Q20. Coercion is the committing or threatening to commit any act forbidden by the _________
a. Indian Penal Code
b. voidable
c. power
a. Indian Penal Code
Q21. When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion the agreement is _________.at the option of the party whose consent was so obtained.
a. Indian Penal Code
b. voidable
c. power
b. voidable
Q22. Undue influence consists in the improper exercise of _________.over the mind of one of the contracting parties by the other.
a. voidable
b. power
c. full knowledge
b. power
Q23. The presumption of undue influence can be rebutted by showing that the party said to have been influenced had independent legal advice of one who had _________of the relevant facts.
a. voidable
b. power
c. full knowledge
c. full knowledge
Q24. For a fraud to exist there must be a representation or assertion and it must be_________
a. false
b. true
c. none of these
a. false
Q25. It is a common rule of law that there is no fraud without_________
a. damages
b. fraud
c. three
a. damages
Q26. Silence may in itself amount to _________where the circumstances are such that “silence is in itself equivalent to speech”.
a. false
b. damages
c. fraud
c. fraud
Q27. The case of misrepresentation is classified into _________groups
a. three
b. two
c. one
a. three
Q28. Broadly there are two kinds of mistake which are Mistake of _________and Mistake of law.
a. fact
b. bilateral
c. co-sureties
a. fact
Q29. When both the parties to the agreement are under a mistake of fact essential to the agreement, the mistake is called a _________mistake
a. bilateral
b. co-sureties
c. surety
a. bilateral
Q30. Rights of a surety is classified under three heads which are rights against the creditor, rights against the principal debtor and rights against_________
a. co-sureties
b. surety
c. operation of law
a. co-sureties
Q31. In a contract of guarantee there are three parties, viz., the creditor, the principal debtor and the _________
a. surety
b. operation of law
c. Indemnity
a. surety
Q32. A contract of indemnity may arise either by an express promise or_________
a. operation of law
b. Indemnity
c. primary
a. operation of law
Q33. _________requires that the party to be indemnified shall never be called upon to pay.
a. Indemnity
b. primary
c. secondary
a. Indemnity
Q34. The liability of a promisor is _________and independent in a contract of indemnity.
a. Indemnity
b. primary
c. secondary
b. primary
Q35. In a contract of guarantee, the liability of the surety is_________.
a. primary
b. secondary
c. temporary
b. secondary
Q36. The essence of bailment is delivery of goods by one person to another for some _________purpose.
a. secondary
b. temporary
c. accomplished.
b. temporary
Q37. In case, bailment is for specific purpose it terminates as soon as the purpose is _________
a. accomplished.
b. bailee
c. true owner
a. accomplished.
Q38. A finder of lost goods is treated as the _________of the goods found.
a. bailee
b. true owner
c. implication
a. bailee
Q39. A finder of lost goods may retain the goods until he receives the compensation for money spent in preserving the goods and amount spent in finding the_________
a. true owner
b. implication
c. Implied
a. true owner