Certificate Programme on Life and Thought of B. R. Ambedkar

IGNOU Certificate Programme on Life and Thought of B. R. Ambedkar EXAM question paper of last previous year for exam preparation. You can get all type of IGNOU course study material and solved assignments from DistPub.com

BAB101-B.R. Ambedkar : Thinker, His Time

BAB101: June, 2021 Exam Question paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Examine the life of young Ambedkar.

2. Discuss Ambedkar’s education in England.

3. How did Jyotiba Phule’s ideas influence Ambedkar ? Discuss.

4. Explain the influence of Edmund Burke’s ideas on Ambedkar.

5. Give an account of Ambedkar’s vision for the Republican Party of India.

6. Discuss Ambedkar’s views on the mode of representation.

7. Examine the role of Ambedkar as Law Minister. Get ignou solution

8. Examine the influence of Karl Marx on Ambedkar.

BAB101: December, 2020 Exam Question paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Give an account of Ambedkar’s early education

2. Discuss briefly about Ambedkar’s struggles in life.

3.Explain the influence of Buddha on Ambedkar.

4. Describe Ambedkar’s role in the drafting of the constitution of India.

5. Discuss Bhakti tradition and its importance.

6. Write a short note on the characteristics of caste and class.

7. Explain the nature of exploitation in Mahar Watan.

8. Discuss Ambedkar’s view on Russell’s ‘Principles of Social Reconstruction’.

BAB101 June 2020 Exam Question Paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Discuss briefly Ambedkar’s early education.

2.Describe, what kind of struggles Ambedkar faced in his life.

3. Briefly discuss the critique of the caste system by Jyotiba Phule.

4. Describe the life sketch of John Dewey and briefly discuss his influence on Ambedkar.

5. Discuss the significance of the newspapers started by Ambedkar.

6. ‘Ambedkar as the architect of Indian Constitution.’ Discuss.

7. Give an account of Ambedkar’s life abroad.

8. Describe briefly the social movements initiated by Ambedkar.

BAB102 B. R. Ambedkar: Society And Culture

BAB102: June, 2021

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. According to Ambedkar, how does the practice of endogamy maintain the caste system in India ?

2.Ambedkar believed that untouchability is the result of caste system. Discuss.

3. What, according to Ambedkar, is an ‘ideal society’ ? Explain

4. What are the assumptions associated with Shudras in ancient texts of India ? Discuss.

5. Explain some of the criteria used to identify the untouchables in India.

6. Ambedkar saw women as victims of an oppressive caste-based social system. Discuss.

7. In what way have tribals in India been exploited and marginalised ? Discuss.

8. Explain Ambedkar’s vision of social justice.

BAB -102 Dec 2020 Question Paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Discuss Ambedkar’s view on the origin of caste system in India.

2. Explain Ambedkar’s idea of annihilation of caste in India.

3.Discuss Ambedkar’s understanding of social structure of Indian village..

4. Who are Shudras ? Discuss.

5. Explain Ambedkar’s theory on the origin of untouchability in India.

6. What do you understand by the term Adivasi ? Give a brief profile of the Adivasi communities in India.

7. How did Ambedkar and Gandhi differ on their viewpoints on the caste system in India ? Discuss.

8. What, according to Ambedkar, are the significant elements of Buddhism ?

BAB -102 June 2020 Exam Question Paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. What was Ambedkar’s critique of caste as a division of labour ? .

2.Discuss Ambedkar’s vision of an ideal society.

3.Critically examine Ambedkar’s views on the Shudras.

4.Discuss the theory of the origin of untouchability.

5.Discuss Ambedkar’s views on the status of Indian women. Also available ignou exam solution for all type of courses.

6. Critically examine the differences in ideas of Gandhi and Ambedkar on caste system.

7. Discuss the Ambedkar’s view on Buddha.

8. Critically examine the socio-religious reforms undertaken in 19th and 20th century India.

BAB103-Economic Thought Of B.R. Ambedkar

BAB103: June, 2021 Exam Question Paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Discuss Ambedkar’s views for the reform of the Indian currency.

2.Discuss Ambedkar’s critique on financial and monetary economy in colonial India.

3. Critically examine Ambedkar’s views on land holdings.

4. Discuss Ambedkar’s thought on labour and labour legislation.

5. Discuss Ambedkar’s economic analysis of the caste system.

6. Discuss the contribution of B.R. Ambedkar towards health policies in India.

7. Discuss Ambedkar’s views on skill development and industrialisation for development of India.

8. Discuss Ambedkar’s comparative views between Buddhism and Communism.

BAB -103 Dec 2020 Question Paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Discuss B. R. Ambedkar’s views on financial management and rupee.

2. Critically examine Ambedkar’s views on financial and monetary economy in colonial India.

3.Analyse the Ambedkar’s thought on state socialism.

4. Discuss Ambedkar’s economic analysis of the caste system.

5. Examine Ambedkar’s views on the population problems in India.

6. Discuss Ambedkar’s views on industrialisation and skill development for development of India.

7. Discuss Ambedkar’s views on the relationship between Buddhism and Communism.

8. Describe the ideas of Ambedkar in the formation of an institution for Central Monetary System in India.

BAB -103 June 2020 Exam Question Paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Discuss B. R. Ambedkar’s view on financial management and rupee.

2.Discuss Ambedkar’s ideas on India’s pre-colonial economy.

3.Discuss the basic features of state socialism.

4.Explain Ambedkar’s view on development in relation to industry and market.

5.Discuss the land revenue system introduced in the colonial period.

6. Discuss Ambedkar’s thought on population problems.

7. What is the relationship between labour and caste according to Ambedkar ?

8. Discuss Ambedkar’s views on social security in the context of India.

BAB104 State Democracy and Nation Building

BAB104 June, 2021 Exam Question

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Discuss Ambedkar’s ideas on citizenship.

2.Explain Ambedkar’s thoughts on India’s unity in the light of its internal differences.

3. What do you understand by the term ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ ? Explain.

4. What are Ambedkar’s views on reorganisation of the State on linguistic basis ? Elaborate.

5.Discuss Ambedkar’s concept of social democracy.

6. In what sense are Scheduled Castes and Muslims minorities in India ? Explain from Ambedkar’s point of view.

7. Discuss the major provisions of Poona Pact.

8.In what way did the Indian Constitution provide safeguards for the Scheduled Castes ? Discuss.

BAB -104 Dec 2020 Question Paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each.

1. Why India is not a nation according to Ambedkar ? Explain.

2. What was Ambedkar’s vision to maintain democracy in India ?

3.How is the Indian federalism different from the American federalism ? Discuss.

4.Why was Pakistan considered a ‘necessary evil’ by Ambedkar ? Elaborate.

5.What are Ambedkar’s views on ‘state socialism’ ? Why is it a feature of welfare state ?

6. What are the necessary conditions for the success of democracy, according to Ambedkar ? Discuss.

7. What are Ambedkar’s views on parliamentary democracy ? Explain.

8.Why was Ambedkar critical of the rule of any single party ? Discuss.

BAB -104 June 2020 Exam Question Paper

Note :Answer any five of the following questions in about 400 words each and you can take help from distpub.com

1. Write a note on Ambedkar’s views on Democracy and Citizenship.

2.What are the five principles given by Ambedkar for the future of Indian Nation ?

3.What were Ambedkar’s views on linguistic states ?

4.Critically examine Ambedkar’s Views on parliamentary democracy.

5.Ambedkar believed that state socialism ensures fundamental rights and safeguards the weak and vulnerable groups.’ Discuss.

6. Write a note on Ambedkar’s contribution to the evolution of rights in India.

7. Critically examine the debates on equality and merit.

8. Examine the provisions for protective discrimination in the Indian Constitution

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