QN01. Distributor brands are often referred to as;
- Channel brands
- Own-label brands
- Store brands
- Private label brands
(C, D)
Store brands
Private label brands
QN02. Divergence dimensions of advertising creativity include which of the following:
- Artistic value
- Originality
- Flexibility
- Synthesis
(A, B, C, D)
Artistic value
QN03. Duhan and Sandvik (2009) present an article in the International Journal of Advertising which examines the relationships between which of the following:
- Agencies and advertisers
- Agencies and media owners
- Agencies and consumers
- Agencies and researchers
(A)Agencies and advertisers
QN04. Early ideas about integrated marketing communications were based on;
- Manufacturing
- Airports
- Farming
- Orchestras
QN05. Editors of travel sections in the Sunday press and television presenters of travel programmes can influence the decisions of prospective travellers through ___________
- experience
- their peer network
- their lack of qualifications
- their formalised knowledge
(D)their formalised knowledge
QN06. Effective strategic development at all levels needs to be based on the setting of clear and detailed:
- Objectives
- Targets
- Analysis
- Plans
QN07. El-Murad and West (2004) present a paper in the Journal of Advertising Research which examines which of the following:
- Advertising message appeals
- Creating effective advertising
- Copywriting and art direction
- Defining advertising creativity
(D)Defining advertising creativity
QN08. Emerging technologies will continue to influence consumer behaviour in the future by enabling
- Consumer-centricity
- Relevance filtering
- Newspapers
- Measurement
QN09. Engagement seeks to generate one two main types of response ___________
- Brand Equity and Brand Response
- Brand Values and Brand Response
- Brand Happiness and Brand Response
- Brand Values and Brand Activation
(B)Brand Values and Brand Response
QN10. ESP stands for
- emotional selling promise
- emotional selling process
- emotional selling proposition
- editorial selling promise
(C)emotional selling proposition
QN11. Extensive local penetration and coverage is indicative of
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Online Advertising
- Social Media
QN12. Fame campaigns work by ______________
- Getting talked about and making waves
- Featuring popular celebrities and being likeable
- Being easily remembered for its creative content
- Featuring strong product attributes
(A)Getting talked about and making waves
QN13. Feldwick (1996) suggests brand equity is a composite of:
- Brand association, strength, and dominance
- Brand future, weight, and description
- Brand value, strength, and description
- Brand value, strength, and relationships
(C)Brand value, strength, and description
QN14. For gaming measurement, which measurement method is not used?
QN15. Frequency is defined as?
- All possible exposures to a target audience
- The total number of duplicated exposures
- The number of times a reader is exposed to a message
- Three exposures to the target audience
(C)The number of times a reader is exposed to a message
QN16. Goal-directed behaviour by online and mobile users that is satisfied (by a web site) is more likely to
- Change behaviour
- Make people want to return to a site
- Create word-of-mouth conversations
- Maintain positive brand associations
(B)Make people want to return to a site
QN17. Gross impressions means
- The standard for a communication message to have an impact on the consumer
- All possible exposures to a given medium at a given time
- Both 1 and 2 above
- The percentage of the target audience exposed to a message
(B)All possible exposures to a given medium at a given time
QN18. Grounds for acceptability of advertising include consideration of which of the following:
- Credibility
- Legality
- Decency
- Honesty
(A, B, C, D)
QN19. Heath's 'Low Attention Processing Model', was previously referred to as;
- the Low Attitude Processing Model
- the Low Engagement Processing Model
- the Low Involvement Processing Model
- the Low Participation Processing Model
(C)the Low Involvement Processing Model
QN20. How many commercial messages are we thought to encounter each day?
- 5000
- 100
- 1000
- 3000
QN21. Identify one reason media choices have become more difficult in recent years
- Segmentation
- Internet is used more frequently than any other medium
- Newspapers now use colour
- Satellite radio has come on the scene
QN22. In February 2011 new regulations were introduced allowing ___________ ___________ on TV:
- Tobacco advertising
- Product enhancements
- Shock advertising
- Product placement
(D)Product placement
QN23. In high-context languages, information /content is assumed to be ___________
- implicit: it is known and does not need to be set out.
- implicit: it is known but needs to be elaborated
- explicit: it is not known and needs to be set out.
- explicit: it is known but needs to be elaborated
(A)implicit: it is known and does not need to be set out.
QN24. In most developed markets advertising practice is regulated through a mixture of:
- Advertising agencies and clients
- Creatives and media planners
- Legislation and voluntary controls
- Trade associations and media owners
(C)Legislation and voluntary controls
QN25. In newer, younger agencies, roles are undertaken by the following kinds of individuals:
- Multi talented
- Multi skilled
- Multi taskers
- Multi activists
(C)Multi taskers
QN26. In selecting an advertising agency, without clear ___________as a sound starting point you have little chance of success. Complete the blank.
- Roles
- Briefs
- Tasks
- Ideas
QN27. In the advertising agency selection process, the agency credentials meeting is also known as the ___________ meeting:
- Chemistry
- Relationship
- Knowledge
- Synthesis
QN28. Interactive media can be best described as
- Marketing Mix
- Customized Marketing Messages
- Marketing Communications Mix
- Media that allow two-way messages between company and consumer
(D)Media that allow two-way messages between company and consumer
QN29. Internet advertising has some weaknesses because
- It is not easy to track
- It is not emotive
- It cannot reach a global audience
- It does not deliver good targeted reach
(B)It is not emotive
QN30. It has been suggested that organisations practice one of two forms of integration. These are;
- Content and Process
- Content and Provision
- Contingency and Application
- Process and System
(A)Content and Process
QN31. It is the quality of the ___________ between the various elements in the process that determine whether a communication event will be successful.
- actions
- research
- linkages
- sequencing
QN32. Keller believes brand associations comprise information about three elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements?
- Brand attitudes
- Brand benefits
- Brand performance
- Brand attributes
(C)Brand performance
QN33. Littlejohn (1992) identifies four main contexts within which communication occurs. These are
- interpersonal, group, organisational and interactional communication
- interpersonal, group, organisational and mass communication
- interpersonal, group, organisational and linear communication
- interpersonal, group, organisational and relational communication
(B)interpersonal, group, organisational and mass communication
QN34. Magazine performance has remained stable in recent years due to
- The development of brand values
- Low cost
- Their ability to address segmented audiences
- Multi-page combinations
(C)Their ability to address segmented audiences
QN35. Media audience research
- Is a highly organised discipline with a worldwide presence
- Is not necessary for the media planner
- Is carried out individually by each agency
- Is the same for traditional and newer media
(A)Is a highly organised discipline with a worldwide presence
QN36. Media planning is carried out through
- Research and tested formulas
- An intuitive process
- Both of the above
- None of the above
(C)Both of the above
QN37. Media selections and scheduling decisions associated with delivering advertising constitute a
- Problem Solving Equation
- Message Weight
- Media Kit
- Media Plan
(D)Media Plan
QN38. Media strategy is making media decisions based on
- The client's wishes
- Understanding customers' wants and needs
- Whims of the market
- Brand awareness
(B)Understanding customers' wants and needs
QN39. Messengers perceived to be physically attractive lead to two main outcomes. These ads ___________
- are more easily recognised and promote positive associations
- promote strong engagement and improved responses
- attract more attention and are evaluated more positively
- stimulate involvement and increased recall
(C)attract more attention and are evaluated more positively
QN40. Mobile marketers are able to reach audiences
- Using a 'push' strategy
- Using a 'pull' strategy
- In real time
- All of the above
(D)All of the above