Last 3 year question of CLIS Certificate in Library And Information Science CLIS

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BLI-011- Libraries : An Introduction

BLI-011 June 2021 question paper

1. The purpose of forming societies is to provide __________ to people.

  1. Protection
  2. Continuity
  3. Security and identity
  4. All of the above

2. The factors that were instrumental in bringing about the transition of the traditional society into modern society are :

  1. Changes in the lifestyles
  2. Increasing awareness and competition
  3. Changes in the human values and the economic freedom
  4. All of the above

3. Accession record means

  1. A record of documents available in a library
  2. A record of only newspapers clippings
  3. A record of the tables and chairs
  4. None of the above

4. Library is one of the most effective means of making information available to

  1. Society as a whole
  2. Farmers
  3. Government employees
  4. Underprivileged people

5. Which of the following in not a function of libraries ?

  1. Strengthening academic and research performance
  2. Bridging links between information sources and users
  3. Bridging the digital divide
  4. Profit-making

6. Industrial Society made permanent impact on

  1. Means of production
  2. Cities we live in today
  3. Use of technology
  4. All of the above

7.Library is a growing organism means that

  1. Library must keep upgrading its building size
  2. Library is a dynamic institution that is never static
  3. Library should increase its membership
  4. All of the above

8.In a Knowledge Society

  1. Knowledge is a primary good
  2. Capital is the main focus
  3. Labour is given the priority
  4. None of the above

9.Which of the following is not associated with library activities ?

  1. User education
  2. Archiving information
  3. Providing formal degrees
  4. Classification

10.One very crucial role of a Library Manager is

  1. Bridging links between information sources and users
  2. Educating the user about LIS education
  3. Bridging the new users with old users
  4. All of the above

11.The term ‘Save the time of the user’ means

  1. Library is not a place for wasting time
  2. Provide access to the library resources
  3. The user must always be watchful of his time
  4. All the library materials must be digitized

12.Who is the Father of Library Science in India ?

  1. S.R. Rangnathan
  2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Jawaharlal Nehru
  4. Sardar Patel

13.Library must build its collection of books and other resources according to the need of the

  1. Library employees
  2. Users
  3. Library professionals
  4. All of the above

14.Libraries today play several different societal roles like :

  1. Building communities’ access to learning resources
  2. Information literacy
  3. Computer literacy and tutorial services
  4. All of the above

15.The duties of non-professional employees are?

  1. Classification and cataloging
  2. Cleaning and shelving books, routine reading of the shelves
  3. Acquiring books
  4. Taking control of the reference section

16.Library records can be categorised according to

  1. Their life span
  2. Content
  3. Form of presentation of information
  4. All of the above

17.Government libraries have a responsibility to collect all

  1. Government publications of their respective ministries and departments
  2. Newspaper clippings
  3. Textbooks
  4. Non-official documents

18.Shelf rectification refers to overseeing of

  1. Proper maintenance of shelves
  2. Users records
  3. Internet connectivity in library
  4. All of the above

19.Which one of the following is the main objective of the Indian Library Association (ILA) ?

  1. Distributing funds
  2. Making library rules for universities
  3. Promoting library movements in the country
  4. Building relationships with librarians

20.One of the the essential functions of library networks is

  1. Promoting resource sharing
  2. Organising conferences
  3. Functioning as a research organization
  4. Sharing only theses and dissertations

21.The purpose of departmentalisation is to

  1. Ensure optimal efficiency and effective use of organizational resources
  2. Ensure visibility of the institution
  3. Ensure getting funding and support
  4. None of the above

22.Acquisition is generally done by

  1. Purchase
  2. Exchange
  3. Gifts
  4. All of the above

23. OPAC and internet searching facilities are compulsorily provided in

  1. Traditional Public Libraries
  2. Automated Libraries
  3. Rural School libraries
  4. None of the above

24.Which of the following is not a principle of organizing ?

  1. Unity of objectives
  2. Efficiency
  3. Span of control
  4. Exchange of funds

25.What does Multitasking mean ?

  1. Many employees doing the same job
  2. Doing more than one task at the same time by one person
  3. Handling only one job
  4. All of the above

Fill in the Blanks

26.Libraries as ____________ institutions have become an integral part of the society

  1. Social
  2. Political
  3. Profitable
  4. Business

27.Libraries serve as gateways to ____________ .

  1. Institutions
  2. Centres
  3. Information
  4. Entertainment

28.Public Libraries play a leading role in reaching out to ____________ .

  1. Students
  2. Scholars
  3. Masses
  4. Journalists

29. Students need books for gaining ____________ in various subjects of their interest.

  1. Experience
  2. Knowledge
  3. Dialogue
  4. Degree

30. Knowledge Society refers to any society where knowledge is the ____________ resource instead of capital and labour.

  1. Constant
  2. Secondary
  3. Primary
  4. None of the above

31. Library is a/an ____________ institution that is shaped by society.

  1. Cultural
  2. Research
  3. Business
  4. Industrial

32. To make a library vibrant, it is desirable that the services a library provides must be ____________ .

  1. Collection-oriented
  2. Innovative
  3. User-oriented
  4. All of the above

33. Libraries are a/an ____________ part of all societal programmes of growth and development of a country.

  1. Traditional
  2. Invaluable
  3. Integral
  4. Illogical

34. Communication and instructions should flow ____________ among the organizational units.

  1. Smoothly
  2. Mindlessly
  3. Ruthlessly
  4. None of the above

35. Libraries preserve and conserve documents relating to socio-cultural aspects of the society for ____________ .

  1. Future generations
  2. Immediate needs
  3. Innovative purposes
  4. None of the above

36. Working as part of the group, not always leading is called ____________ .

  1. Team-work
  2. Diplomacy
  3. Efficiency
  4. None of the above

37. The collections in College and University libraries are both homogenous and _______ .

  1. Individualistic
  2. Heterogeneous
  3. Single
  4. All of the above

38. With the advent of ____________ it has become easier to preserve the knowledge.

  1. Printing press
  2. ICT
  3. Websites
  4. Communication

39. A ____________ is created with the intention of providing free public access to reading materials.

  1. Corporate library
  2. Digital library
  3. Special library
  4. Public library

40. Libraries are established for the systematic collection, organisation, preservation and dissemination of ____________ and information .

  1. Knowledge
  2. News
  3. Dialogues
  4. Discussions

State True or False :

41. Libraries being societal institutions and very much an integral part of societal growth and development, get transformed or new off-shoots of them appear.

  1. True
  2. False

42. Libraries do not need societies as much as societies need libraries.

  1. True
  2. False

43. Multitasking is doing one task at the same time by one person.

  1. True
  2. False

44. Library automation is helping libraries to carry out routine housekeeping functions with minimal staff.

  1. True
  2. False

45.‘Born digital’ resources are items created originally in digital forms and not in print form

  1. True
  2. False

46. The term Virtual library was initially used interchangeably with digital library, but now it is used primarily for libraries that are virtual in other sense.

  1. True
  2. False

47. Hybrid library is also about creating a single user interface to access electronic resources and all other resources in a variety of formats.

  1. True
  2. False

48.University libraries all over the world have not only been able to develop rich libraries with extensive collection but have also established specialised services.

  1. True
  2. False

49. Most University libraries are not automated and are unable to offer a variety of computer-based services.

  1. True
  2. False

50. Standardisation in library procedures and routines has not been a consistent effort of library professionals.

  1. True
  2. False

BLI-011 Dec 2020 Question Paper

1.Libraries have a role to play in building and strengthening social relationships within the society by :

  1. Providing community space
  2. Opportunity for organizing academic events
  3. Holding cultural events
  4. All of the above

2.Which of the following best refers to the modern society ?

  1. Post-Industrial Society
  2. Information Society
  3. Knowledge Society
  4. All of the above

3.Communities need libraries :

  1. To create an awareness among under-privileged section of the society
  2. To showcase the library building
  3. To deposit the books and other resources only for conservation sake
  4. None of the above

4.for providing library science, library in broadly organized :

  1. User services
  2. Technical services
  3. Library administration
  4. All of the above

5.Which of the following is not the role of libraries ?

  1. Learning resources kept systematically.
  2. Easy access and discrimination o information and knowledge.
  3. Free distribution of books as gift.
  4. Preservation of books and service to society.

6.Every interaction that a librarian has with user is :

  1. An opportunity to develop relationship with new user.
  2. An opportunity to take advantage
  3. An opportunity to tell how librarians to their jobs.
  4. None of the above

7.Being repositories of knowledge, we need libraries to :

  1. Preserve to written records of our civilization for posterity
  2. Systematically arrange the resources.
  3. Encourage uses to utilize the resources.
  4. All of the above

8.Public libraries are the only institutions that provide :

  1. Free access to reading resources.
  2. Allows only college students to access the resources.
  3. Free space for relaxation
  4. None of the above

9.The purpose of libraries in modern societies is to give support to :

  1. Institutions of Education
  2. Policy and decision making bodies
  3. Industry and members of the community for awareness
  4. All of the above

10.One of the most important roles of libraries in social and cultured settings :

  1. Digitization and application of web technologys
  2. Introduction of cataloging and classification
  3. Democratization of information and knowledge in society
  4. None of the above

11.Which of the following is not a type of library ?

  1. Academic Library
  2. Public Library
  3. Universal Library
  4. National Library

12.Academic libraries are those that :

  1. Build communities at large for access to learning resources
  2. Serves students, researchers and teaching community.
  3. Serve the most deprived community.
  4. Serve government officials.

13.Hybrid library :

  1. Classifies and catalogue’s the resources for access in library only.
  2. Includes only electronic resources.
  3. Has only audio-visual material
  4. Provides access to electronic and print resources

14.One of the main roles of information provider is to :

  1. Provide access to relevant information materials for research, teaching etc.
  2. Introduce the uses how the conduct himself/herself in the library.
  3. Building contact
  4. None of the above

15.Professional libraries have began to emerge as :

  1. Technology application leaders
  2. Leading the change from physical to e-access
  3. Educator, guide and provider of information literacy
  4. All of the above

16.Book cards are key components of :

  1. Manual circulation systems to indentify who has borrowed the books.
  2. Circulation system to classify the uses.
  3. Serials control in the library
  4. None of the above

17.Book cards contain :

  1. Call Number
  2. Author and Title
  3. Accession Number
  4. All of the above

18.A book pocket ins required to :

  1. keep a book card while the book is in the library.
  2. help user to know the title
  3. function as an identity of the user
  4. None of the above

19.Materials required for physical processing in libraries are :

  1. Cellophane paper
  2. Library label
  3. Library property stamp, inkpad
  4. All of the above

20.Library acquisition section is responsible for :

  1. Building up library collector
  2. Building up networks
  3. Building up members
  4. Building up only rare collection

21.The main function of circulation section is :

  1. charging and discharging of books
  2. Putting stamps on books
  3. Preserving books in the library
  4. Ordering book.

22.Maintenance section looks after the :

  1. Manpower in the library
  2. Maintenance of library materials good condition.
  3. Receive the users to library
  4. Checks the records of user in the library.

23. Shelving means:

  1. Putting back materials in their designated place in shelf.
  2. Putting the records in registers.
  3. Putting the chairs and tables at the night location.
  4. None of the above

24.Weeding means :

  1. Removing selective ‘not required’ books and documents from the primary collector area.
  2. Piling up most similar books
  3. Adding more similar collection
  4. All of the above

Fill in the Blanks

25.Libraries need …………… as much as societies need libraries.

  1. societies
  2. profit
  3. books
  4. knowledge

26.Libraries are service oriented …………… .

  1. Instructions
  2. Gateway
  3. Society
  4. Heritage

27.Libraries are an integral part of the growth and development of …………… .

  1. Webinar
  2. Society
  3. Web Technology
  4. Economic Property

28.Libraries are institutions that manage books and information resources without …………… .

  1. Publicity
  2. Commercial Interest
  3. Funds
  4. Staff

29. A library which comprises collection of ‘born digital’ electron resources is called …………… .

  1. Public library
  2. Electronic library
  3. Hybrid library
  4. Special library

30. All academic libraries should serve the students and teachers who directly connected with …………… .

  1. Learning and teaching
  2. Mass media
  3. New dimension
  4. Economic development

31. Technical processing constitutes classification cataloging of all library …………… .

  1. Documents
  2. Users
  3. Manpower
  4. Computers

32. Systematic shelving of books is …………… for browsing in open access libraries.

  1. Essentials
  2. Heart warming
  3. Interesting
  4. Not useful

33. Technical processing is meant for …………… the collection systematically for use.

  1. organized
  2. stamping
  3. printing
  4. weeding

34. Indian National Digital Library of Engineering Science and Technology (INDEST)was a, …………… set up by the Ministry of Human Resource Development in India.

  1. training centre
  2. consortium
  3. art gallery
  4. None of the above

35. Team work is the ability to seek, give and accept constructive feedback from …………… .

  1. social media
  2. co-workers
  3. users
  4. dictionary

36. Stock verification helps in …………… books which are missing in the collection.

  1. identifying
  2. promoting
  3. advising
  4. repackaging

37. According to UNESCO, public libraries are …………… to knowledge.

  1. hallmark
  2. security
  3. local gateways
  4. digital rise

38. National libraries are libraries that collect and preserve all the publications in the …………… ..

  1. country
  2. world
  3. village
  4. district

39. Public libraries are library to be used …………… by all people.

  1. on membership
  2. on payment
  3. for free
  4. on credit

State True or False :40. Agricultural society made it possible to meet the bone food needs to a large percentage of population.

  1. True
  2. False

41.Libraries as social institutions are an integral part of society.

  1. True
  2. False

42. As societies advance and modernise uses expedition from libraries also change.

  1. True
  2. False

43. We understand that society without a library has no significance and libraries without society has no origin.

  1. True
  2. False

44. Library is an organization which is not based on uses.

  1. True
  2. False

45.Most libraries label their materials with some permanent identification that has the name of the libraries and its address.

  1. True
  2. False

46. Research libraries should support all the researchers working on subject fields in while they conduct reseal .

  1. True
  2. False

47. Reference service do not offer variety of assistance of readers.

  1. True
  2. False

48.Bibliographic services may be anticipatory or responsive.

  1. True
  2. False

49. User service include a number of services for use of the collection and attending personally to users requirements.

  1. True
  2. False

50. Responsibility is about accountability for actions or inactions in a job.

  1. True
  2. False

BLI-011 June 2020 Exam Question Paper

1. A society, or human society refers to :

  1. People living together in a community
  2. People sharing common interests
  3. People having distinctive customs and institutions
  4. All of the above

2.The revolutions that impacted the society are :

  1. Agricultural revolution
  2. Industrial revolution
  3. ICT and knowledge revolution
  4. All of the above

3.What functions do libraries perform ?

  1. Collect, stock, process and organise documents in all forms, provide service
  2. Store, preserve and keep them and allow only select people to see it
  3. Catalogue and classify and keep them locked
  4. None of the above

4.To make library vibrant, it is desirable that the services that a library provides must be…………………….

  1. Books oriented
  2. Technology oriented
  3. Preservation oriented
  4. User oriented

5.Which of the following is not a purpose of the library in modern societies ?

  1. Provide information support to the institutions of education and learning
  2. Provide information support to policy and decision-making bodies, industry
  3. Provide information to community for raising awareness and education
  4. Provide information only on ICT

6.he role of libraries in higher education is :

  1. Supporting education
  2. Support in teaching research
  3. Support in training in the society
  4. All of the above

7. The first law of library science is :

  1. Library is a growing organism
  2. Books are for use
  3. Every book its reader
  4. Save the time of the reader

8. What does the second law of library science mean ?

  1. Librarians must talk to the users all the time
  2. All the readers must get whatever is demanded
  3. Librarians are to acquire wide range of literature to fit a wide variety of needs
  4. Librarians should do membership drives to get more membership

9.Which of the Law of Library Science stated by S: R. Ranganathan relates to the growth of libraries ?

  1. Fourth law
  2. First law
  3. Second law
  4. Fifth law

10.Which one of the following is not in the basic functions of Library ?

  1. Collection of books and magazines
  2. Index them properly and place in specified location
  3. Issue them to the members when they need
  4. Strictly for preservation only

11.Many librarians across the globe accept that Ranganathan’s five laws are :

  1. best rules in the world
  2. the foundation of LIS philosophy
  3. is not relevant in the 21st century
  4. best for classification and cataloguing

12.IAC stands for :

  1. Indian Academic Council
  2. Information Analysis Centre
  3. International Analysis Centre
  4. None of these

13.One of the best features of library is :

  1. It has many collection
  2. Free access to the resources
  3. Diverse users
  4. Collection of expensive books

14.Information society gave technological tools that made impact on………….

  1. Production of information
  2. Public services such as e-governance, e-commerce
  3. e-business, e-learning, e-health, e-publication, etc.
  4. All of the above

15.Libraries today play several different societal roles like…………

  1. Building communities access to learning resources
  2. Information literacy
  3. Computer literacy and Tutorial services
  4. All of the above

16.The staff recruited for the purpose is positioned at different levels of library management is grouped into three classes :

  1. Professional, para-professional and non-professional positions
  2. Administrator, IT Professionals and Semi-professionals
  3. Professionals, Researcher and Non-professionals
  4. Para-professionals, Semi-professionals, Researcher

17.ho are the professionals in context of library ?

  1. Librarians and other library specialists who possess at least a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in library and information studies
  2. Librarians who have acquired not less Ph. D. degree in library and information studies
  3. Librarians who have professional degree in computer science
  4. All of the above

18.Special libraries were intended to serve a particular institution that has a specific role to play and they were therefore mainly……………………

  1. One subject library
  2. Many subject libraries
  3. Mixed type disciplines
  4. Science technology and pure science

19.Which is one of the main objectives of Indian Library Association ?

  1. Distributing funding
  2. Making library rules for universities
  3. Promoting library movements in the country
  4. Building relationships with librarians

20.Academic libraries are those that serve students in :

  1. Universities
  2. Colleges
  3. Schools
  4. All of these

21.The purpose of …………………… to support the school’s curriculum, and to support the research of the university faculty and students.

  1. Virtual library
  2. Hybrid library
  3. Academic library
  4. Digital library

22.Due to the application of ICT, libraries are…………… their housekeeping services.

  1. Experimenting
  2. Developing
  3. Automating
  4. Discovering

23. …………………. refers to what an employee does to meet expectations attached to a job or position.

  1. Expert
  2. Role
  3. Developer
  4. Professional

24.Libraries are established for the systematic collection, organization, preservation and dissemination of and information.

  1. Knowledge
  2. News
  3. Dialogues
  4. Discussions

25.The professionals are those library employees who have the skills and training in librarianship.

  1. Acquired
  2. Envisioned
  3. Marked
  4. Expected

Fill in the Blanks

26.Libraries are ……………….institution shaped by the society.

  1. Cultural
  2. Acquired
  3. Instructed
  4. Needed

27.Collection building in college libraries should naturally be oriented towards the ____________ .

  1. Student’s interest
  2. Subjects taught
  3. Future needs
  4. All of these

28.The National Science Library and the National Medical Library both are located at ____________ .

  1. Chennai
  2. Bengaluru
  3. New Delhi
  4. Kolkata

29. The Delhi Public Library System, started with the support of………………offers library service to the Delhi public with its branches and mobile libraries.

  2. IFLA
  3. RRRLF
  4. UN

30. Most of the new knowledge arising out of research efforts is published through learned………….

  1. Magazines
  2. Periodicals
  3. Newspapers
  4. Bulletins

31. National Library in India is located in :

  1. Delhi
  2. Chennai
  3. Kolkata
  4. Bengaluru

32. The library enables the individual to obtain spiritual, inspirational, and recreational activity____________ .

  1. Through networking
  2. Through reading
  3. Through interaction
  4. Through meeting

33. One of the essential functions of library networks :

  1. Promotion and creation of resource sharing
  2. To organize conference
  3. Function as research organization
  4. Share only thesis and dissertations

34. A…………. is a library specifically established by the government of a country to serve as the preeminent repository of information for that country.

  1. University library
  2. National library
  3. Special library
  4. Corporate library

35. Librarians should be…………………. to the concerns of the larger society of which they are a part.

  1. Cool
  2. Smart
  3. Sensitive
  4. Strict

36. Hybrid library is also about creating a single user interface to access electronic resources and all other resources in a variety of formats.

  1. True
  2. False

37. Libraries are rich repositories of historically and culturally significant collections, many of which are not available anywhere else in the world.

  1. True
  2. False

38. Society is a structured composition of individuals in groups, communities, institutions and associations that exist together for their mutual benefits.

  1. True
  2. False

39. Library is a cultural institution that is shaped by society.

  1. True
  2. False

40. Modern societies are those that belong to the era that characterise the postindustrial society, information society and knowledge society.

  1. True
  2. False

41. According to UNESCO, public libraries are not the “local gateway to knowledge”.

  1. True
  2. False

42. Libraries have become an integral part of all societal programmes of growth and development of a country.

  1. True
  2. False

43. Beginning from the twentieth century, the responsibility of governments increased in several areas of national growth and development for the welfare of the people.

  1. True
  2. False

44. The academic libraries assumed the responsibility to provide access to the sources of information from which teaching and learning could develop.

  1. True
  2. False

45.Libraries are bestowed with the responsibility of providing equal access to information and balanced services to users.

  1. True
  2. False

46. The Indian Library Association is a premier association, but not committed the cause of library movement and development.

  1. True
  2. False

47. An information society is a society in which the creation, distribution, diffusion, uses, integration and manipulation of information is a significant economic, political and cultural activity.

  1. True
  2. False

48.Knowledge economy is created through the economic exploitation of understanding.

  1. True
  2. False

49. ‘Education’ and ‘Library’ are two inseparable indivisible concepts, both being fundamentally and synchronically related to and co-existent with each other.

  1. True
  2. False

50. Library and society are never inter-linked and inter-dependent with each other.

  1. True
  2. False


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