Management Function and Behavior Objective Type Set 6

Study Management Function and Behavior Objective Type Set 6 number for your online exam, so you can get better mark in your distance learning courses.

Q81: The purpose of feedback in communication is 


Answer: To ensure that message has been understood

Q82: Self Esteem means 


Answer: Love for yourself
Respect for yourself
Trust for yourself

Q83: The Hawthorne experiment was started by 


Answer: Elton Mayo

Q84: ___is the systematic study of the ways interaction, interdependence and influence among persons affect their behavior and thoughts 


Answer: Social psychology

Q85: Psychoanalytic theory has been propounded by 


Answer: Freud

Q86: MBO was first suggested by 


Answer: Peter F. Drucker

Q87: The three levels of analysis that are studied in organizational behavior are 


Answer: Individual , group and organizational

Q88: Which type of leaders gives complete freedom to their employees 


Answer: Laissez-faire leaders

Q89: ___refers to the ability of individuals or groups to induce or influence the beliefs or actions of other individuals or groups 


Answer: Power

Q90: Robert Own , Charles Babbage , Henry R. Lowne , Andrew Ure and Charles Duplin contributed to the___school of management thought 


Answer: Pre-classical

Q91: Which of the following is not a leadership theory 


Answer: ERG theory

Q92: Which type of departmentation is useful only at the lowest level of organizations 


Answer: Departmentation by time

Q93: Which managerial function gives attention to influencing and motivating employees to improve performance and achieve corporate objectives 


Answer: Leading

Q94: The___refers to the delivery by one individual to another of the right to act, to make decisions, to requisition resources and to perform other tasks in order to fulfill job responsibilities 


Answer: Delegation of authority

Q95: In the process of communication, the translation of intended meanings into words and gestures is known as 


Answer: Encoding

Q96: The establishment of a distinct area, unit of subsystem of an organization over which a 


Answer: Departmentation

Q97: Which of the following processes shows how an individual seeks information about a certain issue and how he interprets that information 


Answer: Perception

Q98: The organization chart is a way of showing 


Answer: How the task of an organization are divided and co-ordinated

Q99: When a manager secures the agreement of a colleague to work on a project in return for the promise of providing the colleague with some extra remuneration, what type of power is he or she exercising 


Answer: Reward power

Q100: Which of the following is not one of the steps identified as part of the controlling process 


Answer: Writing the reports

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