Q1. The focus of —- feasibility is on how well a proposed system supports the values and objectives of the organization.
Answer: organizational
Q2. The process of —- starts with analyzing the organization’s present systemif any, and functional requirement analysis.
Answer: system analysis
Q3. The process of —- design involves showing the feasibility of meeting the management objective for Information System.
Answer: conceptual
Q4. The —- activity is related to facilitate the interaction between the user and their computer based application
Answer: user interface design
Q5. —- is the crucial interface between users, programmers and MIS managers.
Answer: System Analyst
Q6. —- analyses the problems of the current system and collects their newrequirements.
Answer: Program Investigator
Q7. —- is the process of planning a new system or replace or complement an existing system.
Answer: System design
Q8. The systems —- shows a set of procedure for solving a particular problem.
Answer: approach
Q9. A —- is that part of a system that carries one part of the system function.
Answer: subsystem
Q10. A —- is an information system that generates accurate, timely and organized information so managers and other users can make decisions, solve problems, supervise activities, and track progress.
Answer: Management Information System
Q11. A —- is an information system designed to help users reach a decision when a decision-making situation arises.
Answer: Decision Support System (DSS)
Q12. A —- is an information system that captures and processes data generated during an organization’s day-to-day transactions.
Answer: Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Q13. Program —- is mainly concerned with writing of programs (coding), editing of programs using a text editor or word processor, debugging and finally testing them.
Answer: design
Q14. The foundation for the —- strategy is that application problems frequently develop around real-world objects and the manners in which they interrelate.
Answer: object-oriented
Q15. —- means to introduce the designed system into practice or in use.
Answer: Implementation
Q16. —- is also known as an immediate cut over or change-over.
Answer: Plunge
Q17. After introducing the system for some time usually after a month, the —- takes feed back from the manager, sales person, operators and users of the system that whether the system is achieving its objective or not.
Answer: system developer
Q18. —- involves control, evaluation and modification to make a better system.
Answer: Maintenance
Q19. An —- is a collection for a specified customer, of the high-level and thorough information essential for IT and the consumer to build up an investment strategy across the customers’ applications.
Answer: application portfolio
Q20. —- is the procedure consumers and IT utilize to maintain the portfolio data current and to formulate investment conclusions.
Answer: Application Portfolio Management
Q21. —- application is assessed against factors like maintainability, constancy, and effectual utilization of technology.
Answer: Technical Quality
Q22. —- is a concern of how well the application fulfills the requirements of the business.
Answer: Functional Quality
Q23. —- planning is defined as a process for producing a strategy and plans for arranging information systems with the business approaches of an organization.
Answer: Information system
Q24. To support supervisors and executives in producing information systems that aid in attaining an organization’s corporate assignment, —- planning techniques have been produced and made commercially obtainable.
Answer: formal
Q25. Information system planning objectives are preferred future situations and destinations, the organizations intend to reach so as to accomplish its —- .
Answer: task
Q26. When projects are formally requested, the systems analysts, under the management’s direction, conduct a preliminary investigation to —- the reasons for the request.
Answer: analyze
Q27. Developing a new information system is one kind of a —- organizational change.
Answer: planned
Q28. Someone in the organization must decide which —- to pursue and which to reject.
Answer: requests
Q29. —- committee, consisting of key managers from various departments of the organization as well as members of information systems group, is responsible for supervising the review of project proposals.
Answer: Steering
Q30. —- committee approves or disapproves projects and sets priorities, indicating which projects are most important and should receive immediate attention.
Answer: Information system
Q31. In —- Committee Method, Individual departments hire their own analysts and designers who handle project selection and carry out development.
Answer: User Group
Q32. The project proposals submitted by the users or the analysts to the —- Committee is a critical element in launching the systems study.
Answer: Project Selection
Q33. A —- is often requested to gather details which are asked in the project request-forms.
Answer: preliminary investigation
Q34. After analysis, a document is prepared by the analyst, which is called as —- document.
Answer: Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
Q35. —- Language is fundamentally the same as the structured analysis, but it is purely textual whereas structured analysis uses both text and graphics.
Answer: Problem Statement
Q36. —- Language has been specially designed for specifying the requirements of real time control systems.
Answer: Requirements Statement
Q37. The first step in the system development life cycle is the preliminary investigation to determine the —- of the system.
Answer: feasibility
Q38. —- is the collecting of information that helps committee members to evaluate the merits of the project request and make an informed judgement about the feasibility of the proposed project.
Answer: Preliminary investigation
Q39. The preliminary review of the system assists in recognizing the —- of the system.
Answer: scope
Q40. The major objective of —- study is not to resolve the problem but to attain the scope.
Answer: feasibility
Q41. The analysts conducting the —- first learn about the organization involved in, or affected by the project.
Answer: investigation
Q42. In method, the analysts observe the activities of the system directly.
Answer: On-Site Observations
Q43. —- allow analysts to learn more about the nature of the project request and the reason for submitting it.
Answer: Interviews
Q44. —- is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the user requirement.
Answer: Technical Feasibility
Q45. —- feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project will be acceptable to the people or not.
Answer: Social
Q46. —- feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project infringes on known Acts, statutes, as well as any pending legislation.
Answer: Legal
Q47. —- feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project can be implemented fully within a stipulated time frame.
Answer: Time
Q48. Generally, requests that do not pass all the feasibility —- are not pursued further, unless they are customized and re-submitted as fresh proposals.
Answer: tests
Q49. —- determines whether the stated requirements are unclear, incomplete, ambiguous, or contradictory, and then resolving these issues.
Answer: Analyzing requirements
Q50. —- may reveal requirements not previously envisaged as being within the scope of the project, and requirements may be contradictory
Answer: Stakeholder interviews
Q51. —- help users get an idea of what the system will look like, and make it easier for users to make design decisions without waiting for the system to be built.
Answer: Prototypes
Q52. A —- contains a textual description of all of the ways which the intended users could work with the software or system.
Answer: use case
Q53. Use cases treat the system as a —-, and the interactions with the system, including system responses, are perceived as from outside the system.
Answer: black box
Q54. Use cases can be very good for establishing functional requirements, but they are not suited to capturing —- requirements.
Answer: non-functional
Q55. —- activity is basically foreseeing system characteristics based on previous experiences.
Answer: Requirements Anticipation
Q56. In case of —- activity, using a variety of tools and skills, analysts study the current system and document its features for further analysis.
Answer: Requirements Investigation
Q57. —- places a great deal of responsibility on the system analyst for the quality of work performed.
Answer: Requirements specification
Q58. Knowing whether an activity occurs frequently may lead an —- to raise many additional and important questions to determine the reason for the frequency and its effect on business activities.
Answer: analyst
Q59. —- requirement points to the statements of services that the systemshould offer, how the system should respond to specific inputs and how the system should perform in specific situation.
Answer: Functional
Q60. Functional requirement depend on the category of software, predictable users and the sort of system where the —- is used.
Answer: software
Q61. —- requirements are the requirements which state that the delivered product must perform in a specific manner.
Answer: Product
Q62. —- requirements are the requirements which are a result of organizational plans and procedures.
Answer: Organizational
Q63. —- requirements are the requirements which happen from factors which are external to the system and its growth process.
Answer: External
Q64. In —- Phase, the analyst collects general fact about how the current systemfunctions, and about problems and opportunities.
Answer: study
Q65. Analyst collects facts about candidate solutions, end user’s opinions about candidates and costs and benefits during —- phase.
Answer: selection
Q66. Effective fact finding techniques are crucial to the application of systems analysis and design methods during —- .
Answer: system project
Q67. The —- of existing documents and files can provide many facts and details with little or no direct personal communication being necessary.
Answer: sampling
Q68. —- are formal meetings with current users of the existing system and potential users of the proposed system.
Answer: Interviews
Q69. Although, interview is a time consuming method, it is the best technique for getting the —- information.
Answer: qualitative
Q70. In —- interviews, the analyst asks standard questions with open response format.
Answer: structured
Q71. —- technique is mainly used, when there is a scattered group of users and it is not possible to conduct interviews of all the users.
Answer: Questionnaire
Q72. In —- questionnaire, questions are given without any choice of answers and the user has to write the answers in own words on the space given.
Answer: open-ended
Q73. In —- questionnaire, a choice of answers is given with each question and the user has just to mark the correct response.
Answer: closed
Q74. In record review, organizations usually have a large volume of documents in the form of organization charts, administrative procedure manuals, standard operation procedures, etc., that can provide a —- information to the analyst.
Answer: valuable
Q75. Record inspection is the best source of —- information.
Answer: quantitative
Q76. —- is a fact finding technique in which the analyst studies people during their jobs.
Answer: Observation
Q77. When facts are unobtainable through other methods or when their accuracy is suspect, —- is employed.
Answer: measurement
Q78. Observation is the best technique to understand the system as a —- problem.
Answer: real world
Q79. The —- is a chart with four sections listing all the logical conditions and actions.
Answer: decision table
Q80. The —- is used to display all the necessary tests or conditions.
Answer: condition stub
Q81. —- is a list of all the yes/no permutations in a decision table.
Answer: Condition entry
Q82. —- indicates via dot or X whether something should happen in a decision table.
Answer: Action Entry
Q83. A —- decision table combines the values and yes or no, while an open-ended one allows an action entry specifying an additional decision table.
Answer: mixed-entry
Q84. A —- maps the static and dynamic messages that take place between the computer and the user.
Answer: dialogue tree
Q85. An —- dialogue tree helps to fill in the missing messages.
Answer: expanded
Q86. —- is a diagram for showing the alternative actions that can be performed in a process depending upon different set of conditions.
Answer: Decision tree
Q87. A decision tree helps to show the paths that are possible in a design following an action or decision by the —- .
Answer: user
Q88. —- uses narrative statements to describe a procedure.
Answer: Structured English
Q89. —- Structures include a set of instructions that are carried out one after another and do not depend on any condition.
Answer: Sequential
Q90. —- Structures include one or more sets of instructions that are carried out depending upon one or more conditions.
Answer: Decision
Q91. —- Structures include a set of instructions that are repeated until a particular condition occurs.
Answer: Iteration
Q92. Decision Structures generally use the phrase —- to carry out different actions.
Q93. Iterative structures generally use the phrase —- to repeat a set of instructions.
Q94. —- method focused on what the system or application does rather than on how it is done.
Answer: Structured analysis
Q95. Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) is a —- approach to the analysis and design of information systems.
Answer: systems
Q96. The —- model is a sequential software development model in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, integration, and maintenance.
Answer: waterfall
Q97. In response to the perceived problems with the “pure” waterfall model, many —- waterfall models have been introduced.
Answer: waterfall
Q98. —- define the frameworks of steps and levels and their inputs and outputs.
Answer: Structures
Q99. In —- the business area is examined to identify whether a system can cost effectively assist the business requirements.
Answer: Feasibility Study
Q100. —- define how the steps and tasks are executed.
Answer: Techniques
Q101. —- define how the products of the steps are displayed.
Answer: Documentation
Q102. In —- Specification, technical systems choices are produced and the logical design of update and enquiry processing and system dialogues.
Answer: Logical System
Q103. —- Modelling is the process of identifying, modelling and documenting the data requirements of the system being designed.
Answer: Logical Data
Q104. —- Modelling is the process of identifying, modelling and documenting the events that affect each entity and the sequence in which these events occur.
Answer: Entity Behaviour
Q105. In —-, the requirements of the system to be generated are recognized and the current business environment is modeled regarding the processes executed and the data structures involved.
Answer: Requirements Analysis
Q106. As a DFD consists of a series of bubbles joined by lines, it is also known as a ‘—-‘.
Answer: bubble chart
Q107. —- is an organized list of terms and their definitions for all the data elements and data structures that are pertinent to the system.
Answer: Data dictionary
Q108. —- are the major tool of structured analysis, that describe the sequence of different processes in the system.
Answer: Process descriptions
Q109. Graphical description of a systems data and how the processes transform the data is known as —- .
Answer: Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
Q110. —- is a catalogue of all data elements, data structures and processes described in logical DFDs.
Answer: Data dictionary
Q111. The data flow diagrams which represent the model of the current system (manual or computerized), are known as —- .
Answer: physical DFD
Q112. The data flow diagrams which represent the model of the proposed system, are known as —- .
Answer: logical DFD
Q113. The —- indicates the movement of data either from input to process or from process to output.
Answer: data flow
Q114. —- are the actions performed on input data to produce the output data.
Answer: Processes
Q115. —- Entity represents any entity that supplies data or receives information from the system.
Answer: External
Q116. Each higher level DFD is drawn by adding more details to each process of lower level, by a technique called ‘—-‘.
Answer: Exploding DFD
Q117. —- is the smallest unit of data that has some meaning.
Answer: Data element
Q118. —- is a data structure for collecting data input during processing.
Answer: Data store
Q119. —- is a group of data elements that describe a unit in the system.
Answer: Data structure
Q120. The —- dictionary is related to one database management system.
Answer: integrated
Q121. The —- dictionary is not tied to any one DBMS, although it may have special advantages for one DBMS.
Answer: stand-alone
Q122. The functionally passive dictionary performs —- only.
Answer: documentation
Q123. An —- data dictionary is active during program execution, performing such feats as transaction validation and editing.
Answer: in-line
Q124. —- is the process of creating, developing and refining a working model of the final operational system.
Answer: Prototyping
Q125. Prototyping strategy signifies the —- model of a system.
Answer: construction
Q126.System prototyping is an interactive and iterative or evolutionary development in which the —- is directly involved in the process.
Answer: user
Q127. The development of a prototype application proceeds in an orderly fashion, regardless of the particular —- used.
Answer: tools
Q128. A prototype is a —- physical model of a system or a subsystem.
Answer: functioning
Q129. In general, the analyst’s goal is to collect —- regarding the user’s needs from the bottom up by permitting the user to cooperate with the prototype.
Answer: information
Q130. The purpose of prototyping is to —- out assumption made by analyst and users about required system features.
Answer: test
Q131. Before starting the system design work, user and system analyst sit together and discuss to identify the —- .
Answer: requirements
Q132. Actual growth of a functioning prototype is the liability of a —- .
Answer: systems analyst
Q133. A Prototype is the representation of —- to be created.
Answer: software
Q134. Prototyping is useful when the requirements are not —- .
Answer: well defined
Q135. After deciding on the prototyping strategy the —- must be chosen.
Answer: prototyping tool
Q136. In prototyping, tools should permit —- to rapidly make variations and swiftly see the results.
Answer: developers
Q137. The prototype can be simply developed with tools of fourth generation languages (4GL’s) and with the aid of —- tools.
Answer: Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
Q138. Prototyping strategy is a form of —- .
Answer: Rapid Application Development (RAD)
Q139. —- are the software engineering tools that allow mutual software development and preservation.
Answer: CASE tools
Q140. —- tools assist a user to sketch blue prints or design diagrams depending on some prearranged methodology.
Answer: Design
Q141. —- generation of CASE tools can be widely categorized into three groups: information generations or 4GLs, front-end design/analysis tools.
Answer: First
Q142. An ultimate CASE tool should assist all features of —- such as analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance.
Answer: system development
Q143. Most of the CASE tools offer good support for data modeling, —- design and programming.
Answer: object oriented
Q144. —- tools chiefly concentrate on the analysis and design phases of software development.
Answer: Upper CASE
Q145. —- tools support execution of system development.
Answer: Lower CASE
Q146. —- tools help in offering linkages among the lower and upper CASE tools.
Answer: Integrated CASE
Q147. The CASE tools offer the —- homogenous environment for the expansion of complex projects.
Answer: incorporated
Q148. The CASE tools supply the environment for —- and handling projects.
Answer: monitoring
Q149. The CASE tools must offer —- for automatic testing tools that take care of regression and other types of testing software under the modifying requirements.
Answer: interfaces
Q150. A CASE tool must be able to produce complex —- from already developed code.
Answer: models
Q151. CASE tools aid to ease and advanced testing process via —- and simplify program maintenance.
Answer: automated checking
Q152. CASE tools enhance —- activity and to some degree automate different activities concerned in project management.
Answer: project management
Q153. Use of CASE tools makes the software simple to preserve and thus decrease the —- costs.
Answer: preservation
Q154. The —- design is a plan for the actual accomplishment of the system, and is formed throughout the systems design stage of the SDLC.
Answer: physical
Q155. The objective of systems design is to intend a system that is effective, dependable, and maintainable, while fulfilling the requirements and restrictions defined throughout the —- phase.
Answer: systems analysis
Q156. —- diagram isone of the two UML standard communication diagrams intended to model the interaction between objects.
Answer: Collaboration
Q157. —- layer is the software that emphasis the utilization of the problem domain resources by means of interfaces, databases, transaction control, and communication that conforms to the use case model.
Answer: Design
Q158. —- model is the UML model used to symbolize clients’ expectations regarding how they will cooperate with the system.
Answer: Use case
Q159. Design adds a layer of —- above the analysis models.
Answer: functionality
Q160. A major objective of a system is to produce an —- that has value to its user.
Answer: output
Q161. —- files are collected contents of individual output reports or documents produced by the system.
Answer: Report
Q162. The —- is used to store and process data for providing useful information to the organization.
Answer: database
Q163. The —- design indicates necessary procedures which will ensure correctness of processing, accuracy of data, timely output etc.
Answer: control
Q164. The —- procedure will specify what functions will be carried out on computer, what will be different programs and in what sequence the programs will be run.
Answer: computer
Q165. System —- should include all the details necessary to implement the systemand to understand the whole working of the system.
Answer: specifications
Q166. —- files are copies of files made for long term storage of data that may be required at a much later date.
Answer: Archival
Q167. A basic or individual element of data is called —- .
Answer: data item
Q168. —- file generally contains application programs, utility programs and systemsoftware packages.
Answer: Library
Q169. —- design considers the content, the occurrence, the format, medium and the allocation of output.
Answer: Output
Q170. Content is fairly established during the —- analysis and may be only slightly revised or refined during design.
Answer: information
Q171. —- Outputs are the outputs desired out of the system to meet its objectives.
Answer: Application
Q172. —- Outputs are mainly generated for use of E.D.P Staff and give various indications as to how the system operates.
Answer: Operating
Q173. After designing input forms, the analyst designs the format of all printed outputs, commonly called as —- .
Answer: hard copies
Q174. The presentation of a printed output is enhanced by using —- format.
Answer: graphic
Q175. The —- format is most suitable to display MIS reports.
Answer: tabular or report
Q176. Once the analysis and design of the system has been done, it would be necessary to identify the data that are required to be processed to produce the —- .
Answer: outputs
Q177. The quality of input design determines the —- of the system.
Answer: reliability
Q178. For a better user interface, it is most important to design —- screens.
Answer: user-friendly
Q179. The —- screen layouts provide the way by which user interacts with the computer.
Answer: user-friendly
Q180. If —- data enters the system, it is usually very costly to make the necessary corrections.
Answer: incorrect
Q181. —- method is used for verifying data recorded in punched cards or on diskettes and magnetic tapes.
Answer: Key verification
Q182. Sometimes numbers are added to produce a meaningless total called a —- .
Answer: hash total
Q183. A —- can be made by the program to determine whether the records are in either ascending or descending order.
Answer: check
Q184. —- is the design of computers, appliances, machines, mobile communication devices, software applications, and websites with the focus on the user’s experience and interaction.
Answer: User interface design
Q185. Menu table is often used as a method for —- to the system.
Answer: linking
Q186. The goal of user interface design is to make the user’s interaction as simple and efficient as possible, in terms of accomplishing user goals-what is often called —- design.
Answer: user-centered
Q187. —- is a user interface design tool that lets designers express abstract conceptualizations of an interface in an executable form, allowing designers to experiment with scenarios and dialogues even before the application model is completely worked out.
Q188. A user interface —- tool helps developers design and implements the user interface.
Answer: software
Q189. —- is an experimental tool that allows designers to create user interface components without conventional programming.
Answer: Peridot
Q190. In —-, the sequential method of processing, using magnetic, is employed.
Answer: batch processing
Q191. The method of —- processing is used to update the files as the transactions occur.
Answer: random
Q192. —- processing allows for dispersing input/output terminals throughout the organization, so that various users can have access to the files.
Answer: On-line
Q193. The time interval between entering an inquiry and getting the reply is called —- .
Answer: response time
Q194. A file with high activity ratio can be processed more economically using the —- processing method.
Answer: sequential
Q195. —- is a Volatile memory which means that all the contents of RAM are removed when the power is switched-off.
Answer: RAM
Q196. —- are used to accumulate anything which is lastingly needed on line.
Answer: Hard disks
Q197. More complicated disk drives utilize a system called —- positioning to acquire exact head positioning.
Answer: servo
Q198. With —-, every character is recorded across the thickness of the tape.
Answer: magnetic tapes
Q199. Systems engineering comprises of two important disciplines: the —- knowledge area in which the systems engineer functions, and systems engineering management.
Answer: technical
Q200. —- is an interdisciplinary engineering management procedure that develops and authenticates an incorporated, life-cycle balanced set of system solutions that assure customer requirements.
Answer: Systems engineering
Q201. Phasing handles the —- effort by generating design baselines that administer each level of development.
Answer: design
Q202. The —- of an information system depends upon its design, development, testing and implementation.
Answer: quality
Q203. —- is the review of software products and related documentation for completeness, correctness, reliability and maintainability.
Answer: Quality assurance
Q204. —- are result of design errors that were introduced when specifications were formulation and software written.
Answer: Failures
Q205. Preparation of a software quality assurance plan for each software project is a primary responsibility of the —- group.
Answer: software quality
Q206. The —- test plan includes test cases, expected outcomes and capabilities demonstrated by each test case.
Answer: acceptance
Q207. The —- audit reconfirms that all requirements have been met.
Answer: functional
Q208. The —- audit verifies that the source code and all associated documents are complete, internally consistent and consistent with one another and ready for delivery.
Answer: physical
Q209. The organized way of keeping records of all the documents, programs and diagrams prepared during all the phases of system development life cycle (SDLC) is called —- .
Answer: documentation
Q210. —- tools enable a software developer to create models of the system to be built.
Answer: Design
Q211. Structured flowcharts, also called —- charts, are graphic tools that force the designer to structure software in modular as well as top-down form.
Answer: Nassi-Schneiderman
Q212. —- method was originally developed to provide documentational assistance for programmers/analysts.
Answer: Hipo diagram
Q213. —- diagrams, also known as logical construction of programs/logical construction of systems are powerful tools aimed at designing of program structures.
Answer: Warnier/Orr
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