QN1. An information system differs from other kinds of systems in that its objective is to monitor/document the operations of some other system, which we can call a —– system.
Answer: target
QN2. Information Technology is —– the basics of business, customer service, operations, product and market strategies, and distribution are heavily, or sometimes even entirely, dependent on IT.
Answer: reshaping
QN3. —– is an approach by which all types of media and communication will be digitized allowing them to be used through a single worldwide network.
Answer: reshaping
QN4. A —– is a specific kind of relationship joining a particular group of people, objects, or events.
Answer: network
QN5. The —– inside a network cannot operate properly if they have not the possibility to communicate quickly, accurately, and over long distances.
Answer: enterprises
QN6. —– can be defined as “The orchestrated redesign of the genetic architecture of the corporation, achieved simultaneously – although at different speed – along the four dimensions of reframing, restructuring, revitalization and renewal.”
Answer: Business Transformation
QN7. —– is about igniting growth by linking the corporate body to the environment.
Answer: Revitalization
QN8. —– deals with the people side of transformation, and with the spirit of the company.
Answer: Renewal
QN9. —– deals with the people side of transformation, and with the spirit of the company.
Answer: knowledge workers
QN10. Documents not in use are stored on-line on an optical disk system called a —–
Answer: jukebox
QN11. The office, as we know it in the traditional sense, is the setting for the generation and processing of —–
Answer: information
QN12. The —– approach to information systems emphasizes mathematically based models to study information systems, a well as the physical technology and formal capabilities of these systems.
Answer: technical
QN13. The —– approach takes into account the very nature of human beings.
Answer: behavioral
QN14. In case of —– Challenge, creating a digital firm and obtaining benefit is a long and difficult journey for most organizations.
Answer: Strategic Business
QN15. A good —– meets both domestic and foreign opportunities and challenges.
Answer: Management Information System
QN16. —– describes how information systems integrate and support enterprisewide business processes.
Answer: e-Business Systems
QN17. Human resource information systems support —– in organizations.
Answer: human resource management
QN18. —– support and enhance communication and collaboration among the teams and workgroups in an organization.
Answer: Enterprise collaboration systems (ECS)
QN19. —– are cross-functional information systems that process data resulting from the occurrence of business transactions.
Answer: Transaction processing systems
QN20. A —– is a mechanism to provide communication between the user and other components of the DSS.
Answer: language system
QN21. —– supply the necessary tools to senior management.
Answer: Executive Support Systems (ESS)
QN22. An —– is a planned system of the collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management
Answer: MIS
QN23. The —– function is responsible for selling the organization’s products or services.
Answer: sale and marketing
QN24. The —– function is responsible for attracting, developing, and maintaining the firm’s workforce.
Answer: human resource
QN25. —– can integrate the key business processes of an entire firm into a single software system that allows information to flow seamlessly throughout the organization.
Answer: Enterprise systems
QN26. The distinction between ES and IS is that “ES” refers to —–, whereas an IS is a social system that uses IT.
Answer: software
QN27. Enterprise Information System is generally any kind of computing system that is of “—–”.
Answer: enterprise class
QN28. The successful application of —– in the contemporary global environment requires an organization to have an effective strategic management process.
Answer: strategy
QN29. The industry level strategy and information system is based on Competitive Forces and Network Economics and —–
Answer: Information Partnerships
QN30. Monitoring production lines and analyzing data are important aspects of —–
Answer: quality control
QN31. Information technology helps firms contract in size, because it can reduce —– costs.
Answer: transaction
QN32. According to —– theory, the firm is viewed as a “nexus of contracts” among self-interested individuals rather than as a unified, profit-maximizing entity.
Answer: agency
QN33. —– researchers have theorized that information technology could change the hierarchy of decision making in organizations by lowering the costs of information acquisition and broadening the distribution of information.
Answer: Behavioral
QN34. Information systems can help managers and employees work more efficiently and effectively in this new environment by increasing the amount of —– available to all employees.
Answer: information
QN35. Information systems should be created not only to help mangers and employees make decisions, but also help them better —– between all levels and units of the organization.
Answer: communicate
QN36. The —– model highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies can be best applied and where information systems are most likely to have a strategic impact.
Answer: value chain
QN37. —– activities are activities most directly related to the production and distribution of a firm’s products or services.
Answer: Primary
QN38. Areas of the organization most affected by —– technology are producing the product, getting it to the stores, and making the customer happy.
Answer: leveraging
QN39. Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused on the —– of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organization.
Answer: integration
QN40. By building an exceptional management information system into the —– it is possible to push out ahead of the competition.
Answer: enterprise
QN41. MIS and business systems are especially useful in the collation of business data and the production of reports to be used as tools for —–
Answer: decision making
QN42. A —– is a system that helps companies change or otherwise alter their business strategy and/or structure.
Answer: Strategic Information System (SIS)
QN43. A firm is said to have a —– when the firm produces greater return on investment (ROI) than its industry’s average return.
Answer: competitive advantage
QN44. —– position is recognized by observing competitive indicators.
Answer: Strategic
QN45. The SIS system is supported by —–
Answer: top management
QN46. —– is defined as a systematic and organized network for the exchange of goods between produces and consumers.
Answer: E-Commerce
QN47. E-commerce includes —– trading of both goods and electronic material.
Answer: electronic
QN48.One would expect creative design practices to exploit emerging —– in imaginative ways that support the realization of their design visions.
Answer: digital technologies
QN49. The —– who knows exactly what is required can instruct the intended provider.
Answer: client
QN50. While there are many e-commerce business models, most depend on two fundamental building blocks: businesses (B) and —–
Answer: consumers (C).