Q161: Which type of organization exempted under Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970?
- A. Work only if an intermittent nature
- B. Work only if an casual nature
- C. None of these
- D. Both of these
Answer D. Both of these
Q162: What is minimum number for which canteen need to be present by The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970?
- A. 50
- B. 25
- C. 100
- D. 150
Answer C. 100
Q163: A trade union’s certificate of registration is liable to be cancelled if it
- A. commits an unfair labour practice
- B. violates the provisions of the code of discipline
- C. fails to submit annual returns
- D. certificate is obtained by fraud means
Answer D. certificate is obtained by fraud means
Q164: According to the trade unions act, 1926 the minimum number of persons who can get a trade union registered is
- A. 10
- B. 15
- C. 20
- D. 7 <= 10% <= 100
Answer D. 7 <= 10% <= 100
Q165: Under the trade unions act, 1926 what is the minimum age required for a person to become an office bearer of a registered trade union?
- A. 15 years
- B. 21 years
- C. 17 years
- D. 18 years
Answer D. 18 years
Q166: In which year the trade unions act in India was enacted?
- A. 1923
- B. 1924
- C. 1926
- D. 1936
Answer C. 1926
Q167: The general funds of a trade union may not be spent on
- A. payment of salaries and allowances of office-bearers
- B. the conduct of trade disputes on behalf of the trade union
- C. compensation to members for loss arising out of trade disputes
- D. the maintenance of any person who is a member of any legislative body
Answer D. the maintenance of any person who is a member of any legislative body
Q168: Under the trade unions act, 1926 the prescribed membership fee is
- A. 0.25 paise or more
- B. 0.50 paise or more
- C. Rs. 1 or more
- D. Rs. 5 or more
Answer A. 0.25 paise or more
Q169: Every appropriate government shall appoint an officer who will look after the registration of trade unions under the trade union act, 1926 and who will be known as
- A. commissioner of labour
- B. Workmen’s compensation commissioner
- C. Registrar of trade union
- D. special officer
Answer C. Registrar of trade union
Q170: An application for registration by a trade union shall become invalid if
- A. 25% of the total number of persons who made the application have ceased to be members of the trade union
- B. exceeding 50% of the total number of persons who made the application have ceased to be members of the trade union
- C. 75% and above of the total number of persons who made the application have ceased to be members of the trade union
- D. none of the above
Answer B. exceeding 50% of the total number of persons who made the application have ceased to be members of the trade union
Q171: Outsiders can be associated with a registered union as its office bearers but their proportion should not be more than
- A. 25%
- B. 33 %
- C. 75%
- D. none of the above
Answer B. 33 %
Q172: A person shall be disqualified to become a member of the executive or any other office bearer of a registered trade union if
- A. he is not educated
- B. he is not an independent person
- C. he is not associated with the trade union for the last ten years
- D. he has been convicted by a court in India of any offence involving moral turpitude
Answer D. he has been convicted by a court in India of any offence involving moral turpitude
Q173: A registered trade union may change its name with the consent of
- A. one third of the total number of its member
- B. two third of the total number of its member
- C. one-half of the total number of its member
- D. none of the above
Answer B. two third of the total number of its member
Q174: Any two or more registered trade unions may become amalgamated as one union if
- A. one fourth of the votes of members of each trade union are recorded and atleast 25% of the votes recorded are in the favour of the proposal
- B. one half of the votes of members of each trade union are recorded and atleast 50% of the votes recorded are in the favour of the proposal
- C. one half of the votes of members of each trade union are recorded and atleast 60% of the votes recorded are in the favour of the proposal
- D. none of the above
Answer C. one half of the votes of members of each trade union are recorded and atleast 60% of the votes recorded are in the favour of the proposal
Q175: Every registered trade union shall send to the registrar every year
- A. a quaterly return
- B. half yearly return
- C. annual return
- D. none of the above
Answer C. annual return
Q176: A certificate of registration of a trade union may be withdrawn or canelled by the registrar
- A. if the certificate has been obtained by fraud means
- B. the trade union has ceased to exist
- C. the union has willfully contravened any provision of the act
- D. all the above
Answer D. all the above
Q177: In order to cancel the certificate of registration the registrar must give a written notice specifying the ground on which the certificate is being cancelled and it will be
- A. two months previous notice in writing
- B. three months previous notice in writing
- C. six months previous notice in writing
- D. no notice is required
Answer A. two months previous notice in writing
Q178: Trade unions’ sole purpose is
- A. To help management to raise employee productivity
- B. To resole employer-employee conflict
- C. To make protest
- D. To protect and promote workers’ interest
Answer D. To protect and promote workers’ interest
Q179: Who said that ” A trade union is a continues association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining of improving the conditions their working lives”?
- A. Dankert
- B. Sidney & Beatrice Webbs
- C. R.A. Hoxie
- D. S.D. Punekar
Answer B. Sidney & Beatrice Webbs
Q180: Which of the following is not type of Trade Union?
- A. Craft union
- B. Industrial Union
- C. Federation
- D. World Federation of Trade Unions
Answer D. World Federation of Trade Unions
Q181: Which of the following was organised primarily to send labour representative to I.L.O.?
- A. Madras Labour Union
- B. Bombay Mill Hands’ Association
- C. Textile Labour Association
- D. All India Trade Union Congress
Answer D. All India Trade Union Congress
Q182: Trade Union movement in India emerged between
- A. 1920-1930
- B. 1850-1870
- C. 1870-1880
- D. 1930-1947
Answer C. 1870-1880
Q183: According to Section 9 A of the Trade Union Act, 1926 minimum requirement about membership of a trade union is
- A. Seven
- B. Ten percent or one hundred of the workmen
- C. Ten percent or one hundred of the workmen, whichever is less
- D. Ten percent or one hundred of the workmen, whichever is less, subject to minimum seen
Answer D. Ten percent or one hundred of the workmen, whichever is less, subject to minimum seen
Q184: A union may claim recognition for an industry in a local area, if it has membership of
- A. 10% of the workers in that industry
- B. 15% of the workers in that area
- C. 25% of the workers of that industry in that area
- D. 30% of the workers in similar industry
Answer C. 25% of the workers of that industry in that area
Q185: A person is qualified to be chosen as a member of the executive or any other office bearer of the registered trade union if he attained the age of
- A. Fifteen years
- B. Eighteen years
- C. Twenty one years
- D. Twenty five years
Answer A. Fifteen years
Q186: Not more than 50% of members of the office bears of Trade union can be outsiders, as per provisions of legislations
- A. Industrial Dispute Act
- B. Trade Union Act
- C. Mines Act
- D. ESI Act
Answer B. Trade Union Act
Q187: Trade union means any combination formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between
- A. Workmen and employers permanently
- B. Workmen and workmen permanently
- C. Workmen and employers, workmen and workmen, employers and employers temporary or permanent
- D. Workmen and employers, workmen and workmen, employers and employers permanently
Answer D. Workmen and employers, workmen and workmen, employers and employers permanently
Q188: The basic principle underlying the enactment of the Trade Unions Act is
- A. To protect interests of workers against disregard of human elements in industries
- B. To regulate the relationship of workers and their organization by regulating the balance of power
- C. To provide strength to workers to settle the industrial disputes
- D. To provide security to workers against the occupational hazards
Answer B. To regulate the relationship of workers and their organization by regulating the balance of power
Q189: Which of the following is not a characteristic of Trade Union?
- A. Is an association of employers or the employees or of the independent workers?
- B. Is relatively a permanent combination but not temporary or casual
- C. Is an association of workers who are engaged in not securing economic benefits for their members?
- D. Is influenced by a member of ideologies
Answer C. Is an association of workers who are engaged in not securing economic benefits for their members?
Q190: Which of the following cannot be said to be a trade union in true sense?
- A. Craft Union
- B. Industrial Union
- C. Company Union
- D. Federation
Answer C. Company Union
Q191: Which of the following statements is correct?
- A. There is a statutory provision for recognition of Trade Unions in India at the Central level
- B. There is no statutory provision for recognition of Trade Unions in India at the Central level
- C. Code of discipline provides both for Registration and Recognition
- D. There is provision for recognition under the Inter-Union Code of Conduct
Answer B. There is no statutory provision for recognition of Trade Unions in India at the Central level
Q192: Which one is not a right of a recognized union?
- A. A right of ‘Check-off’
- B. To use notice board on the premises of the undertaking
- C. To appear on behalf of the union on domestic inquiry
- D. inspecting the undertaking
Answer A. A right of ‘Check-off’
Q193: The following persons are considered as insider of a registered trade union
- A. Honorary member from the other organization
- B. Honorary member from other profession
- C. Politician who guides the registered trade union
- D. Retired and retrenched members of the trade union
Answer D. Retired and retrenched members of the trade union
Q194: Trade Union should be registered as per the law must have
- A. A.20% of the workers
- B. B.150 workmen
- C. Minimum 17 persons
- D. None of the above
Answer D. None of the above
Q195: Identify the correct definition of industrial relations
- A. A Relations between or among human beings
- B. B Relations between employer and employees as individuals
- C. C Relations between parties in an employment context
- D. D Collective relationship between management and trade unions
Answer D. D Collective relationship between management and trade unions
Q196: What duAration of existence is needed as per trade union act 1926, before making application of registration
- A. 1 year
- B. 2 year
- C. 3 year
- D. 5 year
Answer A. 1 year
Q197: Workers’ participation in Management & Collective bargaining. Which of the following statements about workers’ participation in Management in India is not true?
- A. It is a part of the 20 point Economic programme
- B. It is provided in the Directive Principles of State Policy
- C. It is made a Constitutional provision under the 42ndAmendment Act
- D. It is a justice able right of the workers
Answer D. It is a justice able right of the workers