Q99. The relation of the partners of a firm to one another arises through a _________between them.
a. agreement
b. goodwill
c. implied
a. agreement
Q100. Section 14 further provides that the property of a firm, subject to the contract between the partners, includes the _________of the business.
a. goodwill
b. implied
c. sleeping
a. goodwill
Q101. Sections 19 and 22 deal with the subject of _________authority of a partner.
a. implied
b. sleeping
c. Partnership at Will
a. implied
Q102. A _________partner is one who does not take an active part in the business of the firm.
a. sleeping
b. Partnership at Will
c. Outgoing
a. sleeping
Q103. A partnership entered into for a fixed period of time, the partners still carry on the business even after the expiry of the fixed period so the partnership becomes_________
a. Partnership at Will
b. Outgoing
c. dissolution
a. Partnership at Will
Q104. _________partner means a partner who has retired from a firm.
a. Outgoing
b. dissolution
c. court
a. Outgoing
Q105. When the relationship existing between all the partners of the firm comes to an end, it is called _________of the firm.
a. dissolution
b. court
c. Limited Liability
a. dissolution
Q106. If a partner is guilty of conduct which is likely to affect prejudicially the carrying on of the business of the firm, the _________may order dissolution.
a. court
b. Limited Liability
c. nominal
a. court
Q107. In a _________Partnership one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner’s misconduct or negligence.
a. Limited Liability
b. Joint
c. Friendship
a. Limited Liability
Q108. In the case of a company limited by shares, the liability of members is limited to the _________value of shares held by them.
a. nominal
b. articles
c. certificate of formation
a. nominal
Q109. One or more persons may form an LLC by signing _________of formation in prescribed form and filing them with the Registrar.
a. articles
b. certificate of formation
c. legal
a. articles
Q110. A LLC is formed on the date specified in the _________issued by the Registrar under subsection (6).
a. certificate of formation
b. legal
c. company
a. certificate of formation
Q111. A corporation is an association of persons, incorporated according to the law of the land and clothed with _________personality.
a. legal
b. company
c. body corporate
a. legal
Q112. An artificial person is created and devised by laws for the purpose of the society and is known as _________
a. company
b. body corporate
c. Articles
a. company
Q113. Where an association is incorporated, it becomes a _________acquiring a legal entity.
a. body corporate
b. Articles
c. Common seal
a. body corporate
Q114. The shares of a company are transferable in the manner provided in the _________of the company.
a. Articles
b. Common seal
c. subscribers
a. Articles
Q115. _________is the official signature of a company.
a. Common seal
b. subscribers
c. corporate veil
a. Common seal
Q116. A company is at law a different person altogether from the_________
a. subscribers
b. corporate veil
c. shareholders
a. subscribers
Q117. Where a company has been formed for some fraudulent purpose, the court will lift the _________to identify the perpetrator of the fraud.
a. corporate veil
b. shareholders
c. incorporation
a. corporate veil
Q118. Where the company is acting as agent of the shareholders, then the _________ will be held liable for its acts.
a. shareholders
b. incorporation
c. income-tax
a. shareholders