1. In FDM every user uses
A Same frequency band
B Different frequency band
C A frequency band which he is assigned at random
D None of the above
Answer AAnswer
2. To know where on byte ends and the next one begins, the communications must establish—-
A Transmission Channel
B Transmission mode
C Transmission media
D Transmission mean
Answer BAnswer
3. When data is sent during sent time periods, what do you call the transmission modes?
A Synchronous
B Asynchronous
C Protocol
D None of the above
Answer AAnswer
4. What do you call the combination of video signals, voice signals and data signals?
A Teleconferencing
B The internet
C Bulletin board system
D Videoconferencing
Answer DAnswer
5. When must you use a modem?
A When the communication link includes analog signals
B When you are using fiber optics
C When the bandwidth is wide
D All of the above
Answer AAnswer
6. Communication that involves computer, establishing a link through the telephone system is called
A Teleprocessing
B Telecommunications
C Microprocessing
D None of the above
Answer DAnswer
7. WAN hardware includes
A Multiplexors and routers
C Bridges and modems
D None of the above
Answer AAnswer
8. For communications wide area network use
A Special purpose telephone wires
B Fiber optic cables and microwaves
C Both a and b
D None of the above
Answer CAnswer
9. Modem EPABX use
A Space division multiplexing
B Time division multiplexing
C Frequency multiplexing
D None of the above
Answer BAnswer
10. When computers are linked with a direct, high speed connection, what is the result called?
A Telecommunications
B A network
C A connection
D An information system
Answer BAnswer
11. What are the two types of networks?
B Highway and systems
C Local area network and wide area network
D Both a and c
Answer DAnswer
12. When do you call physical layout of a LAN?
A Connectivity
B Interface
C Bridge
D Topology
Answer DAnswer
13. Since the advent of local area network, mainframe computers have
A Become less popular
B Become more popular
C Been unaffected
D Disappeared
Answer AAnswer
14. A CB radio call is very much like
A Full duplex transmission
B Half duplex
C Quarter duplex
D No duplex
Answer BAnswer
15. To send simultaneous voice and data signals, a LAN should use
A Twisted pair wire
B Baseband coaxial cable
C Broadband coaxial cable
D Two coffee cans with lots of strings.
Answer CAnswer
16. A data highway is a good description of which network topology?
A Bus
B Star
C Ring
D Token ring
Answer CAnswer
17. A dead workstation on a token ring network can cripple the network without
A Special software
B Wire centres or special bypass hardware
C Extra tokens
D A dead station token
Answer BAnswer
18. A broad cast address enables a message to go to
A A single work station
B A single group of work stations
C Several groups of work stations
D A selected peripheral
Answer CAnswer
19. A jam signal sent through a network means
A The network traffic is too congested.
B There has been a data collision
C It’s time to go
D The printer’s paper feeder is jammed
Answer BAnswer
20. The IEEE 802.3 standard is most similar to
A IBM’s token ring network
B Xerox’s Ethernet LAN
C A generic star network
D A generic token ring network
Answer BAnswer
21. For a relatively large network covering a long distance the best network topology would be
A Bus
B Token ring
C Token bus
D Super bus
Answer CAnswer
22. Which of these is not a field in the Ethernet message packet?
A Type
B Data
C Zip code
D Address
Answer CAnswer
23. Fast Ethernet has a maximum transmission speed of
A 10 mbps
B 25 mbps
C 50 mbps
D 100 mbps
Answer DAnswer
24. Asynchronous transmission mode transmits
A Ethernet style packets
B X.25 switched packets
C 53 byte cells
D Very large frames for greater efficiency.
Answer CAnswer
25. ATM can achieve a maximum speed of
A 100 mbps
B 500 mbps
C 1 gbps
D 1.2 gbps
Answer CAnswer
26. Protocol is used to communicate between
A Similar module
B Dissimilar module
C Both a and b
D None of the above
Answer CAnswer
27. Which of the following topology is least effected by removal/ addition of work stations?
A Ring
B Star
C Bus
D None of the above
Answer BAnswer
28. Which one of the following is a guided transmission line?
A Pair of wires
B Optical fiber cable
C Coaxial cable
D All of the above
Answer DAnswer
29. The following modulation requires the lowest bandwidth
Answer CAnswer
30. Which of the following is associated with network?
A Node
B Star topology
C Both a and b
D None of the above
Answer CAnswer
31. Satellite communications use
A Medium frequency band
B Microwaves
C Optical frequencies
D None of the above
Answer BAnswer
32. Which of the following is not a guided transmission line?
A Pair of wires
B Wave guides
C Laser beam
D None of the above
Answer BAnswer
33. Which of the following is the feature of multimedia?
A Sound
B Animation
C Picture
D All of the above
Answer DAnswer
34. Multimedia can be used in which of the following fields?
A Education
B Entertainment
C Engineering
D All of the above
Answer DAnswer
35. Maximum length of a data packet in packet switching method is
A 1 bytes
B 128-4096 bytes
C 10MB
D None of the above
Answer DAnswer
36. Data transfer rate for LAN is normally
A 1-100 Mbps
B 1-2 Mbps
C 1-10 Mbps
D None of the above
Answer AAnswer
37. Which of the following network is suitable for networking within a building?
D All of the above
Answer BAnswer
38. Network disk drives are really
A Hard disk drives
B Network file servers
C Floppy disk drives
D Logical disk drives
Answer DAnswer
39. Different network can be linked using
A A remote PC
B A disk server
C A router PC
D Spooled disk files
Answer CAnswer
40. Users can shorten the set up of their network workstations environment by
A Using the NetWare manuals
B Using electronic mail
C Using elevator seeking
D Using login scripts
Answer DAnswer