The following salient features of motivation explain its nature:
1. Motivation is a psychological concept
The needs of person influence his behaviour. A subordinate, whose needs have been fully satisfied, feels mentally relieved. The quantum of tangible benefits provided, e.g. higher pay to subordinate may not actually determine mental satisfaction. Even a word of appreciation from the manager may provide greater mental satisfaction to an employee and induce him to work harder. Motivation, thus, has something to do with the psychology of the employees.
2. Motivation is always total and not piece-meal
It means that a person cannot be motivated in instalments. An employee will not be motivated if some of his needs are partly satisfied. For example, if an employee awaits a transfer to his native place and is also due to get his promotion, he will not feel motivated if only one of the benefits is sanctioned. It is, therefore, the duty of the employer to grant any benefit to his employees fully as and when it is due.
3. Motivation may be financial or non-financial
An employee may be motivated through financial or non-financial incentives. Financial incentives are the monetary benefits provided to an employee in the form of higher pay, bonus, commission etc., Non-financial incentives are the non-monetary benefits such as greater decision-making authority, better designation and so on.
4. Method of Motivation may be positive as well as negative
Many people think that the method of motivation should always be positive. It may even be negative. The method is positive if it is in the form of higher pay, greater authority, better designation etc., The method of motivation is negative in the following cases:
- Issue of Memo to a worker showing negligence.
- Placing a worker who is avoiding duties under suspension
- Pay-cut.
- Imposing fines or penalties for violating rules and regulations in the work place etc.
5. Motivation is a continuous process
Man is a wanting animal. As soon as one need is satisfied another appears in its place. This is an unending process. Motivation, therefore, is not a time-bound process. In the work place, an employee needs to be motivated as long as he is in employment.