Q1: The process through which employees are adapted to an organization’s culture is called___
Answer: institutionalizationAnswer
Q2: Performance Appraisal is a primary HRM process that links employees and organizations and provides input for other processes through these means
Answer: Identification, Measurement, ManagementAnswer
Q3: The primary purpose of new employee orientation is to
Answer: provide new employees with basic information so that they can perform their jobs satisfactorily.Answer
Q4: Industrial Relation, in India has traditionally been a
Answer: Fire-fighting functionAnswer
Q5: The Trade Union Act came into being in
Answer: 1926Answer
Q6: The information obtained from job analysis is also used in developing compensation packages, it is called-
Answer: Job evaluationAnswer
Q7: The two most widely popular approaches to job design are-
Answer: Job enlargementAnswer
Job enrichment
Q8: A step-by-step self-learning method that consists of presenting the information, allowing a response, and providing feedback on the response is
Answer: apprenticeship training.Answer
Q9: The monetary benefits and non-monetary benefits given to employees during their employment and sometimes in the post-employment period are called
Answer: Fringe benefitsAnswer
Q10: If an organization’s pay rates are similar with prevailing rates in other organizations, the compensation structure reflects
Answer: concurrent reliability.Answer
Q11: Employee relations deal with the employees in the organizational context, as a social group that contributes to the organization. Which of the following is not included in employee relations
Answer: Reducing the quality of work life and personal life of the employees.Answer
Q12: Which of the following functions of HRM deals with ‘Collective Bargaining’
Answer: Employee-relations managementAnswer
Q13: In which of the following appraisal systems, the employees’ performance is evaluated by his/her supervisor, his/her peers, his/her internal/external customers and suppliers and his/her subordinates
Answer: 360 degree feedbackAnswer
Q14: Organizational rewards can be both extrinsic and intrinsic. Which of the following is an example for extrinsic rewards
Answer: PromotionAnswer
Q15: What is the term used to describe the process of helping a new employee to settle quickly into their job so they become efficient and productive workers
Answer: inductionAnswer
Q16: Which of the following is not a stage in the systematic training cycle
Answer: job instruction on a one to one basisAnswer
Q17: Which of the following HR function is the basic element of recruitment
Answer: Select the best one among all applicantsAnswer
Q18: ___are the resources that provide utility value to all other resources
Answer: MenAnswer
Q19: The term procurement stands for
Answer: recruitment and selectionAnswer
Q20: The characteristics of human resources are ___in nature
Answer: heterogeneousAnswer
Q21: Identify the managerial function out of the following functions of HR managers
Answer: organizingAnswer
Q22: Which of the following is an example of operative function of HR managers
Answer: procurementAnswer
Q23: The scope of human resource management includes
Answer: All of these—procurementAnswer
Q24: Human resource management is normally ___in nature
Answer: proactiveAnswer
Q25: The human resource management functions aim at
Answer: helping the organization deal with its employees in different stages of employmentAnswer
Q26: Which of the following aptly describes the role of line managers and staff advisors, namely HR professionals
Answer: Staff advisors focus more on developing HR programmes while line managers are more involved in the implementation of those programmes.Answer
Q27: In strategic human resource management, HR strategies are generally aligned with
Answer: business strategyAnswer
Q28: Which of the following is closely associated with strategic human resource management
Answer: All of these—efficient utilization of human resourcesAnswer
attracting the best human resources
providing the best possible training
Q29: Treating employees as precious human resources is the basis of the ___approach
Answer: soft HRMAnswer
Q30: Strategic human resource management aims to achieve competitive advantage in the market through
Answer: peopleAnswer
Q31: Wright and Snell made important contribution to the growth of
Answer: Business-oriented modelAnswer
Q32: Strategic management process usually consists of ___steps
Answer: FiveAnswer
Q33: One of the components of corporate level strategy is
Answer: All of these—growth strategyAnswer
portfolio strategy
parenting strategy
Q34: Creating an environment that facilitates a continuous and two-way exchange of information between the superiors and the subordinates is the core of
Answer: High involvement management modelAnswer
Q35: Which one of the following is not a part of the external environment of an organization
Answer: organizational cultureAnswer
Q36: Identify the odd one out of the following factors
Answer: technologyAnswer
Q37: The first recorded human resource management initiative was made during
Answer: the pre-industrial revolution eraAnswer
Q38: What is the most important contribution of the Hawthorne studies
Answer: the discovery of the informal relationship and social groups among employeesAnswer
Q39: The term environmental scanning stands for
Answer: gathering data about the organization and its surroundingsAnswer
Q40: McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y was introduced during
Answer: the human relations movementAnswer
Q41: One of the important assumptions of the___perspective is that uncertainty in environment is more of an internal problem and less of an external problem
Answer: perceived environment perspectiveAnswer
Q42: When an organization creates its own environment out of its knowledge of the environment, it has created a/an
Answer: enacted environmentAnswer
Q43: The basic purpose of human resource planning is to
Answer: All of these—identify the human resource requirementsAnswer
identify the human resource availability
match the HR requirements with the HR availability
Q44: The primary responsibility for human resource planning lies with
Answer: general managerAnswer
Q45: The plans that necessitate changes in the existing technology, the organizational structure, and the employees’ authority and responsibility are called
Answer: none of these—short-term HR planAnswer
medium-term HR plan
long-term HR plan
Q46: Which of the following is not a forecasting technique to assess the human resource requirements of an organization
Answer: replacement chartsAnswer
Q47: The term bottom-up approach is commonly associated with
Answer: managerial judgmentAnswer
Q48: The method that requires the line managers to justify the continuance of each job that becomes vacant is called
Answer: zero-base forecastingAnswer
Q49: The forecasting based on the subjective views of the managers on the HR requirements of an organization is known as
Answer: managerial judgmentAnswer
Q50: Job analysis is a process of gathering information about the
Answer: jobAnswer
Q51: The final process of a job analysis is the preparation of two statements, namely,
Answer: job description and job specificationAnswer
Q52: Which of the following terms is not associated with job analysis
Answer: competitorAnswer
Q53: The process of bringing together different tasks to build a job is called
Answer: job designAnswer
Q54: The process of grouping of similar types of works together is known as
Answer: job classificationAnswer
Q55: The system of ranking jobs in a firm on the basis of the relevant characteristics, duties, and responsibilities is known as
Answer: job evaluationAnswer
Q56: The written statement of the findings of job analysis is called
Answer: job descriptionAnswer
Q57: A structured questionnaire method for collecting data about the personal qualities of employees is called
Answer: work profiling systemAnswer
Q58: The model that aims at measuring the degree of each essential ability required for performing the job effectively is known as
Answer: Fleishman Job Analysis SystemAnswer
Q59: The method that depends mainly on the ability and experience of the supervisors for gathering relevant information about the job is called the
Answer: technical conference methodAnswer
Q60: Designing a job according to the worker’s physical strength and ability is known as
Answer: ergonomicsAnswer
Q61: Which of the following is not a component of job design
Answer: job outsourcingAnswer
Q62: Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined way is called
Answer: job rotationAnswer
Q63: A person’s career includes many significant events and experiences but in which areas has work psychology been able to make a contribution
Answer: All of these—Career counsellingAnswer
Career choice
Q64: Examining the context of careers, research has shown that labour markets have changed in many ways since 1990. Careers literature tends have a consensus on these changes compared with a generation ago with the implication that careers are more difficult to manage. Examples of such changes include
Answer: all of theseAnswer
working at, or from, home.
increasing workloads for individuals.
increasingly frequent changes in the skills required in the workforce
Q65: Kanter (1989) identified three different career forms, bureaucratic, professional and entrepreneurial. Which one of these could be described as career growth occurring through developing competence allowing a person to take on more complex tasks rather than through promotion to another job and their status among peers and clients becoming significantly important
Answer: ProfessionalAnswer
Q66: The boundaryless career concept has generated much discussion including the notion that it could be threatening and confusing. Why might this be
Answer: It might appear to be liberating but it favours the strong who could prosper and the weak could be disadvantaged furtherAnswer
Q67: The protean career concept is based on the idea that people should have a coherent sense of identity but be ready and able to adapt to changing market conditions. When was this concept first introduced into careers literature
Answer: 1976Answer
Q68: A different way to look at career types is to consider the subjective experience of an employee. Schein outlined eight different career anchors that people can hold, what mixture do they consist of
Answer: Abilities, motives, needs and valuesAnswer
Q69: It is difficult to come to a consensus on how to measure career success. Status, salary, and job satisfaction could all come to mind. Subjective measures have been used and a recent approach has been to place people within one of four domains based on two dimensions. What are the two dimensions that Dries and colleagues (2008) developed
Answer: Interpersonal-intrapersonal, affect-achievementAnswer
Q70: Work psychologists are involved in helping people choose a line of work and Holland’s is a well-known influential theory used in career choice. The theory is based around six types of vocational personality. Which of the following statements about Holland’s theory of career choice is false
Answer: It takes no account of processes of adjustment after a person enters an occupationAnswer
Q71: There have been influential stage theories of career development; Super’s and Levinson’s stage/phase theories are the most prominent. It is argued that these are not so applicable in the 21st century. Why would that be
Answer: All of the below—Answer
b. The stage developmental theories are simply reflective of middle-class males whereas the traditional roles of men and women have changed a great deal
c. They were formulated in very different eras and cultural contexts
d. The workplace has changed so much that it is not as predictable as it was when the stage theories were developed
Q72: It is difficult to get fully accurate figures but which of the following appears to be the most commonly used career management technique in organisations
Answer: Internal vacancy notificationAnswer
Q73: A stage theory approach has been used in analysing career development across a lifetime. Models have been produced which have proved to be influential in literature and practice. That said, the stage developmental approach is not without its critics, why
Answer: All of these—Working opportunities have become far less predictable undermining the stage approachAnswer
The approaches are gender biased even with changes evident in the last two decades
The approach is reflective of middle class males in the mid to late 20th century in westernised societies
Q74: Work psychologists specialise in many different areas and are actively involved in career planning. From the literature on organisation career planning interventions, what is now associated with better salaries and promotion rates, plus greater career satisfaction
Answer: MentoringAnswer
Q75: Which of the following is not a goal of a management development programme
Answer: To ensure that there is no delay in the settlement of retirement benefits of the managersAnswer
Q76: Teaching by a wise and trusted superior on a one-to-one basis is called
Answer: MentoringAnswer
Q77: The development technique which educates the trainees about the need for and the techniques of prioritizing the situations for decision-making is called
Answer: In-basket trainingAnswer
Q78: Trainees forming teams and assuming managerial roles in two or more imaginary but rival companies is part of the ___development technique
Answer: None of theseAnswer
Q79: A programme of one-to-one collaboration between a certified external expert and a manager for developing the leadership skills of the latter is called
Answer: Executive coachingAnswer
Q80: The initial training effort to inform the new managers about the company, the job, and the work group is known as
Answer: Executive orientationAnswer
Q81: Which of the following is not a hurdle for an effective succession management plan
Answer: Absence of strike or lock-outAnswer
Q82: Which of the following is the most objective method of identifying the potential successor in succession management
Answer: Performance evaluationAnswer
Q83: Organizational development as an intervention programme is basically a ___approach
Answer: top-to-bottomAnswer
Q84: A scientific approach to study and then solving organizational issues experienced by an organization is called
Answer: action researchAnswer
Q85: Which one of the following is not a stakeholder in an organizational development process
Answer: None of these—CustomersAnswer
Government agencies
Q86: Which of the following methods is adopted when there is a high uncertainty in the external environment
Answer: Contingency approachAnswer
Q87: Which of the following is not an organizational development intervention programme
Answer: All of these—Team-buildingAnswer
Survey feedback
Leadership development
Q88: Positions held by an individual throughout his work life are normally referred to as
Answer: careerAnswer
Q89: Which of the following perspectives looks at the career of an individual from the future positions he is likely to hold
Answer: subjective perspectiveAnswer
Q90: The systematic and deliberate advancement made by an individual in his career in the entire work life is known as
Answer: career pathAnswer
Q91: The factors that influence the selection of individuals’ career choices are usually referred to as
Answer: career anchoringAnswer
Q92: Which of the following is used as a self-assessment technique by the employees
Answer: All of these—The strength and weakness balance sheetAnswer
The likes and dislikes survey
The type focus assessment
Q93: The career development programme which enables the employees to gain multi-skills and diverse experience before being considered for any promotion in the future is called
Answer: network career pathAnswer
Q94: A process in which the manager, supervisors or an external expert acts as the advisor, philosopher and guide is called
Answer: mentoringAnswer
Q95: A series of processes aimed at assisting the employees make informed career decisions is known as
Answer: career guidanceAnswer
Q96: Which of the following is not true about training
Answer: It is primarily for managers and executives.Answer
Q97: In which type of analysis are corporate goals and plans compared with the existing manpower inventory to determine the training needs
Answer: Organization analysisAnswer
Q98: Training concentrates on
Answer: coaching the members of an organization how to perform effectively in their current jobsAnswer
Q99: The process of enhancing the technical skills of workers in a short period is called
Answer: trainingAnswer
Q100: E-learning is all about
Answer: experienceAnswer