Business Communication mcq sample paper and quiz for amity online courses

Business Communication mcq sample paper and quiz for amity online courses

Looking to ace your Business Communication course at Amity? Our Business Communication MCQ sample paper and quiz is the perfect tool to help you prepare. With a range of challenging questions, you’ll be able to test your knowledge and gain confidence in your abilities. Take advantage of this opportunity to maximize your success and achieve your academic goals with ease. Access our Business Communication MCQ sample paper and quiz today!

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Module I : Essential English Grammar

Tenses, Subject –verb agreement, Punctuation, Sentence structure, Common Errors in English, Foreign Words, Exercises based on each component .

Module II : Written English Communication

Essay Writing, Precis Writing, Summarizing, paraphrasing, Exercises based on each component .

Module III : Concept and Nature of Communication

What is communication, stages of Communication, Ideation, encoding, transmission, decoding & response, channels of communication, downward,upward,horizontal & diagonal communication, communication in organizational settings – internal and external, barriers to effective communication, guidelines to overcome communication barriers .

Module IV : Listening

The Listening Process, Listening with a purpose, Barriers to listening, effective Listening strategies .

Module V : Non Verbal Communication

What is non Verbal; communication, functions of non verbal communication, gesture cluster, acoustic features .

Module VI : Effective Presentation

Pre – Presentation Jitters, Preparation and Practice, Delivering the presentation, Qualities of a Skillful presenter, capturing and maintaining attention, handling questions, powerpoint presentations, exercise .

Module VII : Writing for the Web

Netiquette, Professional Profiles, Blogs

Module VIII : Correspondence

Letters, Emails, Memo, Notices

Module IX : Reports

Functions of Report, types of Report, the report /proposal process, organizing the report/proposal .

Module X : Employment Communication

Resume Writing, Group Discussion – Qualities / skills assessed in a group discussion, do’s and don’ts in a group discussion, effective participation in a group discussion, mock GD session.

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