Business Communication Online MCQ Set 20

QN01. The opening of a formal report accomplishes the following except

  1. previews the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
  2. introduces the subject of the report.
  3. indicates why the subject is important.
  4. lists the recommendations.

(D)lists the recommendations.

QN02. The tone of a bad-news message helps readers in the following ways except

  1. encourage further correspondence.
  2. understand that, under the circumstances, your decision was fair and reasonable.
  3. preserve their pride.
  4. accept that your bad news represents a firm decision.

(A)encourage further correspondence.

QN03. These are good strategies for overcoming resistance except

  1. holding your arguments until the other person is ready for them.
  2. evaluating others' objections fairly.
  3. ignoring it until it goes away.
  4. making people aware of their resistance.

(C)ignoring it until it goes away.

QN04. To discover what will bring you satisfaction on the job, ask yourself the following questions except

  1. What sort of corporate culture are you most comfortable with?
  2. What would you like to do everyday?
  3. What are the sources of employment information?
  4. What size company would you prefer?

(C)What are the sources of employment information?

QN05. To evaluate the credibility of sources, ask the following questions except

  1. Where did the source get its information?
  2. Can it be found by several different search engines?
  3. Is the source potentially biased?
  4. Is the material current?

(B)Can it be found by several different search engines?

QN06. To help decide whether or not to send your business message at this time, you should ask yourself four questions. Which of the following is not one of those questions?

  1. Is your purpose realistic?
  2. Is the right person delivering the message?
  3. Is your message likely to please the audience?
  4. Is this the right time?

(C)Is your message likely to please the audience?

QN07. To hold the attention of your audience during a speech or presentation, you must do all of the following except

  1. define your purpose.
  2. relate your subject to your audience's needs.
  3. explain the relationship between your subject and familiar ideas.
  4. use clear, vivid language.

(A)define your purpose.

QN08. To limit the scope of a study, ask the following questions except

  1. How did the situation originate?
  2. What medium and channel should be used?
  3. What needs to be determined?
  4. Who is involved in the situation?

(B)What medium and channel should be used?

QN09. To preview your speech, do the following except

  1. establish credibility.
  2. summarize the main idea.
  3. indicate the order in which you will develop these points.
  4. identify the supporting points.

(A)establish credibility.

QN10. Use the direct approach when the audience is

  1. eager and interested.
  2. interested and displeased.
  3. eager and displeased.
  4. interested and neutral.

(A)eager and interested.

QN11. Use the indirect approach when the audience is

  1. pleased and interested.
  2. interested and willing.
  3. displeased.
  4. neutral.


QN12. What is the ratio of receiving to sending information?

  1. 50% receiving/50% sending
  2. 32% receiving/68% sending
  3. 71% receiving/29% sending
  4. 61% receiving/39% sending

(D)61% receiving/39% sending

QN13. What percentage of communication time do businesspeople spend listening?

  1. 45%
  2. 20%
  3. 10%
  4. 65%


QN14. What percentage of each workweek is wasted because of poor communication?

  1. 25 %
  2. 2 %
  3. 40 %
  4. 15 %

(D)15 %

QN15. What step in the communication process allows you to evaluate your message's effectiveness?

  1. Selection of the communication medium.
  2. Feedback sent by the receiver to the sender.
  3. Decoding of the message by the receiver.
  4. Encoding of the message by the sender.

(B)Feedback sent by the receiver to the sender.

QN16. When a crisis hits, an organization should do the following except

  1. issue frequent news updates each day.
  2. use the crisis to promote products and services.
  3. tell the receptionist to direct all calls to the news centre.
  4. provide complete information packets as soon as possible.

(B)use the crisis to promote products and services.

QN17. When choosing an appropriate style for a speech, which of the following is not a factor to consider?

  1. Your audience's size
  2. The time available for preparation
  3. Overcoming anxiety
  4. Your subject and purpose

(C)Overcoming anxiety

QN18. When closing a speech or presentation, you should do all of the following except

  1. restate the main points.
  2. describe the next steps.
  3. end on a positive note.
  4. emphasize structure.

(D)emphasize structure.

QN19. When critiquing a document, you should concentrate on these elements except

  1. Is it long enough?
  2. Is the factual material correct?
  3. Does the document use unambiguous language?
  4. Does the document accomplish the intended purpose?

(A)Is it long enough?

QN20. When deciding whether to use the direct or indirect approach, consider the following questions except

  1. How serious is the situation?
  2. What is the reader's likely reaction to the news?
  3. How important is the message?
  4. How well do you know the readers?

(A)How serious is the situation?

QN21. When employers consider a candidate for a job, they consider the following except

  1. how well the candidate's skills match the job requirements.
  2. how a candidate will fit in with the organization.
  3. pre-employment testing to determine whether a candidate has the necessary psychological characteristics.
  4. All the above are considered by employers.

(D)All the above are considered by employers.

QN22. When giving a negative performance review follow these guidelines except

  1. deliver the message in private.
  2. plan your message.
  3. use the indirect approach to avoid an emotional response.
  4. focus on the problem.

(C)use the indirect approach to avoid an emotional response.

QN23. When giving reasons for saying no, use the following techniques except

  1. cite company policy to cushion the bad news.
  2. highlight how your negative decision benefits your reader.
  3. convince readers that your reasons are logical.
  4. avoid apologizing.

(A)cite company policy to cushion the bad news.

QN24. When granting a claim for adjustment when a third party is at fault, which of the following is not a good option to consider?

  1. Honour the claim, but explain that you are not at fault.
  2. Refer the claimant to the third party.
  3. Simply honour the claim.
  4. Honour the claim and emphasize the explanation that it was not your company's negligence that caused the problem.

(B)Refer the claimant to the third party.

QN25. When organizing direct requests, you should not

  1. place your main idea (request) in the opening.
  2. state the action you are requesting in the closing section.
  3. explain the details of your request in the middle part of the message.
  4. begin your request with a personal introduction.

(D)begin your request with a personal introduction.

QN26. When planning bad-news messages, you should consider the following questions except

  1. Do your readers prefer to receive the negative news up front, without delay?
  2. Should it be sent in writing?
  3. Would they accept the news more readily if you explained your reasons first?
  4. All the above questions should be considered when planning bad-news messages.

(D)All the above questions should be considered when planning bad-news messages.

QN27. When speaking English to people who speak English as a second language, follow all of the following guidelines except

  1. let other people finish what they have to say.
  2. try to eliminate "noise."
  3. look for feedback.
  4. repeat your sentence in a louder voice than necessary.

(D)repeat your sentence in a louder voice than necessary.

QN28. When writing a note of congratulations, do all of the following except

  1. if possible, include a clipping or photo commemorating the special event.
  2. be prompt when sending out the message.
  3. make the reader the focus of all comments.
  4. take the opportunity to mention how your products and services could benefit the reader.

(D)take the opportunity to mention how your products and services could benefit the reader.

QN29. When writing for an international audience, which of the following will not promote clarity?

  1. Helping readers follow your train of thought
  2. Using short paragraphs
  3. Avoiding idioms, jargon, slang, and buzz words
  4. Relying on abstractions and generalities to explain your points

(D)Relying on abstractions and generalities to explain your points

QN30. When writing your first letter to a company to ask for a claim or adjustment, you should do all of the following except

  1. request a specific action.
  2. provide backup information.
  3. state the problem clearly and provide relevant details.
  4. open with a personal introduction because the company does not know you.

(D)open with a personal introduction because the company does not know you.

QN31. When you are dissatisfied with a company's product or service, which of the following is the best option?

  1. All of the above
  2. Written claim letter
  3. Visit
  4. Phone call

(B)Written claim letter

QN32. Which is not a good reason for using the passive voice?

  1. To point out what's been done without attributing blame
  2. To emphasize the importance of a statement
  3. To be diplomatic about pointing out a problem
  4. To avoid personal pronouns in order to create an objective tone

(B)To emphasize the importance of a statement

QN33. Which is not one of the steps in the three-step oral presentation process?

  1. Write your speech or presentation.
  2. Overcome anxiety.
  3. Plan your speech or presentation.
  4. Complete your speech or presentation.

(B)Overcome anxiety.

QN34. Which of the following are examples of external communication?

  1. ith competitors
  2. with customers
  3. with journalists
  4. all of the above

(D)all of the above

QN35. Which of the following are typical of high-context cultures?

  1. Information is shared with everyone.
  2. Business and social relationships overlap.
  3. Workers do not want or expect detailed information.
  4. All of the above.

(D)All of the above.

QN36. Which of the following categories of messages should not be written in the direct approach?

  1. Granting requests for claims and adjustments
  2. Refusing a claim for adjustment
  3. Sending goodwill messages
  4. Granting requests for information and action

(B)Refusing a claim for adjustment

QN37. Which of the following definitions is not true?

  1. The median is the midpoint of the series of items.
  2. The mode is the number that occurs more often than any other in your sample.
  3. The median is the sum of all the items in the group divided by the number of items in the group
  4. The mean is the sum of all the items in the group divided by the number of items in the group.

(C)The median is the sum of all the items in the group divided by the number of items in the group

QN38. Which of the following documentation styles should not be used in a formal report?

  1. Chicago Manual of Style
  2. A simple, consistent style adapted by the author of the report.
  3. American Psychological Association (APA)
  4. Modern Language Association (MLA)

(B)A simple, consistent style adapted by the author of the report.

QN39. Which of the following elements does not belong in the close of a routine request?

  1. Information about how you can be reached
  2. An expression of appreciation or goodwill
  3. An explanation of the importance of the request
  4. A specific request

(C)An explanation of the importance of the request

QN40. Which of the following is a communication barrier that often exists between people?

  1. Deadlines
  2. Incorrect choice of medium.
  3. Inadequate communication structures
  4. Differences in perception

(D)Differences in perception


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