Digital Electronics Objective Set 5

Q1: Using digital communications technologies to maximise sales to existing customers and encourage continued usage on online services is known as 


Answer: Electronic customer relationship management

Q2: Using the Internet for relationship marketing involves integrating the customer database with websites to make the relationship targeted and personalised. Through doing this there are many benefits to be gained but which of the below is not an advantage 


Answer: Minimises breadth, depth and nature of relationship

Q3: Accepting that a customer has agreed to opt-in to receive further information, with customer profiling the minimum amount of online information that needs to be collected is an e-mail address. What is really required though to decide if the customer is a good potential target for further communications 


Answer: A qualified lead

Q4: RACE is a practical framework to help marketers manage and improve the commercial value gained from digital marketing. The term stands for Reach, Act, C, Engage. What does ‘C’ refer to 


Answer: Convert

Q5: Companies that understand how customers use digital media in their purchase decision buying can develop integrated communications strategies to support their customers at each stage in the buying process. Customers have individual preferences in the ways they use the web depending upon why they need to use it and this web use is known as 


Answer: Searching behaviours

Q6: E-commerce managers aim to deliver the most effective mix of communications to drive traffic to their e-commerce sites. The different techniques can be characterised as 


Answer: All of these—Offline marketing communications
Digital media channels
Online marketing communications

Q7: A marketing campaign will not be successful if the costs of acquiring site visitors and customers are too high. The term used to describe the cost of acquiring a new customer is known as 


Answer: Cost per acquisition

Q8: The use of online and offline promotion techniques to increase the audience of a site is known as a 


Answer: Traffic building campaign

Q9: Online public relations (or e-PR) should aim to maximise favourable mentions of companies, products, brands, etc which are likely to be visited by target audiences. Which of the following activities fall within the remit of e-PR 


Answer: All of these—Blogs and podcasts
Social networks and online communities
Link building including reciprocal links
Communicating with media (journalists) online

Q10: Social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) usage has become so widespread that to discount a social media strategy would be a mistake best avoided. Social customer relationship management (Social CRM) is a relatively new term which helps to define the broad scope of social media across the customer life cycle and value chain. The Altimeter report (2010) provides a framework for reviewing strategy implementation and is known as 


Answer: The 5Ms

Q11: Online marketing communications include the development on online partnerships and are regarded as an important part of a marketing mix. There are three key types of online partnerships; link building, affiliate marketing, and one other 


Answer: Online sponsorship

Q12: E-mail marketing has to make strategic plans regarding outbound and inbound e-mails. E-mail is most widely used as a prospect conversion and customer retention tool. A database of customer names, email addresses and profile information used for e-mail marketing is usually known as 


Answer: House list

Q13: A strength of social media and viral marketing is 


Answer: It is possible to reach a large number at relatively low cost

Q14: Building and sustaining long term business with customers is the aim of  


Answer: Customer relationship management

Q15: There are four classic marketing activities involving customer selection, acquisition, retention, and one other 


Answer: Customer extension

Q16: By integrating customer databases with websites, marketing can be improved and the benefits of electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM) then include 


Answer: All the above are correct

Q17: Permission marketing is an established approach and the concept of opt-in typically involves 


Answer: All of these—The customer proactively selecting opt-in
Using an incentive
Profiling a customer’s interests and value to an organization
The customer agreeing to receive marketing communications

Q18: An example of the concept of opt-out is 


Answer: A customer unsubscribing to an e-mail newsletter

Q19: To engage a customer in an online relationship, the minimum information that needs to be collected in an online form is 


Answer: E-mail address

Q20: A key CRM technique is to encourage existing customers to recommend friends or colleagues to purchase. This is 


Answer: Referral

Q21: A key CRM technique is a sub-set of cross-selling, but in this case selling more expensive products. This is 


Answer: Up-sell

Q22: Using the RACE (Reach, Act, Convert, Engage) marketing value framework, what does Reach aim to do 


Answer: Build awareness on other sites and in offline media and drive to web presences

Q23: What would be a key performance indicator for the Reach step 


Answer: Revenue or goal value per visit

Q24: Which of the following refers to the propensity of customers to select products online, but buy offline 


Answer: Mixed-mode buying

Q25: Customers who are signed up for an online service but who have never used it are described as 


Answer: Inactive

Q26: E-commerce managers aim to integrate an effective mix of electronic communications to drive traffic to their e-commerce sites. Which answer best represents an offline marketing strategy to generate website traffic 


Answer: TV advertising

Q27: When assessing marketing communications effectiveness, the cost of getting the visitor to the website plus the cost of achieving the outcomes during their visit is known as 


Answer: Cost per acquisition

Q28: The online communications technique of search engine optimisation involves 


Answer: Gaining a good ranking in the organic or natural listings of search engines

Q29: The online communications technique of link building involves 


Answer: Gaining a position in web directories like Yahoo!

Q30: A factor which will improve results from search engine optimization is 


Answer: Including the copy of a search term within a site’s web page

Q31: The term ‘change management’ refers to managing changes to organisational processes and structure plus their impact on staff and culture. The introduction of e-business represents many challenges and requires careful planning. To help achieve different aspects of change, a series of success factors seem to be required 


Answer: None of the below are success factors

Q32: A useful framework for reviewing an organisation’s capabilities to manage e-business was developed in the 1970s and became known as the 7S strategic framework. The seven refers to Strategy, Structure, Systems, Staff, Style, Skills and Superordinate. Later research in 2005 asked e-commerce managers for their views as to the main challenges of managing e-commerce within an organisation based on the 7S model. Structure, skills and staff were mentioned, and one other 


Answer: Strategy

Q33: Different types of change in business are evident and take many forms. Incremental change involves relatively small adjustments required by changes in the business environment. Discontinous change refers to a major transformational change in an industry. What is the term used when an organisation makes proactive changes in order to improve its efficiency or to create a business advantage 


Answer: Anticipatory change

Q34: Descriptive terms can change over time to portray organisational actions. What term would currently be more acceptable to describe ‘an approach supported by software tools intended to increase process efficiency by improving information flows between people as they perform business tasks’ 


Answer: Business process management

Q35: A starting point for managing change begins when the objectives, strategy and tactics for introducing e-business change have been specified. Implementing the strategy to achieve these objectives through the activities performed by the project management team as part of project planning occurs next. Recent surveys have indicated that plans do not succeed and in 2007, what percentage of respondents said that their projects always achieve their goals 


Answer: 1%

Q36: More recent research in 2009 by the Standish Group examined reasons for failure as well as success. Lack of user input was given as the major reason for failure but what was the top success factor reported 


Answer: User involvement

Q37: A project plan and schedule for an e-business system needs to be put into place and would take the following sequence in this systems development life cycle 


Answer: Initiation, Prototyping, Final implementation, Maintenance

Q38: Prototyping is a common approach to the development of e-business systems and is generally taken to have the following features. Rapid in development yet simple in construction as it only provides a skeleton framework. Iterative and incremental in production, plus one other feature 


Answer: User-centred

Q39: A prototyping approach reduces the risk of major design, functional or informational errors during the construction of the application. The concept of prototyping has been extended across the whole life cycle for developing website functionality or software applications where it is known as 


Answer: Agile software development

Q40: Human resource issues could become a concern and poor staff retention could have significant cost implications. Occupational psychologists in 1980 developed a job characteristics model for designing jobs to provide a good and motivating experience which should enhance retention. Which of the following is not one of these intrinsic characteristics 


Answer: Task insignificance

Q41: Taken that there could be problems in recruiting skilled staff, outsourcing could be a solution. The degree to which companies can outsource their human resources is dependent upon the type and level of service expected for a particular product. This can be significant in governing their capacity for growth without taking on additional staff. What term is used here 


Answer: Scalability

Q42: Once a company has adopted e-business, it will normally operate within the existing company structure. There are advantages and disadvantages of different types of organisational structures. A separate department to manage and coordinate e-commerce has the advantage of 


Answer: Coordination and budgeting plus resource allocation possible

Q43: Change agent is the term attributed to those managers responsible for controlling change. In e-business, this could be a manager responsible for implementation, adoption, supply chain, and so on. Research examining leadership style with e-commerce implementation found the most common style to be 


Answer: Consultative

Q44: Organisational culture is a concept that includes shared values, norms, and assumptions within the organisation as well as the practices that all groups share. Different types of cultural orientation can be identified in companies. Which of the following would be used to describe a culture where interfaces with the external environment are well structured and the company is typically sales driven and likely to have an hierarchical structure 


Answer: Productivity (outward looking, ordered)

Q45: Knowledge management has a key role within e-business since business success depends on staff knowledge of various business functions. One aim of knowledge management is to turn 


Answer: Tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge

Q46: Approaches to managing changes to organisational processes and their structures and their impact on staff and culture is commonly known as 


Answer: Change management

Q47: Key aspects or levers of change that need to be assessed to maximise the benefits of e-business include 


Answer: The market and business models

Q48: The well known 7S framework is very useful for reviewing an organisation’s capabilities to manage e-business related change. To which of these 7S’s does this problem of e-business relate to? The breakdown of staff in terms of: background, age, gender, and characteristics such as IT vs marketing, use of contractors, etc 


Answer: Staff

Q49: To which of these 7S’s does this problem of e-business relate? The contribution of e-business in influencing and supporting organisations’ strategy 


Answer: Strategy

Q50: When viewing different types of change in business across an entire industry, change takes two forms. Which form of change involves relatively small adjustments 


Answer: Incremental

Q51: A direct response by an organization to a change in an organization’s environment is 


Answer: Reactive change

Q52: A project plan and schedule for an e-business system will contain a series of stages. Which of these sequences is correct for the systems development lifecycle 


Answer: Initiation, analysis, design, build

Q53: For effective project management, various elements need to be incorporated as part of the project management process. These include resource allocation, scheduling and planning, plus monitoring and control. Which element has been omitted 


Answer: Estimation

Q54: What is rapid application development also known as 


Answer: Prototyping

Q55: Which of these approaches reduces errors in a system 


Answer: Prototyping

Q56: Staff recruitment can be a problem for e-businesses and to improve the intrinsic and rewarding characteristics of a job, certain approaches can be adopted. These include 


Answer: All of the below

Q57: There are advantages and disadvantages to different organisational structures. What would be a disadvantage where there is a separate department that manages and coordinates e-commerce 


Answer: May be difficult to get different departments to deliver their input due to other commitments

Q58: What would be an advantage of having no formal structure for e-commerce 


Answer: Can achieve rapid response to e-commerce service responses (e-mails, phone requests, etc)

Q59: A leadership style in managing change where widespread participation of employees occurs to define the changes required and techniques to achieve them is known as 


Answer: Collaborative

Q60: A leadership style in managing change where the management team takes the decisions, the employees generally trusting them to do so and being generally informed 


Answer: Directive

Q61: With strategy implementation, analysis and design activities are needed. Analysis is concerned with understanding the business and user requirements for a new system. Process modelling captures the processes and sub-processes required for the business information system. Davenport (1993) noted that even large multinationals would rarely exceed ___main processes 


Answer: 10

Q62: Before a process can be designed and implemented, a detailed deconstruction of the task is needed. This can be referred to as 


Answer: Task analysis

Q63: Process dependencies summarise the order in which activities occur according to the business rules that govern the processes. There are three common techniques that are often applied in an e-business analysis. Which of the following is not one of these processes 


Answer: Task manual development

Q64: Whichever method has been used to deconstruct and define the tasks and sub-tasks in the design analysis, this process needs testing or validating. Data modelling uses tried and tested techniques to do this. Entity relationship modelling can be used to review databases in three main stages. Initially, ‘identify entities’ followed by ‘identify attributes for entities’, but what is the third stage 


Answer: Identify relationships between entities

Q65: E-business systems manage many transactions and a key design issue is how use the data recorded to improve the effectiveness and business contribution of these systems. One web analytics model used to examine storage and rapid analysis of time-based data is known as 


Answer: Star schema data model

Q66: The starting point for design of e-business systems is to ensure that a common architecture exists across the company in terms of hardware and software technology, applications and business processes. E-business systems follow the same architecture of many business information systems created in the 1990s and is known as 


Answer: Client-server model

Q67: E-business systems are often customer- or employee-facing systems so the importance of human-computer interaction in the design of web applications is high. User-centred design starts with understanding the nature and variation within the user groups and issues to consider include 


Answer: All of these—What type of browsers will they use
What is their purpose in visiting the site
How large a screen or window they will use

Q68: Bevan (1999) argued that a test of effective design is dependent on three areas of effectiveness, productivity, and satisfaction. Another effective technique for assessing design effectiveness is 


Answer: Eye tracking

Q69: The ‘use-case’ method of process analysis and modelling was developed in the early 1990s as part of the development of object-orientated techniques. It is part of a methodology known as ‘unified modelling language’ (UML) that attempts to unify preceding approaches. Website designers and marketers use a similar model but use different terminology and create___for typical site visitors 


Answer: Web design personas

Q70: Schneider and Winters (1998) identified a series of stages to be used in analysis using the use-case method. Which is the correct sequence 


Answer: Identify actors, identify use-cases, relate actors to use-cases, develop use-case scenarios

Q71: With effective website design, the creation of an information architecture involves creating a plan to group information logically and creating a site structure which is commonly known as 


Answer: Site map

Q72: A well-designed website will have been developed to achieve customer orientation and for a B2B company the three main types of audience are customers, other companies and organisations, and staff. Designers also need to take into account different types of familiarity 


Answer: All of these—With the internet
With the organisation’s products
With the organization
With the site

Q73: Once the requirements of the user are known, the human-computer interface takes on additional meaning regarding web usability. Nielsen (2000) wrote that a website has three main areas to consider; site design and structure, page design, and content design. Which of the following features come under the heading of ‘site design and structure’ 


Answer: All of these—Site personality
Site style
Site navigation
Site organisation

Q74: Web accessibility is fundamental for websites and needs to take into account user characteristics such as disability. What have some countries introduced to address this point 


Answer: Accessibility legislation

Q75: Security is a serious concern for e-business mangers and there are many potential risks concerning unauthorised access to customer and company data. One way this occurs is through misleading users through setting up a bogus website and gaining user details online. What is this method known as 


Answer: Phishing

Q76: In the context of strategy implementation for an e-business system, what usually precedes systems design 


Answer: Systems analysis

Q77: Analysis and design phases of a project are usually 


Answer: Iterative processes starting with analysis

Q78: Using analytical techniques to capture and summarise business and user requirements for a new system is generally known as 


Answer: Analysis for e-business

Q79: Which of the following describes task analysis and task decomposition 


Answer: Identifies the different activities conducted in a process in a hierarchical form.

Q80: Which of the following best explains the purpose of e-business workflow systems 


Answer: None of these—E-commerce functionality for customers
Use of e-mail to offer new products to customers
Sharing of production figures throughout an organization
Collaborative sharing of documents

Q81: The term process in this context refers to part of a system that has a clearly defined purpose and clearly defined inputs and outputs. So, which of the following describes process mapping 


Answer: Relates the different activities conducted to different functional parts of the organization

Q82: Why is workflow management integral to many e-business applications 


Answer: All the above are correct

Q83: Data modelling of e-business and e-commerce systems uses well-established techniques. Referring to data modelling for a sell-side e-commerce system and using entity relationship modelling, which is the correct sequence for the three main stages 


Answer: Identify entities, attributes, relationships

Q84: Concerning the computing architectural design of e-business systems; a typical architecture uses a three-tier client-server. Since most of the processing is executed on the servers rather than the client, this architecture is sometimes referred to as a 


Answer: Thin client

Q85: A good site should always begin with the user. Understand who the___is, how they use the channel to shop, and understand how the marketplace works in that category. This includes understanding who your competitors are and how they operate online. You need continuous research, feedback and usability testing to continue to monitor and evolve the customer experience online.___s want convenience and ease of ordering. They want a site that is quick to download, well-structured and easy to navigate 


Answer: Customer

Q86: Bevan in 1999 suggested that a test of effective design for website usability was dependent on three areas. Which is NOT one of these 


Answer: Eyetracking – an objective mapping of users gaze trails and gaze points

Q87: Which of the following is a description of use-case analysis 


Answer: Determination of interface design through identifying the stages a user needs follow when interacting with a system

Q88: A representation of the typical site user who is strategically important to the effectiveness of the site, but one which is challenging to fulfill the needs of, is referred to as a 


Answer: Primary persona

Q89: With web pages, wireframes are so called because it consists of the outline of the page with ‘wires’ separating different areas of content or navigation shown by white spaces. What is another name that can be used instead of wireframes 


Answer: Schematics

Q90: The process of reviewing wireframes is sometimes referred to as ‘storyboarding’. Storyboards are intended to 


Answer: Prototype typical customer journeys or clickstreams through a website

Q91: In relation to website security for e-businesses, the principal concern is the security of information. Which of the following best describes authentication 


Answer: Are parties to the transaction who they claim to be?

Q92: When monitoring electronic communications, employee monitoring is used by organisations mainly to 


Answer: Reduce productivity losses through time wasting

Q93: Covert monitoring is referred to as 


Answer: Monitoring which the employer undertakes without notifying staff

Q94: With a traditional software development life cycle, the implementation and maintenance phases are involved with the transition of new software applications or systems from the production to live environment. However, due to the increasing usage of e-business services, the concept of ‘maintenance’ has now been replaced by 


Answer: Dynamic e-business application

Q95: Optimisation of e-business services suggests a rigorous ongoing approach to improving both the effectiveness and efficiency of a company’s e-business services. Both of these aspects should be continually revisited by managers to ensure optimisation but what service is used that helps to answer questions about experience and service levels for sell-side e-commerce 


Answer: Web analytics

Q96: The basic alternative acquisition methods for e-business systems are similar to those for traditional business information systems. Which of the following is not one such method 


Answer: Bespoke development

Q97: The development of web-based content and services is quite straightforward using static web content. For a basic website, simple language code is used for the layout and formatting of information to create web pages. For a more comprehensive interactive website what web content is required 


Answer: Dynamic

Q98: Which language is regarded as the industry standard for producing static web content 


Answer: HTML

Q99: A content management system is a software tool for creating, editing, and updating documents accessed by intranet or Internet. The criteria for selecting a professional content management system should include 


Answer: All of these—Search-engine-optimisation-friendly markup
Different page templates
Use of plug-ins and widgets

Q100: A structure testing process is necessary in order to identify and solve as many problems as possible before the system is available for users. The testing is conducted in a structured way by using a 


Answer: Test specification


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