Advanced Auditing mcq with answer

Q1. The audit of Joint Stock Company made compulsory by —-
Answer: Indian Companies Act, 1913

Q2. A person to do the auditing must be qualified as per the standards of the —-
Answer: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Q3. Audit may be defined as an official inspection of an individual-s or organization-s accounts, typically by —-
Answer: An independent body

Q4. Auditing is the systematic and scientific examination of the —- and —-
Answer: Books of a accounts; records of a business

Q5. There are three types of audits: (a) —- ; (b) —- ; and (c) —-
Answer: Correspondence audits; office audits; field audits

Q6. Audit is concerned with detailed examination of the complete accounting records but it does not involve the —-
Answer: Preparation of accounts

Q7. Auditing without the —- is not possible. When the accountant finishes his work, the auditor starts his work.
Answer: Prior existence of accounts

Q8. To determine and judge the reliability of the —- and the supporting accounting records of a particular financial period is the main purpose of the audit.
Answer: Financial statement

Q9. Detection of fraud or errors is a —- objective of the audit.
Answer: Secondary

Q10. Overvaluation of closing stock or incorrect allocation of expenditure or receipt betweencapital and revenue are some of the examples of —-
Answer: Errors of principle

Q11. An audit of an organization performed by a body that is independent of the organizationbeing audited is called —-
Answer: Third party audit

Q12. The —- object of auditing is to detect and prevent errors and frauds in the books of accounts.
Answer: Subsidiary or Secondary

Q13. —- audit is performed to know the corporate social responsibility.
Answer: Social

Q14. —- is an audit to ensure you-re in compliance with relevant specifications, contract, or regulation.
Answer: Compliance audit

Q15. Qualifications of the statutory auditor are prescribed in the —-
Answer: Companies Act, 1956

Q16. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India was set up in 1962 to regulate the profession of chartered accountancy in India.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q17. A review provides a negative assurance report giving only a moderate level of assurance on the reliability of the financial information.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q18. The concept of audit has undergone a change with the thrust on providing an assurance to the reader of financial statements by expressing an opinion.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q19. In audit, the Chartered Accountant-s objective is to provide a high (but not absolute) level of assurance on the reliability of financial statements.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q20. The aim of Auditing standards is to ensure that the members comply with the technical standards for maintaining the quality of the attestation works they perform.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q21. After taking into the comments received, the draft of the proposed auditing standard is finalised by the Board and submitted to the —- of the Institute.
Answer: Council

Q22. While formulating the —- the Board also takes into consideration the applicable laws, customs, usages and business environment in the country.
Answer: Auditing Standards

Q23. The members of the Institute shall follow high standards of —- and —-
Answer: Fairness, integrity & ethical conduct

Q24. The Institute of —- of India is a member of the International Federation of Accountants.
Answer: Chartered Accountants

Q25. The ICAI has issued thirty five auditing standards corresponding to the —- Standards issued by the IAASB of the IFAC and three auditing standards are in the pipeline
Answer: Engagement

Q26. —- represent a set of internationally accepted accounting principles used by companies to prepare financial statements.
Answer: IFRS

Q27. In the coming years, critical —- will need to be made regarding the use of global accounting standards in the United States.
Answer: Decisions

Q28. Accounting standards around the world have evolved over centuries of business and —- development.
Answer: Capital market

Q29. The growing dynamic of —- presented a challenge to these “legacy systems.”
Answer: Globalization

Q30. Since —-, IFRS has become accepted or been adopted for public reporting purposes in over 100 countries, including the 27 member-states of the European Union.
Answer: 2001

Q31. Theoretically, the term “GAAP” does not cover the entire accounting industry, rather than only the US.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q32. The APB operated from 1970 through 1973 and issued 31 Accounting Principles Board Opinions (APBOs), various Interpretations, and four Statements.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q33. Again, it has to be remembered that GAAP are not a rigid set of rules.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q34. The evolvement of GAAP is based on four fundamental qualities the financial statements must possess.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q35. The US GAAP features four basic assumptions to meet its objectives.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q36. —- stipulate stringent accounting treatment as well as disclosure norms, whereas their Indian GAAP in many cases have relaxed requirements.
Answer: US GAAP

Q37. Under —- Financial statements are prepared in accordance with the principle of conservatism which basically means “Anticipate no profits and provide for all possible losses”.
Answer: Indian GAAP

Q38. Under US GAAP —- is not considered, if it leads to deliberate and consistent understatements.
Answer: Conservatism

Q39. Under Indian GAAP, financial statements are prepared in accordance with the presentation requirements of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, —-
Answer: 1956

Q40. Under Indian GAAP (AS 13), —- are classified as current and long term.
Answer: Investments

Q41. Because of federal character of —- there are multiples accounting and other bodies making accounting statements and pronouncements.
Answer: US Govt.

Q42. The —- follows a consultative process in the formulation of accounting standards which ensures participation of all interest groups through Accounting Standards Board (ASB).
Answer: ICAI

Q43. The ICAI has issued —- Accounting Standards till date.
Answer: 29

Q44. Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) is the main body which formulates the —-
Answer: US GAAP

Q45. US GAAP refers to accounting principles, which are generally accepted accounting practices in USA and were set in the year —-
Answer: 1973

Q46. Effective internal control is not a built-in part of the management process.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q47. Internal control is the process designed to ensure reliable financial reporting, effective and efficient operations, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q48. Safeguarding assets against theft and unauthorized use, acquisition, or disposal is not the part of internal control.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q49. In order to identify and establish effective controls, management must continually assess the risk, monitor control implementation, and modify controls as needed.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q50. Top managers of publicly held companies must sign a statement of responsibility for internal controls and include this statement in their annual report to stockholders.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q51. Accounting entries should not be allowed without a —- document.
Answer: Supporting

Q52. Persons having the custody or control of assets and those responsible for the —- in respect of them should not be same.
Answer: Accounting

Q53. The internal audit activity is led by the —-
Answer: Chief Audit Executive (CAE)

Q54. The purpose of internal audit is to evaluate the —-
Answer: Internal check system

Q55. Internal checking is an accounting procedure or physical control to safeguard —- due to fraud or other irregularities.
Answer: Assets against loss

Q56. An effective internal —- can provide assurance to other stakeholders such as regulators, employees, providers of finance, and shareholders.
Answer: Audit Activity

Q57. The basic objectives of evaluating internal control system arise from the fact that internal control system has certain —- to fulfil.
Answer: Purposes

Q58. The objective of evaluating internal control system is to reduce the auditor-s work and Notes save his time and also —- of the organization.
Answer: Resources

Q59. The auditor should understand the internal control system with the purpose to have an idea of the flow of —- and the various control procedures.
Answer: Transactions

Q60. The objective of compliance tests is to provide a fair —- to the auditor that the internal control procedures are being effective as prescribed
Answer: Confidence

Q61. The selection of a particular —- is a matter of the auditor-s judgment.
Answer: Technique

Q62. Two most common techniques of internal control evaluation are the —- and the internal control questionnaires.
Answer: Flow Charts

Q63. A properly drawn up flow chart can provide a neat visual picture of the whole activities of the section or department involving flow of —- and activities.
Answer: Documents

Q64. For actual drawing of the flow chart, the auditor has to formulate his —- to reflect the flow and the connected details.
Answer: Symbols

Q65. A questionnaire usually consists of several separate —- devoted to areas such as purchases, sales, debtors, creditors, wages etc.
Answer: Sections

Q66. The questionnaire is intended to be filled by the company —- who are in charge of various areas.
Answer: Executives

Q67. Drafting a scheme of internal control is similar to drafting an internal control —-
Answer: Questionnaire

Q68. There are various advantages of —- employees on different job periodically.
Answer: Rotating

Q69. Methodology for internal evaluation include: —- ; —- and —-
Answer: Appraisal by workflow; appraisal by duties; appraisal by questionnaire

Q70. Answers of internal control questionnaire are compiled by the auditor on the basis of his —- with the auditee.
Answer: Observations and personal interaction

Q71. The corrective action taken for rectification by the management and its periodic assessment through —- method enables the fulfilment of the principal objectives of internal control procedures.
Answer: the Systems Control Evaluation

Q72. Internal audit is an independent activity.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q73. Internal audit is basically an evaluation and reporting function of financial areas only.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q74. It is said that the internal audit functions as an eye of the management.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q75. Internal audit is not concerned with the correctness of accounts.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q76. Internal auditor should have the liberty to directly communicate with the —- auditor.
Answer: External

Q77. The internal auditor should exercise due —- care in fulfilling his responsibilities.
Answer: Professional

Q78. The main purpose of internal audit is to help the management to achieve its objectives.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q79. Operational audit includes assessment of budgetary standard setting.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q80. An —- audit will feature a report outlining the auditor-s findings.
Answer: External

Q81. Auditors start by gaining an understanding of the organisation-s —-
Answer: Activities

Q82. Auditors perform —- and obtain evidence to satisfy the requirements of the audit program.
Answer: Testing

Q83. The more important feature of an —- audit is the conclusion of the auditor.
Answer: External

Q84. External audits are typically conducted once a —- at the end of the company-s or government-s fiscal year.
Answer: Year

Q85. Internal audit and external audits are concerned with evaluation of —- control system.
Answer: Internal

Q86. The external auditor should assess the quality of work done by —- before relying upon the work of the latter.
Answer: Internal auditor

Q87. Internal check is an important process of internal control system.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q88. Prevention of errors and frauds is an important objective of internal check.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q89. —- occurs when the auditor determines that a type of receipt, deduction, exemption or other item does not need to be tested.
Answer: Zero Percent Examination

Q90. The —- is adopted by the auditor in cases where the sample does not follow a structured technique.
Answer: haphazard sampling technique

Q91. —- involves the auditor to split items included in a sample into their different sections.
Answer: stratified sampling technique

Q92. —- is also referred as ‘interval- sampling.
Answer: systematic sampling

Q93. The —- and the —- lie on the auditor who can reduce the sampling risk by picking up the reasonable or the correct small part of the population or the sample.
Answer: effectiveness; efficiency

Q94. Carefully selected sample will —- the rate of sampling risk.
Answer: decrease

Q95. Risk that procedures will not find errors is known as —- Notes
Answer: audit risk

Q96. —- is the probability that the sample results are not representative of the entire population.
Answer: Sampling risk

Q97. The sampling error can be found by deducting the value of a —- from the value of a statistic.
Answer: parameter

Q98. The —- and the —- can be considered as an example of random sampling error.
Answer: bottleneck effect; founder effect

Q99. It is more difficult to quantify —- errors than the —- errors.
Answer: non-sampling; sampling

Q100. Statistical sampling allows the user to measure the —- associated with the procedure.
Answer: Sampling risk

Q101. —- usually require more training for auditors and more time to apply.
Answer: Statistical applications

Q102. The decision to apply a statistical or non-statistical sampling application to a particular audit test is a matter of —-
Answer: Cost effectiveness

Q103. —- is used to reach a conclusion about a population in terms of an amount.
Answer: Variables sampling

Q104. —- is used when the auditor is only concerned with acceptance or rejection of a hypothesis.
Answer: Attribute sampling

Q105. —- are used by tax auditors to determine if controls which ensure the accuracy of records are in place and working correctly.
Answer: Compliance tests

Q106. Non-homogeneous populations require —- size samples.
Answer: Larger

Q107. The hardware and software are becoming obsolete in no time.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q108. Improper use of Decision Support System does not have serious repercussions.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q109. Auditors are increasingly using computers in planning and performing audit work.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q110. Audit software can not be used to examine quality of data.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q111. Present day organizations have a different security system for various risks to computer systems.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q112. The vulnerabilities in IT arise as creation and authentication of financial transactions on computer systems is done —-
Answer: Electronically

Q113. The principle of least privilege means that every individual is given access to the —- information strictly on the need to know basis.
Answer: Sensitive

Q114. The most common type of single user operating system is —-
Answer: DOS (Disk Operating System)

Q115. —- auditors use General Audit Software like ACL or IDEA or high-level languages like Structured Query Language (SQL) and industry specific or embedded audit software tools.
Answer: Worldwide

Q116. Quality of data reflects the quality of —- who developed the system.
Answer: Personnel

Q117. General Audit Software (Gas) has limited ability to verify —- Logic of an application system.
Answer: Processing

Q118. Expert systems provide a —- to add broad support and increased functionality to audit work paper tools.
Answer: Opportunity

Q119. Record selection criteria may be based on —- audits.
Answer: Prior

Q120. Audit effectiveness is a —- of both standards and performance.
Answer: Function

Q121. An internal auditing system must have the —- of senior management.
Answer: Commitment

Q122. In a partnership audit it is necessary for a firm to get its accounts audited.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q123. The audit fee for the year must be shown in the Profit and Loss Account of the company in case of company audit.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q124. Company audit is statutory responsibility of a specified and definite nature.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q125. A letter of engagement is a —- of acceptance of offer made by the company.
Answer: Confirmation

Q126. A copy of the letter of engagement is also sent to the company for —- as an acknowledgement of agreement as to terms.
Answer: Signature

Q127. The auditor should confirm that the —- issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) had been duly followed.
Answer: Guidelines

Q128. The auditor must verify that the amount of the —- allotted do not exceed the authorized or nominal capital of the company.
Answer: Shares

Q129. In view of the utility of auditing, it is essential for every form of business organization to get its accounts audited.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q130. If a company is passing through a financial crisis, it need not get its accounts- audited for a few years.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q131. Examine whether the Articles of Association is in —- for company to issue redeemable preference shares
Answer: Accordance

Q132. If there is any premium on —- that was provided from either out of the Share Premium Account or out of divisible profits of the company.
Answer: Redemption

Q133. Alteration of share capital involves —- fully-paid up shares into stock or vice versa.
Answer: Converting

Q134. Auditor should examine the cancelled share certificates and tally the same with the —- of new certificates issued.
Answer: Counterfoils

Q135. A public company limited by shares may convert its fully-paid up shares into share warrant.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q136. A share warrant entitles the bearer to the shares specified therein, and it may be transferred merely by delivery of possession.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q137. The auditor needs to ensure that the procedure prescribed by the —- regarding transmission of shares has been strictly followed.
Answer: Articles

Q138. The auditor must confirm that the —- testifying the authority of the legal representative have been properly verified.
Answer: Documents

Q139. In the case of redeemable preference shares, the terms of redemption or conversion should also be stated, together with the earliest date of redemption or conversion.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q140. The amount originally paid-up on forfeited shares, not yet reissued, should be shown separately.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a) True

Q141. The source from which bonus shares are issued need not be specified in disclosure of share capital.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (b) False

Q142. The Indian Audit and Accounts Department functions under the —-
Answer: Comptroller and Auditor General

Q143. —- forms an indispensable part of the financial administration.
Answer: Audit

Q144. —- aims to ensure accountability of the executive in respect of public revenue and expenditure.
Answer: Government audit

Q145. Initially government auditing in India is primarily —- oriented.
Answer: Expenditure

Q146. The auditor of a Government Company shall be appointed or reappointed by the Central Government on the advice of the —- of India.
Answer: Comptroller and Auditor General

Q147. The annual report on the working and affairs of the company shall be prepared within —- months of the annual general meeting.
Answer: Three

Q148. The —- Act, 1974 has enlarged the concept of Government Company for the purposes of audit.
Answer: Companies- Amendment

Q149. —- is essential to government accountability to the public.
Answer: Auditing

Q150. Conducting audit work in accordance with —- is a matter of personal and Notes organizational responsibility.
Answer: Ethical principles

Q151. A —- is the verification of the financial statements of a legal entity, with a view to express an audit opinion.
Answer: Government Financial Audit

Q152. —- is not attainable because of the nature of audit evidence and the characteristics of fraud.
Answer: Absolute assurance

Q153. GAGAS establish reporting standards for financial audits in addition to the standards contained in the —- standards.
Answer: AICPA

Q154. Formation and expression of the independent audit opinion are conducted in compliance with the —- .
Answer: International auditing standards

Q155. Statutory auditors with whom a contract for independent financial audit is signed may be dismissed only if —- exist.
Answer: Appropriate reasons

Q156. The acceptance of obligation for performance of independent financial audit is documented with a —- of audit engagement.
Answer: Letter of acceptance

Q157. The seal of the —- has an ellipsoid form.
Answer: Statutory auditor

Q158. —- is considered at the financial statement level during the audit planning process.
Answer: Audit Risk

Q159. Audit risk is the risk that an —- may give an inappropriate opinion on financial information that is materially misstated.
Answer: Auditor

Q160. —- Sampling in auditing stands for the technique of forming an opinion about a group of items on the basis of an examination of a few of the items.
Answer: Statistical

Q161. The —- of assets like land the buildings should be verified by examining title deeds.
Answer: Ownership

Q162. The auditor has to satisfy himself that the —- exhibit a true and fair state of affairs having regard to all material aspects.
Answer: Statements

Q163. —- special audit report is commissioned from outside the company.
Answer: External

Q164. A —- company that owns subsidiaries in foreign countries may commission a special audit of these subsidiaries so as to determine their viability.
Answer: Multinational

Q165. A qualified —- special audit report is issued when an auditor discovers anomalies in the financial statements of an organization.
Answer: Opinion

Q166. There are profound differences between the private and —- sectors, as well as similarities.
Answer: Public

Q167. In determining the scope of an audit of —- auditors should consider all key factors influencing the relationship between goods and services produced and the resources used to produce them.
Answer: Efficiency

Q168. A results-oriented audit —- should be followed wherever possible, because it can usually accomplish the audit objectives at least cost.
Answer: Approach

Q169. —- and capital resources are generally measured in dollars.
Answer: Material

Q170. Efficiency information is necessary for —- to determine whether the level of efficiency achieved meets an acceptable standard.
Answer: Management

Q171. Auditing efficiency can directly or indirectly help departments and agencies to identify —- to provide more or better services at the same or lower cost.
Answer: Opportunities

Q172. —- is expressed as the percentage of the available capacity that is actually used.
Answer: Utilization

Q173. Under the Act of 1971, the scope and extent of audit is determined by the —- .
Answer: Comptroller and Auditor General

Q174. Audit is an instrument of —- .
Answer: Accountability

Q175. —- includes audit of provisions of funds, sanctions, compliances and propriety.
Answer: Fiscal Accountability

Q176. —- includes audit of efficiency, economy and effectiveness
Answer: Managerial Accountability

Q177. A banking company requires maintaining the books of account in accordance with section 209 of the Companies Act —-
Answer: 1956

Q178. The financial position of a bank is depended on the condition of assets, loan, investment, cash balanced and those of its —-
Answer: Liabilities and fund

Q179. The large PSBs having balance sheet size (assets + liabilities) of above —- can exercise managerial autonomy in regard to appointment of SBAs from the year 2008- 09 onwards.
Answer: 1 lac crore

Q180. The consent given by an audit firm will be treated as —-
Answer: Irrevocable

Q181. The auditors of the State Bank of India are to be appointed by the —- in consultation with the Central Government.
Answer: Reserve Bank of India

Q182. Internal control evaluation is an important element of —-
Answer: Audit process

Q183. Co-operative Society shall not make a loan to any person other than a —-
Answer: Member

Q184. —- main role is preparation of financial statements and auditor-s report of insurance companies.
Answer: IRDA

Q185. —- is the actual claims paid less adjustments for reinsurance recoveries on them and provisions for claims outstanding as on the date of financial reporting.
Answer: Incurred Claims

Q186. A new concept called ‘Premium Deficiency- was brought in by IRDA as a measure for augmenting policyholders- funds, it mandated that if the sum of expected claims costs, related expenses etc. exceed the —- the said excess is to be recognized as Premium Deficiency.
Answer: URR

Q187. The aims of the society should not be inconsistent with the principles of social justice, and its bylaws not contrary to the provisions of the —-
Answer: KCS Act and Rules

Q188. With sanction of —- Co-operative societies may also borrow from credit agencies subject to the limits and conditions prescribed.
Answer: State Government

Q189. While the main object of a —- is to earn profit, the object of a —- is to render service to its members.
Answer: Joint Stock Company; Co-operative Society

Q190. Proper classification of assets and provisioning of cooperative institutions are based on —-
Answer: IRAC Norms

Q191. A member in part-time practice is not entitled to perform —- functions including tax audit.
Answer: Attest

Q192. While doing the audit the auditor is expected to follow general principles of auditing as mentioned in Auditing and —- Standards.
Answer: Assurance

Q193. While the auditor has to apply the basic principles of audit he has to keep in mind that the requirements of —- audit are different and accordingly he should design his audit programme.
Answer: VAT

Q194. The results of the audit procedure adopted by the auditor should be such as will give him a reasonable assurance regarding the —- of sales reported in the returns.
Answer: Figures

Q195. The auditor is also required to comment on the timely —- of the returns under the VAT law.
Answer: Filing

Q196. The auditor has to take a judgement of his own regarding the —- and —- of the audit checks to be applied.
Answer: Adequacy, appropriateness

Q197. While performing the audit under VAT law the auditor is expected to conduct the audit presuming himself to be the tax —-.
Answer: Assessor

Q198. The auditor is also expected to give the —- of additional tax liability/additional refund arising on his verification of the returns together with the books of account.
Answer: Summary

Q199. A cost accounting system designed to exercise control over cost may be different from the one if the —- is to fix price.
Answer: Objective

Q200. The cost auditor should examine whether the methods laid down for ascertaining expenses as —- or —- are cases in point.
Answer: Direct, indirect

Q201. Cost audit, apart from having all the normal —- of audit namely vouching, verification etc. has within its compass elements of efficiency audit.
Answer: Ingredients

Q202. The principal object of cost audit is to see that the cost data placed before the management are —- and reliable.
Answer: Verified

Q203. Cost audit is often introduced for the purpose of —- of prices.
Answer: Fixation

Q204. In most of the countries the concept of cost audit as such is also non-existent and the objectives, whatever they may be, are achieved by properly designing the scope and —- of internal audit.
Answer: Depth

Q205. The records are broadly based on the elements of —-
Answer: Cost

Q206. —- involves an intelligent scrutiny of the books of account of a company, with reference to documents, vouchers and other relevant records.
Answer: Audit operation

Q207. —- is a process which measures the internal and external consistency of an organisation-s values base.
Answer: Ethical auditing

Q208. In relation to the specific factors of the ethical environment, studies on codes of ethics have dominated the —- and auditing literature.
Answer: Ethical accounting

Q209. —- does not include personal misconduct by those charged with governance, management or employees of the entity.
Answer: Non-compliance

Q210. The mission of —- is to serve the public interest, strengthen the worldwide accountancy profession and contribute to the development of strong international economies.
Answer: IFAC

Q211. —- does not apply to other assurance engagements in which the auditor is specifically engaged to test and report separately on compliance with specific laws or regulations.
Answer: International Standard on Auditing (ISA)

Q212. The auditor is responsible for obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements, taken as a whole, are free from —-
Answer: Material misstatement

Q213. The —- are required to make qualification in their report in case any item is treated differently from the prescribed Accounting Standard.
Answer: Statutory auditors

Q214. —- enacted by parliament is likely to have profound influence on auditing e.g. Public Procurement Act 2004, Money Laundering Act.
Answer: Statute laws

Q215. The —- determination has been made that auditing is central to public confidence in our capital markets.
Answer: Political

Q216. In E-commerce, documents such as invoices are exchanged using a standard method known as —-
Answer: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Q217. —- means “suitable for use in a court of law”, and it is to that standard and potential outcome that forensic accountants generally have to work.
Answer: Forensic

Q218. —- can be defined as accounting/auditing skills to situations that have legal consequences.
Answer: Forensic accounting/auditing

Q219. The purpose of —- audit is to review and provide feedback, assurances and suggestions.
Answer: IT

Q220. Assurances about an —- can be obtained only if all the components are evaluated and secured.
Answer: Information system

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