How to write conclusion in your MBA project?

Writing a conclusion for your MBA project report is a critical step in summarizing your research findings and providing a final perspective on your study. A well-written conclusion should bring your research to a logical and satisfying closure. Confused about your project writing success? We are ready to help you in your project writing success. Simply contact us.

Step-by-step guide for effective conclusion writing for project

  1. Restate the Research Objectives: Begin your conclusion by restating the research objectives or questions. Remind the reader of the primary focus of your study.
  2. Summarize the Findings: Provide a concise summary of the key findings from your research. Highlight the most significant results and their implications. This serves as a reminder of what you have accomplished.
  3. Answer the Research Questions: Clearly state how your research has addressed the research questions or hypotheses you initially posed. Explain whether your findings supported or contradicted your initial expectations.
  4. Relate to the Literature: Discuss how your findings relate to the existing literature. Do they confirm or challenge existing theories or prior research? Explain the academic and practical implications of your findings in the context of the field.
  5. Discuss Limitations: Be honest about the limitations of your study. Acknowledge any constraints, weaknesses, or shortcomings in your research design or data. This demonstrates a realistic understanding of the study’s scope.
  6. Offer Recommendations: Based on your findings, provide practical recommendations or suggestions. What actions can be taken as a result of your research? These recommendations can be directed towards practitioners, policymakers, or future researchers.
  7. Highlight Contributions: Highlight the contributions of your research. What new insights, knowledge, or perspectives have you added to the field? Articulate the significance of your work.
  8. Discuss Future Research: Suggest areas for future research that could build upon or extend your study. This demonstrates that your work is part of an ongoing conversation in the field.
  9. Maintain a Positive Tone: Keep a positive and forward-looking tone in your conclusion. Even if your research did not yield the results you expected, focus on what has been learned and the potential for further exploration.
  10. Avoid Introducing New Information: The conclusion should not introduce new data or arguments that have not been previously discussed in the main body of your report. Stick to summarizing and discussing existing content.
  11. Be Succinct: While the conclusion is an important section, it should be concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary repetition and verbosity.
  12. Wrap It Up: End your conclusion with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. You can summarize the main takeaway or reemphasize the significance of your work.
  13. Proofread and Edit: After writing your conclusion, carefully proofread and edit it to eliminate any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. A polished conclusion enhances the overall quality of your report.
  14. Connect to the Introduction: Make a connection between your conclusion and the introduction of your report. Revisit the problem or question you introduced at the beginning and show how your research has addressed it.
  15. Consider the Audience: Tailor your conclusion to your target audience. Whether it’s academics, practitioners, or a broader audience, ensure that your conclusion is relevant and meaningful to them.


Your conclusion should leave a lasting impression on your readers, summarizing the key takeaways and the significance of your research. It should also serve as a strong closing statement that ties all the elements of your project report together.

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