Engineering Online MCQ Number 0384 – online study, assignment and exam

Multiple choice question for engineering

Set 1

1. The minimum design speed on major district road of hill is.
a) 30 Kmph
b) 40 Kmph
c) 50 Kmph
d) 20 Kmph


Answer: a [Reason:] The minimum design speed is 30 Kmph, maximum is 40 and for steep terrain it is 20 and maximum on highway is 50 Kmph.

2. The width of a pavement of 2 lane national highway is.
a) 7.0 m
b) 3.75 m
c) 8.80 m
d) 3.00 m


Answer: a [Reason:] The width of a pavement of a two lane national highway is 7.0 m, for single lane it is 3.75 m and including parapet it is 8.8 m.

3. The minimum setback is.
a) 0.4 m
b) 0.2 m
c) 3.0 m
d) 5.0 m


Answer: c [Reason:] Desirable setback is 5.0m, whereas minimum is 3.0m, near rocks it may be reduced by 0.4m and 0.2 m in other cases.

4. The camber for high bitumen road is.
a) 1.7
b) 2.0
c) 2.5
d) 3.0


Answer: a [Reason:] The camber for high type bitumen is 1.7 to 2.5 and for thin it is 2.0 to 2.5, for gravel it is 2.5 to 3.0%.

5. The SSD value for speed of 20 Kmph is.
a) 20 m
b) 40 m
c) 25 m
d) 50 m


Answer: a [Reason:] The SSD value of the vehicle is same as the speed of the vehicle upto 40 Kmph and thereafter it increases slightly.

6. The ISD value of the hill road with a speed of 50 Kmph is.
a) 50m
b) 100m
c) 60m
d) 120m


Answer: d [Reason:] The ISD value is twice the value of the SSD, but after 40kmph it increases slightly, so it is considered as 120m.

7. The minimum super elevation is.
a) 7%
b) 10%
c) Camber
d) Longitudinal slope


Answer: c [Reason:] The maximum super elevation is 7%, on hills it is 10%, and for drainage it is considered as camber or cross slope.

8. On which road the maximum radius is provided?
a) National highway
b) MDR
c) ODR
d) VR


Answer: a [Reason:] National highway and state highway have the same value of 80m, whereas 50,30 and 20 are provided on the MDR, ODR and VR respectively.

9. The maximum gradient compensation for a radius of 150 m is.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4


Answer: b [Reason:] Maximum gradient compensation=75/R

10. The length of valley curve depends on.
a) Speed limit
b) deviation angle
c) Centrifugal acceleration
d) Speed limit and deviation angle


Answer: d [Reason:] The length of the valley curve is dependent both on speed limit and deviation angle, for a speed limit of 50 Kmph and deviation angle of 1.0 the length of the curve is 100m, for the speed of 30 Kmph and deviation of 0.08, length is 30m.

Set 2

1. The changes in gradient and vertical curve are covered under which type of alignment?
a) Horizontal alignment
b) Vertical alignment
c) Geometric design
d) Highway specifications


Answer: b [Reason:] The changes in gradient and vertical curve are covered under the vertical alignment, whereas the remaining three are covered under horizontal alignment.

2. The improper alignment of road will not result in
a) Increase of construction cost
b) Increase of maintenance cost
c) Increase of population
d) Increase of accidents


Answer: c [Reason:] The increase of population does not depend on the alignment of the road, whereas improper construction and maintenance lead to accidents.

3. The basic requirement of alignment should be
a) Short
b) Easy
c) Safe
d) Short, easy, safe and economical


Answer: d [Reason:] The alignment of the road should be short, safe, easy and economical for users and engineers.

4. The economical option during the construction of a road around a hill is
a) Cut the hill
b) Provide a tunnel
c) Provide a road around the hill
d) Look for other alternative approach


Answer: c [Reason:] The most economical option is to provide a road around the hill. In this alternative approach is not advisable as it has to pass either through the hill or nearby the hill.

5. Obligatory points through which the alignment should not pass are
a) Religious structure and costly structures
b) Intermediate towns
c) Important cities
d) Important places of worship


Answer: a [Reason:] The obligatory points through which alignment should not pas include religious structures and costly structures because destroying them would require a lot of compensation.

6. The desire lines are prepared for the study of
a) Traffic flow
b) Origin and destination
c) Growth of traffic in future
d) Anticipated traffic flow


Answer: a [Reason:] The desire lines are lines which study the traffic flow from origin and destination.

7. Which of the following types of roads are most preferred for highways?
a) Cement concrete roads
b) Gravel roads
c) Bituminous roads
d) Unpaved surfaces


Answer: c [Reason:] The most preferred type of road is bituminous roads. They are cheap for initial construction when compared to other type of surfaced roads.

8. The stability of slopes is considered while designing
a) National highway
b) State highway
c) Hill roads
d) District roads


Answer: c [Reason:] The slope stability is important during design of hill roads ,because it may have a danger of landslides.

9. The coefficient of lateral friction as recommended by IRC is
a) 0.15
b) 0.40
c) 0.35
d) 0.30


Answer: a [Reason:] The coefficient of lateral friction recommended by IRC is 0.15 and it lies between 0.3-0.4 for longitudinal friction.

10. The resisting length should be kept
a) minimum
b) Maximum
c) Depends on gradient
d) Depends on rise and fall


Answer: a [Reason:] The resisting length should be kept as low as possible for gradient purposes, if it is maximum then there will be a problem with the gradient.

Set 3

1. The improvement in highway leads to the following.
a) Increase in vehicle operation cost
b) Decreased comfort to passenger
c) Reduction in accident rate
d) Difficulty in driving


Answer: c [Reason:] The improvement in highway leads to reduction in the vehicle operation cost, saving time, reduction in accident rate and increased comfort of passengers.

2. Several highway are implemented by.
a) Government
b) Private
c) Public private partnership
d) Depends on the requirement


Answer: c [Reason:] Most of the highway are constructed by private companies and maintained by government, some may be government, some may be private but most are public private partnership.

3. The improvement benefits of roads don’t include which type?
a) Improvement in city
b) Improvement in a district
c) Improvement in a state
d) Improvement in between two countries


Answer: d [Reason:] The improvement may never take place between two countries as it is a concern regarding security, the Improvement takes place in city, district state and country.

4. The benefits due to the road improvement are classified into how many types?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four


Answer: b [Reason:] The benefits are classified into two types namely tangible and intangible benefits, tangible are which can be measured and intangible are related to social aspects.

5. The social facilities like medical services, educational and recreation facilities are classified as.
a) Tangible benefits
b) Intangible benefits
c) Both
d) None


Answer: b [Reason:] All these are related to social aspects as they are not tangible.

6. The cost of the vehicle operation and time for unit distance may be represented by.
a) T=a+b+c
b) T=a+ (b+c)/speed
c) T=a+b
d) T=a


Answer: b [Reason:] ‘a’ is the running cost per unit distance, ‘b’ is a fixed hourly cost and ‘c’ is the portion of cost depending on speed.

7. The rate of fuel consumption for every motor cycle will be at.
a) Low speed
b) High speed
c) Optimum speed
d) Zero speed


Answer: c [Reason:] The optimum speed is a speed limit in which neither the bike is going fast nor slow, it usually is between 30-45 Kmph for bikes.

8. The unevenness index in terms of international roughness index is given by.
b) UI=IRI/2
c) UI=IRI/3
d) UI=(IRI)1.12


Answer: d [Reason:] The UI is the unevenness index and IRI is the international roughness index, UI is in mm/km and IRI is in m/km.

9. As the unevenness index increases there is no substantial increase in.
a) Fuel consumption
b) Wear and rear of tyres
c) Vehicle maintenance cost
d) Increase of speed


Answer: d [Reason:] As there is an increase in the unevenness index, there is no substantial increase in speed, instead it decreases.

10. The maximum life span assumed for the highway is.
a) 70 years
b) 80 years
c) 90 years
d) 100 years


Answer: d [Reason:] The life span for the right of way is assumed between 75 to 100 years, and the maximum life span assumed is 100, it may also be 70,80 and 90 depending on the pavement design.

Set 4

1. The braking efficiency mainly depends on
a) Sight distance
b) PIEV theory
c) Friction
d) Length of the curve


Answer: c [Reason:] The braking efficiency mainly depends on friction and speed of the vehicle, if the speed of vehicle is more, then braking efficiency will be less.

2. The braking efficiency for a vehicle moving with a speed of 18kmph, having a lag distance of 14m and coefficient of longitudinal friction is 0.36
a) 25.28%
b) 25.4%
c) 25.6%
d) 25.8%


Answer: a [Reason:] Braking efficiency=100*f’/f

3. If the longitude coefficient of friction is 0.4, then the resultant retardation in m/sec2 as per IRC will be
a) 3.93
b) 4.00
c) 4.01
d) 4.02


Answer: a [Reason:] The deceleration of the vehicle mainly depends on the speed of vehicle and coefficient of friction; however IRC has calculated the average value as 3.93 m/sec2 from equations of motion.

4. The unevenness index for a good pavement surface of high speed should be
a) 1500mm/km
b) 2500mm/km
c) 3500mm/km
d) 4500mm/km


Answer: a [Reason:] The unevenness index for a good pavement surface should be kept as low as possible, because they may cause discomfort to passengers and increase the rate of accidents.

5. If the camber is x%, then cross slope is
a) 100X
b) 200/X
c) X/100
d) 100+X


Answer: c [Reason:] The cross slope is generally expressed in n in 100 terms, so the cross slope is X/100.

6. The camber required depends on
a) Type of pavement
b) Rainfall
c) Type of pavement and rainfall
d) Rainfall characteristics


Answer: c [Reason:] The camber to be provided changes depending on the type of rainfall and the type of pavement surface.

7. The minimum camber required in heavy rainfall area for bituminous roads as per IRC is
a) 1%
b) 2.5%
c) 2.7%
d) 3%


Answer: b [Reason:] The minimum camber to be provided in heavy rainfall areas is 2.5%. If there is heavy flood then provision of this camber will be sufficient to drain of flood water.

8. The camber is not provided in which of the following shape
a) Straight
b) Parabolic
c) Combination of straight and parabolic
d) Circular


Answer: d [Reason:] The camber is a raised portion, it has to be either straight or parabolic no other shape of camber is possible.

9. The rise of crown for a pavement of 7m wide having 1 in 50 slopes with respect to edges is
a) 0.14
b) 0.07
c) 0.09
d) 0.11


Answer: b [Reason:] Width of pavement=7m
Rise of crown=7/2*1/50=7/100=0.07.

10. The equation of parabolic camber is given by
a) Y=x/a
b) Y=x2/a
c) Y=x3/a
d) Y=ax2


Answer: b [Reason:] The general equation is expressed as y=x2/a ,where a=nw/2 for a pavement width of w and cross slope of 1 in n.

Set 5

1. The average annual highway cost for a road system may be summed up by.
a) Ca=H+T+M+Cr
b) Ca=H+T+M-Cr
c) Ca=H+T
d) Ca=H


Answer: a [Reason:] The average cost of the annual road system is the sum of all costs like average cost of highway administration, operation and maintenance and also the recovery fund.

2. The CRF denotes.
a) Central Road Fund
b) Capital Recovery Fund
c) Capital Recovery Factor
d) Central Research Fund


Answer: c [Reason:] The first cost of a capital improvement is converted into equivalent annual cost which is called capital recovery factor.

3. The Vs in average annual capital cost represents.
a) Savage value
b) Salvage value
c) Waste value
d) Usable value


Answer: b [Reason:] Salvage is the income available after the structure has almost completed the life span.

4. If the principal is P and rate of interest is i and it has to be paid in n years then, the sum S is given by.
a) P(1+i)
b) P(1-i)
c) P/I
d) P(1+i)n


Answer: d [Reason:] The compound interest is calculated for every year and it’s leived on the preceding interest.

5. The first step in economic analysis is.
a) Determine the AADT
b) Estimate growth rate
c) Assessment of traffic route
d) Estimate additional traffic


Answer: a [Reason:] The average annual daily traffic is required for the completion of the remaining steps.

6. The method not used in economic analysis is.
a) Annual cost
b) Rate of return
c) Benefit cost ratio
d) Floating car


Answer: d [Reason:] The floating car method is a method which is used for the estimation of the traffic, whereas the remaining are methods of analysis of the cost.

7. The savings in annual road user costs, annual savings in accident costs and capital cost of Improvement are parameters used in .
a) Annual cost method
b) Rate of return method
c) Benefit cost ratio
d) None


Answer: b [Reason:] The transport laboratory of London has developed this method in which a rate of return is obtained by these parameters, the remaining methods don’t require these parameters.

8. The ratio of annual benefit from improvement to annual cost of the improvement is called.
a) Benefit
b) Cost
c) Benefit cost ratio
d) Maintenance cost


Answer: c [Reason:] The ratio of annual benefit from improvement to annual cost of the improvement is called benefit cost ratio, benefit is the profit, cost is the investment and maintenance cost is after the investment.

9. The national highway act was ammended in.
a) April 1956
b) June 1995
c) July 1956
d) August 1995


Answer: b [Reason:] The national highway act 1956, was amended in June 1995, it was actually planned in April 1956.

10. As on April 2009, how many projects have been completed on BOT basis?
a) 5
b) 42
c) 25
d) 9


Answer: d [Reason:] As on April 2009, twenty five projects have been sanctioned and nine projects were completed by April 2009 and in other proposals 42 projects were remaining in which 5 are completed.