Advertising and Sales Promotion Online MCQ Set 22

QN01. Distributor brands are often referred to as;

  1. Channel brands
  2. Own-label brands
  3. Store brands
  4. Private label brands

(C, D)
Store brands
Private label brands

QN02. Divergence dimensions of advertising creativity include which of the following:

  1. Artistic value
  2. Originality
  3. Flexibility
  4. Synthesis

(A, B, C, D)
Artistic value

QN03. Duhan and Sandvik (2009) present an article in the International Journal of Advertising which examines the relationships between which of the following:

  1. Agencies and advertisers
  2. Agencies and media owners
  3. Agencies and consumers
  4. Agencies and researchers

(A)Agencies and advertisers

QN04. Early ideas about integrated marketing communications were based on;

  1. Manufacturing
  2. Airports
  3. Farming
  4. Orchestras


QN05. Editors of travel sections in the Sunday press and television presenters of travel programmes can influence the decisions of prospective travellers through ___________

  1. experience
  2. their peer network
  3. their lack of qualifications
  4. their formalised knowledge

(D)their formalised knowledge

QN06. Effective strategic development at all levels needs to be based on the setting of clear and detailed:

  1. Objectives
  2. Targets
  3. Analysis
  4. Plans


QN07. El-Murad and West (2004) present a paper in the Journal of Advertising Research which examines which of the following:

  1. Advertising message appeals
  2. Creating effective advertising
  3. Copywriting and art direction
  4. Defining advertising creativity

(D)Defining advertising creativity

QN08. Emerging technologies will continue to influence consumer behaviour in the future by enabling

  1. Consumer-centricity
  2. Relevance filtering
  3. Newspapers
  4. Measurement


QN09. Engagement seeks to generate one two main types of response ___________

  1. Brand Equity and Brand Response
  2. Brand Values and Brand Response
  3. Brand Happiness and Brand Response
  4. Brand Values and Brand Activation

(B)Brand Values and Brand Response

QN10. ESP stands for

  1. emotional selling promise
  2. emotional selling process
  3. emotional selling proposition
  4. editorial selling promise

(C)emotional selling proposition

QN11. Extensive local penetration and coverage is indicative of

  1. Magazines
  2. Newspapers
  3. Online Advertising
  4. Social Media


QN12. Fame campaigns work by ______________

  1. Getting talked about and making waves
  2. Featuring popular celebrities and being likeable
  3. Being easily remembered for its creative content
  4. Featuring strong product attributes

(A)Getting talked about and making waves

QN13. Feldwick (1996) suggests brand equity is a composite of:

  1. Brand association, strength, and dominance
  2. Brand future, weight, and description
  3. Brand value, strength, and description
  4. Brand value, strength, and relationships

(C)Brand value, strength, and description

QN14. For gaming measurement, which measurement method is not used?

  1. SOA
  2. CPC
  3. CTR
  4. CPM


QN15. Frequency is defined as?

  1. All possible exposures to a target audience
  2. The total number of duplicated exposures
  3. The number of times a reader is exposed to a message
  4. Three exposures to the target audience

(C)The number of times a reader is exposed to a message

QN16. Goal-directed behaviour by online and mobile users that is satisfied (by a web site) is more likely to

  1. Change behaviour
  2. Make people want to return to a site
  3. Create word-of-mouth conversations
  4. Maintain positive brand associations

(B)Make people want to return to a site

QN17. Gross impressions means

  1. The standard for a communication message to have an impact on the consumer
  2. All possible exposures to a given medium at a given time
  3. Both 1 and 2 above
  4. The percentage of the target audience exposed to a message

(B)All possible exposures to a given medium at a given time

QN18. Grounds for acceptability of advertising include consideration of which of the following:

  1. Credibility
  2. Legality
  3. Decency
  4. Honesty

(A, B, C, D)

QN19. Heath's 'Low Attention Processing Model', was previously referred to as;

  1. the Low Attitude Processing Model
  2. the Low Engagement Processing Model
  3. the Low Involvement Processing Model
  4. the Low Participation Processing Model

(C)the Low Involvement Processing Model

QN20. How many commercial messages are we thought to encounter each day?

  1. 5000
  2. 100
  3. 1000
  4. 3000


QN21. Identify one reason media choices have become more difficult in recent years

  1. Segmentation
  2. Internet is used more frequently than any other medium
  3. Newspapers now use colour
  4. Satellite radio has come on the scene


QN22. In February 2011 new regulations were introduced allowing ___________ ___________ on TV:

  1. Tobacco advertising
  2. Product enhancements
  3. Shock advertising
  4. Product placement

(D)Product placement

QN23. In high-context languages, information /content is assumed to be ___________

  1. implicit: it is known and does not need to be set out.
  2. implicit: it is known but needs to be elaborated
  3. explicit: it is not known and needs to be set out.
  4. explicit: it is known but needs to be elaborated

(A)implicit: it is known and does not need to be set out.

QN24. In most developed markets advertising practice is regulated through a mixture of:

  1. Advertising agencies and clients
  2. Creatives and media planners
  3. Legislation and voluntary controls
  4. Trade associations and media owners

(C)Legislation and voluntary controls

QN25. In newer, younger agencies, roles are undertaken by the following kinds of individuals:

  1. Multi talented
  2. Multi skilled
  3. Multi taskers
  4. Multi activists

(C)Multi taskers

QN26. In selecting an advertising agency, without clear ___________as a sound starting point you have little chance of success. Complete the blank.

  1. Roles
  2. Briefs
  3. Tasks
  4. Ideas


QN27. In the advertising agency selection process, the agency credentials meeting is also known as the ___________ meeting:

  1. Chemistry
  2. Relationship
  3. Knowledge
  4. Synthesis


QN28. Interactive media can be best described as

  1. Marketing Mix
  2. Customized Marketing Messages
  3. Marketing Communications Mix
  4. Media that allow two-way messages between company and consumer

(D)Media that allow two-way messages between company and consumer

QN29. Internet advertising has some weaknesses because

  1. It is not easy to track
  2. It is not emotive
  3. It cannot reach a global audience
  4. It does not deliver good targeted reach

(B)It is not emotive

QN30. It has been suggested that organisations practice one of two forms of integration. These are;

  1. Content and Process
  2. Content and Provision
  3. Contingency and Application
  4. Process and System

(A)Content and Process

QN31. It is the quality of the ___________ between the various elements in the process that determine whether a communication event will be successful.

  1. actions
  2. research
  3. linkages
  4. sequencing


QN32. Keller believes brand associations comprise information about three elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements?

  1. Brand attitudes
  2. Brand benefits
  3. Brand performance
  4. Brand attributes

(C)Brand performance

QN33. Littlejohn (1992) identifies four main contexts within which communication occurs. These are

  1. interpersonal, group, organisational and interactional communication
  2. interpersonal, group, organisational and mass communication
  3. interpersonal, group, organisational and linear communication
  4. interpersonal, group, organisational and relational communication

(B)interpersonal, group, organisational and mass communication

QN34. Magazine performance has remained stable in recent years due to

  1. The development of brand values
  2. Low cost
  3. Their ability to address segmented audiences
  4. Multi-page combinations

(C)Their ability to address segmented audiences

QN35. Media audience research

  1. Is a highly organised discipline with a worldwide presence
  2. Is not necessary for the media planner
  3. Is carried out individually by each agency
  4. Is the same for traditional and newer media

(A)Is a highly organised discipline with a worldwide presence

QN36. Media planning is carried out through

  1. Research and tested formulas
  2. An intuitive process
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

(C)Both of the above

QN37. Media selections and scheduling decisions associated with delivering advertising constitute a

  1. Problem Solving Equation
  2. Message Weight
  3. Media Kit
  4. Media Plan

(D)Media Plan

QN38. Media strategy is making media decisions based on

  1. The client's wishes
  2. Understanding customers' wants and needs
  3. Whims of the market
  4. Brand awareness

(B)Understanding customers' wants and needs

QN39. Messengers perceived to be physically attractive lead to two main outcomes. These ads ___________

  1. are more easily recognised and promote positive associations
  2. promote strong engagement and improved responses
  3. attract more attention and are evaluated more positively
  4. stimulate involvement and increased recall

(C)attract more attention and are evaluated more positively

QN40. Mobile marketers are able to reach audiences

  1. Using a 'push' strategy
  2. Using a 'pull' strategy
  3. In real time
  4. All of the above

(D)All of the above


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