MS055 Logistics And Supply Chain Management IGNOU exam question paper

MS-055: Logistics And Supply Chain Management last 3 yrs paper

June, 2021

  1. What are the primary responsibilities of a logistics group and marketing group within an organization? Why there is a conflict between the two? What measures can be taken to enhance cooperation? Elaborate.
  2. Explain global sourcing and its advantages and disadvantages. How can you arrive at the best course of action for global sourcing? Explain with examples.
  3. What are the fundamental mistakes commonly made while capturing information? How would these mistakes be eliminated in SCM? Elaborate.
  4. “Benchmarking provides the basis for meeting and exceeding stakeholder’s expectations.” Explain the importance and role of benchmarking in the light of the statement.
  5. “The most common method for evaluating noneconomic factors in facility location study is to use a scoring model.” Why? Justify your answer
  6. How can bulk freight carriers take advantages of technological innovations to streamline their supply chain? Discuss.
  7. Write short notes on any three of the following:

    (a) Physical Distribution Management (PDM)

    (b) Resilience in Supply Chain Management (SCM)

    (c) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

    (d) Hau Lee’s Uncertainty Framework

    (e) Warehouse Jurisdiction

February, 2021

  1. How can the chain relationship contribute to the success of Supply Chain Management? Is it necessary to extend this relationship beyond the chain, to further achieve the objectives of supply chain management?
  2. ‘‘A connection and interrelationship between the components of supply chain has to be established for utmost customer satisfaction.’’ Explain the statement with reference to integration of supply chain at various stages.
  3. In the IT based supply chain management, what criteria can be recommended to measure the performance of a manufacturing organization? Explain the merits and demerits of your recommendation.
  4. ‘‘Today’s management can’t afford to focus only on the company’s performance in a vacuum; there is an emerging requirement to focus on the performance of the extended supply chain or network in which the company is a partner’’. Comment.
  5. ‘‘The most common method for evaluating non-economic factors in a facility location study is to use a scoring model.’’ Why? Justify your answer.
  6. What is the skill set required by 4PL companies to be able to effectively integrate the supply chain for their client company?
  7. Write short notes on any three of the following:

    (a) Logistics and marketing interface

    (b) Bullwhip effect

    (c) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

    (d) Benchmarking

    (e) Reverse Logistics

June, 2020

  1. “There are many possible structures for supply chain, but the simplest view has materials converging on an organization through tiers of suppliers and products diverging through tiers of customers.” Elaborate.
  2. Explain global sourcing and its advantages and disadvantaged. How can you arrive at the best course of action for global sourcing?
  3. “Materials requirement planning is the heart of the Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II).” Elaborate the statement. Also explain the materials requirements planning inputs in brief.
  4. When Christopher says that “supply chains compete, not companies”, what exactly does he mean? Evaluate this statement from the cost point of view.
  5. What are the relaxations of tax on goods across the various states in our country and can we overcome this by a single document procedure?
  6. “Successful supply chain design requires several decisions relating to the flow of information, product and funds.” Explain the statement. Also explain the four types of supply chain strategies.
  7. Write short notes on any three of the following

    (a) Functional vs. innovative products: SCM issues

    (b) Integrating logistics

    (c) Role of software packages in supply chain management

    (d) Challenges faced in implementation of benchmarking

    (e) Green supply chain

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