Last 3 year question of CLIS Certificate in Library And Information Science CLIS


BLI-012 June 2021 question paper

1. Classification is a process of bringing ____________ out of chaos.

  1. Work
  2. Disorder
  3. Order
  4. Peace

2. Books in a library are divided and arranged on the basis of their ____________..

  1. Subject
  2. Colour
  3. Weight
  4. Size

3. Classification can be done by separating things on the basis of ____________, common to some things.

  1. Size
  2. Colour
  3. Characteristic
  4. Weight

4. Classification of knowledge is essential for its simplification and ____________..

  1. Categorisation
  2. Understanding
  3. Development
  4. Publishing

5. What knowledge classification does to knowledge, library classification does to ______.

  1. Library
  2. Librarian
  3. Documents
  4. Users

6. ____________ are assigned to books as a result of library classification.

  1. Names
  2. Subjects
  3. Class Numbers
  4. Subject Numbers

7. State True or False : The main purpose of library classification is to bring books by the same author together.

  1. True
  2. False

8. The divisions, ‘Dharma’, ‘Artha’, ‘Kama’ and ‘Moksha’, are a result of ____________ classification.

  1. Knowledge
  2. Book
  3. Subject
  4. Library

9. Library classification ____________ the arrangement of books in a library.

  1. Stabilises
  2. Popularises
  3. Mechanises
  4. Emphasises

10. State True or False : Library classification helps to replace documents to their original position after use.

  1. True
  2. False

11. DDC uses ____________ notation to denote subjects.

  1. Greek
  2. Roman
  3. Fraction
  4. Decimal

12.DDC was given by ____________.

  1. Melvil Dewey
  2. Derby Dewey
  3. Web Dewey
  4. Ranganathan

13. Which of the following may be arranged alphabetically by their titles in a library ?

  1. Books
  2. Bound periodicals
  3. Current periodicals
  4. Theses

14. State True or False : Hierarchy in notation in a classification scheme helps to display general to specific relations in subjects.

  1. True
  2. False

15. Which is not true of a faceted classification system ?

  1. Class numbers are readymade.
  2. Facets for concepts are mentioned.
  3. Class numbers are synthesised.
  4. Class numbers are shorter.

16. Which of the following is not an example of a classification scheme ?

  1. CCC
  2. CC
  3. BC
  4. LCC

17. State True or False : Library classification increases the utility of books in a library.

  1. True
  2. False

18. When was the first edition of DDC given ?

  1. 1851
  2. 1876
  3. 1933
  4. 1901

19. ____________ is the first freely faceted scheme of classification.

  1. CC
  2. DDC
  3. LCC
  4. BC

20. Which of the following is not a consideration while selecting a scheme of classification for a library ?

  1. Country in which it is published
  2. Users
  3. Revision policy of the scheme
  4. Size and subject of the collection

21. A book on ‘compiling an English Language Dictionary’, will be classified in ____________.

  1. English Language
  2. Reference Books
  3. Dictionaries
  4. Language

22. ____________ scheme was designed to prepare a universal bibliography.

  1. CC
  2. DDC
  3. UDC
  4. LCC

23. State True or False : Classification can be used to arrange records in a classified database.

  1. True
  2. False

24. Volume 3 in DDC 19 is

  1. Introduction
  2. Schedules
  3. Tables
  4. Relative Index

25. A class number in DDC has a minimum of ____________ digits.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

26. A library catalogue is ____________ to the collection of the library.

  1. Store
  2. Manager
  3. Key
  4. Indicator

27. Which of the following about documents is not mentioned in a library catalogue ?

  1. Bibliographic elements
  2. Location
  3. Subject
  4. Price

28. The size of catalogue card in inches is___________________

  1. 3 x 5
  2. 2 x 5
  3. 6 x 5
  4. 2.5 x 5

29. First and second indention in a catalogue card are ____________.

  1. Horizontal
  2. Vertical
  3. Diagonal
  4. Curved

30. ____________ entries in a library catalogue help to retrieve documents by alternative access points.

  1. Added
  2. Secondary
  3. Brief
  4. Appendix

31. Heading for a single personal author book will be

  1. Author
  2. Title
  3. Subject
  4. Publisher

32. Collation information in a catalogue card provides information about its ____________.

  1. Author
  2. Title
  3. Subject
  4. Pagination

33. Punctuation marks in a catalogue card are indicative of the element ____________ it.

  1. Following
  2. Before
  3. Below
  4. Above

34. How many areas of bibliographic description have been given in ISBD?

  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 10

35. A/An ____________ provides access to the collection of a library at a distance.

  1. Web OPAC
  2. Internet OPAC/
  3. Distant catalogue
  4. Multimedia catalogue

36. Which of the following is not an example of the inner form of a catalogue?

  1. Author catalogue
  2. Title catalogue
  3. Subject catalogue
  4. Card catalogue

37. How many parts does a classified catalogue have?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

38. Cross-reference entry in a classified catalogue is filed in which part?

  1. Classified
  2. Alphabetical
  3. Either
  4. Neither

39. ____________ link is not expected to be looked at by a user while searching for her/his document.

  1. Unlooked
  2. Unsought
  3. Not referenced
  4. Not searched

40. AACR 2R was published in ____________.

  1. 1988
  2. 1978
  3. 1989
  4. 1998

41. Part I in AACR 2R relates to description of different kinds of _________ in an entry.

  1. Authors
  2. Subjects
  3. Bibliographical elements
  4. References

42. For small libraries, cataloguing details are provided according to ____________ level of description.

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Fourth

43. The area, ‘statement of responsibility’ is preceded by a ____________.

  1. Comma
  2. Full stop
  3. Slash
  4. Semicolon

44. The rule ‘Nothing before something’ is followed in ____________ arrangement.

  1. Word-by-word
  2. Letter-by-letter
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

45. State True or False :Rare and old books in a library are kept in open access.

  1. True
  2. False

46. State True or False : Stacking system in a library should ensure that minimum space is wasted.

  1. True
  2. False

47. State True or False : Straightening of books is part of shelf rectification.

  1. True
  2. False

48. Maps, computer files and audio material are examples of ___________ .

  1. Non-book material
  2. Grey literature
  3. Classical literature
  4. Graphic material

49. CCC was given by ____________.

  1. S.R. Ranganathan
  2. B. Guha
  3. M.A. Gopinath
  4. A. Neelameghan

50. The connecting symbol for name of publisher in AACR 2R is ____________.

  1. Comma
  2. Colon
  3. Semicolon
  4. Full stop

BLI-012 Dec 2020 Question Paper

1.We group ……. things together so that they are easier to find.

  1. Different
  2. Bigger
  3. Like
  4. Unlike

2.State True or False : Classification is something that we do intuitively in life and see lots of examples around us

  1. True
  2. False

3.State True or False : There are various classification systems in use in the world.

  1. True
  2. False

4.A ………. is an attribute, quality or property of an entity which relates it with or separates it from a group.

  1. Characteristic
  2. Part
  3. Measure
  4. Word

5.Class numeber of a book represents its specific ……… in an artificial language.

  1. Name
  2. Title
  3. Subject
  4. Part

6.State True or False :
Library classification and library catalogusing share a symbiotic relationship amongst themselves.

  1. True
  2. False

7.Class number represents the …… of a book in an artificial language.

  1. Name
  2. Broad Subject
  3. Specific Subject .
  4. Title

8.Library classification helps to …… the specific subject of a book in an actificial language.

  1. Place
  2. Translate
  3. Keep
  4. Maintain

9.Which of the following is not a function of library classification ?

  1. Browse books
  2. Identify books
  3. Locate books
  4. Buy books

10.Classification of …. per se is called knowledge classification.

  1. Books
  2. Documents
  3. Knowledge
  4. Subject

11.Which of the following types of notation is used by DDC to denote subjects ?

  1. Decimal
  2. Fraction
  3. Roman
  4. Greek

12.State True or False :
DDC divides knowledge by academic disiplines of study.

  1. True
  2. False

13.Enumerative systems of classification provide ……….. class numbers.

  1. Readymade
  2. Synthesized
  3. Wrong
  4. Missing

14.Library classification places books on the same subject in ……… .

  1. Close proximity
  2. Distant places
  3. Parallel locations
  4. Opposite locations

15.Classified books in a library provide a/an ………. view of the collection on a particular subject

  1. Limited
  2. Special
  3. Exhaustive
  4. Selective

16.Arrange the following steps of library classification in correct order :

  1. Ascertain the subject of the book
  2. Asartain the discipline of the book
  3. Assign the class number
  1. (ii), (i), (iii)
  2. (i), (ii), (iii)
  3. (i), (iii), (ii)
  4. (iii), (i), (ii)

17.Where will you classify the book, “Internet for Libaries” ?

  1. Computer Science
  2. Library and Information Science
  3. Either of the two
  4. None of the above

18………. refers to looking at the collection of a library without any specific need like window shopping.

  1. Browsing
  2. Tracking
  3. Visiting
  4. Marking

19.Universe of subjects is ever expanding, hence classification schemes need regular ….. .

  1. Replacement
  2. Withdrawal
  3. Revision
  4. Translation

20.DDC 19 is in ……. volumes.

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

21.DDC useful for school libraries and small public libraries is known as ……… edition.

  1. Abridged
  2. Small
  3. Brief
  4. Short.

22.There are ……….. divisions in DDC

  1. 10
  2. 100
  3. 1,000
  4. 10,000.

23. Use of decimal numbers in the notation of a classification scheme helps to …….. new subjects.

  1. Add
  2. Remove
  3. Divide
  4. Push

24.Match the following with respect to DDC :

(i) Table 1(I) Areas
(ii) Table 2(II) Languages
(ii) Table 6(III) Persons
(ii) Table 7(IV) Standard subdivisions

Code :

  1. (i)-(IV), (ii)-(I), (iii)-(II), (iv)-(III)
  2. (i)-(I), (ii)-(II), (iii)-(III), (iv)-(IV)
  3. (i)-(II), (ii)-(I), (iii)-(III), (iv)-(IV)
  4. (i)-(IV), (ii)-(III), (iii)-(I), (iv)-(II)

Fill in the Blanks

25.State True or False :
No man-made classification system is permanent

  1. True
  2. False

26.A library catalogue is a list of …… in a library

  1. Staff
  2. Holdings
  3. Users
  4. Furniture

27.A catalogue of the holdings of two or more libraries is called a ……… ..

  1. Union catalogue
  2. Joint catalogue
  3. Multiple catalogue
  4. Combined catalogue

28.A library catalogue helps to retrieve documents in a library by their author, title or ……

  1. Size
  2. Publisher
  3. Subject
  4. Colour

29. A library catalogue helps to satisfy which laws of library science ?.

  1. 2,3,4
  2. 1,2,3
  3. 1,3,5
  4. 2,4,5

30. The entry providing detailed information about a document is called the ……… entry

  1. Primary
  2. Main
  3. First
  4. Detailed

31. A system in which all the information given in the body of the main entry is given in the added entries is called …….. system..

  1. Unit card
  2. One card
  3. Multiple card
  4. Duplicate card

32. Systematic shelving of books is …………… for browsing in open access libraries.

  1. Price
  2. Author
  3. Editor
  4. Series

33. Deciding the order of terms in the heading of a catalogue entry is called ……

  1. Rendering
  2. Succession
  3. Ordering
  4. Placing

34. Imprint information a cataolgue entry provides information about …….

  1. Author
  2. Title
  3. Subject
  4. Publisher

35. The catalogue in an automated library is called a/an ……

  1. OPAC
  2. APAC
  3. CPAC
  4. MPAC

36. Which of the following is not an example of the physical form of a catalogue ?

  1. Dictionary catalogue
  2. Sheaf catalogue
  3. Card catalogue
  4. Ledger catalogue

37. A …….. entry directs a user from one heading to other related heandings.

  1. See
  2. See Also
  3. GO
  4. GO TO

38. Main entry in a classified catalogue is available in the ……. part.

  1. Classified
  2. Alphabetical
  3. Both parts
  4. None of these

39. Class index entries are derived using the ………. .

  1. Chain procedure
  2. AACR 2R
  3. Dictionary
  4. Thesaurus

40. ……. is that part of the chain which does not represent a class number and generally ends at a connecting symbol.

  1. False link
  2. Missing link
  3. Unsought link
  4. First link

41.AACR 2R consists of …….. parts

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

42. Part II in AACR-2R relates to headings, uniform titles and ………… .

  1. References
  2. Materials
  3. Titles
  4. Subjects

43. For large and special libraries cataloguing details are previded according to …… level of description.

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Fourth

44. Heading for main entry in AACR 2R will be principal author, if not indicated, it will be …….. author in case of a book written by three authors.

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. None of these

45.For edited books, entry will be made under ……….. in AACR 2R.

  1. Editor
  2. Title
  3. Series
  4. Publisher

46. Government, institutions, conferences and committees are examples of …….authors.

  1. Personal
  2. Corporate
  3. Official
  4. Company

47. Accordint to CCC Filing Rules, arrange the following in ascending ordinal value :

  1. Full stop
  2. Comma
  3. Bracket
  4. Roman
  1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
  2. (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
  3. (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
  4. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)

48.State True or False :
Textbooks in a library are kept generally in open access.

  1. True
  2. False

49. Arranging the collections in a library in different sequenes as per the needs of the users is called ………. arrangement.

  1. Broken order
  2. Different order
  3. Discontinuation order
  4. Parallel order

50. State True or False :
Dictionary catalogue is bipartite.

  1. True
  2. False

BLI-012 June 2020 Exam Question Paper

1. Canon of Reticence is a canon of :

  1. Idea Plane
  2. Verbal Plane
  3. Notational Plane
  4. Idea Plane and Verbal Plane

2.The minimum number of digits in the class number according to DDC is :

  1. Five
  2. Two
  3. Four
  4. Three

3.APUPA pattern is related with :

  1. Arrangement of books in a shelf
  2. Descriptive cataloguing
  3. Subject cataloguing
  4. Arrangement of catalogue entries

4.The following was not involved in preparing AACR :

  1. Indian Library Association
  2. American Library Association
  3. Library Association
  4. Canadian Library Association

5.GMD in cataloguing stands for :

  1. General Microscopic Designation
  2. General Macroscopic Designation
  3. General Material Description
  4. General Material Designation

6.ISBD stands for :

  1. Indian Standard Bibliographic Description
  2. International Standard Bibliographic Designation
  3. Internationai Standard Bibliographic Description
  4. Indian Standard Bibliographic Designation

7. Which scheme of classification was designed in 1876 ?

  1. CC
  2. DDC
  3. LC
  4. BC

8.Class 020 in DDC represents :

  1. History
  2. Computers
  3. Library and Information Science
  4. Journalism

9.Which section follows the imprint section in AACR in an entry ?

  1. Title section
  2. Note section
  3. Tracing section
  4. None of these

10. Which one of the following is not true of notation in classification ?

  1. It represents the author of the book
  2. It represents the thought content of the book
  3. It provides brevity in representation of the subject
  4. It helps in bringing books on related subjects together

11.The number 540 in DDC in geographical divisions represents :

  1. Delhi
  2. India
  3. Pakistan
  4. Maharashtra

12.Which of the following is true about a dictionary catalogue ?

  1. It contains all types of entries under single alphabet
  2. It is bipartite
  3. It has a classified part also
  4. It gives meaning of subjects of books

13.Centred entries are a feature of which of the following ?

  1. Dictionary catalogue
  2. Classified catalogue
  3. Author catalogue
  4. DDC

14.DDC 23 was published in :

  1. 1989
  2. 2001
  3. 2010
  4. 2011

15.Which of the following is not an inner form of a catalogue ? .

  1. Card catalogue
  2. Dictionary catalogue
  3. Alphabetical catalogue
  4. Classified catalogue

16.An analytical entry helps in finding/locating a :

  1. Book
  2. Part of Book
  3. Thesis
  4. Manuscript

17.Identify the odd one :

  1. Canon of Characteristics
  2. Canon of Exhaustiveness
  3. Canon of Exclusiveness
  4. Canon of Helpful Sequence

18.The section mentioning the call number of a book in a classified catalogue is called :

  1. Heading section
  2. Leading section
  3. Call number section
  4. Top section

19.Which one of the following is true according to AACR2R ?

  1. Title is to be transcribed as per its wording beginning from the first indention and continued from the second indention
  2. Title is to be transcribed as per its wording beginning from the second indention and continued from the first indention
  3. Title is to be written in short beginning from the first indention and continued from the second indention
  4. Title is to be written in short beginning from the second indention and continued from the first indention

20.How many fundamental categories did Ranganthan propose ?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

21.Which of the following is true of Library of Congress Subject Headings ?

  1. It is used to assign subject headings is small libraries
  2. It is used to assign subject headings in large libraries
  3. It is used in deciding the order of bibliographic elements
  4. It is used to decide the added entries for books

22. ————————-section undertakes stock verification in a library.

  1. Circulation
  2. Maintenance
  3. Technical
  4. Periodical

23.Canon of Relativity is a canon of which plane(s) ?

  1. Idea Plane
  2. Verbal Plane
  3. Notational Plane
  4. Idea Plane and Notational Plane

24.Wall Picture Principle guides to place the concept corresponding to wall the concept corresponding to picture.

  1. after
  2. before
  3. above
  4. below

25.A “See” cross reference entry directs a user from a variation in the name of the author, title, subject to the form of the name———————— in the catalogue.

  1. left
  2. added
  3. used
  4. replaced

26.Mark the odd one out :

  1. ALA Filing Rules
  2. Rules for Filing according to CCC
  3. Rules for Filing according to AACR
  4. Library of Congress Filing Rules

27.Mark the odd one out :

  1. Book Page Principle
  2. Whole Organ Principle
  3. Wall Picture Principle (
  4. Cow Calf Principle

28. The online edition of DDC is known as : ____________________ .

  1. DDC Online
  2. DDC Current
  3. Web Dewey
  4. Online Dewey

29. Heading section in a classified catalogue may not include :

  1. Author
  2. Title
  3. Co-author
  4. Publisher

30. AACR-1 was published in the year :

  1. 1967
  2. 1976
  3. 1989
  4. 1994

31. A class index entry in a classified catalogue is derived using :

  1. Sears List of Subject Headings (
  2. C List of Subject Headings
  3. Chain Procedure
  4. AACR

32. “Nothing before something” is followed in :

  1. Word-by-word filing
  2. Letter-by-letter filing
  3. Word-by-letter filing
  4. Letter-by-word filing

33. Arrange the following according to Word-by-word arrangement :

  1. New York
  2. Newark
  3. Newton
  4. NewGenLib
  1. (d), (a), (b), (c)
  2. (a), (b), (c), (d)
  3. (d), (c), (b), (a)
  4. (c), (b), (a), (d)

34. Which of the following is true for Library of Congress Filing Rules ?

  1. Diacritics are ignored in filing
  2. Initial articles in personal names are not treated as filing elements
  3. Hyphenated words are treated as one word
  4. Numbers are filed after letters

35. Library operation wherein books are replaced in their proper position by staff is called________________

  1. Circulation
  2. Shelf rectification
  3. Replacement
  4. Adjustment

36. Arrange the following in increasing ordinal value according to CCC Filing Rules :

  1. Full stop
  2. Comma
  3. Words in Roman
  4. Words in italics
  1. (a), (b), (c), (d)
  2. (a), (c), (b), (d)
  3. (d), (c), (a), (b)
  4. (c), (b), (a), (d)

37. A cross reference entry in a Classified Catalogue is found in the_____________.

  1. Classified part
  2. Index part
  3. Alphabetical part
  4. Classified and index part

38. First level of description in a AACR 2R provides _____________information.

  1. Latest
  2. Old
  3. Maximum
  4. Minimum

39.Find the odd one out :

  1. Rolling Stacks
  2. Stationary Stacks
  3. Hinged Stacks
  4. Multitier Stacks

40. Compact storage is used in libraries having problems.

  1. Funds
  2. Space
  3. Staff
  4. Books

41.All through alphabetisation” is followed in :

  1. Letter-by-letter alphabetisation
  2. Word-by-word alphabetisation
  3. Letter-by-word alphabetisation
  4. Word-by-letter alphabetisation

42. Abridged edition of DDC is suitable for __________________.

  1. Agriculture libraries
  2. Art libraries
  3. Small libraries
  4. Big libraries

43. Identify the odd one from the following :

  1. Sheaf catalogue
  2. Author catalogue
  3. Card catalogue
  4. Register form of a catalogue

44. A “See also” reference entry connects___________________ headings.

  1. unrelated
  2. related
  3. only opposite
  4. only subject

45.Entries in a Classified Catalogue prepared under the name of author, collaborator, title or series belong to the category _______________.

  1. Main entry
  2. Reference entry
  3. Book index entry
  4. Class index entry

46.There are __________areas of description identified in an entry according to AACR2R.

  1. Three
  2. Four
  3. Eight
  4. Sixteen

47. There are levels of description in AACR.

  1. Five
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

48.Arrange the following according to Letter-by-letter arangement :

  1. Mark
  2. Marks
  3. Marking
  4. Mark out
  1. a), (b), (c), (d)
  2. (c), (d), (b), (a)
  3. (a), (c), (d), (b)
  4. (d), (a), (b), (c)

49. The tracing section in a classified catalogue is present____________.

  1. On the top-of the card
  2. On the bottom of the card
  3. On the back of the card
  4. In the middle of the card

50.Which one of the following guides is not used in the stacks of a library ?

  1. Shelf guides
  2. Tier guides
  3. Book guides
  4. Gangway guides

BLII-013 Information Sources And Library Services

BLI-013 June 2021 exam question paper

1.World of Learning is published from.

  1. Oxford
  2. London
  3. Cambridge
  4. Yorkshire

2.The first known printed book is

  1. Diamond Sutra
  2. Main Sutra
  3. GoldenSutra
  4. Platinum Sutra

3.Indian patents information are published in

  1. Patent Report
  2. Gazette of India
  3. Petent Journal
  4. None of these

4.BIS stands for

  1. Bureau of Information Standards
  2. Bureau of Important Standards
  3. Bureau of International Standards
  4. Bureau of Indian Standards

5.In optical media, content is written using

  1. Magnet
  2. Slides
  3. Laser
  4. None of the above

6.’Vigyan Pragati’ is published by

  1. CSIR
  3. DRDO
  4. UGC

7.Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy is a

  1. Special Dictionary
  2. General Dictionary
  3. Bilingual Dictionary
  4. None of the above

8.The word Encyclopaedia is derived from which language ?

  1. Latin
  2. Greek
  3. German
  4. English

9.The World Almanac and Book of Facts is published from

  1. UK
  2. USA
  3. India
  4. France

10.‘International Who’s Who’ is published by .

  1. Europa
  2. Macmillan
  3. Bowker
  4. Blackwell

11.MOSPI stands for

  1. Ministry of Statistical Publication and Information
  2. Ministry of Science Publication and Information
  3. Ministry of StatisticsPublication and Information
  4. None of the above

12.Advances are compiled from

  1. Secondary Sources
  2. Tertiary Sources
  3. Primary Sources
  4. All of the above

13.A source which provides information about places is known as

  1. Gazetteer
  2. Directory
  3. Dictionary
  4. None of these

14.Yearbook falls under which category of documents ?

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. All of the above

15.Name of the President of Sri Lanka can be found in

  1. International Who’s Who
  2. Statesman’s Yearbook
  3. Who’s Who in the World
  4. Wilson Biographies

16.NATMO stands for :

  1. National Atlas and Theoretical Organisation of India
  2. National Atlas and Thematic MappingOrganisation of India
  3. National Atlas and Theological Organisation of India
  4. None of the above

17.Maps that emphasise boundaries of countries, states, continents are other units are called

  1. Political Maps
  2. Terrain Maps
  3. Thematic Maps
  4. All of the above

18. ____________ privileges refer to the number of documents which can be borrowed and the length of loan period.

  1. Circulation
  2. Issue/Return
  3. Borrowing
  4. None of these

19.____________ introduced the concept of reference service.

  1. Margaret Hutchins
  2. S.R. Ranganathan
  3. William Katz
  4. Samuel Green

20.If you want to know about open access journals in Library and Information Science, which of the following sources will you consult ?

  1. DOAR
  2. DOAJ
  3. INB
  4. BNB

21.Table of Contents service is a/an

  1. Awareness Service
  2. Content Analysis Service
  3. Translation Service
  4. None of the above

22.____________ is a popular form of Weblog

  1. Diary
  2. Website
  3. Blog
  4. All of the above

23. J-Gate is a/an

  1. Website
  2. Indexing Periodical
  3. Abstracting Periodical
  4. Bibliographic Database

24.The concept of SDI service was introduced by

  1. H.P. Luhn
  2. S.R. Ranganathan
  3. S.S. Green
  4. William Katz

25.Indian Books in Print is an example of a

  1. Trade Bibliography
  2. National Bibliography
  3. Subject Bibliography
  4. None of these

26.Which of the following is not a secondary source of information ?

  1. Directory
  2. Yearbook
  3. Encyclopaedia
  4. Government Repor

27.The source which explains the technical terms of a particular subject is known as

  1. Geographical Dictionary
  2. Glossary
  3. General Dictionary
  4. Biographical Dictionary

28.India : A Reference Annual is a

  1. Directory
  2. Government Report
  3. Yearbook
  4. Handbook

29.____________ originally provides a calendar of the months with eclipses, movements of planets, etc.

  1. Directory
  2. Almanac
  3. Handbook
  4. Manual

30. Keesing’s Record of World Events is a

  1. News Digest
  2. News Bulletin
  3. Yearbook
  4. All of the above

31. Bibliography of Bibliographies comes under the category of

  1. Electronic Sources
  2. Primary Sources
  3. Secondary Sources
  4. Tertiary Sources

32. Who invented the movable type printing press ?

  1. Gutenberg
  2. Koenig
  3. Blackbell
  4. None of the above

33. List of names, subjects, topics, etc. arranged alphabetically with indication to exact location is known as

  1. Bibliography
  2. Abstract
  3. Index
  4. All of the above

34. Readers Guide to Periodical Literature is a/an

  1. Abstracting periodical
  2. Indexing periodical
  3. Bibliography
  4. Directory

35. Indexing and Abstracting periodicals come under the category of

  1. Scholarly periodicals
  2. Primary periodicals
  3. Secondary periodicals
  4. Tertiary periodicals

36.If you want to know about the height of Mount Everest, which of the following sources will you consult ?

  1. Biographical Sources
  2. Dictionary
  3. Directory
  4. Geographical Sources

37. An _________ is concerned with the who, what, where, when, how and why of things.

  1. Abstract
  2. Index
  3. Encyclopaedia
  4. Extract

38. Encyclopaedia Britannica is a

  1. General encyclopaedia
  2. Special encyclopaedia
  3. Subject encyclopaedia
  4. None of the above

39. A ____________ is a book of instructions for operating a machine

  1. Handbook
  2. Manual
  3. Guide book
  4. Directory

40.Teaching the students how to identify information need, how to seek and retrieve information is known as

  1. Reference Service
  2. Information Service
  3. Information Literacy
  4. Advisory Service

41.‘Ask a Librarian’ is a kind of

  1. Reference Service
  2. Abstracting Service
  3. Indexing Service
  4. Circulation Service

42. ‘Census of India’ is a

  1. Geographical Source
  2. Bibliographical Source
  3. Statistical Source
  4. Biographical Source

43. Virtu is a

  1. Library Management Software
  2. Reference Service
  3. Database
  4. E-journal

44. RFID reader reads data stored in

  1. Workstations
  2. Cards
  3. Bar Codes
  4. Tags

45.WIPO is located at

  1. New York
  2. London
  3. Geneva
  4. Paris

46. Information about scale and projection can be found in

  1. Encyclopaedias
  2. Manuals
  3. Geographical sources
  4. Directories

47. Indian National Bibliography is published

  1. Quarterly
  2. Half-yearly
  3. Monthly
  4. Bi-monthly

48.Medline is the online version of

  1. Science Direct
  3. PubMed
  4. Embase

49. If you want to know about the currency of Japan, which of the following sources would you consult ?

  1. Dictionary
  2. Directory
  3. Bibliography
  4. Yearbook

50. ____________ is concerned with familiarising the users with the library.

  1. Orientation
  2. Verification
  3. Registration
  4. None of the above

BLI-013 Dec 2020 Question Paper

1.Humans are considered as …………. sources of information

  1. Documentary
  2. Non-documentary
  3. Bibliographical
  4. Statistical

2.‘Current Science’ is an example of a ……….. periodical.

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. None of these

3.Which publication can be considered as a ‘draft standard’ ?

  1. Patent
  2. Gazette
  3. Specification
  4. Report

4.Standards are generally of the following types :

  1. Fundamental and Technical
  2. Primary and General
  3. Technical and Pure
  4. Fundamental and Special

5.The word ‘index’ is derived from the Latin word :

  1. Indicare
  2. Indicure
  3. Indexiare
  4. Indexe

6.Bibliography is a ……….. source of information.

  1. Secondary
  2. Primary
  3. Non-documentary
  4. Tertiary

7.The first periodical published was :

  1. Le Journal des Scavans
  2. Journal de Scavans
  3. Le Journal des
  4. Scavans de Journal

8.The first issue of ‘Philosophical Transactions’ was published in :

  1. March, 1665
  2. April, 1675
  3. March, 1775
  4. April, 1685

9.Paintings and drawings on the stones and cave walls are known as :

  1. Block painting
  2. Cave writing
  3. Pictographic writing
  4. Wall writing

10.‘Chemical News’ is published ………… .

  1. Weekly
  2. Monthly
  3. Fortnightly
  4. Annually

11.‘Science Reporter’ is published by :

  2. DRDO
  3. IISC
  4. UGC

12.. ………….. are directories of towns, cities, regions of a country.

  1. Trade and Business Directories
  2. Topographical Directories
  3. Organisational Directories
  4. Telephone Directories

13.Only a ………….. can give correct picture of the earth as a whole

  1. Map
  2. Atlas
  3. Globe
  4. None of these

14.Which type of map shows the distribution of a particular feature on the earth’s surface ?

  1. Thematic Map
  2. General Map
  3. Reference Map
  4. None of these

15.NSSO stands for :

  1. National Statistical Sample Office
  2. National Sample Survey Office
  3. National Statistical Survey Office
  4. National Survey Sample Office

16.McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms is an example of :

  1. General language dictionary
  2. Subject specific dictionar
  3. Multi-lingual dictionary
  4. None of the above

17.Which of the following is a secondary source of information ?

  1. Patent
  2. Standard
  3. Yearbook
  4. Diary

18.A book containing collective biographies is called a …………… .

  1. Biographical Dictionary
  2. Who’s Who
  3. Who Was Who
  4. None of these

19.Walford’s Guide to Reference Material is a …………. source

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. None of these

20………….. is a list of books or other works published in a country or about a country or in the language of a country.

  1. National Bibliography (
  2. Trade Bibliography
  3. International Bibliography (
  4. Subject Bibliography

21……………. is known as extension of loan period for a document.

  1. Return
  2. Renewal
  3. Reservation
  4. Issue

22.It is a service that establishes a link or contact between a user/reader and document/book through personalised service :

  1. Abstracting service
  2. Indexing service
  3. Circulation service
  4. Reference service

23. Which of the following is not a non-documentary source of information ?

  1. Human
  2. Organisation
  3. Book
  4. Cyber media

24………….. comes under the category of ready reference sources.

  1. Directories
  2. Treatises
  3. Encyclopaedias
  4. Bibliographies

25.State-of-the-art reports are ………. type of publications.

  1. Index
  2. Review
  3. General
  4. None of these

26.‘Guinness Book of World Records’ is a :

  1. Guidebook
  2. Yearbook
  3. Directory
  4. Handbook

27.All recorded sources of information are known as :

  1. Documentary sources
  2. Non-documentary sources
  3. Tertiary sources
  4. None of these

28.Technical reports come under :

  1. Primary sources
  2. Secondary sources
  3. Tertiary sources
  4. None of these

29. Papers presented in the conferences are published in the form of :

  1. Reports
  2. Bulletins
  3. Conference Proceedings
  4. None of these

30. Scholarly periodicals are generally_____________

  1. Secondary
  2. Referred
  3. Popular
  4. None of these

31. Index Medicus was published by :

  1. National Library of Medicine
  2. Library of Congress
  3. H. W. Wilson
  4. Sage

32. Indian Science Abstracts is published by :

  1. DRDO
  2. UGC
  3. ALA

33. rowne system is devised by :

  1. Nina E. Browne
  2. Charles Browne
  3. John Browne
  4. Library of Congress

34. RSS stands for:

  1. Relevant Site Summary
  2. Related Site Summary
  3. Rich Site Summary
  4. Right Site Summary

35. . ………… are meant for consultation and not for continuous reading.

  1. Reference books
  2. Text books
  3. Treatises
  4. Monographs

36.Universities handbook is published by :

  1. American Library Association
  2. Association of Indian Universities
  3. Association of International Universities
  4. None of the above

37. Fodor’s India is a :

  1. Travel Guide
  2. Directory
  3. Yearbook
  4. Encyclopaedia

38. Who defined, “Reference service is the process of establishing contact between a reader and his document in a personal way.”

  1. William Katz
  2. Margaret Hutchins
  3. Noah Webster
  4. S. R. Ranganathan

39. Who is the publisher of ‘The Stateman’s Yearbook’ ?

  1. MacMillan
  2. Europa
  3. Sage
  4. R. R. Bowker

40. What does OED stands for ?

  1. Oxford Elementary Dictionary
  2. Oxford ExclusiveDictionary
  3. Oxford EnglishDictionary
  4. None of the above

41.Webster’s Geographical dictionary is a :

  1. Dictionary
  2. Encyclopaedia
  3. Directory
  4. International Gazetteer

42. Ready reference service means :

  1. Reference service provided in a very short-time
  2. Reference service provided in a very long-time
  3. Preparation for reference service
  4. None of the above

43. What is the name of the part of the library which is meant for storage of reading material ?

  1. Store room
  2. Stack room
  3. Resources room
  4. Book room

44. ………… is a slip pasted in a book which indicates when the book is due.

  1. Readers slip
  2. Reminder slip
  3. Date slip
  4. All of these

45.‘World of Learning’ is published by :

  1. Europa
  2. Bowker
  3. Oxford University Press
  4. MacMillan

46. Kothari Industrial Directory is a :

  1. Telephone Directory
  2. Topographic Directory
  3. Professional Directory
  4. Trade and Business Directory

47. Maps are prepared by :

  1. Classifiers
  2. Cartographers
  3. Lexicographers
  4. All of these

48.The IMB was started in

  1. 1957
  2. 1958
  3. 1964
  4. 1947

49. Who’s Who is a source which covers only :

  1. Dead
  2. Retrospective
  3. Living
  4. Non-living

50. Which among the following is a tertiary information source in electronic form ?

  1. OPAC
  2. E-Journal
  3. Britannica Online
  4. Grolier Online

BLI-013 June 2020 Exam Question Paper

1. Which among the following are non-documentary sources of information ?

  1. Books
  2. Humans
  3. Occasional Papers
  4. Reports

2. Referral Service means :

  1. Directing the readers to the reference section
  2. Directing the reader to the correct source of information
  3. Providing long range reference service
  4. None of these

3. World of Learning’ is a :

  1. Directory
  2. News Digest
  3. Dictionary
  4. Yearbook

4. Asian Recorder’ is a :

  1. News Digest
  2. Current Awareness Bulletin
  3. Record Keeping
  4. None of these

5. Which of the following types of information will you find in abstracting periodicals ?

  1. Bibliography
  2. Index of terms
  3. Bibliography and abstracts
  4. None of these

6.Chemical Abstracts Service’ was provided by which of the following organisations ?

  1. Indian Chemical Society
  2. American Chemical Society
  3. Chemical Engineering Society
  4. Bureau of Indian Standards

7. Which of the following is not a primary source of information ?

  1. Speeches
  2. Directories
  3. Photographs
  4. None of these

8. Which one of the following publishes the ‘Statesman’s Yearbook’ ?

  1. Wiley
  2. MacMillan
  3. Oxford
  4. None of these

9. India : A Reference Annual’, is an example of :

  1. Almanac
  2. Reference book
  3. Yearbook
  4. None of these

10. Which of the following is a secondary source of information ?

  1. Diary
  2. Abstract
  3. Government report
  4. All of these

11. Glossary explains the technical terms of a particular :

  1. Country
  2. Individual
  3. Language
  4. Subject

12.In Encyclopaedia Britannica acts as an index to macropaedia.

  1. Bibliography
  2. Introduction parts
  3. Propaedia
  4. Micropaedia

13.A Gazetteer provides information about :

  1. Persons
  2. Institutions
  3. Places
  4. Animals

14. ‘Famous First Facts’ is an example of :

  1. Handbook
  2. Encyclopaedia
  3. Yearbook
  4. Directory

15. An annual publication containing a calendar frequently accompanied by astronomical data is called :

  1. Yearbook
  2. Almanac
  3. Directory
  4. Gazetteer

16. Encyclopaedias are usually located in which section of a Library ?

  1. Circulation Section
  2. Reference Section
  3. Technical Section
  4. Special Collection of Restricted Access

17. ‘Gazetteer of India : The Indian Union’ is published in volumes.

  1. Three
  2. Four
  3. Two
  4. Five

18. Newspaper Clipping Service is a type of information service.

  1. Anticipatory
  2. Responsive
  3. On-demand
  4. Retrospective

19.Which of the following is a tertiary document ?

  1. Research Paper
  2. Thesis
  3. List of abstracting service
  4. Abstracting periodical

20. Which edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica is called ‘New Encyclopaedia Britannica’ ?

  1. 11th
  2. 13th
  3. 15th
  4. 18th

21.Which of the following is not a secondary source of information ?

  1. Indexing periodical
  2. Abstracting periodical
  3. Bibliography
  4. Bibliography of bibliographies

22. World Directory of Sources of Patents” is published by :

  1. Bowker-Saur, U.S.A.
  2. WIPO
  3. Patent Information System, India
  4. Derwent, London

23. Yearbooks and almanacs are___________ sources.

  1. Primary
  2. Ready Reference
  3. Tertiary
  4. Bibliographic

24. The personal belongings of a reader are kept at the__________.

  1. Cloakroom
  2. Property Counter
  3. Gate Counter
  4. Store Room

25. Asian Recorder is a ____________ publication.

  1. Monthly
  2. Bi-Monthly
  3. Annual
  4. Weekly

26. What is the relation between Current Awareness Service and SDI ?

  1. SDI is one form of CAS
  2. CAS is one form of SDI
  3. Both are exactly same
  4. There is no relation

27. Ready Reference Sources are handy tools for :

  1. Answers to all questions
  2. Answers to fact finding questions
  3. Easy information retrieval tools
  4. None of these

28. ‘Indian Books in Print’ is an example of bibliography_____________.

  1. Trade
  2. National
  3. Universal
  4. Subject

29. Universities Handbook is a :

  1. Handbook
  2. Directory
  3. Yearbook
  4. Bibliography

30. ____________ are documents that contain descriptions about the technical requirements of a product.

  1. Specifications
  2. Patents
  3. Standards
  4. Reports

31. Which reference source is referred as “Backbone of reference services in libraries” ?

  1. Dictionaries
  2. Encyclopaedia
  3. Biographies
  4. Bibliographies

32. Which of the following is not a secondary source of information ?

  1. India : A Reference Mannual
  2. Handbook of Libraries
  3. Patent
  4. Abstracting periodical

33. Sources which are available chiefly in printed form are known as :

  1. Reference sources
  2. Documentary sources
  3. Information sources
  4. Non-Documentary sources

34. ‘Guinness Book of World Recbrds’ is published from :

  1. Paris
  2. New York
  3. London
  4. Washingto D.C.

35. ‘The Books in Print’ is published by :

  1. H. W. Wilson
  2. McGraw Hill /
  3. John Wiley
  4. R. R. Bowker

36. Translations are categorised under :

  1. Primary sources
  2. Secondary sources
  3. Tertiary sources
  4. Non-documentary sources

37. The “Walford’s Guide to Reference Materials” is published in :

  1. 3 volumes
  2. 4 volumes
  3. 2 volumes
  4. 5 volumes

38. The two types of Reference Services are _________.

  1. Short Range and Long Range services
  2. Exhaustive and Everyday services
  3. Current and Everyday services
  4. Current and Retrospective services

39.’Chemical Abstracts’ was published :

  1. Fortnightly
  2. Yearly
  3. Monthly
  4. Weekly

40. ‘Encyclopaedia Americana’ was published from :

  1. London
  2. Chicago
  3. New York
  4. Washington D.C.

41.Yellow pages are example of which type of directory ?

  1. Telephone directory
  2. Organisational directory
  3. Business/trade directory
  4. None of these

42. ‘Guide to Literature’ comes under :

  1. Bibliographical Sources
  2. Primary Sources
  3. Secondary Sources
  4. Tertiary Sources

43.User education means :

  1. Directing the user to use encyclopaedia
  2. Educating the user on use of library
  3. Providing material to the user
  4. None of these

44. ‘Merriam Webster’s Intermediate Dictionary’ is an example of :

  1. General language dictionary
  2. Subject specific dictionary
  3. Multi-lingual dictionary
  4. None of the above

45. Which reference sources will you use to study the changing trends in demographic profile of a city ?

  1. Almanacs
  2. Encyclopaedia
  3. Travel Guides
  4. Statistical Handbook

46. LISA stands for :

  1. Library Science Abstract
  2. Literature Search Academy
  3. Library and Information Science Abstracts
  4. Library and Information Science Academy

47. Most authentic and original materials usually take the form of a journal article, report or a patent are :

  1. Primary sources
  2. Secondary sources
  3. Tertiary sources
  4. Bibliography

48. Reminders are sent by the library for :

  1. Books which were issued but not received back
  2. Out dated books which are out of demand
  3. Very old books
  4. Low discount books

49.OPAC stands for :

  1. Online Public Accessible Catalogue
  2. Online Public Available Catalogue
  3. Online Public Access Catalogue
  4. Online Publicly Accessed Catalogue

50. What do we mean by recall in the context of a library ?

  1. Calling back the issued documents
  2. Recalling something from memory
  3. Renaming something
  4. Registering users


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