Q1: Every management level requires interaction with the people. A manager with the ability to build a work atmosphere approval and security to work effectively as a group and to build cooperative effort within the team he would be known to be an expert in
Answer: Human skillAnswer
Q2: The ability to see the organisation as a whole and being aware how changes in anyone part of the organisation effect all the other parts is known as
Answer: Conceptual skillAnswer
Q3: A system in which the level of equilibrium between is always dynamic may be termed as
Answer: A system which is self sufficient and self regulatoryAnswer
Q4: In an organisational situation, a higher goal which is common to all even in a conflict situation may be termed as
Answer: Super ordinate goalAnswer
Q5: An organisation structure in which a personis accountable to two bosses at the same time is called
Answer: Matrix OrganisationAnswer
Q6: A plan can not be said to exist unless
Answer: It has been reduced to writingAnswer
Q7: 7-S Framework is utilized for evaluation of
Answer: Quality Control status of an organisationAnswer
Q8: BCG Matrix is a
Answer: Strategic Planning ToolAnswer
Q9: Synergy is
Answer: Energy created due to motivationAnswer
Q10: (2 + 2 = 5) effect is often used to indicate
Answer: SynergyAnswer
Q11: Which one of the following is not a component of McKingsy’s 7-S Framework
Answer: SaleAnswer
Q12: SWOT Analysis (TOWS Matrix) is a modem management tool tor
Answer: Developing of alternative strategies during planningAnswer
Q13: As per Standford Research Institute 12% of effective management strategy is knowledge and 88% is
Answer: Managing ResourcesAnswer
Q14: According to the findings of Management Development Institute survey we could improve productivity, without extra finance or new technology if we could improve leadership abilities of our executives by
Answer: 20 per centAnswer
Q15: Effective communication means
Answer: 50 percent listeningAnswer
Q16: HRA stands for (in corporate management)
Answer: Human Resource AuditAnswer
Q17: Conflict is
Answer: Could be destructive and constructiveAnswer
Q18: Job Evaluation is a technique which aims at
Answer: Establishing fair and equitable pay structure Answer
improving productivity
Q19: Induction or orientation is an integral part of
Answer: Recruitment and/or TrainingAnswer
Q20: Conflicts in work environment could be classified as under (Tick mark wrong one)
Answer: Latent conflictAnswer
Q21: Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 provides the following industrial relations machinery for resolution of conflicts: (Tick mark wrong one)
Answer: MediationAnswer
Q22: Qualitative dimensions of Human Resource Planning are (Tick mark incorrect one)
Answer: Equality of opportunityAnswer
Q23: In stress Management stress underload is called
Answer: Rust out stress syndromeAnswer
Q24: What can an organisation do to alleviate stress (Tick mark wrong one)
Answer: Use scientific inputAnswer
Q25: The power of a person derives from the closeness to a powerful person is known as
Answer: AuthorityAnswer
Q26: The saying “Give a man fish, He will eat it; Train a man to Fish, He will feed his family” is used in relation to which management activity
Answer: TrainingAnswer
Q27: Free exchange of help between the employee and the supervisor, taking help from his employee and as much as giving them the needed help the support may be termed as
Answer: MutualityAnswer
Q28: When a young person joins an organisation he needs some senior person in whom he can confide and get advice and support. Such relationship may be called
Answer: MentoringAnswer
Q29: Counseling is
Answer: Helping the employee to grow and developAnswer
Q30: The term OCT AP AC is used in relation to which of following
Answer: Organisational culture and climateAnswer
Q31: Line Managers are
Answer: Managers with authority to direct operations in their spheres of activity Answer
Production and Marketing Managers
Q32: The methods of recruitment may include
Answer: InternalAnswer
Indirect and Third Party
Q33: Which of the following is not a typical Rater error
Answer: Average behaviorAnswer
Q34: Spillover Effect in Rater Errors means
Answer: Allowing past performance to influence how present performance is evaluatedAnswer
Q35: Key result areas are usually termed as
Answer: KRAsAnswer
Q36: The logical and possible sequences of positions that could be held by an individual based on what and how people perform in an organisation is called
Answer: Career PathAnswer
Q37: In-Basket Technique is used in
Answer: TrainingAnswer
Q38: The Act which aims to ensure regular and prompt payment of wages and to prevent the exploitation of wage earners by prohibiting arbitrary fines and deductions is called
Answer: The Payment of Wages Act, 1936Answer
Q39: The secret of the success of Japanese companies lies in the fact that
Answer: they view employs as there most valuable assetAnswer
Q40: Human resource management does not look after
Answer: Dehumanizing in the OrganizationAnswer
Q41: Which of the following is not a true statement in respect of objectives of hrm
Answer: HRM helps in enhancing the rate of labour turnoverAnswer
Q42: New concepts like TQM, kaizen, QWL and Employment came into prominence during
Answer: 1990sAnswer
Q43: The concept of welfare stage in HRM started from
Answer: 1980-1990Answer
Q44: Which of the following in managerial function
Answer: Staffing and directingAnswer
Q45: HRM is now being considered as
Answer: Strategic management functionAnswer
Q46: Which is not true
Answer: It give lead times for recruitment Selection training and development of personalAnswer
Q47: Which of the following is not a stage of the process of the HR planning
Answer: Manpower auditAnswer
Q48: Once job analysis is conducted, the data reviewed is
Answer: Job descriptionAnswer
Q49: Which is not true regarding job analysis
Answer: It is a procedure through which fact are gathered for rich jobAnswer
Q50: Job description does not consist of
Answer: Job evaluationAnswer
Q51: Who of the following is not the source of job information in connections with job analysis
Answer: Pay commissionAnswer
Q52: Recruitment is not
Answer: A positive conceptAnswer
Q53: Which of the following is not a stage in the process of selection
Answer: Initial contractAnswer
Q54: Which is not a Pseudo way of selecting applicant
Answer: AstrologyAnswer
Q55: Career planning is
Answer: 1. The process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goalsAnswer
2. Exploring and taking decisions in congruence with one’s own self
Q56: Which of the following is not the step in the career planning and development process
Answer: Formulation policiesAnswer
Q57: Which of the following is not on-the- job method of training
Answer: Vestibule schoolAnswer
Q58: Which of the following is not off-the- job method of training
Answer: special projectAnswer
Q59: Which of the following is not the technique of developing executives
Answer: ApprenticeshipAnswer
Q60: Which of the following is not the principle of training
Answer: Re-enforcementAnswer
Q61: in the paired comparison technique of performance appraisal, which of the following formulae is applied
Answer: no. of comparison =N(N-1)/2Answer
Q62: Which of the following is not one of the modern methods of performance appraisal
Answer: Human resource accountingAnswer
Q63: Which of the following statements regarding MBO is not true
Answer: There is no special provision in MBO for appraising of progress by both the appraiser and the appraiseAnswer
Q64: Which of the following incentives plans is not for blue collar employees
Answer: straight piece rate with guaranteed minimum wagesAnswer
Q65: Which of the following incentive plans is not for while collar employees
Answer: salary planAnswer
Q66: Which of the following is not an incentive plan for individuals under blue collar employees
Answer: Priest man planAnswer
Q67: Performance based rewards do not include
Answer: CommissionAnswer
Q68: The objectives of compensation administration are not to
Answer: Plan for effective manpower trainingAnswer
Q69: Which of the following is not a closely related aspect of wage administration
Answer: IncentivesAnswer
Q70: Which of the following is not one the principles of compensation administration
Answer: Wages policies need not be clearly expressed in writingAnswer
Q71: Which of these is not an internal cause of indiscipline
Answer: Violence and disturbance in the countryAnswer
Q72: Which of the not the objectives of labour relations
Answer: To improve productivity of the organizationAnswer
Q73: Which of the following is not a measure to prevent industrial disputes
Answer: Collective bargainingAnswer
Q74: Which of the following is not a part of adjudication machinery
Answer: Board of conciliationAnswer
Q75: Which of the following is not the feature of collective bargaining
Answer: It is a static and rigid processAnswer
Q76: Which of the following is not a sub part of negotiating stage
Answer: Workers of participation in managementAnswer
Q77: Which of the following is not a type of negotiating procedure
Answer: Haggling bargainingAnswer
Q78: Which of the following is not the cause for limited success of collective bargaining in India
Answer: Difficult accessibility of adjudicationAnswer
Q79: HRM is an approach to the management of
Answer: PeopleAnswer
Q80: Management by objectives (MBO) was conceptualised by
Answer: Reniss LikertAnswer
Q81: Which historical group of thinkers underlined the importance of integration and involvement in HRM
Answer: The behaviour science movementAnswer
The corporate culture movement
The organizational development movement
Q82: The functions performed by the Hr Manager are
Answer: TrainingAnswer
Voluntary Integration
Q83: The quality of HRM practised in an organizational is indicated by
Answer: the type of employee treatmentAnswer
the type of organizational climate
the type of management style
Q84: The HRM practice which involves the appraisal of results against objectives is called
Answer: Performance ManagementAnswer
Q85: The Career Management Programmes are incorporated into
Answer: Human Resource PlanningAnswer
Q86: The human factor across all organizations comprises of
Answer: The peopleAnswer
The management style
The organizational climate
Q87: Who advocated job enrichment as a means of increasing organizational effectiveness
Answer: HerzbergAnswer
Q88: Human Resource Management (HRM) functions are broadly classified into managerial functions and operative functions. The basic managerial functions of HRM are
Answer: Induction , planning, organizing and recruitmentAnswer
Q89: A program in which employees continue their present jobs, but duties are added with the intention of making the job more rewarding is known as
Answer: Job enrichmentAnswer
Q90: A specialized category of private agencies, who cater mostly to top management level recruitment needs is known as
Answer: Head huntersAnswer
Q91: The process of choosing the most suitable candidate for a job among the available applicants is called
Answer: SelectionAnswer
Q92: The process of selection starts with a review of the applications. Which of the following steps follows the review of the application
Answer: Initial screening interview.Answer
Q93: Once the interviewer has decided on the format, he can start formulating specific questions. The question “Tell me about yourself” belongs to which of the following type of questions
Answer: Casual questionAnswer
Q94: In which of the following methods of ranking, every employee is compared with every other employee in the group and the employees are ranked based on the number of times they emerge the winner in each comparison
Answer: Point allocation methodAnswer
Q95: The method of performance appraisal where the rater has to respond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to a set of questions which assess the employees performance and behavior is known as the
Answer: Checklist methodAnswer
Q96: Which of the following is the amount of remuneration that is just sufficient to enable an average worker to fulfill all his obligations
Answer: Minimum wageAnswer
Q97: In which of the following job analysis methods, individuals performing the job are observed and relevant points are noted
Answer: Observation methodAnswer
Q98: A conflict resolution technique in which a neutral third party attempts to assist the conflicting parties in reaching an agreement is
Answer: arbitration.Answer
Q99: An incentive pay plan for factory assembly line workers would be most likely to use which of the following methods
Answer: Stock optionsAnswer
Q100: Organizations wishing to ensure a suitable supply of employees for current and future senior or key jobs should consider implementing
Answer: succession planning.Answer