Business Communication Online MCQ Set 18

QN01. Do all of the following when you are writing sales letters except

  1. gain the reader's attention.
  2. support your claims with evidence.
  3. emphasize central selling points and benefits.
  4. All the above should be used.

(D)All the above should be used.

QN02. During what stage does the interviewer control the interview by asking a series of questions in a set order?

  1. An open-ended interview
  2. A structured interview
  3. Pre-employment testing
  4. Handwriting analysis

(B)A structured interview

QN03. Effective persuasion involves the following strategies except

  1. framing your arguments.
  2. dealing with resistance.
  3. repeating the main idea.
  4. balancing emotional and logical appeals.

(C)repeating the main idea.

QN04. E-mail can be used for external communications in which of the following situations?

  1. When your audience accepts e-mail as appropriate.
  2. In response to e-mail messages that you receive.
  3. Both of the above.
  4. None of the above.

(C)Both of the above.

QN05. Generally, the best way to deliver a speech is by

  1. memorizing it.
  2. reading it.
  3. impromptu speaking.
  4. speaking from notes.

(D)speaking from notes.

QN06. If you wish to acknowledge help given by others, place it in the

  1. letter of transmittal.
  2. title page.
  3. letter of authorization.
  4. title fly.

(A)letter of transmittal

QN07. In a recent Ipso-Reid survey of office workers across Canada, on average, what was the reported number of hours per week spent in meetings?

  1. 20.8 hours
  2. 10.4 hours
  3. 5.2 hours
  4. 2.7 hours

(C)5.2 hours

QN08. In a stress interview you might encounter the following except

  1. hostile reactions from interviewer.
  2. pointed questions designed to unsettle you.
  3. criticisms of your appearance.
  4. All the above might occur in a stress interview.

(D)All the above might occur in a stress interview.

QN09. In asking for a recommendation from someone with whom you have not had contact for some time, include the following information except

  1. any special events that might bring a clear, favourable picture to mind.
  2. All of the above should be included.
  3. the nature of the relationship.
  4. the dates of the association.

(B)All of the above should be included.

QN10. In longer messages, the first few paragraphs should establish the following except

  1. recommendations.
  2. subject.
  3. organization of the material.
  4. purpose.


QN11. It is best to use a written channel in the following situations except when

  1. your audience is large and geographically dispersed.
  2. you need immediate feedback.
  3. you want to minimize the distortion that can occur when a message passes orally from person to person.
  4. you need a permanent written record.

(D)you need a permanent written record.

QN12. It is best to use an oral channel in the following situations except when

  1. you want immediate feedback from the audience.
  2. you want to encourage interaction to solve a problem or reach a decision.
  3. you need no permanent record.
  4. your message is complex and requires further explanation.

(D)your message is complex and requires further explanation.

QN13. Most grammar checkers can perform the following tasks except

  1. pointing out passive voice.
  2. pointing out words that tend to be misused.
  3. pointing out long sentences.
  4. constructing correct sentences.

(D)constructing correct sentences.

QN14. Open Hint for Question 1 in a new window.

  1. preprinted form.
  2. memo.
  3. e-mail.
  4. letter.


QN15. Sales and fundraising messages are alike in the following ways except

  1. both compete for business and public attention, time, and dollars.
  2. both attempt to persuade readers to spend their time or money on the value being offered.
  3. both generally use the AIDA sequence to deliver the message.
  4. both are sent by nonprofit organizations persuading others to donate money or time to help others.

(D)both are sent by nonprofit organizations persuading others to donate money or time to help others.

QN16. Speeches and presentations can be classified according to their purpose: to inform, to motivate, to persuade, or to entertain. Which is the least common in the business world?

  1. Persuasive
  2. Informative
  3. Entertaining
  4. Motivational


QN17. Taking the direct approach in a bad-news message provides the following advantages except

  1. it makes a shorter message possible.
  2. the audience needs less time to reach the main idea, which is the bad news.
  3. it presents an image of firmness.
  4. it avoids turning the issue over to an attorney.

(D)it avoids turning the issue over to an attorney.

QN18. The AIDA plan consists of four phases; the action phase includes

  1. specific steps that the audience may take.
  2. an explanation of how your message relates to the audience.
  3. an attention-getting statement.
  4. evidence to support your claim.

(A)specific steps that the audience may take.

QN19. The communication dilemma faced by Sue Lee at Suncor Energy Inc. includes each of the following except

  1. Not overloading people with too many distractions by sending unnecessary messages.
  2. Maintaining an open communication climate.
  3. Reprimanding employees who break rules.
  4. Ensuring that employees receive all the information they need to be both productive and satisfied.

(C)Reprimanding employees who break rules.

QN20. The first step in planning a report is to

  1. prepare a work plan.
  2. define the problem.
  3. limit the scope of the study.
  4. outline the issues for investigation.

(B)define the problem.

QN21. The following are advantages gained by preparing the visuals before writing the text except

  1. By starting with the visual aids, you develop a graphic story line that can be used for your written report.
  2. Much of the fact finding and analytical work is already in tabular or graphic form, so sorting through your visuals will help you decide what you're going to say.
  3. Because your text will explain and refer to any tables, charts, and graphs you include, you save time by having them ready before you start to write.
  4. All the above are advantages gained by preparing the visuals before writing the text.

(D)All the above are advantages gained by preparing the visuals before writing the text.

QN22. The following are advantages of the indirect approach except

  1. defers conclusions and recommendations.
  2. implies that you are subordinating your judgment to that of the audience.
  3. gives you a chance to prove your points and gradually overcome your audience's reservations.
  4. saves time by making the report easy to follow.

(A)defers conclusions and recommendations.

QN23. The following are categories of components of a formal report except

  1. supplementary parts.
  2. channel and medium.
  3. text of the report.
  4. prefatory parts.

(C)text of the report.

QN24. The following are common mistakes in fundraising letters except

  1. wasting time on warm-up.
  2. letting your letter sound like a business communication of any kind.
  3. assuming that the goals of your organization are more important than your readers' concerns.
  4. writing about the reader.

(D)writing about the reader.

QN25. The following are common mistakes in resumes except

  1. too much white space and such devices as indentations and boldface.
  2. too long.
  3. too slick.
  4. amateurish.

(A)too much white space and such devices as indentations and boldface.

QN26. The following are common mistakes to avoid in making persuasive arguments except

  1. relying solely on good arguments.
  2. using an upfront hard sell.
  3. resisting compromise.
  4. mixing logical and emotional appeals.

(C)resisting compromise.

QN27. The following are common structural approaches for analytical reports except

  1. focusing on logical argument.
  2. focusing on conclusions.
  3. focusing on recommendations.
  4. focusing on categories.

(D)focusing on categories.

QN28. The following are disadvantages of e-mail except

  1. people include things in an e-mail message that they would not say in person or type in a document.
  2. increased access to other employees.
  3. people tend to overuse it.
  4. a lack of privacy

(B)increased access to other employees.

QN29. The following are examples of analytical reports except

  1. obtaining new business of funding.
  2. those for solving problems.
  3. those for justifying a project or course of action.
  4. All the above are examples of analytical reports.

(D)All the above are examples of analytical reports.

QN30. The following are examples of bad-news messages except

  1. encountering problems filling an order.
  2. refusing to grant a claim.
  3. granting an adjustment to a client's account, where the client was at fault.
  4. giving an employee a negative performance review.

(C)granting an adjustment to a client's account, where the client was at fault.

QN31. The following are examples of transitions that connect ideas except

  1. "for example"
  2. "Now that we've reviewed the problem, let's take a look at some solutions."
  3. "therefore"
  4. "Now I'd like to hear from the audience."

(D)"Now I'd like to hear from the audience."

QN32. The following are features of a good outline except

  1. ensures that each group is separate and distinct.
  2. restricts each subdivision.
  3. divides a topic into at least two parts.
  4. includes complete sentences.

(D)includes complete sentences.

QN33. The following are goals of a bad-news message except

  1. to reduce or eliminate the need for future correspondence on the matter.
  2. to increase sales.
  3. to maintain as much goodwill as possible with your audience.
  4. to gain acceptance for the bad news.

(B)to increase sales.

QN34. The following are goals of paraphrasing except

  1. keep it shorter than the original.
  2. quote the original source accurately.
  3. do not alter or distort the meaning of the original text.
  4. present the source in your own words.

(B)quote the original source accurately.

QN35. The following are guidelines for making a database search except

  1. use Boolean operators.
  2. use stop words.
  3. use proximity operators.
  4. use wildcards.

(D)use wildcards.

QN36. The following are guidelines for writing a successful news release except

  1. use colourful adjectives and adverbs.
  2. eliminate clutter such as redundancy and extraneous facts.
  3. put your most important idea first.
  4. include no marketing or sales material.

(A)use colourful adjectives and adverbs.

QN37. The following are key ingredients of a good persuasive claim except

  1. completely and specifically reviewing the facts.
  2. using a confident and positive tone.
  3. focusing on the audience benefits of granting the claim.
  4. relating your complaint to similar products by the company.

(D)relating your complaint to similar products by the company.

QN38. The following are primary sources of information except

  1. conducting interviews.
  2. surveying people.
  3. making observations.
  4. reading books and articles.

(C)making observations.

QN39. The following are qualities of a sound conclusion except

  1. must fulfill the original statement of purpose.
  2. must be based strictly on the information provided in the rest of the report.
  3. must be logical.
  4. must be based on primary, not secondary sources.

(D)must be based on primary, not secondary sources.

QN40. The following are questions to ask yourself in order to make ethical choices except

  1. is the message positive or negative?
  2. is it a decision you can live with?
  3. is the message balanced?
  4. is the decision legal?

(A)is the message positive or negative?


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