AID20057: Illustrate the sources of recruitment. Discuss


Whenever there is a vacancy in the organization, generally it is to be filled. To make the candidate avail­able for filling those vacancies, their selection procedure and placement on a proper job comes under the purview of recruitment.

As soon as the available vacancies are known, they are advertised through different media and accordingly the applications are collected for the vacant posts. A group of candidates interested in doing the job and are eligible to do, it is created through recruitment.

It is an operative function of human resource management coming under the managerial function called organizing. In the words of Edwin Flippo, ‘recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation’. In short, it involves attracting and obtaining as many applications as possible from eligible job seekers.

Sources of Recruitment:

The eligible and suitable candidates required for a particular job are available through various sources. These sources can be divided into two categories, as shown in Figure 1

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Figure No. 1 Sources of Recruitment

Internal Sources of Recruitment:

1. Promotions:

The promotion policy is followed as a motivational technique for the employees who work hard and show good performance. Promotion results in enhancements in pay, position, responsibility and authority. The important requirement for implementation of the promotion policy is that the terms, condi­tions, rules and regulations should be well-defined.

2. Retirements:

The retired employees may be given the extension in their service in case of non­-availability of suitable candidates for the post.

3. Former employees:

Former employees who had performed well during their tenure may be called back, and higher wages and incentives can be paid to them.

4. Transfer:

Employees may be transferred from one department to another wherever the post becomes vacant.

5. Internal advertisement:

The existing employees may be interested in taking up the vacant jobs. As they are working in the company since long time, they know about the specification and description of the vacant job. For their benefit, the advertisement within the company is circulated so that the employees will be intimated.

External Sources of Recruitment:

1. Press advertisement:

A wide choice for selecting the appropriate candidate for the post is avail­able through this source. It gives publicity to the vacant posts and the details about the job in the form of job description and job specification are made available to public in general.

2. Campus interviews:

It is the best possible method for companies to select students from various educational institutions. It is easy and economical. The company officials personally visit various institutes and select students eligible for a particular post through interviews. Students get a good opportunity to prove themselves and get selected for a good job.

3. Placement agencies:

A databank of candidates is sent to organizations for their selection purpose and agencies get commission in return.

4. Employment exchange:

People register themselves with government employment exchanges with their personal details. According to the needs and request of the organization, the candidates are sent for interviews.

5. Walk in interviews:

These interviews are declared by companies on the specific day and time and conducted for selection.

6. E-recruitment:

Various sites such as,, and are the available electronic sites on which candidates upload their resume and seek the jobs.

7. Competitors:

By offering better terms and conditions of service, the human resource managers try to get the employees working in the competitor’s organization.


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