Digital Electronic MCQ Set 1
1. Which of the following filter(s) has the response in which the central pixel value is replaced by value defined by ranking the pixel in the image encompassed by filter?
a) Order-Statistic filters
b) Non-linear spatial filters
c) Median filter
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d [Reason:] An Order-Statistic filters also called non-linear spatial filters, response is based on ranking the pixel in the image encompassed by filter that replaces the central pixel value. A Median filter is an example of such filters.
2. Is it true or false that “the original pixel value is included while computing the median using gray-levels in the neighborhood of the original pixel in median filter case”?
a) True
b) False
Answer: a [Reason:] A median filter the pixel value is replaced by median of the gray-level in the neighborhood of that pixel and also the original pixel value is included while computing the median.
3. Two filters of similar size are used for smoothing image having impulse noise. One is median filter while the other is a linear spatial filter. Which would the blurring effect of both?
a) Median filter effects in considerably less blurring than the linear spatial filters
b) Median filter effects in considerably more blurring than the linear spatial filters
c) Both have the same blurring effect
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a [Reason:] For impulse noise, median filter is much effective for noise reduction and causes considerably less blurring than the linear spatial filters.
4. An image contains noise having appearance as black and white dots superimposed on the image. Which of the following noise(s) has the same appearance?
a) Salt-and-pepper noise
b) Gaussian noise
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:] An impulse noise has an appearance as black and white dots superimposed on the image. This is also known as Salt-and-pepper noise.
5. While performing the median filtering, suppose a 3*3 neighborhood has value (10, 20, 20, 20, 15, 20, 20, 25, 100), then what is the median value to be given to the pixel under filter?
a) 15
b) 20
c) 100
d) 25
Answer: b [Reason:] The values are first sorted and so turns out to (10, 15, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 25, and 100). For a 3*3 neighborhood the 5th largest value is the median, and so is 20.
6. Which of the following are forced to the median intensity of the neighbors by n*n median filter?
a) Isolated cluster of pixels that are light or dark in comparison to their neighbors
b) Isolated cluster of pixels whose area is less than one-half the filter area
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:] The isolated cluster pixel value doesn’t come as a median value and since are either are light or dark as compared to neighbors, so are forced with median intensity of neighbors that aren’t even close to their original value and so are sometimes termed “eliminated”.
If the area of such isolated pixels are < n2/2, that is again the pixel value won’t be a median value and so are eliminated.
Larger cluster pixels value are more pronounced to be a median value, so are considerably less forced to median intensity.
7. Which filter(s) used to find the brightest point in the image?
a) Median filter
b) Max filter
c) Mean filter
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b [Reason:] A max filter gives the brightest point in an image and so is used.
8. The median filter also represents which of the following ranked set of numbers?
a) 100th percentile
b) 0th percentile
c) 50th percentile
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:] Since the median filter forces median intensity to the pixel which is almost the largest value in the middle of the list of values as per the ranking, so represents a 50th percentile ranked set of numbers.
9. Which of the following filter represents a 0th percentile set of numbers?
a) Max filter
b) Mean filter
c) Median filter
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d [Reason:] A min filter since provides the minimum value in the image, so represents a 0th percentile set of numbers.
Digital Electronic MCQ Set 2
1. What is the first and foremost step in Image Processing?
a) Image restoration
b) Image enhancement
c) Image acquisition
d) Segmentation
Answer: c [Reason:] Image acquisition is the first process in image processing. Note that acquisition could be as simple as being given an image that is already in digital form. Generally, the image acquisition stage involves preprocessing, such as scaling.
2. In which step of processing, the images are subdivided successively into smaller regions?
a) Image enhancement
b) Image acquisition
c) Segmentation
d) Wavelets
Answer: d [Reason:] Wavelets are the foundation for representing images in various degrees of resolution. Wavelets are particularly used for image data compression and for pyramidal representation, in which images are subdivided successively into smaller regions.
3. What is the next step in image processing after compression?
a) Wavelets
b) Segmentation
c) Representation and description
d) Morphological processing
Answer: d [Reason:] Steps in image processing:
Image acquisition-> Image enhancement-> Image restoration-> Color image processing-> Wavelets and multi resolution processing-> Compression-> Morphological processing-> Segmentation-> Representation & description-> Object recognition.
4. What is the step that is performed before color image processing in image processing?
a) Wavelets and multi resolution processing
b) Image enhancement
c) Image restoration
d) Image acquisition
Answer: c [Reason:] Steps in image processing:
Image acquisition-> Image enhancement-> Image restoration-> Color image processing-> Wavelets and multi resolution processing-> Compression-> Morphological processing-> Segmentation-> Representation & description-> Object recognition.
5. How many number of steps are involved in image processing?
a) 10
b) 9
c) 11
d) 12
Answer: a [Reason:] Steps in image processing:
Image acquisition-> Image enhancement-> Image restoration-> Color image processing-> Wavelets and multi resolution processing-> Compression-> Morphological processing-> Segmentation-> Representation & description-> Object recognition.
6. What is the expanded form of JPEG?
a) Joint Photographic Expansion Group
b) Joint Photographic Experts Group
c) Joint Photographs Expansion Group
d) Joint Photographic Expanded Group
Answer: b [Reason:] Image compression is familiar (perhaps inadvertently) to most users of computers in the form of image file extensions, such as the jpg file extension used in the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image compression standard.
7. Which of the following step deals with tools for extracting image components those are useful in the representation and description of shape?
a) Segmentation
b) Representation & description
c) Compression
d) Morphological processing
Answer: d [Reason:] Morphological processing deals with tools for extracting image components that are useful in the representation and description of shape. The material in this chapter begins a transition from processes that output images to processes that output image attributes.
8. In which step of the processing, assigning a label (e.g., “vehicle”) to an object based on its descriptors is done?
a) Object recognition
b) Morphological processing
c) Segmentation
d) Representation & description
Answer: a [Reason:] Recognition is the process that assigns a label (e.g., “vehicle”) to an object based on its descriptors. We conclude our coverage of digital image processing with the development of methods for recognition of individual objects.
9. What role does the segmentation play in image processing?
a) Deals with extracting attributes that result in some quantitative information of interest
b) Deals with techniques for reducing the storage required saving an image, or the bandwidth required transmitting it
c) Deals with partitioning an image into its constituent parts or objects
d) Deals with property in which images are subdivided successively into smaller regions
Answer: c [Reason:] Segmentation procedures partition an image into its constituent parts or objects. In general, autonomous segmentation is one of the most difficult tasks in digital image processing. A rugged segmentation procedure brings the process a long way toward successful solution of imaging problems that require objects to be identified individually.
10. What is the correct sequence of steps in image processing?
a) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image processing->Compression->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Morphological processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object recognition
b) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image processing->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression->Morphological processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object recognition
c) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Color image processing->Image restoration->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression->Morphological processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object recognition
d) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image processing->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression->Morphological processing->Representation & description->Segmentation->Object recognition
Answer: b [Reason:] Steps in image processing:
Image acquisition-> Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image processing->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression->Morphological processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object recognition.
Digital Electronic MCQ Set 3
1. How many categories does the color image processing is basically divided into?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
Answer: b [Reason:] Color image processing is divided into two major areas: full-color and pseudo-color processing.
2. What are the names of categories of color image processing?
a) Full-color and pseudo-color processing
b) Half-color and full-color processing
c) Half-color and pseudo-color processing
d) Pseudo-color and Multi-color processing
Answer: a [Reason:] Color image processing is divided into two major areas: full-color and pseudo-color processing. In the first category, the images are acquired with a full-color sensor like color TV or color scanner. In the second category, there is a problem of assigning a color to a particular monochrome intensity or range of intensities.
3. What are the basic quantities that are used to describe the quality of a chromatic light source?
a) Radiance, brightness and wavelength
b) Brightness and luminence
c) Radiance, brightness and luminence
d) Luminence and radiance
Answer: c [Reason:] Three quantities are used to describe the quality of a chromatic light source: radiance, luminance and brightness.
4. What is the quantity that is used to measure the total amount of energy flowing from the light source?
a) Brightness
b) Intensity
c) Luminence
d) Radiance
Answer: d [Reason:] Three quantities are used to describe the quality of a chromatic light source: radiance, luminance and brightness. Radiance is used to measure the total amount of energy flows from the light source and is generally measured in watts (W).
5. What are the characteristics that are used to distinguish one color from the other?
a) Brightness, Hue and Saturation
b) Hue, Brightness and Intensity
c) Saturation, Hue
d) Brightness, Saturation and Intensity
Answer: a [Reason:] The characteristics generally used to distinguish one color from another are brightness, hue and saturation. Brightness embodies the chromatic notion of intensity. Hue is an attribute associated with dominant wavelength in a mixture of light waves. Saturation refers to the relative purity or the amount of white light mixed with a hue.
6. What are the characteristics that are taken together in chromaticity?
a) Saturation and Brightness
b) Hue and Saturation
c) Hue and Brightness
d) Saturation, Hue and Brightness
Answer: b [Reason:] Hue and saturation are taken together are called chromaticity and therefore, a color may be characterized by its brightness and chromaticity.
7. Which of the following represent the correct equations for trichromatic coefficients?
a) x=X/(X+Y+Z), y=Y/(X+Y+Z), z=Z/(X+Y+Z)
b) x=(Y+Z)/(X+Y+Z), y=(X+Z)/(X+Y+Z), z=(X+Y)/(X+Y+Z)
c) x=X/(X-Y+Z), y=Y/(X-Y+Z), z=Z/(X-Y+Z)
d) x=(-X)/(X+Y+Z), y=(-Y)/(X+Y+Z), z=(-Z)/(X+Y+Z)
Answer: a [Reason:] Tri-stimulus values are the amounts of red, green and blue needed to form any particular color and they are denoted as X,Y and Z respectively. A colors the specified by its trichromatic coefficients x, y & z: =X/(X+Y+Z), y=Y/(X+Y+Z), z=Z/(X+Y+Z).
8. What do you mean by tri-stimulus values?
a) It is the amount of red, green and yellow needed to form any particular color
b) It is the amount of red, green and indigo needed to form any particular color
c) It is the amount of red, yellow and blue needed to form any particular color
d) It is the amount of red, green and blue needed to form any particular color
Answer: d [Reason:] The amounts of red, green and blue needed to form any particular color are called the tri-stimulus values and are denoted by X, Y and Z respectively. A color is then specified by its trichromatic coefficients, whose equations are formed from tri-stimulus values.
9. What is the value obtained by the sum of the three trichromatic coefficients?
a) 0
c) 1
d) Null
Answer: c [Reason:] From the equations: x=X/(X+Y+Z), y=Y/(X+Y+Z), z=Z/(X+Y+Z) it is the noted that sum of the coefficients is x+y+z≅1.
10. What is the name of area of the triangle in C.I E chromatic diagram that shows a typical range of colors produced by RGB monitors?
a) Color gamut
b) Tricolor
c) Color game
d) Chromatic colors
Answer: a [Reason:] The triangle in C.I.E chromatic diagram shows a typical range of colors called the color gamut produced by RGB monitors. The irregular region inside the triangle is representative of the color gamut of today’s high-quality color printing devices.
Digital Electronic MCQ Set 4
1. In frequency domain terminology, which of the following is defined as “obtaining a highpass filtered image by subtracting from the given image a lowpass filtered version of itself”?
a) Emphasis filtering
b) Unsharp masking
c) Butterworth filtering
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b [Reason:] In frequency domain terminology unsharp masking is defined as “obtaining a highpass filtered image by subtracting from the given image a lowpass filtered version of itself”.
2. Which of the following is/ are a generalized form of unsharp masking?
a) Lowpass filtering
b) High-boost filtering
c) Emphasis filtering
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b [Reason:] Unsharp masking is defined as “obtaining a highpass filtered image by subtracting from the given image a lowpass filtered version of itself” while high-boost filtering generalizes it by multiplying the input image by a constant, say A≥1.
3. High boost filtered image is expressed as: fhb = A f(x, y) – flp(x, y), where f(x, y) the input image, A is a constant and flp(x, y) is the lowpass filtered version of f(x, y). Which of the following fact validates if A=1?
a) High-boost filtering reduces to regular Highpass filtering
b) High-boost filtering reduces to regular Lowpass filtering
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a [Reason:] High boost filtered image is modified as: fhb = (A-1) f(x, y) +f(x, y) – flp(x, y)
i.e. fhb = (A-1) f(x, y) + fhp(x, y). So, when A=1, High-boost filtering reduces to regular Highpass filtering.
4. High boost filtered image is expressed as: fhb = A f(x, y) – flp(x, y), where f(x, y) the input image, A is a constant and flp(x, y) is the lowpass filtered version of f(x, y). Which of the following fact(s) validates if A increases past 1?
a) The contribution of the image itself becomes more dominant
b) The contribution of the highpass filtered version of image becomes less dominant
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:] High boost filtered image is modified as: fhb = (A-1) f(x, y) +f(x, y) – flp(x, y)
i.e. fhb = (A-1) f(x, y) + fhp(x, y). So, when A>1, the contribution of the image itself becomes more dominant over the highpass filtered version of image.
5. If, Fhp(u, v)=F(u, v) – Flp(u, v) and Flp(u, v) = Hlp(u, v)F(u, v), where F(u, v) is the image in frequency domain with Fhp(u, v) its highpass filtered version, Flp(u, v) its lowpass filtered component and Hlp(u, v) the transfer function of a lowpass filter. Then, unsharp masking can be implemented directly in frequency domain by using a filter. Which of the following is the required filter?
a) Hhp(u, v) = Hlp(u, v)
b) Hhp(u, v) = 1 + Hlp(u, v)
c) Hhp(u, v) = – Hlp(u, v)
d) Hhp(u, v) = 1 – Hlp(u, v)
Answer: d [Reason:] Unsharp masking can be implemented directly in frequency domain by using a composite filter: Hhp(u, v) = 1 – Hlp(u, v).
6. Unsharp masking can be implemented directly in frequency domain by using a filter: Hhp(u, v) = 1 – Hlp(u, v), where Hlp(u, v) the transfer function of a lowpass filter. What kind of filter is Hhp(u, v)?
a) Composite filter
b) M-derived filter
c) Constant k filter
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a [Reason:] Unsharp masking can be implemented directly in frequency domain by using a composite filter: Hhp(u, v) = 1 – Hlp(u, v).
7. If unsharp masking can be implemented directly in frequency domain by using a composite filter: Hhp(u, v) = 1 – Hlp(u, v), where Hlp(u, v) the transfer function of a lowpass filter. Then, the composite filter for High-boost filtering is ____
a) Hhb(u, v) = 1 – Hhp(u, v)
b) Hhb(u, v) = 1 + Hhp(u, v)
c) Hhb(u, v) = (A-1) – Hhp(u, v), A is a constant
d) Hhb(u, v) = (A-1) + Hhp(u, v), A is a constant
Answer: d [Reason:] For given composite filter of unsharp masking Hhp(u, v) = 1 – Hlp(u, v), the composite filter for High-boost filtering is Hhb(u, v) = (A-1) + Hhp(u, v).
8. The frequency domain Laplacian is closer to which of the following mask?
a) Mask that excludes the diagonal neighbors
b) Mask that excludes neighbors in 4-adjacancy
c) Mask that excludes neighbors in 8-adjacancy
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a [Reason:] The frequency domain Laplacian is closer to mask that excludes the diagonal neighbors.
9. To accentuate the contribution to enhancement made by high-frequency components, which of the following method(s) should be more appropriate to apply?
a) Multiply the highpass filter by a constant
b) Add an offset to the highpass filter to prevent eliminating zero frequency term by filter
c) All of the mentioned combined and applied
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:] To accentuate the contribution to enhancement made by high-frequency components, we have to multiply the highpass filter by a constant and add an offset to the highpass filter to prevent eliminating zero frequency term by filter.
10. A process that accentuate the contribution to enhancement made by high-frequency components, by multiplying the highpass filter by a constant and adding an offset to the highpass filter to prevent eliminating zero frequency term by filter is known as _______
a) Unsharp masking
b) High-boost filtering
c) High frequency emphasis
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:] High frequency emphasis is the method that accentuate the contribution to enhancement made by high-frequency component. In this we multiply the highpass filter by a constant and add an offset to the highpass filter to prevent eliminating zero frequency term by filter.
11. Which of the following a transfer function of High frequency emphasis {Hhfe(u, v)} for Hhp(u, v) being the highpass filtered version of image?
a) Hhfe(u, v) = 1 – Hhp(u, v)
b) Hhfe(u, v) = a – Hhp(u, v), a≥0
c) Hhfe(u, v) = 1 – b Hhp(u, v), a≥0 and b>a
d) Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v), a≥0 and b>a
Answer: d [Reason:] The transfer function of High frequency emphasis is given as:Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v), a≥0 and b>a.
12. The transfer function of High frequency emphasis is given as: Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v), for Hhp(u, v) being the highpass filtered version of image,a≥0 and b>a. for certain values of a and b it reduces to High-boost filtering. Which of the following is the required value?
a) a = (A-1) and b = 0,A is some constant
b) a = 0 and b = (A-1),A is some constant
c) a = 1 and b = 1
d) a = (A-1) and b =1,A is some constant
Answer: d [Reason:] The transfer function of High frequency emphasis is given as: Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v) and the transfer function for High-boost filtering is Hhb(u, v) = (A-1) + Hhp(u, v), A being some constant. So, for a = (A-1) and b =1, Hhfe(u, v) = Hhb(u, v).
13. The transfer function of High frequency emphasis is given as: Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v), for Hhp(u, v) being the highpass filtered version of image,a≥0 and b>a. What happens when b increases past 1?
a) The high frequency are emphasized
b) The low frequency are emphasized
c) All frequency are emphasized
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a [Reason:] The transfer function of High frequency emphasis is given as: Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v), for Hhp(u, v) being the highpass filtered version of image,a≥0 and b>a. When b increases past 1, the high frequency are emphasized.
14. The transfer function of High frequency emphasis is given as: Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v), for Hhp(u, v) being the highpass filtered version of image,a≥0 and b>a. When b increases past 1 the filtering process is specifically termed as____
a) Unsharp masking
b) High-boost filtering
c) Emphasized filtering
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:] The transfer function of High frequency emphasis is given as: Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v), for Hhp(u, v) being the highpass filtered version of image,a≥0 and b>a. When b increases past 1, the high frequency are emphasized and so the filtering process is better known as Emphasized filtering.
15. Validate the statement “Because of High frequency emphasis the gray-level tonality due to low frequency components is not lost”.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a [Reason:] Because of High frequency emphasis the gray-level tonality due to low frequency components is not lost.
Digital Electronic MCQ Set 5
1. In terms of Sampling and Quantization, Zooming and Shrinking may be viewed as _____
a) Oversampling for both
b) Oversampling and Undersampling respectively
c) Undersampling and Oversampling respectively
d) Undersampling for both
Answer: b [Reason:] Oversampling increases the number of sample in the image, i.e. like Zooming.
Undersampling decreases the number of samples in the image, i.e. like Shrinking.
2. The two steps: one is the creation of new pixel locations, and other is the assignment of gray levels to those new locations are involved in ______
a) Shrinking
b) Zooming
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b [Reason:] Suppose that we have an image of size500*500pixels and we want to enlarge it 1.5 times to 750*750pixels.
Creation of new Pixels: One of the easiest ways to visualize zooming is laying an imaginary 750*750 grid over the original image and so there would be less spacing by one pixel in the grid because we are fitting it over a smaller image.
Assignment of gray levels to new locations: In order to perform gray-level assignment for any point in the overlay, we assign its gray level to the new pixel in the grid its closest pixel in the original image.
When the above steps are done with all points in the overlay grid, we expand it to the original specified size to obtain the zoomed image.
3. While Zooming, In order to perform gray-level assignment for any point in the overlay, we assign its gray level to the new pixel in the grid its closest pixel in the original image. What’s this method of gray-level assignment called?
a) Neighbor Duplication
b) Duplication
c) Nearest neighbor Interpolation
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c [Reason:] Because we look for the closest pixel in the original image and assign its gray level to the new pixel in the grid.
4. A special case of nearest neighbor Interpolation that just duplicates the pixels the number of times to achieve the desired size, is known as _____
a) Bilinear Interpolation
b) Contouring
c) Ridging
d) Pixel Replication
Answer: d [Reason:] A special case of nearest neighbor interpolation is Pixel replication and is applicable when we want to increase the size of an image an integer number of times.
For example, doubling the size of an image is achieved duplicating each column and hence image size gets doubled in the horizontal direction. Then, we duplicate each row of the enlarged image to double the size in the vertical direction. Similarly, enlarging the image by any integer number of times (triple, quadruple, and so on) is possible.
5. Nearest neighbor Interpolation has an undesirable feature, that is ___
a) Aliasing effect
b) False contouring effect
c) Ridging effect
d) Checkerboard effect
Answer: d [Reason:] At greater magnification nearest neighbor Interpolation has the undesirable feature that it produces a checkerboard effect.
6. What does the bilinear Interpolation do for gray-level assignment?
a) Assign gray level to the new pixel using its right neighbor
b) Assign gray level to the new pixel using its left neighbor
c) Assign gray level to the new pixel using its four nearest neighbors
d) Assign gray level to the new pixel using its eight nearest neighbors
Answer: c [Reason:] Bilinear interpolation uses the four nearest neighbors of the new pixel. Let (x’, y’) is the coordinates of a point in the zoomed image and the gray level assigned to the point is v(x, y’).
For bilinear interpolation, the assigned gray level is given by
v(x’, y’) = ax’ + by’ + cx’y’ + d
Here, a, b, c and d are determined from the four equations in four unknowns that can be written using the four nearest neighbors of point (x’, y’).
7. Row-column deletion method of Image Shrinking is an equivalent process to which method of Zooming?
a) Bilinear Interpolation
b) Contouring
c) Pixel Replication
d) There is no such equivalent process
Answer: c [Reason:] Row-column deletion method is used to shrink an image by one-half, one-fourth and so on.
In case of one-half we delete every other row and column.
8. Image Shrinking has an undesirable feature, that is ______
a) Aliasing effect
b) False contouring effect
c) Ridging effect
d) Checkerboard effect
Answer: a [Reason:] Although Image Shrinking uses the grid analogy of nearest neighbor interpolation, but that we now expand the grid to fit over the original image, do gray-level nearest neighbor or bilinear interpolation, causing the possible aliasing effect, and then shrink the grid back to its original specified size.
9. State for the validation of the statement:
“In general-purpose for a digital image of zooming and shrinking, where Bilinear Interpolation generally is the method of choice over nearest neighbor Interpolation”.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a [Reason:] For case 32*32 to 1024*1024, the data is rather lost in nearest neighbor Interpolation, but the result of Bilinear Interpolation remains reasonably good for the same.