QN01. —– is a standard for software that digitizes and compresses voice signals and transmits the bits via the internet link.
Answer: Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP)
QN02. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a general term for a family of —– technologies for delivery of voice communications over IP networks.
Answer: transmission
QN03. Companies providing VoIP service are commonly referred to as —–
Answer: providers.
QN04. Protocols which are used to carry —– signals over the IP network are commonly referred to as VoIP protocols.
Answer: voice
QN05. There are two types of PSTN to VoIP services, —– and access numbers.
Answer: Direct Inward Dialing
QN06. —– is the use of an object applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves.
Answer: Radio-frequency identification (RFID)
QN07. —– tags contain a battery and can transmit signals autonomously.
Answer: Active RFID
QN08. —– tag requires an external source to wake up but have significant higher forward link capability providing great read range.
Answer: Battery assisted passive (BAP)
QN09. A —– tag consists of a microchip attached to a radio antenna mounted on a substrate.
Answer: typical RFID
QN10. —– refers to the convergence of four industries into one conglomerate, ITTCE (Information Technologies, Telecommunication, Consumer Electronics, and Entertainment
Answer: Digital convergence
QN11. A —– application enables the interworking of standard fax machines with packet networks
Answer: fax-over-Internet protocol (FoIP)
QN12. A —– is a collection of data, which is organized in a way that allows for easy data retrieval and manipulation.
Answer: Database
QN13. A DBMS is a —– tool, which stores data in a specified form and provides access to this data for a user or an application.
Answer: Software
QN14. —– occurs because the same data items which appear in more than one file do not get updated simultaneously in all the data files.
Answer: Data inconsistency
QN15. Because of —– data files, users face difficulty in getting information on any ad hoc query that requires accessing data stored in more than one file.
Answer: Independent
QN16. Unlike a file processing system, data redundancy and data inconsistency in the database system approach are —–
Answer: Minimized
QN17. A —– database contains multiple tables, each similar to the one in the “flat” database model.
Answer: Relational
QN18. —– is a simple and powerful query language that is capable of answering simple to most complex queries.
Answer: SQL
QN19. —– is the analysis of data objects that are used in a business or other context and the identification of the relationships among these data objects.
Answer: Data modelling
QN20. A set represents a —– relationship between the owner & the member
Answer: 1:M
QN21. A —– stores large amount of information in an organized format that is easily accessible from scripting languages.
Answer: Web database
QN22. —– is an open source server-side scripting language that is particularly suited for web development and can be used to generate dynamic web content.
Answer: PHP
QN23. Daffodil DB can run virtually on any platform as it supports all platforms for which a —– is available.
Answer: Java virtual machine (JVM)
QN24. A —– is a relational database management system (RDBMS) designed specifically to meet the needs of transaction processing systems.
Answer: Data warehouse
QN25. —– is the process of extracting patterns from data.
Answer: Data mining
QN26. The overall term used to describe taking data structures in an OLTP format and holding the same data in an OLAP format is “—– ”
Answer: Dimensional modeling
QN27. The —– point inside the building is providing what is called a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) connection.
Answer: access
QN28. WLANs and point-to-multipoint WMAN deployments allow multiple subscribers to share the same —–
Answer: hub
QN29. The worth of systems from a —– perspective essentially revolves around the question of return on invested capital.
Answer: financial
QN30. —– communication helps businesses easily stay in touch with customers, suppliers, and employees.
Answer: Wireless
QN31. —– is a wirless digital communications system also known as IEEE 802.16, that is intended for wireless “metropolitan area networks”.
Answer: WiMAX
QN32. In areas without pre-existing physical cable or telephone networks, WiMAX will, it appears, be a viable alternative for —– that has been economically unavailable.
Answer: broadband access
QN33. —– is a telecommunications standard for the wireless transmission of data through radio signals, typically for broadband Internet access.
Answer: EVDO
QN34. —– uses advanced mathematical techniques to allow multiple wireless devices to transmit simultaneously on the same frequency.
Answer: CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
QN35. —– is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as cellular telephone and personal digital assistants (PDAs).
Answer: M-commerce
QN36. As content delivery over wireless devices becomes faster, more secure, and scalable, there is wide speculation that m-commerce will surpass wireline e-commerce as the method of choice for —– commerce transactions.
Answer: digital
QN37. —– is a process or methodology used to learn more about customers’ needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them.
Answer: CRM
QN38. —– software enables web based customer interaction, automation of email, call logs, web site analytics, campaign management.
Answer: Self service CRM
QN39. When gathering —– as part of a CRM solution, a company must consider customer privacy and data security with respect to legal and cultural environments.
Answer: data
QN40. SCM has evolved through the application of —– technologies into a powerful strategic function.
Answer: E-Business
QN41. —– is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the operations of the supply chain as efficiently as possible.
Answer: Supply Chain Management
QN42. —– is the process of arranging the payment terms and the methodologies for exchanging funds across entities within the supply chain.
Answer: Cash-Flow
QN43. —– Decision Making determine new ideas or improvements to current products or services.
Answer: Knowledge-Level
QN44. Business analysts describe a —– decision as one in which all three components of a decision—the data, process, and evaluation are determined.
Answer: structured
QN45. —– are a class of computerized information systems that support decisionmaking activities.
Answer: Decision Support Systems (DSS)
QN46. —– DSS includes systems that use accounting and financial models, representational models, and optimization models.
Answer: Model-Driven
QN47. —– describes the process of turning data into information and then into knowledge.
Answer: Business Intelligence
QN48. BI —– include ad hoc query, report writing, decision support systems, executive information systems techniques such as statistical analysis and online analytical processing (OLAP).
Answer: tools
QN49. —– process is an ongoing process because at every moment the manager has to take certain decisions like to conduct a meeting to implement certain policies, etc.
Answer: Decision making
QN50. Decision making is a —– process of choosing a particular course of action out of several alternative courses for the purpose of achieving the given objective.
Answer: managerial