of the following are mentioned as major functions of marketing research, except

a. scanning for opportunities and threats

b. evaluate past promotional programs

c. risk assessment of future programs

d. monitoring of current programs


Answer: evaluate past promotional programs

Q13: Specifically, marketing research is most commonly used to

a. forecast the sales of existing and new products

b. refine new product concepts

c. understand competitors

d. all of the above


Answer: All of the above

Q14: The first step in the marketing research process is which of the following

a. defining the problem

b. determine the research objective

c. design a questionnaire

d. collect the data


Answer: defining the problem

Q15: Which of the following information sources already exist and were not developed for the particular problem at hand

a. primary

b. secondary

c. quantitative

d. qualitative


Answer: primary

Q16: Information sources that are generated for the particular problem being studied are best described as

a. primary

b. secondary

c. quantitative

d. qualitative


Answer: secondary

Q17: Marketing managers are well advised to consult___sources before embarking on major data collection process

a. primary

b. secondary

c. quantitative

d. qualitative


Answer: qualitative

Q18: Which of the following is an advantage of primary data collection

a. Data can be collected quickly to meet a manager’s needs

b. Data is tailored to the manager’s needs

c. Data is perhaps the most inexpensive among data collection methods

d. Data already exists for another study and is more accurate because it has already been analyzed


Answer: Data is perhaps the most inexpensive among data collection methods

Q19: All of the following are disadvantages of primary data collection, except

a. Data can be collected quickly to meet a manager’s needs

b. Data is tailored to the manager’s needs

c. Data is perhaps the most inexpensive among data collection methods

d. Data already existed for another study and is more accurate because it has already been analyzed


Answer: Data is perhaps the most inexpensive among data collection methods

Q20: A survival pricing objective aims to

(a). Covers fixed costs and some variable cost

(b). Selling at break even cost

(c). Obtain minimum profit

(d). Covers variable costs and some fixed cost


Answer: Obtain minimum profit

Q21: The first stage in product development is

(a). Business analysis

(b). Commercialization

(c). Screening

(d). Idea generation


Answer: Idea generation

Q22: Marketing Concept is best illustrated by which of the following marketing system goals

(a). Maximizing customer satisfaction

(b). Maximize choice

(c). Maximize consumption

(d). Maximize life quality


Answer: Maximizing customers satisfaction

Q23: Under globalization of Trade strategies, the markter will have to adopt

(a). Product differentiation

(b). Localisation

(c). Standardisation

(d). Reduction of cost


Answer: Product differentiation

Q24: In DELPHI method of Marketing Research, the opinion of

(a). The opinion consumers in DELHI are sought

(b). The Opinion of experts is sought

(c). The Opinion of DEALERS is sought

(d). The opinion of Dealers and Employees are sought


Answer: The Opinion of experts is sought

Q25: Problem recognition is —- process.
(a) One time
(b) One way
(c) Tedious
(d) Continuous


Answer d: Continuous

Q26: Factors influencing consumer buying


Answer: Cultural factors
Income and life style factors
Family influence

Q27: Marketing and selling are


Answer: Related to each other

Q28: Branding and Packing are done for


Answer: Consumer goods
Industrial products
Costly goods

Q29: Cost Plus Pricing is a method of


Answer: Marginal costing

Q30: Promotion of product is needed to


Answer: To sell a product

Q31: Convenience goods are items which consumers buy


Answer: Frequently with minimum shopping efforts

Q32: TQM in marketing refers to


Answer: Total quality management

Q33: Channels of distribution refers to

a. Group of people
b. Agents
c. Organizations
d. All of the above


Answer: d All the above

Q34: Marketers need upto date information in order to


Answer: Identify opportunities to market

Q35: The 4Ps marketing are


Answer: Product, price, promotion, place

Q36: When the physical product cannot be easily differentiated, the key to competitive success may lie in adding valued services and improving their quality termed one of the following

(a) Stalemated Industry
(b) Product Differentiation
(c) Volume Industry
(d) Service Differentiation


Answer: d Service Differentiation

Q37: Advertising is a process of


Answer: Communicating the customers

Q38: New product development activities are


Answer: Idea generation

Q39: Marketing means


Answer: Understanding the needs of customers

Q40: Identify the consumer product


Answer: Toothpaste

Q41: Product life cycle means


Answer: Describes the stages of product movement in the market

Q42: Penetration price policy means


Answer: Pricing a product at lower price for a moderate product

Q43: Shopping goods are


Answer: Customers buy at their convenience

Q44: Product line means


Answer: Arranging different products in one line

Q45: Market segmentation means


Answer: Breaking large market into smaller groups

Q46: Consumer buying process does not involve


Answer: Giving the product to a friend

Q47: External influence on consumer buying behavior is


Answer: Reference groups

Q48: Branding of a product is necessary


Answer: To identify a product

Q49: Targeting in marketing management refers to


Answer: Focusing marketing activities towards customers

Q50: Packaging should

a. Facilitate storage of goods
b. Protect and preserve the products
c. Be cost effective
d. All of the above


Answer d:All the above

Q51: Sales promotion produce


Answer: Positive effects on sales for short period

Q52: Advertising is


Answer: Develops a positive image of the product

Q53: On the basis of the status of sellers the markets are broadly classified into three categories: primary, secondary and ——- markets


Answer: Terminal

Q54: A marketing manager is not concerned with


Answer: Pricing of a product

Q55: Retailers are those who


Answer: Mediate and sell the products to customers

Q56: Societal concept of marketing means


Answer: Selling goods to consumer co-operatives

Q57: Low involvement products are


Answer: Low priced products frequently purchased

Q58: Selling means


Answer: Forcing customers to buy

Q59: Pricing means


Answer: None of these—Fixing the exchange value for a product or service
Adding sales tax to MRP
Adding discounts to selling price

Q60: Marketing refers to

(a) Developing a product and making people buy them

(b) Persuading consumers to buy the products

(c) Producing products and displaying them

(d) Understanding the needs of consumers and delivering them


Answer: d. Understanding the needs of consumers and delivering them

Q61: A survival pricing objectives aims to


Answer: Selling at break even cost

Q62: Warehousing and physical distribution functions are


Answer: Synergistically related activities which must be closely coordinated.

Q63: In Consumer decision making specifier is one who


Answer: Is one who is user of product?

Q64: Under globalization of Trade strategies, the marketer will have to adopt


Answer: Product differentiation

Q65: Product Life cycle means that


Answer: Products live around the 4 stages of cycle

Q66: Premium Pricing refers to


Answer: Setting a price above competitive price

Q67: TQM refers to Total Quantity Management


Answer: True

Q68: Marketing means pushing the products in the markets


Answer: False

Q69: Penetration pricing means selling at high price initially


Answer: False

Q70: Wholesalers sell products to all types of consumers – True or False


Answer: False

Q71: Direct Marketing means selling to ultimate consumer


Answer: True

Q72: Objective of Distribution of products is to restrict availability of products


Answer: False

Q73: Price is no consideration if the seller delivers high quality products


Answer: True

Q74: CRM helps to retain customers


Answer: True

Q75: Marketing Mix means People, Policy, Partnership and Politics


Answer: False

Q76: Missionary Sales People do not ask for salary


Answer: True

Q77: An individual’s lifestyle can be ascertained by his activities, interests and ——


Answer: Opinions

Q78: Introducing new products to existing markets is an example of


Answer: horizontal diversification

Q79: When a company acquires a supplier through an acquisition strategy, this is referred to as


Answer: forward integration

Q80: Selecting which segments of a population of customers to serve is called___


Answer: target marketing

Q81: —– refers to how an individual thinks about himself/herself


Answer: Self concept.

Q82: The term for customers who make repeat purchases and tell others about their positive experiences with a product or service


Answer: customer evangelists

Q83: Greater consumer control means that companies must rely more on marketing by___than by___


Answer: interaction; intrusion

Q84: Most companies today enter a new market by serving a___, and if this proves successful, they___


Answer: single market segment; add segments

Q85: An increasingly large number of firms are changing their organizational focus from___ to___


Answer: brand management; customer relationship management

Q86: ___NOT a marketing objective


Answer: Cash flow

Q87: What is price skimming


Answer: Setting an initially-high price which falls as competitors enter the market

Q88: Setting a price below that of the competition is called


Answer: Penetration pricing

Q89: A profit calculated by adding a percentage to the costs of production is called


Answer: Mark-up

Q90: A profit calculated on the basis of a percentage of the selling price is called


Answer: Margin

Q91: Calculating prices on the basis of what the market will pay is called


Answer: Demand pricing

Q92: Ending prices with 99p is called


Answer: Odd-even pricing

Q93: Bundle pricing is


Answer: Packaging a group of products together

Q94: Advertising used in the early stages of the PLC is called


Answer: Pioneering advertising

Q95: What is institutional advertising


Answer: Advertising aimed at building the corporate reputation

Q96: What is copywriting


Answer: Putting together the verbal elements of the message

Q97: What is reach


Answer: The percentage of the target market that is exposed to the message at least once

Q98: Selling warm coats to Icelanders is an example of


Answer: Geographic segmentation

Q99: Selling vodka to Icelanders is an example of


Answer: Geographic segmentation

Q100: Selling fishing equipment to Icelanders is an example of


Answer: Behavioural segmentation


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