Online MCQ Assignment Answer
QN1: In General purpose OS user cannot change which state of the process.
1. preemption
2. Sleep
3. Creation
4. Ready
Answer: preemptionAnswer
QN2: Which addressing schema is not common for 8085 and 8086.
1. Register Addressing
2. Indexed Addressing
3. Register Indirect Addressing
4. Direct Addressing
Answer: Indexed AddressingAnswer
QN3: A software that allows a personal computer to pretend it as a terminal is –
1. Auto-dialing
2. Bulletin -board
3. Modem
4. Terminal emulation
Answer: Terminal emulationAnswer
QN4: Which one of the following always reside in the memory
1. Linker
2. Loader
3. Compiler
4. All of the above
Answer: All of the aboveAnswer
QN5: 8085 is –
1. 16-bit
2. 8 bit
3. 32-bit
4. 20 bit microprocessor
Answer: 8 bitAnswer
QN6: The process of loading the OS from secondary memory to primary memory is called as
1. Bootstrap
2. Booting
3. Porting
4. Port process
Answer: BootingAnswer
QN7: Which of the following allows device on one network to communicate with device on another network
1. Multiplexer
2. Gateway
3. T-switch
4. Modem
Answer: GatewayAnswer
QN8: p++ executes faster than p+1 because
1. :p uses registers
2. p++is a single instruction
3. ++is faster than +
4. None of these
Answer: p uses registersAnswer
QN9: main(){int *p; p=(int *)malloc(-10);}
1. Allocates 0 bytes
2. Allocates memory, if available
3. Compilation error
4. Runtime error
Answer: Compilation errorAnswer
QN10: Which addressing schema is not common for 8085 and 8086.
1. Register Addressing
2. IndexedAddressing
3. Register Indirect Addressing
4. Direct Addressing
Answer: IndexedAddressingAnswer
QN11: The number of address lines require to address 4k of memory are –
1. 11
2. 12
3. 14
4. 16
Answer: 12Answer
QN12: Where is CMOS setup stored?
1. Hard Disk
4. MBR
Answer: CMOS RAMAnswer
QN13: main ( ){ char *a=”Hello”;*a++ = h ; printf(“%s “,a); }
1. Hello
2. Ello
3. Runtime error
4. Compiler error
Answer: Compiler errorAnswer
QN14: main() { for( printf(“a”) ; printf(“b”) ; printf(“c”) ) ; }
1. :abc
2. abcabcabc…infinite times
3. abcbcbcbc…infinite times
4. Error
Answer: abcbcbcbc…infinite timesAnswer
QN15: The …variable is not destroyed on exit from the function; instead its value is presented and becomes available again, when the function is next called. These variables are declared as …
1. extern, local variable
2. static, global variable
3. Static, local variable
4. extern, global variable
Answer: Static, local variableAnswer
QN16: Output of the printf(“%-2.3f “,17.23478) will be–
17. 23478
18. 235
19. 2348
20. 23
Answer: 17.235Answer
QN17: Suppose that ‘i’ is an integer variable whose value is 7 and ‘f ‘is floating point variable whose value is 8.5. Evaluate the expression: ( i + f)%4
1. 3
2. 5
3. 4
4. Invalid
Answer: 3.5Answer
QN18: What will be the output of the following?
main (
){ int *i, *j, a=12, b=2,c; c = (a=a+b, b=a/b, a=a*b, b=a-b); i = &c; printf(“%d”,–(*i));}
Answer: Options:Question not correctAnswer
QN19: The conversion characters for data input means that the data item is–
1. An unsigned decimal integer
2. A short integer
3. A hexadecimal integer
4. A String followed by white space
Answer: A short integerAnswer
QN20: What is max data capacity for optical fiber cable?
1. 10 mbps
2. 100 mbps
3. 1000 mbps
4. 10000 mbps
Answer: 1000 mbpsAnswer
QN21: In C, a Union is–
1. Memory location
2. Memory store
3. Memory screen
4. None of these
Answer: None of theseAnswer
QN22: If you want to exchange two rows in a two dimensional array, the fastest way is to–
1. If you want to exchange two rows in a dimentional array, the fastest way is to–
2. Exchange the address of each element in the two rows
3. Silence the address of the rows in an array of pointer and exchange the pointer
4. None of these
Answer: Exchange the address of each element in the two rowsAnswer
QN23: Study the following C program.
intarr[]={1,2,3, 4}
main(){int a, *ptr, b,c;a=51%26;ptr=&a;a+=2;b=arr[1]+a;c=*ptr+b;printf(“%d %d
What will be the value of n after the execution of the above program?
1. 27 29 54
2. 25 27 52
3. 27 28 53
4. 27 29 56
Answer: 25 27 52Answer
QN24: Study the following C program.
main(){inti, n=2;for(i=0;i<2;i++);{if(!(i<=n)&&(++n==i));n=n+2;else;n=n-2;};}
What will be the value of n after the execution of the above program?
1. 3
2. 4
3. 2
4. None of the above
Answer: 3Answer
QN25: Which of these is not a layer in OSI model?
1. Aplication layer
2. Network layer
3. Internet Layer
4. Data Link layer
Answer: Internet LayerAnswer
QN26: The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what was to be done is–
1. :Operation code
2. Address
3. Operand
4. None of the above
Answer: Operation codeAnswer
QN27: Which of the following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards?
1. Hard disk
2. Cache memory
3. Motherboard
4. None of the above
Answer: MotherboardAnswer
QN28: The term ‘baud’ is a measure of the–
1. speed at which the data travel over the communication line
2. Memory capacity
3. Instruction execution time
4. All of the above
Answer: speed at which the data travel over the communication lineAnswer
QN29: Subtracting (1010)2 from (1101)2 using 1st complement–
1. 1100
2. 0011
3. 1001
4. 0101
Answer: 0011Answer
QN30: Using 2’s Complement, substraction, of (1010)2 from (0011)2 is–
1. (0111)2
2. (1001)2
3. (0111)2
4. (1001)2
Answer: (1001)2Answer
QN31: The chief reason why digital computers use complemented subtraction is that, it–
1. Simplifies their circuitry
2. Is a very process
3. can handle negative no’s easily
4. Avoids direct subtraction
Answer: can handle negative no’s easilyAnswer
QN32: In ___ OS, the response time is very critical.
1. :Multitasking
2. Batch
3. Online
4. Real time
Answer: Real timeAnswer
QN33: The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to ___.
1. Command Resources
2. Manage resources
3. Provide Utilities
4. Be user friendly
Answer: Manage resourcesAnswer
QN34: A program at the time of executing is called ___.
1. Dynamic program
2. Static program
3. Binded Program p
4. A process
Answer: A processAnswer
QN35: Multiprogramming systems ___.
1. Are easier to develop than programming systems
2. Execute each job faster
3. Execute more job in same time
4. Are used only on large main frame computers
Answer: Execute more job in same timeAnswer
QN36: The number of processes completed per unit time is known as ___.
1. Output
2. Throughput
3. Efficiency
4. Capacity
Answer: ThroughputAnswer
QN37: Which of the following allows devices on one network to communicate with devices on another network?
1. Multiplexer
2. Gateway
3. t-switch
4. Modem
Answer: GatewayAnswer
QN38: Which of the following memories needs refresh?
3. ROM
4. All of above
Answer: DRAMAnswer
QN39: FDDI is a–
1. Ring network
2. Star network
3. Mesh network
4. Bus based network
Answer: Ring networkAnswer
QN40: What is the central device in star topology?
1. STP server
2. HUB/switch
3. PDC
4. Router
Answer: HUB/switchAnswer