QN1. Unregistered NBFC’s are still operating in the Indian economy
Answer: YesAnswer
QN2. A NBFC should not lend more than
a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 20%
d. 25%
Answer: b. 15%Answer
QN3. Which NBFC recommendations were given in 1996
a. Vaghul Committee
b. Narsimhan Committee
c. Khanna Group
d. Shah Committee
Answer: C. Khanna GroupAnswer
QN4. Factoring (without recourse) means if the debtor fails to pay the dues the losses
are absorbed by the client
Answer: YesAnswer
QN5. Factoring and Bill discounting are just the same service with different names
Answer: YesAnswer
QN6. Forfaiting and factoring affect the financial statements
Answer: YesAnswer
QN7. Venture capital is a debt related investment.
Answer: FalseAnswer
QN8. Venture Capital just technology financing
Answer: FalseAnswer
QN9. Venture capital has _______ methods of financial analysis
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Ans b) TwoAnswer
QN10. SEBI was constituted in
a) 1978
b) 1982
c) 1988
d) 1991
by the Government of India
Answer: 1988Answer
QN11. After the closure of an issue the compliance report must be sent to SEBI within
a) 15 days
b) 30 days
c) 45 days
d) 60 days
Answer: a) 15 daysAnswer
QN12. If a Rights issue is over subscribed the retention of over subscription is not
possible under any circumstances
Answer: No.Answer
QN13. As per BSE a ” taravaniwala” is a
a) Financier
b) Oddlot Leader
c) Jobber or specialist
d) Floor broker
Answer: c) Jobber or specialistAnswer
QN14. In BSE the specified group consists of :
a) 94 companies
b) 96 companies
c) 100 companies
d) 122 companies
Answer: c. 100 CompaniesAnswer
QN15. In OTCEI T-days is
a) Wednesday
b) Thursday
c) Friday
d) Saturday
Answer: d) SaturdayAnswer
QN16. The first credit rating agency of India was:
d) DCR
Answer: CRISILAnswer
QN17. Credit Rating along with debt securities is also done for Real estate
Developers/builders, banks, economic, risks, political risks etc.
Answer: YesAnswer
QN18. NHB works under
b) Ministry of Finance
c) RBI
Answer: c. RBIAnswer
QN19. Lease payments are usually made at the start of each period. Thus the first payment is usually made as soon as the lease contract is signed
Answer: TrueAnswer
QN20. Financial leases provide off-balance sheet financing
Answer: TrueAnswer
QN21. A financial lease should not be undertaken unless it provides more financing than the equivalent. T/F
Answer: FalseAnswer
QN22. It makes sense for firms that pay no taxes to lease from firms that do
Answer: FalseAnswer
QN23. Other things being equal the net tax advantage to leasing increases as nominal rates increase
Answer: TrueAnswer
State for each of the following pairs of issues which would you expect to involve the lower proportionate underwriting and administrative cost, other things being equal:
QN24. A large issue/ a small issue
Answer: A Large IssueAnswer
QN25. A bond issue/ a common stock issue
Answer: Bond IssueAnswer
QN26. A large negotiated bond issue / a large competitive bond issue.
Answer: A large negotiated bond issueAnswer
QN27. A small private placement of bonds/ small general cash offer of bonds
Answer: A small private placement of bondsAnswer
Besides each of the following issue methods two issuers are listed, choose the one more likely to employee that method
QN28. Rights issue (issue of seasoned stock/issue of unseasoned stock)
Answer: Issue of seasoned stockAnswer
QN29. Competitive general cash officer (bond issue by industrial company/ bond issue by utility holding company)
Answer: Bond issue by Industrial CompanyAnswer
QN30. Private placement (issue of seasoned stock/ bond issue by industrial company)
Answer: Bond issue by Industrial CompanyAnswer
QN31. Investors in Mutual Funds obtain returns in the form of dividends, capital gains and appreciation in the value of NAV
Answer: TrueAnswer
QN32. Close ended Mutual funds have a secondary market available and their prices are determined by demand and supply not NAV.
Answer: TrueAnswer
QN33. Open ended mutual funds have a fixed capitalization
Answer: FalseAnswer
QN34. Open ended mutual funds prices are determined by their NAV
Answer: TrueAnswer
QN35. Custodial services are fund and fee based activities
Answer: TrueAnswer
QN36. Custodial services are capital intensive and technology driven business: T/F
Answer: TrueAnswer
QN37. Custodial services fall under RBI :T/F
Answer: FalseAnswer
QN38. Euro Money = (Euro Currency)+(Euro Deposit): T/F
Ans TrueAnswer
QN39. Euro money is the money which is regulate in Europe only: T/F
Answer: FalseAnswer
QN40. Euro loan and Euro bonds are one and the same thing: T/F
Answer: FalseAnswer