QN1. Any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not and whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the company that an employee thinks, believes or even feels is unfair, unjust or inequitable is known as .
Ans: GrievanceAnswer
QN2. The discussion that takes place consequent resignation is known as____.
Ans: Exit InterviewAnswer
QN3. Methods of handling grievance through a third party intervention are ___,____ and ____
Ans: Arbitration, Conciliation and Adjudication.Answer
QN4. Keeping the of the firm out of the bargaining process is considered by many as a sound technique.
Ans: self agendaAnswer
QN5. Non-conformity to formal & informal rules & regulations of the organisation is known as____.
Ans: IndisiplineAnswer
QN6. Trade Unions can regulate the relations between workmen and employers, or between workmen and workmen, or between___ and ___.
Ans: employers and employersAnswer
QN7. Under the TU Act, any or more workers of an establishment can form a trade union and apply to the Registrar for its registration.
Ans: sevenAnswer
QN8. In case the said union has been in existence for more than one year, preceding the date of application, a statement showing__and___ of the union, has also to be attached to the application.
Ans: assets and liabilitiesAnswer
QN9. Not more than ___ members of the executive committee are outsiders.
Ans: 75%Answer
QN10. The Registrar of Trade Unions has the powers to cancel or withdraw registration if it has been obtained by___or mistake.
Ans: fraudAnswer
QN11. A Registered Trade Union can constitute a ___for the promotion of civic and political interest of members.
Ans: separate political fundAnswer
QN12. Office bearers of a Registered Trade Union can claim protection from being prosecuted under Sec.___ of the Indian Penal Code and immunity from civil suit in certain cases, for bonafide trade union activities.
Ans: 120BAnswer
QN13. Trade Unions have to allow any person aged___ and above to become its member and enjoy the privileges attached to membership
Ans: 15Answer
QN14. No person should be made an office-bearer, if he has been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude and sentenced to imprisonment, unless a period of ___ years has elapsed since his release
Ans: 5Answer
QN15. Maharashtra Recognition ___and Prevention of Unfair Practices Act. 1971, mainly deals with of trade unions.
Ans: of Trade Unions and recognitionAnswer
QN16. Application for recognition of union can be made to the Industrial Court by any union that has more than___of employees of that undertaking, as its members.
Ans: 30%Answer
QN17. The Industrial Court may cancel the recognition of a union if it is satisfied that it has instigated, aided, or assisted the commencement or continuation of___.
Ans: an illegal strikeAnswer
QN18. Office bearers and members of a recognised union have the right to enter into ___with the employers.
Ans: collective settlementAnswer
QN19. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, makes it expedient on the employers in industrial establishment wherein or more workmen are employed to have their Certified Standing Orders.
Ans: 100Answer
QN20. The IE (SO) Act also provides for temporary application of ___to an industrial establishment till such time the Standing Orders are certified under this Act.
Ans: draft standing orderAnswer
QN21. In case the terms and conditions in the appointment letter are inconsistent with the provisions of the Standing Orders, then ___shall prevail.
Ans: the Standing Order ActAnswer
QN22. While drafting a Charge-sheet care should be taken that charge of misconduct should not be___or ambiguous.
Ans: evasiveAnswer
QN23. ___means prohibiting an employee from performing his duties assigned to him, and withholding wages for so long as that prohibition continues.
Ans: SuspensionAnswer
QN24. ___means termination of service or contract as a punishment for a serious misconduct or act of indiscipline.
Ans: DismissalAnswer
QN25. Any business, trade, undertaking, manufacture or calling of employers and includes any calling, service, employment, handicraft, or industrial occupation or avocation of workmen is known as ___
Ans: IndustryAnswer
QN26. The process of rational and orderly discussion of differences between the parties to a dispute under the guidance of a third party is known as___
Ans: conciliation.Answer
QN27. Under Section 10(1)(a) the appropriate Government is empowered to appoint ___the existing or apprehended dispute to conciliation.
Ans: desired number of conciliation officers toAnswer
QN28. Conciliation Officer is empowered to____of any person for the purpose of examination him.
Ans: enforce conciliation proceedingAnswer
QN29. Conciliation Officer has to submit his report with___ days of the commencement of the conciliation proceedings or earlier if required by the appropriate Govt., or later if parties to the dispute agree in writing.
Ans: 60Answer
QN30. Section 25 of ID Act makes it obligatory for all industrial establishment which are not seasonal, or do not work intermittently, and employ 50 or more workmen, to pay lay-off compensation at the rate of___of the basic wages and Dearness Allowance.
Ans: 50%Answer
QN31. No compensation shall be paid to a workman who has been laid off if he refuses to accept any alternative employment in any establishment belonging to the same employer and located within a radius of ___from his establishment.
Ans: 5milesAnswer
QN32. Compensation shall not be paid if laying-off is due to any ___on the part of workmen in any part of the establishment.
Ans: strike or slowing down of productionAnswer
QN33. Retrenchment does not include voluntary retirement, retirement on reaching the age of superannuation, termination of the service due to___; or termination of the service on grounds of continuous ill health.
Ans: old age infirmityAnswer
QN34. The workman has to be given ___month(s) notice, or paid wages in lieu of such notice for retrenching any workmen in any industrial establishment employing ___or more workmen.
Ans: one and 100Answer
QN34. The employer shall ordinarily retrench the workman who was the ___person to be employed in that category, unless for reasons to be recorded the employer retrenches any other workman.
Ans: latestAnswer