Business Communication Online MCQ Set 16

QN01. List of items to be discussed and decided in a meeting is called as _________

  1. Resolution.
  2. Minutes.
  3. Invoice.
  4. Agenda

(D) Agenda

QN02. Listening has been identified as one of the "seven habits of highly effective people" by:

  1. Lundsteen
  2. Stephen Covey
  3. Lee Iacocca
  4. Tom Peters

(B) Stephen Covey

QN03. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are all types of:

  1. Communication skills.
  2. Emotional barriers.
  3. Evaluation techniques.
  4. Nonverbal communication.

(A) Communication skills.

QN04. Materials distributed to the audience to supplement the contents of the presentation is:

  1. Hand-outs
  2. Cue-cards
  3. Attention grabbers
  4. None of these

(A) Hand-outs

QN05. Memo is derived from a Latin word which means:

  1. A thing which must be remembered
  2. A thing which must be memorized
  3. A thing which must be written
  4. A thing which must be communicated

(A) A thing which must be remembered

QN06. Mental turbulence refers to:

  1. Inability to understand
  2. Confusion in the mind of receiver
  3. Confusion in the mind of sender
  4. Inability to speak

(B) Confusion in the mind of receiver

QN07. One characteristic of a memo is:

  1. Formal
  2. Tool for external communication
  3. Concise
  4. Pretentious

(A) Formal

QN08. Orders and directives are the example of:

  1. Downward communication
  2. Upward communication
  3. Diagonal communication
  4. Horizontal communication

(A) Downward communication

QN09. Our purpose in a _________ presentation is to convince your listeners to accept your proposal

  1. Informative
  2. Persuasive
  3. Image building
  4. Multipurpose

(C) Image building

QN10. Our purpose in a _________ presentation is to move your audience to take your suggested action.

  1. Informative
  2. Persuasive
  3. Image building
  4. Decision making

(B) Persuasive

QN11. Physical Barriers to communication are _________

  1. Time and distance.
  2. Interpretation of words.
  3. Denotations.
  4. Connotations.

(A) Time and distance.

QN12. Placement of purchase order to supplier of material is _________ communication.

  1. Vertical communication
  2. Horizontal communication
  3. Internal communication
  4. External communication

(D) External communication

QN13. Posters fall under _________ communication.

  1. Oral.
  2. Visual.
  3. Written.
  4. Spoken.

(B) Visual.

QN14. Readability is determined mainly by:

  1. Punctuation
  2. Length of words
  3. Active and passive voice
  4. Spelling

(B) Length of words

QN15. Receiving a sales order is an example of:

  1. Vertical communication
  2. Horizontal communication
  3. Internal communication
  4. External communication

(D) External communication

QN16. Small cards that contain the important points of presentation is known as:

  1. Hand-outs
  2. Cue-cards
  3. Attention grabbers
  4. None of these

(A) Hand-outs

QN17. The business letter that neither please nor displease the receiver, but are received with interest are known as

  1. Good news letter
  2. Praising letter
  3. Routine letter
  4. All the above.

(C) Routine letter

QN18. The clarity in communication could be achieved by which of the following techniques?

  1. Choose words that are short, familiar and conversational.
  2. Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.
  3. Achieve appropriate readability.
  4. All the above

(D) All the above

QN19. The concept the individual has of himself as a physical, social and spiritual or moral being is:

  1. Self esteem
  2. Self perception
  3. Self concept
  4. Stereo typing

(C) Self concept

QN20. The downward communication flow from

  1. A subordinate to a superior.
  2. A subordinate to a subordinate.
  3. A superior to a superior.
  4. A superior to a subordinate.

(A) A subordinate to a superior.

QN21. The keys to write a successful resume are:

  1. Too long, verbose descriptions and over confident tone
  2. "You" attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers need
  3. None of the above
  4. All of the above

(B) "You" attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers need

QN22. The main objective of communication is:

  1. Information and persuasion.
  2. Skill and personality development.
  3. Control and management.
  4. Need.

(A) Information and persuasion.

QN23. The main purpose of a group discussion is to measure:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Personality
  3. Group communication skills
  4. Leadership skills

(C) Group communication skills

QN24. The message sent is not always the same as the meaning attached to the message. This is because of the:

  1. Wrong sender
  2. Wrong medium
  3. Faulty message
  4. Inaccurate decoding

(D) Inaccurate decoding

QN25. The minute books are the _________ book of the company.

  1. Subsidiary.
  2. Statutory.
  3. Obligatory.
  4. Secondary.

(B) Statutory

QN26. The most basic type of listening is known as:

  1. Discriminative listening
  2. Comprehension listening
  3. Appreciative listening
  4. Evaluative listening

(A) Discriminative listening

QN27. The number of key elements in the communication process is:

  1. Five
  2. Six
  3. Seven
  4. Four

(A) Five

QN28. The primary role of a moderator is to:

  1. Facilitate the smooth functioning of the GD
  2. Keep track of time
  3. Announce the GD topic
  4. Interfere during the GD

(A) Facilitate the smooth functioning of the GD

QN29. The purpose of a _________ is to help the management identify the reasons underlying a situation that management already know.

  1. Report
  2. Memos
  3. Letters
  4. Circulars

(A) Report

QN30. The quality of a report is determined mainly by:

  1. The language of the report
  2. The visual aspects
  3. The length of the report
  4. The accuracy of the data

(D) The accuracy of the data

QN31. The resume should be written before the job application letter because:

  1. The resume is seen first
  2. The resume helps to decide what to highlight in the letter
  3. The resume is more important than the letter
  4. Most employers do not read application letters

(C) The resume is more important than the letter

QN32. The term "communis" derived from _________ word.

  1. Greek.
  2. Latin.
  3. Chinese.
  4. English.

(B) Latin

QN33. The two broad areas of communication are:

  1. Oral and written communication
  2. Verbal and written communication
  3. Verbal and non-verbal communication
  4. Oral and non-verbal communication

(C) Verbal and non-verbal communication

QN34. The word "memo" is a short form for:

  1. Memory
  2. Memorizing
  3. Memorandum
  4. Members order

(C) Memorandum

QN35. This communication takes place among the members of a group where every member of a group can communicate with the nearest two members.

  1. Wheel communication
  2. Chain communication
  3. Circular communication
  4. Free flow communication.

(C) Circular communication

QN36. Transactional analysis (TA) was developed by:

  1. Elton Mayo
  2. Weber
  3. Maslow
  4. Eric Berne

(D) Eric Berne

QN37. Type of listening in which we learn to discern the difference in sounds.

  1. Discriminative listening
  2. Biased listening
  3. Evaluative listening
  4. Appreciative listening

(A) Discriminative listening

QN38. Which is NOT one of the three purposes for giving oral presentations?

  1. To persuade
  2. To debate
  3. To build goodwill
  4. To inform

(B) To debate

QN39. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of oral communication?

  1. Meetings, memos and presentations
  2. Meetings, memos and performance reviews
  3. Meetings, presentations and performance reviews
  4. All the above

(C) Meetings, presentations and performance reviews

QN40. Which of the following combination is /are example/s of written communication?

  1. Letters and voicemail
  2. Reports and email
  3. Circulars and voicemail
  4. All the above.

(B) Reports and email


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