Business Communication book summary and important keywords

Business Communication summary keywords

Question and Hint answers

Q1. What is communication? In business organizations, communication performs several roles. Discuss.

Answer: Communication means to inform, to tell, to show, or to spread information i.e., it may be interpreted as an interchange of thought or information to bring about understanding and confidence for good industrial relations in various roles, namely, communication with directs, peers or bosses.

Q2. Does communication make a business successful? Give your view and support with an example.

Answer: Business communication asserts, sustains and animates business relations and therefore has the capability of making relations or breaking relations.

Q3. Is listening important in communication? Explain the importance of listening while discussing about listening as behaviour.

Answer: Listening can be viewed as a form of behaviour that is an integral part of the on-the-job communication process due to the time spent doing the same- listening. Managers agree that ‘active listening’ is the most crucial skill for becoming a successful manager.

Q4. List down points of how to be a good listener. Also distinguish between a good and a bad listener.

Answer: Listening skills can be improved with critical discrimination or conscious effort and there are plethora of points that can distinguish a good listener from a bad listener.

Q5. Discuss about the significance of communication keeping in view the broad forms that it takes in an organization.

Answer: The significance of communication in business is indisputable and becomes more so with the three forms it takes in an organization – internal-operational, external-operational and personal.

Q6. What are the principles of interpersonal communication?

Answer: The principle that underlie the workings in real life of interpersonal communication are that it is: inescapable, irreversible, complicated and contextual.

Q7. Explain how one-way and two-way communication falls within the spectrum of verbal and non-verbal communication.

Answer: One-way communication is characterized by absence of feedback from the receiver to the sender and if non-verbal communication is written takes the form of one-way communication. Two-ways communication requires active feedback from the receiver to the sender to assure that the receiver has understood the same message which the sender meant to convey and since verbal communication implies face-to-face interaction it clearly takes form of two-way communication.

Q8. What do you understand by communication network in an organization? Is grapevine important for an organization to exist?

Answer: The institutionalization of communications, by the execution of formal or informal lines, may lead to assign a positive or negative value, respectively to the communications within the enterprise culture, thereby advocating people to communicate.

Q9. What are the 7 Cs of effective communication?

Answer: There are 7 Cs of effective communication which are: Completeness, Conciseness, Consideration, Clarity, Concreteness, Courtesy, and Correctness.

Q10. Define verbal communication. What are the advantages of oral communication?

Answer: Verbal communication relates to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally, communication is done by word of mouth or a piece of writing and therefore it has number of advantages.

Q11. What is oral communication? How to make oral communication effective?

Answer: Oral communication means spoken communication or communication through speech. For oral communication to be effective the following points must be adhered to: Clarity, Brevity, Precision, Right words, Avoid Hackneyed Phrases and Clichés, Understand the Listener, Natural Voice, Logical Sequence, Conviction

Q12. What is written communication? List its advantages and disadvantages.

Answer: Written communication is the most common form of communication being used in business and it may be may be published or hand written. In the light of this statement it has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Q13. For one to master verbal communication, what are the skills required?

Answer: Verbal communication is just as crucial in our personal lives as in our professional lives and to master it we must follow the following: Be friendly, Think before you speak, Be clear, Don’t talk too much, Be your authentic self, Practice humility, Speak with confidence, Focus on your body language, Be concise, Learn the art of listening.

Q14. What is non-verbal communication? Highlight its elements with examples.

Answer: Non-verbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages and its elements are: Appearance, Body Language, Sounds.

Q15. Describe the different types of non-verbal communication.

Answer: There are many different types of non-verbal communication, namely: Facial expressions, Body movements and posture, Gestures, Eye contact, Touch, Space, Voice.

Q16. What do you understand by organisational communication?

Answer: Organisational communication refers to the forms and channels of communication among members of organisations such as corporations, non-profits or small businesses.

Q17. What are the reasons for importance of organisational communication?

Answer: Following are the reasons for the importance of organisational communication: Directions of Communication, Leading, Rationalizing, Problem-solving, Conflict, Management, Gaining Compliance.

Q18. What do you understand by internal communication? What do managers use downward communication for?

Answer: Within forms of communication within organisations, one of the most critical concepts is directionality and internal communication forms a part of it. Within the same downward communication is used by the managers to convey work-related information to the employees at lower levels.

Q19. How important is horizontal communication to an organisation? Explain the flow of horizontal communication with the help of a diagram.

Answer: The communication which occurs at same levels of hierarchy is known as lateral or horizontal communication, that is, communication between managers, between peers at same levels or between any horizontally equivalent organisational members is horizontal communication. It generally involves coordinating information and permits people with the same rank in an organisation to collaborate or cooperate and so is crucial in its existence.

Q20. What is grapevine communication? What are its types and disadvantages?

Answer: Grapevine communication is a form of informal communications in business that develops within an organization. There are four different kinds of grapevine communication, which are: Single Strand Chain, Gossip Chain, Probability Chain, Cluster Chain.

Q21. What is communications audit? What are its steps?

Answer: Communications audit is an assessment of the effectiveness and credibility of current communication vehicles and media, including publications, web site, intranet, blogs, town meetings, face-to-face communication, and other communication media which comprises of 10 steps.

Q22. “Business writing is one of the simplest forms of writing.” Comment.

Answer: Business writing is one of the simplest forms of writing since it is supposed to convey a message in the most simplest way and being specific.

Q23. Discuss how adaptation and selection of words is crucial to business writing.

Answer: The capability to writing clearly relies not on our audience itself, but on how much we know about our audience. For writing to be clear, it must adapt to the reader. A major portion of adaptation is choosing the right words i.e., selection.

Q24. What is the way to develop effective sentences in business writing?

Answer: Words are regarded as the building blocks of communication and sentences are considered as the rows of blocks, which must be properly planned and well laid out to make effective sentences while writing.

Q25. What is paragraph development? What should be its elements?

Answer: Every paragraph is a significant part of the whole, a key link in the train of thought and so it should be well developed and to ensure that one must focus on: Topic of sentence, Related sentences and transitional words and phrases.

Q26. Which points should be ensured while writing for multiple readers? Also, what is audience analysis?

Answer: When writing for multiple readers one must ensure certain important points. Audience analysis is central to the success of any message: to capture and hold an audience’s attention and to motivate readers and listeners, you must shape your message to fulfill the audience’s goals, interests, and needs.

Q27. What is persuasive writing? What are its focus points?

Answer: Persuasion is a vital tool one should master to attain professional success in the business world keeping the few points in mind: Grabbing the Reader’s Attention, Building and Maintaining Reader Interest, Reducing Reader Resistance, Motivating the Reader to Act.

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