MS-096: Total Quality Management last 3 yrs paper
June, 2021
- Explain Crosby’s Quality Management Maturity Grid.
- What are the basic Total Quality Management beliefs? Explain each one of them in brief.
- How is Total Quality related to customer value strategy? Explain with the help of examples.
- Write notes on the following:
(a) Quality related benefits
(b) Quality related costs
- Describe with the help of examples, the seven quality improvement tools.
- What is Quality Function Deployment (QFD)? Explain with the help of an example.
- What are the different modes of learning? What kind of work practices promote learning? Explain in context of organisational TQM journey.
- Explain the concept of Maslow’s need hierarchy. Support your answer with the help of examples
February, 2021
- What is the need of Quality Management? Explain with help of examples.
- How does the Juran Trilogy reduce the cost of quality?
- List and explain the reasons for Total Quality Management (TQM) becoming increasingly popular in organizations all over the world.
- What do you understand by Quality Planning? Explain the concept of Quality Planning Road Map with the help of suitable examples.
- Explain the concept of Statistical Quality Control with examples.
- Give the rationale and constitution of Quality Circles.
- Describe the concept of 5 S and explain its role in the quality of the workplace.
- Why is Safety and Health Management required in industries? Discuss.
June, 2020
- What are the implications of quality assurance as per Taguchi? DisOuss with the help of suitable examples
- Discuss various success factors that are required for TQM to succeed.
- Explain in brief the strategic , planning process with respect to Total Quality Management.
- List and explain the seven quality improvement tools.
- What are the different types of benchmarking? Explain each of them in brief.
- What do you understand by TQM teams? Substantiate your answer with the help of example.
- How is an Environment Management System (EMS) developed based on ISO 14001? Explain.
- (a) Explain the concept of safety management.
(b) Discuss the assessment and elimination of risk giving examples.