Multiple choice question for engineering
Set 1
1. _________ is used to indicate the maximum load per unit area which the soil will resist safely without displacement.
a) Bearing power
b) Maximum safe bearing capacity
c) Strength of soil
d) Allowable bearing pressure
Answer: a [Reason:] The Load of the structure is ultimately coming on the soil and hence it is of utmost importance to know the strength and behaviour of the soil. Dividing the ultimate bearing power of soil by a factor of safety, the safe bearing capacity of soil is obtained.
2. The term _________ on soil is used to indicate the maximum pressure which can be exerted on soil while taking into account shear failure, settlement and the ability of structure to resist settlement.
a) Bearing capacity
b) Net pressure intensity
c) Allowable bearing pressure
d) Maximum safe bearing capacity
Answer: c [Reason:] The value of Allowable Bearing Pressure on soil depends on the nature of ground and the type of building. The maximum safe bearing capacity of soil is generally more than the allowable bearing pressure on soil.
3. The maximum differential settlement should not exceed _____ mm in case of foundation on sandy soil.
a) 100
b) 40
c) 50
d) 25
Answer: d [Reason:] The total amount of settlement should be generally limited between 40 mm and 100 mm. The term differential settlement indicates the relative settlement of the adjacent portion of the structure.
4. The maximum differential settlement should not exceed ____ mm in case of foundation on clayey soil.
a) 40
b) 25
c) 100
d) 50
Answer: a [Reason:] For ordinary frame structures of concrete, the permissible angular distortion is 1/500 i.e. one horizontal to 500 vertical and the desirable value is 1/1000 i.e. one horizontal to 1000 vertical. The term angular distortion is used to indicate the deformation of the structure in a vertical plane.
5. The maximum safe bearing capacity of hard rocks with defects and lamination such as granite, diorite and trap is _____ kN/m2.
a) 1650
b) 3300
c) 250
d) 100
Answer: b [Reason:] The term maximum safe bearing capacity of soil is used to indicate the maximum pressure that is soil can be here without any risk of shear failure only, irrespective of any settlement that may occur.
6. The maximum safe bearing capacity of very soft, wet, pasty or muddy clay is ____ kN/m2.
a) 150
b) 100
c) 50
d) 25
Answer: c [Reason:] As the given soil is very soft, wet, muddy clay, the soil possess very least minimum safe bearing capacity. This is because, this soil possess very less intermolecular attraction between the molecules hence it has low bearing capacity.
7. In case of non-cohesive soils such as sand and gravel, ___% reduction in allowable bearing capacity of the soil should be applied, if the water table is situated below or near the bearing surface of the soil.
a) 20%
b) 50%
c) 80%
d) 100%
Answer: b [Reason:] However, if water table is situated below the bearing surface of the soil at a depth equal to the width of the foundation trench, no such reduction should be applied. But in this case, 50% reduction is applied. For intermediate depths of the water table, the proportion and percentage reduction should be applied.
8. Identify the method given below for the determination of the bearing power of soil.
a) Plate load test method
b) Electrical resistivity method
c) Seismic refraction method
d) Geophysical method
Answer: a [Reason:] Plate load test method is one of the methods of determination of bearing power of soil. Plate load test method is the improved point method and it is widely used for determination of the bearing capacity. Other methods for determination are: method of loading, method of dropping a weight, analytical methods and Presumptive method.
9. In which method, a square steel plate is used to determine the bearing power of soil.
a) Plate load test
b) Method of loading
c) Analytical method
d) Penetration test
Answer: b [Reason:] In method of loading, a square steel plate is used whose size depends on practical conditions and it generally varies from 3000 mm2 to 7500 mm2. The plate should have sufficient thickness to with stand the maximum bending stresses due to probable loading.
10. The bearing capacity of soil is calculated in ______ units.
a) gm/cc
b) kg/m3
c) kN/m2
d) N/m
Answer: c [Reason:] The bearing capacity of soil is calculated as the maximum load divided by the total area of steel plate i.e. Bearing Capacity = max. Load ÷ area of steel plate and the unit is N/m2 or kN/m2.
Set 2
1. The process of Rolling, folding and spreading of particle is known as the __________ of concrete.
a) Curing
b) Mixing
c) Grouting
d) Watering
Answer: b [Reason:] The materials of concrete should be mixed thoroughly so that there is a uniform distribution of materials in the mass of concrete. The thorough mixing also ensures that water cement paste completely covered the surface of aggregate.
2. For _______ mixing, the materials are stacked on watertight platform, which may be either of wood, Brick or steel.
a) Machine
b) Roller
c) Hand
d) Mixer
Answer: c [Reason:] The mixing by hand is allowed in case of small works on unimportant work were small quantity of concrete is required. For important work, if hand mixing is to be adopted, it is advisable to use 10% more cement than specified.
3. For ________ mixing, all the material of concrete including water, are collected in a revolving drum and drummer is rotated for a certain period.
a) Drum
b) Hand
c) Roller
d) Machine
Answer: d [Reason:] It is found that the materials of concrete with the help of machine is more efficient and it produces concrete of better quality in a short time. The mixtures of various types and capacities are available in the market. They are may either be of tilting type or non tilting type.
4. For ordinary building works, the ___________ is formed and the concrete is conveyed in pans from hand to hand.
a) Conveyor belt
b) Bucket
c) Human ladder
d) Pump
Answer: c [Reason:] The type of equipment to be used for transport of concrete depends on the nature of work, height above the ground level and the distance between the points of preparation and placing of concrete. For important words, the various mechanical devices such as a dumpers, truck mixer, conveyor belts, etc. may be used.
5. The term ________ of concrete is used to mean the compaction between aggregate and aggregate; between aggregate and reinforcement and between aggregate and forms.
a) Consolidation
b) Hardening
c) Compaction
d) Curing
Answer: a [Reason:] The main aim of consolidation of concrete is to eliminate air Bubbles and thus to give maximum density to the concrete. The importance of consolidation of concrete can be seen from the fact that a presence of 5% of voids reduce 30% strength of concrete.
6. The ________ are the gaps between two individual particles.
a) Spaces
b) Voids
c) Pores
d) Bubbles
Answer: b [Reason:] The difference between voids and pores may be noted. The pores represent the opening within the individual particles. The process of consolidation of concrete can be carried out either by hand or by means of vibrators.
7. Form unimportant works, the consolidation of concrete is carried out by ______ method which include Ramming, tamping, spading and slicing with suitable tools.
a) Machine
b) Roller
c) Vibrator
d) Hand
Answer: d [Reason:] The Hand Method require use of a fairly wet concrete. It should however be remembered that wherever feasible, the hand competition should be preferred because the use of vibrator may lead to the segregation of the aggregates.
8. _________ vibrators consists of the Steel Tube which is inserted in a fresh concrete.
a) Surface vibrators
b) Internal vibrators
c) Vibrating table
d) Shutter vibrators
Answer: b [Reason:] The Internal vibrators or Immersion vibrators should be inserted and withdrawn slowly and they should be operated continuously while they are being withdrawn. In this, the Steel Tube is called poker and it is connected to an electric motor or a petrol engine through a flexible tube.
9. _________ vibrators are mounted on platforms or screeds.
a) Form vibrators
b) Surface vibrators
c) Shutter vibrators
d) Immersion vibrators
Answer: b [Reason:] Surface vibrators are used to finish concrete surface as a bridge floors, roads slabs, station platform, etc. These vibrators are found to be more effective for compacting very dry concrete mixes because the vibration acts in the same direction of gravity and the concrete is compacted in the confined zone.
10. __________ vibrators are attached to the form work and the external centring of walls, column, etc.
a) Shutter vibrators
b) Surface vibrators
c) Internal vibrators
d) Immersion vibrators
Answer: a [Reason:] In Form or Shutter vibrators, the Vibrating action is conveyed to concrete through the formwork. A considerable energy is absorbed by the formwork during transmission of vibration. Hence they are not generally used.
Set 3
1. For determining the bearing capacity of soil, in method of loading the size for a square steel plate used is about ________
a) 300 mm2 to 750 mm2
b) 3000 mm2 to 7500 mm2
c) 3 m2 to 75 m2
d) 3 mm2 to 75 mm2
Answer: b [Reason:] In method of loading comma the size of square steel plate generally variance from 3000 mm2 to 7500 mm2. The plates should have sufficient thickness to with stand the maximum bending stresses due to probable loading. But in no case, it should be less than 25 mm.
2. In method of loading, which material is used for loading.
a) Wooden pegs
b) Square steel plate
c) Sand bags
d) Rocks
Answer: c [Reason:] The number of banks full of sand or arrange on the rolled Steel section. The sand bag is on the platform till the settlement of the ground ceases or stops. The loading should be applied without shock or impact at the centre.
3. The bearing capacity of sandy soil and gravelly soils is affected to the extent of _____% by the presence of water table.
a) 50
b) 10
c) 25
d) 80
Answer: a [Reason:] If the water table is above the foundation level, the water should be pumped out before placing the steel plate. If water is made with at a depth of one metre below the level of the foundation level, the load test should be carried out at that level.
4. Due to the adjustment of soil particles under the action of loading, there is some settlement at zero loading, this is known as the ___________
a) Bearing capacity
b) Safe bearing capacity
c) Vibroflotation
d) Zero correction
Answer: d [Reason:] Zero correction is obtained from the load settlement curve. The zero correction should be deducted from the observed settlements to get the actual settlements.
5. The loading to the test plate is applied with the help of ______
a) Sand bags
b) Hydraulic jack
c) Wooden pegs
d) Hard rocks
Answer: b [Reason:] In plate load test, the hydraulic Jack is preferably provided with the remote control pumping unit. The reaction of the hydraulic jack is borne either by the gravity loading platform method or by the reaction truss method.
6. In analytical methods, which soil parameters used to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil.
a) Angle of internal friction
b) Permeability
c) Adhesion
d) Porosity
Answer: a [Reason:] Angle of internal friction and Cohesion are the soil parameters which are used in analytical method to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil. The samples, preferably of undisturbed soil, are collected from the bore holes or test pits and various test are then carried out in the soil testing laboratory for the purpose of analytical analysis of the soil.
7. In Penetration test, the formula obtained for the safe bearing capacity of soil per unit area is given by:
a) R÷{A×F}
b) R-{A×F}
c) R+{A×F}
d) R×{A×F}
Answer: a [Reason:] Safe bearing capacity of soil per unit area = R÷{A×F} where R is equals to ultimate resistance of soil, A = 2 cross sectional area of the substance, F equals two factor of safety. The results obtained by this method are approximate and hence this method is used for minor engineering structures.
8. Identify the method given below.
a) Plate load test
b) Method of loading
c) Analytical method
d) Penetration test
Answer: a [Reason:] Plate load test is the improved refined method and it is widely used for determining the bearing capacity of soil for important civil structures. Specifically, this method is plate load method with gravity loading par platform which consists of loading of sand bags.
9. Identify the method given below.
a) Penetration test
b) Method of loading
c) Plate load test
d) Analytical method
Answer: a [Reason:] Method of dropping a weight or Penetration test is used when a substance of non weight is dropped from a known height. The date of the impression made by the weight on the soil is noted. Then the bearing capacity of soil is worked out.
10. Which method for determining the bearing power of soil is most preferred among the given below:
a) Method of loading
b) Plate load test
c) Penetration test
d) Analytical method
Answer: b [Reason:] Plate load test is the improved refined method and it is widely used for determining the bearing capacity of soil for important civil engineering structures. This method can be carried out in two ways: gravity loading platform method and reaction Truss method.
Set 4
1. The term ________ includes such forms of construction which have to resist is due to loads coming up on them.
a) Carpenter
b) Joinery
c) Carpentry
d) Joints
Answer: c [Reason:] A carpenter construct permanent Timber work such as roof, floor, etc. as well as temporary Timber works such as scaffolding, Shoring, centering, etc.
2. The term ____________ is used to indicate the art of preparing internal fittings and finishing of timber.
a) Joints
b) Joinery
c) Carpenter
d) Carpentry
Answer: b [Reason:] A Joiner construct Timber work such as doors, Windows, stairs, floor boards, furniture, cupboards, etc. Thus the joinery is used for delicated construction requiring precise workmanship for enhancing the architectural beauty of timber.
3. ________________ is a semi-circular projection which is formed on the edges of surfaces of wood.
a) Chamfering
b) Bead
c) Batten
d) Groove
Answer: b [Reason:] Bead is used at the joints of Straight board to avoid the unsightly appearance of the joint in case of shrinkage of wood. The four forms of Bead, namely, single quirked beads, double quirked flush beads, cock bead and cock bead with fillet.
4. _____________ term is used to indicate the taking off the edge of corner or arris of a wooden piece.
a) Groove
b) Studding
c) Planning
d) Chamfering
Answer: d [Reason:] Chamfering forms an angle of 45° and a V joint will be formed when two chamfered pieces are placed together. If the angle of chamfer is other than 45°, it is known as the Bevel. If the chamfer does not continue for the full length of timber, it is called as Stopped Chamfer.
5. _______________ is a term which is used to indicate a recess formed in a piece of timber.
a) Groove
b) Veneering
c) Sawing
d) Nosing
Answer: a [Reason:] If the groove is made parallel to the grain of wood, it is called the Plough grooving and if the groove is made across the grain of wood, it is known as the cross grooving.
6. __________ are wooden blocks which are fixed previously to a wall to act as an additional support for wide architrave, ornamental moulds, etc.
a) Housing
b) Grounds
c) Scribing
d) Moulding
Answer: b [Reason:] The surfaces of grounds are flush with plaster and thus they act as a guide for the plastering work. The grounds are used in superior work.
7. ___________ is a term which is used to indicate the sinking of edge of one piece of timber into another.
a) Mitring
b) Scribing
c) Housing
d) Nosing
Answer: c [Reason:] Mitring is a term which is used to indicate a process of joining two pieces of timber at an angle. If one end of moulding is good to suit the profile of another moulding, it is known as scribing.
8. ___________ is a term which is used to indicate the process of formation of moulded sections.
a) Nosing
b) Moulding
c) Planning
d) Sawing
Answer: b [Reason:] Moulding can be done either by hand or by machine. Whereas, the art of cutting of wood by means of saw is known as the Sawing.
9. The edge of portion overhanging a vertical surface is known as the ____________
a) Rebating
b) Studding
c) Veneering
d) Nosing
Answer: d [Reason:] Nosing term has a slightly different meaning when used in relation to the step of a Stair. A rounded Nosing has the overhanging edge semi-circular in section.
10. The process of taking of the shaving from wood with the help of plane is known as the _______________
a) Planing
b) Rebating
c) Sawing
d) Veneering
Answer: a [Reason:] Planing makes the timber surface smooth and the plane or smooth and surface is known as the dressed surface. Whereas, Studding term is applied to the fixing of small Timber battens to the timber was to which laths and broads are to be nailed.
11. _______________ is a term which is used to indicate the covering of entire or part of exposed surface of timber by means of Veneers.
a) Rebating
b) Studding
c) Wainscot
d) Veneering
Answer: d [Reason:] In Veneering, the inner position is designed to satisfy structural requirements and the Veneers are fixed for the decorative purposes. The Veneers may be laid in large sheets or into small pieces of suitable shapes.
12. _______________ indicates the lining of panelling of wood on the lower part of masonry walls say for height of about 600 mm from the floor level.
a) Rebating
b) Wainscot
c) Studding
d) Planing
Answer: b [Reason:] Whereas, Rebating is a term which is used to indicate the process of preparing a rectangular portion on the edge of a timber piece so as to receive another timber piece which is also similarly cut.
Set 5
1. The term ________ is define as an act or process of gradual wearing away of a metal due to chemical or electro chemical reaction by its surrounding such that the metal is converted into an oxide, salt or some other compound.
a) Precipitation
b) Dissolution
c) Erosion
d) Corrosion
Answer: d [Reason:] A substance known as rust results from corrosion. In other words, the Corrosion indicates the deterioration and loss of material due to chemical attack.
2. The ____________ is the simplest corrosion produced by means of chemical attack.
a) Electrolytic theory
b) Chemical action theory
c) Galvanic action theory
d) High temperature oxidation
Answer: b [Reason:] Chemical action theory or Direct corrosion includes oxidation in which the oxygen of atmosphere combines with all or part of surface of material. In this the combined action of oxygen, carbon dioxide and moisture on steel results in corrosion or rust.
3. ________ is the commonly accepted theory of corrosion.
a) Direct corrosion
b) High temperature oxidation
c) Electrochemical corrosion
d) Galvanic action theory
Answer: c [Reason:] According to Electrolytic theory or Electrochemical corrosion, the corrosion takes place due to chemical action in combination with electrolysis. It takes place at or near the room temperature when the metal comes into contact with moisture in contact with aqueous solution of salt, acid or bases.
4. ___________ corrosion takes place at or near the room temperature when the metal comes into contact with moisture or with aqueous solutions of salt, acids or bases.
a) Direct corrosion
b) Dry corrosion
c) Galvanic corrosion
d) Electrochemical corrosion
Answer: d [Reason:] Electrolytic theory or Electrochemical corrosion is the commonly accepted theory of corrosion. For electrochemical corrosion to occur, conditions that should be satisfied are- there should be an electrolyte; the current should be passed through the circuit and the circuit must be closed.
5. The _______ corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals are in electrical contact with each other and exposed to an electrolyte.
a) Galvanic corrosion
b) High temperature oxidation
c) Dry corrosion
d) Electrochemical corrosion
Answer: a [Reason:] Whereas, the rusting of ferrous alloys at high temperatures from scales and oxides. It indicates high temperature dry corrosion.
6. One of the important effects of the collision is the formation of _______
a) Slug
b) Cracks
c) Gases
d) Shine
Answer: b [Reason:] It should however be remembered that action of corrosion become more intensive when it is combined with adverse effects of external and internal stresses. Cracks usually progress or advanced more rapidly where the shearing stresses are the greatest.
7. The ________ is most liable to corrosion.
a) Steel
b) Aluminium
c) Copper
d) Nickel
Answer: a [Reason:] The steel is most liable to corrosion and hence the study of Steel corrosion is of Paramount importance. To minimise the chances of development of corrosion of Steel in concrete, there should be avoiding of heavy congested reinforcement especially at the intersection of beams and columns.
8. The ________ water tends to develop dampness and inflorescence of the concrete structures.
a) Lake
b) Mineral
c) Sea
d) River
Answer: c [Reason:] Hence, the sea water can be adopted for concrete structures where finishing characteristics are not important or where persistent dampness of surfaces permissible.
9. It is found that the _______ water does not lead to corrosion of reinforcement, provided the concrete is dense and there is enough cover to the reinforcement.
a) Sewage
b) Fresh
c) River
d) Sea
Answer: d [Reason:] The minimum cement content for concrete permanently under sea water should be 3 kN per m^3 and the minimum cover over the reinforcement should be 75 mm.
10. What is minimum cement content for concrete permanently under sea water to avoid the corrosion of reinforcement?
a) 5 kN/m3
b) 5 N/m3
c) 3 kN/m3
d) 3 N/m3
Answer: c [Reason:] However it is not advisable to take the risk of corrosion of reinforcement for prestressed concrete and hence the seawater should not be used for making the prestressed concrete.