Digital Electronics Objective Set 4

Q1: When assessing competitive threats, an example of the greatly increased bargaining power of customers online is 


Answer: Wider product choice and more price transparency

Q2: An example of the threat of new e-commerce entrants from established or new companies online is 


Answer: Threat of new digital products

Q3: Interactions between competitors and marketplace intermediaries which can mutually improve the attractiveness of a marketplace is known as 


Answer: Co-opetition

Q4: Strategic decisions will need to be made including examining market growth strategies. Developing new digital products is an example of what type of strategy 


Answer: Product development strategy

Q5: Using the Internet to target new customer and new geographic segments is which type of growth strategy 


Answer: Market development strategy

Q6: Poor strategic decisions have been the downfall of many well-known Internet companies. One view is that the biggest mistake failed companies made was to 


Answer: Massively overestimate the speed at which the marketplace would adopt dot coms

Q7: Research results have indicated that there has been a poor correlation between organisational investment in information systems and organisational performance measured by return on equity. This has been known as 


Answer: The productivity paradox

Q8: Supply chain management is essentially the optimisation of material flows and associated information flows involved with an organisation’s operations. To manage these flows, e-business applications are essential to bring such benefits as noted in ‘Internet retailing’ in 2010 which reported that the average rates of return to a high street retailer could be as high as 10%. What did the same source report as the average rate of return for UK e-commerce sites 


Answer: 0%

Q9: Supply chain (SC) management involves the coordination of all supply activities of an organisation from its suppliers to the delivery of products to its customers. There are various features associated with this area of e-commerce and which refers to what is known as efficient consumer response (ECR) 


Answer: Creating and satisfying customer demand by optimizing strategies, promotions and product introductions

Q10: An organisation’s supply chain can be viewed from a system’s perspective that starts with the acquisition of resources which are then transformed into products or services. Simply, put the sequence is represented 


Answer: Inputs – process – outputs

Q11: Logistics is an integral part of supply chain management. Which explanation best represents outbound logistics 


Answer: The management of resources supplied from an organisation to its customers and intermediaries

Q12: The ‘value chain’ idea is a concept that has been well established for the past three decades and it refers to considering key activities that an organization can conduct to add value for the customer. It traditionally distinguished between primary activities and support activities. Why is this concept regarded as outdated with the development of e-business 


Answer: The support activities offer far more than just support

Q13: A value chain analysis provides an analytical framework for an organisation to examine individual activities and determine value added at each stage. The principles can also be applied to an organisation’s external value stream analysis which considers how the whole production and delivery process can be made more efficient. The activities can be categorized into those 


Answer: All of the below is correct answer.
b) Those required for product development or production systems
c) Those that do not add value
d) That create value as perceived by the customer

Q14: Improvements in the value chain can be implemented by following Kjellsdotter and Jonsson’s iterative planning cycle. Which of the following does not form part of the cycle 


Answer: Creating a quality control plan

Q15: What does the following definition refer to: an organisation which uses communications technology to allow it to operate without clearly define physical boundaries between different functions 


Answer: Virtual organisation

Q16: Using digital communication to improve supply chain efficiency is dependent on effective exchange and sharing of information. The challenges of achieving standardized data formats and data exchange have given rise to the study of the optimisation of the 


Answer: Information supply chain

Q17: The typical benefits of e-supply chain management gained by a B2B company are quite comprehensive. Which of the following is false though 


Answer: Increased costs through outsourcing

Q18: What does a company’s information system need to deliver to different parties who need to access the supply chain information of an organisation, whether they be employees, suppliers, logistics service providers or customers 


Answer: Supply chain visibility

Q19: What was the rationale behind introducing the Global Data Synchronisation Network in 2005 


Answer: To create standards for sharing information about products

Q20: To manage e-supply chains effectively, benefits need to be developed into a performance management framework. Sambasivan and colleagues (2009) produced such a framework, identifying categories of measures and provided examples of metrics for each. Which of the following fits this framework 


Answer: Production level metric – range of products and services, effectiveness of scheduling techniques, capacity utilisation

Q21: Key to re-structuring the supply chain is the need to examine the types of relationships between partners such as suppliers and distributors. Researchers have found that low cost is the main driver in managing supply partnerships and a restructuring will often require companies to 


Answer: All of these—Reduce their number of suppliers
Focus on core competencies
Develop strong partnership relationships

Q22: As guidance to managing a global distribution, seven action points have been suggested. Do these include 


Answer: Treat local distributors as short-term partners
Do not waste money, time and energy initially
Let distributors pick you
Bassically They are all INCORRECT because It should not take long to realize that the converse is more applicable for each of these points.

Q23: The coordination of all supply activities of an organisation from its suppliers and partners to its customers is referred to as 


Answer: Supply chain management

Q24: There are various strategies used to meet objectives of effective consumer response (ECR).What would be an appropriate strategy to achieve timely, accurate, paperless information flow 


Answer: Revision of organisation processes supported by information systems

Q25: Again looking at ECR, an appropriate strategy to maximize efficiency of promotions is to 


Answer: Integrate this activity into all supply chain planning

Q26: An appropriate strategy to achieve the objective of optimising the productivity of retail space and inventory is 


Answer: Efficient store assortments

Q27: Transactions between an organisation and its suppliers and intermediaries, equivalent to buy-side e-commerce is known as 


Answer: The upstream supply chain

Q28: The downstream supply chain is similar to sell-side and e-commerce and involves 


Answer: The distribution of products or delivery of services to customers

Q29: In considering a simple model of a supply chain, the correct sequence of an organisation’s supply chain from a systems perspective is 


Answer: Acquisition of resources, transformation process, delivery to customers

Q30: When a manufacturer develops an innovative product and then identifies a suitable target market and distribution channel. This is an example of 


Answer: Push model of SCM

Q31: The value stream is closely related to a traditional value chain. The difference is that it considers different types of tasks that are involved with adding value, plus 


Answer: How the efficiency of these tasks can be improved

Q32: When performance managing an electronic-supply chain management (e-SCM), measurement frameworks provide categories and examples of metrics. What would Return on Investment be a metric of 


Answer: Cost in supply chain

Q33: Again, with e-SCM performance management, what would be metrics of Costs in Supply Chain 


Answer: All of these—Manufacturing cost
Distribution cost
Inventory cost
Total cost

Q34: There are options for restructuring the supply chain. A characteristic of vertical integration is 


Answer: Majority of manufacture is in-house

Q35: A different restructuring of the supply chain to a virtual integration also has certain characteristics, such as 


Answer: Total reliance on third parties

Q36: The typical aim of the push to customer approach to supply chain management is 


Answer: Optimise the production process for cost and efficiency

Q37: The typical aim of the pull from customer approach to supply chain management is 


Answer: Enhance product and service quality

Q38: The terms ‘purchasing’ and ‘procurement’ are often used synonymously but which of the following statements provides a more refined distinction 


Answer: Procurement has a broader meaning than purchasing

Q39: E-procurement is not new and there have been many attempts to automate the process of procurement for the potential buyer by using 


Answer: Electronic procurement systems

Q40: There are benefits and practical considerations to take into account when introducing e-procurement. There are also different types or applications. Which one of these enables the purchasing company to buy goods and services that have the lowest price or combination of lowest price and other conditions through Internet technology 


Answer: E-reverse auction

Q41: A recent study in 2010 reviewed the business benefits of adopting e-procurement and concluded that there were five key drivers. Which one is FALSE though 


Answer: Control – lower levels of compliance and need for budgetary control

Q42: To assess any new initiative, some evaluative process needs to take place. Riggins and Mitra recently created an evaluative framework that can be used for evaluating e-supply chain management as well as e-procurement. Some of the main dimensions are below but which one would contain the benefit of vendor-managed inventory 


Answer: Inbound

Q43: In estimating e-procurement costs and savings, a simple equation is followed. To calculate cost savings from e-procurement the following calculation is used: Savings = No. of requisitions x (New cost – Original cost) 


Answer: Wrong – False

Q44: Adopting e-procurement does not come without risks or barriers. Some of these are specific to e-procurement while others are more general limitations to e-business adoption. Which of the following is not a specific e-procurement issue 


Answer: Cost of implementation and managing change

Q45: There are different information systems which can be used to show the processing steps that takes place within a fulfillment cycle. Which sequence is most typical of the procurement process 


Answer: Originator to approver to buyer to supplier

Q46: Integrating company systems with supplier systems can prove to be very difficult, one reason being that that so many different types of systems and models. Chapter 2 examined three such models – B2B e-commerce, buy-side and marketplace-based. One solution is where a purchasing company can access a dynamic real-time catalogue hosted by a supplier or intermediary containing detailed information, pricing and product images. What is this catalogue generally known as 


Answer: Punchout catalogue

Q47: When assessing procurement model alternatives for buyers, what would be advantages to the buyer from an independent marketplace procurement model 


Answer: All of these—Often unified terms, conditions and order forms
Potentially widest choice of suppliers, products and prices

Q48: Electronic B2B marketplaces can also be known as exchanges and hubs and they all refer to virtual locations with facilities to enable trading between buyers and sellers. Recent research by Johnson (2010) examined reasons for the limited adoption of e-marketplaces. The most significant included 


Answer: Benefits, risks and trust in partners

Q49: Different types of marketplaces exist and are classified accordingly. Variations include whether the marketplace is direct between buyer and seller or whether some degree of aggregation occurs. What term is used to describe volume discounts can be achieved through aggregation back through the supply chain from customers to suppliers 


Answer: Reverse aggregation

Q50: Marketplaces can differ in how they buy as well as what they buy. Differences can also occur in whether the marketplace is direct between buyer and seller. Some marketplaces also differ in the range of services they offer and go beyond procurement to offer a range of services that integrate the supply chain. Such marketplaces are known as 


Answer: Metamediaries

Q51: In future, some suggest that the task of searching for suppliers and products may be taken over by computer programmes which have defined rules or some degree of intelligence that replicates human neural functioning. These programmes are known as 


Answer: Software intelligent agents

Q52: The terms purchasing and procurement should not be seen as synonymous. As such, which of the following statements do you think has greatest validity 


Answer: Procurement has a broader meaning than purchasing

Q53: The electronic integration and management of all procurement activities including purchase request, authorization, ordering, delivery and payment between a purchaser and supplier is known as 


Answer: E-procurement

Q54: The range of potential options for improving purchasing processes are indicated by benefits described by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply such as 


Answer: All of these—Content management
Evaluation of end-to-end trading cycles

Q55: Generally, which sequence is most typical of the procurement process 


Answer: Originator to approver to buyer to supplier

Q56: E-procurement aims to improve performance of what is known as the ‘five rights of purchasing’. One aim of e-procurement is increasing savings by sourcing items 


Answer: At the right price

Q57: Another aim of e-procurement is increased choice of supplier leading to sourcing items 


Answer: From the right source

Q58: A recent simple classification of different types or applications of e-procurement was produced by Smart. Which of the following is NOT one of these 


Answer: E-transparency

Q59: What is the term used to describe where supply chain partners manage the replenishment of parts or items for sale? They do this through the sharing of information on variations in demand and stock levels for goods used for manufacture or sale 


Answer: Vendor-managed inventory

Q60: There are barriers and risks involved in adopting e-procurement. Which of the following is NOT regarded as a risk or barrier 


Answer: Possible positive perception from suppliers

Q61: In future, some suggest that the task of searching for suppliers and products may be taken over by a programme which automatically gathers information from the Internet 


Answer: Software intelligent agents

Q62: Of the following, which is an e-procurement benefit related to budgetary control 


Answer: Rules to limit spending and improved reporting facilities

Q63: Which of the following describes the stock control system element of an e-procurement system 


Answer: Re-ordering is automated when the number in stock falls below re-order thresholds

Q64: Production related procurement refers to the purchasing of 


Answer: Raw materials

Q65: Negotiated contracts with regular suppliers typically in long-term relationships is an example of 


Answer: Systematic sourcing

Q66: Fulfillment of an immediate need, typically of a commoditised item for which it is less important to know the credibility of the supplier is an example of 


Answer: Spot sourcing

Q67: For B2B transactions involved with e-procurement, the merchant site should facilitate 


Answer: Straight rebuys
Initial purchases
Modified rebuys
Partially complete orders—All these

Q68: In addition to having an e-business strategy, an e-marketing strategy also needs to be developed and there are three main operational processes involved. Which one is FALSE 


Answer: Customer focus group development

Q69: There needs to be an aligning of business and e-marketing strategies. Which of the following would be feasible strategic objectives 


Answer: They are all applicable

Q70: It is often useful at the outset to have a clear definition to refer to so which of the following is best suited to defining e-marketing 


Answer: Achieving marketing objectives through the use of electronic communications technology

Q71: What is required in addition to a broad e-business strategy to detail how the sell-side specific objectives of the e-business strategy will be delivered through marketing activities such as research and communications 


Answer: E-marketing plan

Q72: As an e-marketing plan is needed in addition to a broad e-business strategy. Generic frameworks exist which summarise the different stages that would be involved in a marketing strategy from development to implementation. Smith’s (1999) framework has six elements but which one does not comply with this model 


Answer: Strengths – what are our strengths compared to competitors

Q73: Many problems can occur if adequate resources are not directed towards an effective development and implementation of a marketing plan. Typical problems would include inadequate planning, underestimation of resources, insufficient customer data, and so on. To protect an investment, distinct marketing plans with clear objectives and strategies should be produced which show how e-marketing supports the sales and marketing process. A logical approach would include a situation analysis but what is this 


Answer: An environmental analysis and review of internal processes and resources to inform strategy

Q74: Current and future projections of customer demands for e-commerce services are conducted through demand analysis. How can this be done, for example, with search engines 


Answer: All of these can be employed—Use search engine services which show volume of search terms typed in by search engine users
View web analytics reports from company sites
By using search engines keyword tools

Q75: What would be the reasoning behind gaining not just quantitative data on customers but also gathering qualitative data also 


Answer: All of these—To develop customer scenarios
To provide insights that can be used to inform strategy
To develop customer personas

Q76: Competitor analysis examines competitor use of e-commerce to acquire and retain customers. How often should this take place 


Answer: Continuously

Q77: Target marketing strategy involves the evaluation and selection of appropriate target market segments and the development of appropriate offers. Which is the correct sequencing of activities for target marketing 


Answer: Segmentation – target marketing – positioning – planning

Q78: Companies need to decide how to highlight their product benefits over those of competitors which gives rise to the term ‘differential advantage’. To position product or service and to emphasise the benefits, something similar to a ‘unique selling point’ needs developing. What is this called though 


Answer: Online value proposition

Q79: To be effective, an online value proposition needs exceptional, compelling content and experience for customers from the website and other electronic media. A content strategy plans and manages this process. Which of the items below is out of place in a content strategy 


Answer: Content synchronisation

Q80: To deliver a compelling online proposition value, the view is that companies need to think like publishers and invest in providing fuller resourced, quality content. Pulizzi and Barrett (2010) recommended creating a content marketing roadmap which is unpinned by the BEST principles. What does BEST stand for 


Answer: Behavioural, Essential, Strategic and Targeted

Q81: There are many differences between marketing communications in the traditional media (e.g. TV, print, radio) and new digital media (e.g. websites, interactive TV). As far as interactivity is concerned, traditional media works on a ‘push’ basis and the marketing message is broadcast to the customer but what about new digital media 


Answer: New digital media encourages interactivity

Q82: Marketing tactics to implement strategies and objectives are traditionally based around the elements of the ‘marketing mix’. This is a concept or framework that has been around for over 50 years so which of the following are taken from the original marketing mix 


Answer: Promotion
Product—All these

Q83: Achieving marketing objectives through the use of electronic communications technology is a general definition of 


Answer: E-marketing

Q84: E-marketing is best seen as 


Answer: A subset of e-business

Q85: The e-marketing plan has 


Answer: A plan to achieve the marketing objectives of the e-business strategy

Q86: There are three main operational processes involved in e-marketing. Which is the ODD one out 


Answer: Customer satisfaction

Q87: The aim of situation analysis is to understand the environment in which the company operates. A situation analysis which involves reviewing the online marketplace and internal situation is a 


Answer: Internet SWOT analysis

Q88: The situation analysis which involves benchmarking site characteristics is known as a 


Answer: None of these—SMART analysis
Internet SWOT analysis
Demand analysis
Stage model analysis

Q89: The typical stages in development of an online presence for a retailer are 


Answer: None of these—Image and product information, Transactions, information collection, customer support
Transactions, image and product information, information collection, customer support
Information collection, transactions, customer support, image and product information

Q90: Key to achieving success in meeting e-marketing and e-business strategy objectives is to assess current and projected use. This assessment can be referred to as 


Answer: Demand analysis

Q91: Through evaluating the volume of phrases used to search for products in a given market, it is possible to calculate the total potential opportunity and the current share of search terms for a company. For example, Google provide web analytics reports and this produces a 


Answer: Share of search report

Q92: While quantitative demand analysis is useful, additional rich and informative data can be developed from 


Answer: All of these are correct—Qualitative customer research
Customer personas
Customer scenarios

Q93: Target marketing strategy involves the evaluation of appropriate segments and the development of appropriate offers. It is generally accepted that there are four stages involved. The identification customer needs within a target market is which stage of target marketing 


Answer: Segmentation

Q94: Again, within target marketing, an evaluation of resources at the planning stage informs on 


Answer: All of these—Restructuring
Automated online customer contact strategy
Online marketing mix

Q95: While similar to what is known as a unique selling point, an online value proposition should 


Answer: All of these—Target market segment(s) that the proposition will appeal to
Delivered and supported by resources
Be a clear differentiator from online competitors
Be communicated to site visitors and in all marketing communications

Q96: The importance of content strategy is challenging as so many elements need to be planned and managed. Which of the following would be subject to a comprehensive content strategy 


Answer: All of these—Content engagement value
Content media
Content syndication

Q97: Pulizzi and Barrett (2010) recommended a content marketing roadmap underpinned by BEST principles. These include Behavioural, Strategic and Targeted with the missing principle being 


Answer: Essential

Q98: Building long-term relationships with customers is essential for any business. The application of technology to achieve CRM is a key element of e-business but what does CRM stand for 


Answer: Customer relationship management

Q99: There are different techniques to both initiate and build relationships with customers by using a combination of online and offline techniques. What is the ‘customer life cycle’ though 


Answer: The stages each customer will go through in a long-term relationship with a supplier

Q100: The four marketing activities within the customer relationship management include customer selection, customer acquisition, customer retention, plus 


Answer: Customer extension


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