Data Base Management System 2


SKU: AMSEQ-060 Category:

Assignment A


Q1: A well-maintained relational DBMS has a high level of data integrity. What features of a relational DBMS contribute towards this level of integrity?

Q2(a): Explain the various functions of RDBMS? Name the different categories of RDBMS users and how they are different from each other.

Q2(b): RDBMS has become most popular Database System world wide? Justify your answer with suitable example.

Q3: Explain different integrity constrains supported by RDBMS and ORDBMS with suitable examples.

Q4: Process of normalization is the integral part of designing a database. Justify this statement with suitable database design.

Q5: Differentiate among on any three of the following giving suitable examples:-

  1. a) Primary Key
  2. b) Candidate Key
  3. c) Alternate Key
  4. d) Unique Key
  5. e) Super Key

Q6: Write SQL statements to create a table from existing table. What are the advantages of creating a table from existing table?

Q7: What do you mean by ‘view’? What are its different types? Differentiate between updatable and non updatable ‘view’ with suitable examples. Also give proper syntax for creating ‘view’.

Q8: Explain the difference between the Drop & Delete, Commit & Rollback and Alter & Update with suitable examples.


Assignment B


Case Study


A Librarian of a central university has hired a database designer to maintain information about its members, books and other related details i.e. issue and return of books, reservation, fine calculation and usage of books.



Suggest a suitable database design to maintain above mentioned data keeping in mind the redundancy and consistency of data. Mention all your assumptions to justify your answer


Assignment C


  • An entity is–
    • A collection of items in an application
    • A distinct real world item in an application
    • An inanimate object in an application
    • A data structure


  1. Pick entities from the following
    • Vendor
    • Student
    • Attends
    • Km/hour

(a) i, ii, iii

(b) i, ii, iv

(c) i and ii

(d) iii and iv

  1. A relationship is–
  • An item in an application
  • A meaningful dependency between entities
  • A collection of related entities
  • Related data


4 Data independence allows–

  • No changes in application programs
  • Change in database without affecting application program
  • Hardware to be changed without affecting application programs
  • System software to be changed without affecting application programs

(a) i, ii

(b) ii, iii

(c) ii, iii, iv

(d) i, ii, iv


5. Oracle 8i can be best described as–(a) Object-based DBMS(b) Object-oriented DBMS(c) Object-relational DBMS(d) Relational DBMS  6. An Oracle 8i database can store–(a) Text(b) Audio/Video(c) Images(d) All the above  7. Oracle 8i runs on–(a) Windows NT(b) UNIX(c) Solaris(d) (a), (b) and (c)

  1. A good database design–
    • Is expandable with growth and changes in organization
    • Easy to change when software changes
    • Ensures data integrity
    • Allows access to only authorized users

(a)        i, ii

(b)        ii, iii

(c)        i, ii, iii, iv

(d)        i, ii, iii


  1. The sequence followed in designing a DBMS is–
  • Physical Model Conceptual Model Logical Model
  • Logical Model Physical Model Conceptual Model
  • Conceptual Model Logical Model Physical Model
  • Conceptual Model Physical Model Logical Model


  1. The responsibilities of a database administrator include–
    • Maintenance of data dictionary
    • Ensuring security of database
    • Ensuring privacy and integrity of data
    • Obtain an e-r model

(a) i, ii

(b) i, ii, iii

(c) i, ii, iii, iv

(d) ii, iv


  1. A check pointing system is needed–
  • To ensure system security
  • To recover from transient faults
  • To ensure system privacy
  • To ensure system integrity


12 When a logical model is mapped into a physical storage such as a disk store the resultant data model is known as–

  • Conceptual data model
  • External data model
  • Internal data model
  • Disk data model


  1. A DBMS has the following components–
  • A data definition language
  • A query language
  • A security system
  • Audit trail

(a)        i, ii

(b)        i, ii, iii

(c)        i, ii, iii, iv

(d)        i, ii, iv


  1. An E-R modeling for given application leads to–
  • Conceptual data model
  • Logical data model
  • External data model
  • Internal data model


  1. A conceptual data model is converted using a Relational Data Base Management System to a/an–
  • Logical data model
  • External data model
  • Internal data model
  • Entity-relation data model


  1. By data security in DBMS we mean–
    • Preventing access to data
    • Allowing access to data only to authorized users
    • Preventing changing data
    • Introducing integrity constraints


  1. DBMS must implement management controls to–
    • Control access rights to users
    • Implement audit trail when changes are made
    • Allow data to be used extensively in the organization
    • Duplicate databases

(a)     i, ii

(b)     ii, iii

(c)     iii, iv

(d)     i, iv


  1. One of the main objectives of a DBMS is to–

(a) Create a database for an organization

  • Facilitate sharing of a database by current and future applications
  • Allow sharing application programs
  • Replace file based systems


  1. The data structure used in the Network model is–
  2. a) Table
  3. b) Tree
  4. c) Graph
  5. d) None of these


  1. The data structure used in the hierarchical model is–
  2. a) Tree
  3. b) Graph
  4. c) Table
  5. d) None of these


  1. Which of the following statements are NOT TRUE about ORDER BY clauses?
  2. a) Ascending or descending order can be defined with the asc or desc keywords.
  3. b) Only one column can be used to define the sort order in an order by clause.
  4. c) Multiple columns can be used to define sort order in an order by clause.
  5. d) Columns can be represented by numbers indicating their listed order in the select


  1. Which of the following statements contains an error?
  1. Select * from EMP where EMPID = 493945;
  2. Select EMPID from EMP where EMPID = 493945;
  3. Select EMPID from EMP;
  4. Select EMPID where EMPID = 56949 and LASTNAME = ’SMITH’;


  1. One entity may be–
    • Related to only one other entity
    • Related to itself
    • Related to only two other entities
    • Related to many other entities
  1. By relation cardinality we mean–
  • Number of items in a relationship
  • Number of relationships in which an entity can appear
  • Number of items in an entity
  • Number of attributes


  1. The following E-R diagram is interpreted as follows–
  2. A doctor treats upto N patients
  3. A doctor treats exactly N patients
  4. A doctor may treat upto N patients; Some doctors may not treat any patients
  5. A doctor will treat patients based on some conditions













26. UML depicts information systems as a collection of–a) Object b) Class c) Attributes d) Blocks

27.Which of the following relates to enterprise interoperability? a) Objectb) XML c) Attributes d) Blocks

28. Which of the following is part of a static view of information? a) Object Oriented Model b) Data Flow Model c) ER Model d) Relational Model

29. Use-case analysis focuses upon–a) Object b) XML c) Attributesd) Blocks

  1. Conceptual data modeling is typically done in parallel with other requirements analysis and structuring steps during–
  2. a) Systems planning and selection
  3. b) Systems design

c). systems analysis

d). systems evaluation


  1. The most common format used for data modeling is–
  1. State-transition diagramming.
  2. Entity-relationship diagramming.
  3. Process modeling.
  4. Logic modeling.


  1. Asking system users and business managers; “How many instances of each object might exist?;” would help determine–
  2. The data entities and their descriptions.
  3. The candidate key.
  4. Attributes and secondary keys.
  5. Relationships and their cardinality and degrees.
  6. Integrity rules, minimum and maximum cardinality, and time dimensions of data.


  1. Vehicle identification number, color, weight, and horsepower best exemplify–
  2. Entity types.
  3. Data markers.


  1. If each employee can have more than one skill, then skill is referred to as a–
  2. Multivalued attribute.
  3. Nonexclusive attribute.
  4. Repeating attribute.


  1. If STUDENT and COURSE participate in a relationship, this is an example of a/an–
  2. Unary relationship.
  3. Binary relationship.
  4. Ternary relationship.
  5. Extraordinary relationship.


  1. A simultaneous relationship among instances of three entity types is a/an–
  2. Unary relationship.
  3. Binary relationship.
  4. Ternary relationship.
  5. Multiple occurrences.


  1. A “many” maximum cardinality is noted on the E-R diagram by–
  2. Placing a crow’s foot notation near the entity.
  3. Placing a zero through the line near the entity.
  4. Using a double ellipse near the entity.
  5. Placing two slash marks near the entity.


  1. The primary deliverable from the conceptual data modeling step within the analysis phase is–
  2. A state-transition diagram.
  3. An entity-relationship diagram.
  4. A context data flow diagram.
  5. A decision table.


  1. Alter statement in SQL is used to modify–
  2. a) Data
  3. b) Information
  4. c) Structure of Database
  5. d) Structure of Index


  1. Data Inconsistency means
  2. a) Data Redundancy
  3. b) Data Normalization
  4. c) Incorrect state of Database
  5. d) Data Distribution – buy solution from


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