Human Resource Management Online MCQ Set 17

QN01. Induction means planned introduction of employees to their

  1. Job
  2. Organization
  3. Coworkers
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN02. Which is the method of collection information for job analysis

  1. Observation
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Record
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN03. Which is / are the factors that influencing the wage and salary administration

  1. Internal
  2. External
  3. Both a & b
  4. All of these

(C)Both a & b

QN04. The welfare provision under factors Act 1948 was

  1. Washing facilities
  2. Facilities for storing and drying cloths
  3. Facilities for sitting
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN05. ______________ occurs when a person who wants and is able to work but cannot find work

  1. Unemployment
  2. Under employment
  3. Both a & b
  4. All of these


QN06. Which one is responsible for training

  1. Top management
  2. Personal department
  3. Line supervisor
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN07. Off the job training methods are

  1. Vestibule
  2. Role playing
  3. Behavioral experienced training
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN08. is a conceptual learning that improves understanding of a subject/theme

  1. Training
  2. Development
  3. Education
  4. All of these


QN09. Performance appraisal objectives includes

  1. Organization objectives
  2. Feedback
  3. Both a & b
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN10. Present performance is determined largely from

  1. Advisory evaluation
  2. Supervisory evaluation
  3. Appraisal evaluation
  4. All of these

(B)Supervisory evaluation

QN11. Which of the following are the internal source of recruitment

  1. Promotion
  2. Trainees
  3. Transfers
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN12. Which is a subject matter of industrial relations

  1. Communication
  2. Collective bargaining
  3. Employee discipline
  4. Code of conduct
  5. All of these

(E)All of these

QN13. Selection includes

  1. Framing & developing application blanks
  2. Checking of references
  3. Formulating interviewing technique
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

(D)All of these

QN14. Utility of job analysis includes

  1. Selection of employee
  2. Recruitment of employee
  3. Work study
  4. Training of employee
  5. All of these

(C)Work study

QN15. HRM aims at maximizing employees as well as organizational

  1. Effectiveness
  2. Efficiency
  3. Economy
  4. Performance


QN16. ______________ evaluates the job and not the job holder

  1. Job evaluation
  2. Job description
  3. Job specification
  4. None of these

(A)Job evaluation

QN17. The simplest method for job evaluation is ______________ method in which job are arranged from highest to lowest order in terms of their value or merit to the organization

  1. Paired comparison method
  2. Ranking method
  3. BARS
  4. MBO

(B)Ranking method

QN18. Off the job training is given

  1. Outside the factory gate
  2. In-the classroom
  3. On the working days in the factory
  4. None of above

(A)Outside the factory gate

QN19. Management by objective(MBO) technique was first promoted in 1950 's by which of the following management theorist

  1. Peter F Drucker
  2. Karl Marx
  3. Webber
  4. Fayol

(A)Peter F Drucker

QN20. The logical sequence to job analysis is ______________

  1. Job design
  2. Job description
  3. Job specification
  4. Job details

(A)Job design

QN21. ______________ are given to measure a prospective employee's motivation to function in a particular work environment

  1. Personality test
  2. Intelligence test
  3. Aptitude test
  4. Memory test

(A)Personality test

QN22. ______________ means moulding of an employee KSA

  1. Training
  2. Induction
  3. Orientation
  4. Appraisal


QN23. Task analysis a component of

  1. Selection procedure
  2. Human resource planning
  3. Training process
  4. None of these

(C)Training process

QN24. The process of establishing the value at jobs in a job hierarchy is known as ______________

  1. Job analysis
  2. Job requirement
  3. Job evaluation
  4. Performance evaluation

(A)Job analysis

QN25. The multiple management technique of management development program was developed by ______________

  1. Charles PMC Cormick
  2. Charless babage
  3. Mike Thompson
  4. None of these

(A)Charles PMC Cormick

QN26. ______________ is also known as T-group training and laboratory training

  1. Stress training
  2. Sensibility training
  3. Job orientation training
  4. None of these

(B)Sensibility training

QN27. Which of the following is the functions of personnel management

  1. Managerial function
  2. Operative function
  3. Both a & b
  4. All of these

(C)Both a & b

QN28. Contents of the job description is/are

  1. Proper job title
  2. Job summary
  3. Job location
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN29. ______________ is an attempt to create a match between job requirement and human attribute

  1. Job description
  2. Job specification
  3. Job design
  4. All of these

(C)Job design

QN30. ______________ is the process of picking up indendual request with requisite qualification and competencies' to fill job in organization

  1. Selection
  2. Recruitment
  3. Placement
  4. None of these


QN31. Job analysis help in

  1. HRP, recruitment, selection
  2. T and D
  3. Job evaluation
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN32. Which are the factors of job evaluation

  1. Skill
  2. Efforts
  3. Working condition
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN33. Which internal factors influence the wage and salary administration

  1. Demand and supply
  2. Trade unions bargaining power
  3. Cost of lining
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN34. Creche is to provided if ______________ or more lady employees are engaged

  1. 30
  2. 60
  3. 40
  4. None of these


QN35. Types of the unemployment includes

  1. Voluntary
  2. Involuntary
  3. Both a and b
  4. All of these

(C)Both a and b

QN36. The two types method of training includes

  1. On the job
  2. Off the job
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of these

(C)Both a and b

QN37. Off the job training methods are

  1. conference
  2. class room training
  3. internship training
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN38. Which of the following is the features of performance appraisal

  1. Continuous process
  2. Systematic approach
  3. Formal / informal
  4. All of these

(D)All of these

QN39. The dimension of employees problem with a view to help the employee cope with it

  1. Careers
  2. 360 degree
  3. Counseling
  4. All of these


QN40. The appraisal process is designed by

  1. Personnel department
  2. Workshop
  3. Management
  4. All of these

(A)Personnel department


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