QN01. List of items to be discussed and decided in a meeting is called as _________
- Resolution.
- Minutes.
- Invoice.
- Agenda
(D) Agenda
QN02. Listening has been identified as one of the "seven habits of highly effective people" by:
- Lundsteen
- Stephen Covey
- Lee Iacocca
- Tom Peters
(B) Stephen Covey
QN03. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are all types of:
- Communication skills.
- Emotional barriers.
- Evaluation techniques.
- Nonverbal communication.
(A) Communication skills.
QN04. Materials distributed to the audience to supplement the contents of the presentation is:
- Hand-outs
- Cue-cards
- Attention grabbers
- None of these
(A) Hand-outs
QN05. Memo is derived from a Latin word which means:
- A thing which must be remembered
- A thing which must be memorized
- A thing which must be written
- A thing which must be communicated
(A) A thing which must be remembered
QN06. Mental turbulence refers to:
- Inability to understand
- Confusion in the mind of receiver
- Confusion in the mind of sender
- Inability to speak
(B) Confusion in the mind of receiver
QN07. One characteristic of a memo is:
- Formal
- Tool for external communication
- Concise
- Pretentious
(A) Formal
QN08. Orders and directives are the example of:
- Downward communication
- Upward communication
- Diagonal communication
- Horizontal communication
(A) Downward communication
QN09. Our purpose in a _________ presentation is to convince your listeners to accept your proposal
- Informative
- Persuasive
- Image building
- Multipurpose
(C) Image building
QN10. Our purpose in a _________ presentation is to move your audience to take your suggested action.
- Informative
- Persuasive
- Image building
- Decision making
(B) Persuasive
QN11. Physical Barriers to communication are _________
- Time and distance.
- Interpretation of words.
- Denotations.
- Connotations.
(A) Time and distance.
QN12. Placement of purchase order to supplier of material is _________ communication.
- Vertical communication
- Horizontal communication
- Internal communication
- External communication
(D) External communication
QN13. Posters fall under _________ communication.
- Oral.
- Visual.
- Written.
- Spoken.
(B) Visual.
QN14. Readability is determined mainly by:
- Punctuation
- Length of words
- Active and passive voice
- Spelling
(B) Length of words
QN15. Receiving a sales order is an example of:
- Vertical communication
- Horizontal communication
- Internal communication
- External communication
(D) External communication
QN16. Small cards that contain the important points of presentation is known as:
- Hand-outs
- Cue-cards
- Attention grabbers
- None of these
(A) Hand-outs
QN17. The business letter that neither please nor displease the receiver, but are received with interest are known as
- Good news letter
- Praising letter
- Routine letter
- All the above.
(C) Routine letter
QN18. The clarity in communication could be achieved by which of the following techniques?
- Choose words that are short, familiar and conversational.
- Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.
- Achieve appropriate readability.
- All the above
(D) All the above
QN19. The concept the individual has of himself as a physical, social and spiritual or moral being is:
- Self esteem
- Self perception
- Self concept
- Stereo typing
(C) Self concept
QN20. The downward communication flow from
- A subordinate to a superior.
- A subordinate to a subordinate.
- A superior to a superior.
- A superior to a subordinate.
(A) A subordinate to a superior.
QN21. The keys to write a successful resume are:
- Too long, verbose descriptions and over confident tone
- "You" attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers need
- None of the above
- All of the above
(B) "You" attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers need
QN22. The main objective of communication is:
- Information and persuasion.
- Skill and personality development.
- Control and management.
- Need.
(A) Information and persuasion.
QN23. The main purpose of a group discussion is to measure:
- Knowledge
- Personality
- Group communication skills
- Leadership skills
(C) Group communication skills
QN24. The message sent is not always the same as the meaning attached to the message. This is because of the:
- Wrong sender
- Wrong medium
- Faulty message
- Inaccurate decoding
(D) Inaccurate decoding
QN25. The minute books are the _________ book of the company.
- Subsidiary.
- Statutory.
- Obligatory.
- Secondary.
(B) Statutory
QN26. The most basic type of listening is known as:
- Discriminative listening
- Comprehension listening
- Appreciative listening
- Evaluative listening
(A) Discriminative listening
QN27. The number of key elements in the communication process is:
- Five
- Six
- Seven
- Four
(A) Five
QN28. The primary role of a moderator is to:
- Facilitate the smooth functioning of the GD
- Keep track of time
- Announce the GD topic
- Interfere during the GD
(A) Facilitate the smooth functioning of the GD
QN29. The purpose of a _________ is to help the management identify the reasons underlying a situation that management already know.
- Report
- Memos
- Letters
- Circulars
(A) Report
QN30. The quality of a report is determined mainly by:
- The language of the report
- The visual aspects
- The length of the report
- The accuracy of the data
(D) The accuracy of the data
QN31. The resume should be written before the job application letter because:
- The resume is seen first
- The resume helps to decide what to highlight in the letter
- The resume is more important than the letter
- Most employers do not read application letters
(C) The resume is more important than the letter
QN32. The term "communis" derived from _________ word.
- Greek.
- Latin.
- Chinese.
- English.
(B) Latin
QN33. The two broad areas of communication are:
- Oral and written communication
- Verbal and written communication
- Verbal and non-verbal communication
- Oral and non-verbal communication
(C) Verbal and non-verbal communication
QN34. The word "memo" is a short form for:
- Memory
- Memorizing
- Memorandum
- Members order
(C) Memorandum
QN35. This communication takes place among the members of a group where every member of a group can communicate with the nearest two members.
- Wheel communication
- Chain communication
- Circular communication
- Free flow communication.
(C) Circular communication
QN36. Transactional analysis (TA) was developed by:
- Elton Mayo
- Weber
- Maslow
- Eric Berne
(D) Eric Berne
QN37. Type of listening in which we learn to discern the difference in sounds.
- Discriminative listening
- Biased listening
- Evaluative listening
- Appreciative listening
(A) Discriminative listening
QN38. Which is NOT one of the three purposes for giving oral presentations?
- To persuade
- To debate
- To build goodwill
- To inform
(B) To debate
QN39. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of oral communication?
- Meetings, memos and presentations
- Meetings, memos and performance reviews
- Meetings, presentations and performance reviews
- All the above
(C) Meetings, presentations and performance reviews
QN40. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of written communication?
- Letters and voicemail
- Reports and email
- Circulars and voicemail
- All the above.
(B) Reports and email