Engineering Online MCQ Number 0262 – online study, assignment and exam

Multiple choice question for engineering

Set 1

1. How many groups are there in IS codes for Civil Engineering?
a) 41
b) 52
c) 62
d) 35


Answer: a [Reason:] There are 41 groups or categories of IS codes available for Civil Engineering. Some of them include hardware, stone, ports and harbour, cement and concrete, fire safety, etc.

2. The headquarters of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is at:
a) Hyderabad
b) Agra
c) Delhi
d) Kolkata


Answer: c [Reason:] It is in Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Delhi. Regional office, branch offices and sales offices are also there.

3. IS 2062 gives specifications about:
a) High strength steel
b) High strength concrete
c) Concrete for general purpose
d) Steel for general purpose


Answer: d [Reason:] IS 2062 gives the specifications for steel to be used for general purposes.

4. Which is the most important IS code for a Civil Engineer?
a) IS 567
b) IS 456
c) IS 455
d) IS 383


Answer: b [Reason:] IS 456 gives specifications about plain reinforcement concrete. For designing any concrete structure, this IS code is a must.

5. IS 2368 has how many parts?
a) 10
b) 7
c) 5
d) 9


Answer: d [Reason:] IS 2368 gives specifications regarding aggregates and the methods of test performed on them. There are 9 parts in total, each deal with specific tests.

6. Which IS code is used to refer details regarding measurement of building and civil
engineering works?
a) IS 1200
b) IS 2502
c) IS 1786
d) IS 800


Answer: a [Reason:] There are total of 28 parts in IS 1200. These cover all important information about measurements and deductions of building and civil engineering works.

7. IS 1893-2002 gives details on:
a) Seismic strengthening
b) Improving earthquake resistance
c) Earthquake resistance structures
d) Earthquake resistance design


Answer: c [Reason:] IS 1893-2002 gives the criteria for earthquake resistance design of structures. It is the fifth revised edition.

8. Which IS code gives specifications about dimensions for hot rolled steel structures?
a) IS 808-1979
b) IS 806-1968
c) IS 806-1969
d) IS 808-1989


Answer: d [Reason:] IS 808-1989 gives guidelines on dimensioning of hot rolled steel beams, columns, channel and angle sections.

9. How many parts does IS code 875 contain?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8


Answer: a [Reason:] IS 875 has five parts which address the imposed, dead, wind, snow and special loads except earthquake that act on structures.

10. Which IS code gives details regarding acid-resistant bricks?
a) IS 4832
b) IS 4860
c) IS 5766
d) IS 5318


Answer: b [Reason:] IS 4860-1968 gives specifications for acid-resistant bricks. IS 4832 deals with mortar, IS 5766 with laying burnt clay brick flooring and IS 5318 with laying flexible PVC sheets and tile flooring.

11. IS 712-1984 gives specifications for gypsum plaster boards.
a) True
b) False


Answer: b [Reason:] IS 712-1984 gives specifications for building limes. IS 2095 is used to check for specifications for gypsum plaster boards.

Set 2

1. Which one of the below is the first step in preparation of brick earth process?
a) Digging
b) Site selection
c) Cleaning
d) Unsoiling


Answer: d [Reason:] Site selection is the step in manufacturing of brick process. The first step, in order for preparation for brick earth is unsoiling. It involves scraping off top layer, about 150-250mm deep.

2. Why is the process of weathering performed?
a) To remove organic matter
b) To prepare for next process
c) To improve plasticity
d) To dry clay


Answer: c [Reason:] Weathering is a process of softening dug out clay by adding little water and then exposing it to atmosphere. Then it is heated and left for few weeks to undergo weathering.

3. The process of kneading brick earth is called:
a) Pugging
b) Blending
c) Ramming
d) Tamping


Answer: a [Reason:] Pugging or tempering is done by adding water to brick earth and kneading until a homogenous mass and required plasticity is attained.

4. Which one of the following is not a part of pug mill?
a) Vertical shaft
b) Hub
c) Cutting blades
d) Timber base


Answer: b [Reason:] Hub is a part of Kaplan turbine. Pub mill is where pugging is carried out. It consists of conical iron tub, cutting blades, vertical shaft, horizontal arm, long wooden arm and timber base.

5. How many methods of moulding brick earth are there?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 2
d) 4


Answer: c [Reason:] There are two methods of carrying out moulding of brick earth. These are hand moulding and machine moulding.

6. The meaning of slop moulded bricks is:
a) Sand sprinkled inside mould
b) Insufficiently moulded bricks
c) Brittle and slimy bricks
d) Mould dipped in water


Answer: d [Reason:] To avoid clay from sticking on the mould, either sand is sprinkled (sand moulded bricks) or mould is dipped in water (slop moulded bricks).

7. Plastic clay method of machine moulding results in pressed bricks.
a) True
b) False


Answer: b [Reason:] In plastic clay method, clay in plastic state is employed. It comes out of a rectangular opening in the form of a clay bar. As it comes out, it is cut into to strips by wire, and hence called wire bricks. Pressed bricks are obtained from dry clay method.

8. Which is the most commonly employed drying method in India?
a) Hot floor drier
b) Tunnel drier
c) Natural drying
d) Blow drying


Answer: c [Reason:] Natural drying employs workers and it is more economical in India than using artificial driers. Hot floor drier and tunnel drier are types of artificial drying method.

9. Which of the following is not a chemical change that takes place in brick earth during burning?
a) Dehydration
b) Vitrification
c) Oxidation
d) Reduction


Answer: d [Reason:] During burning, no reduction reaction takes place. Dehydration expels most of the water. Oxidation results in elimination of carbon and sulphur as oxides. Vitrification is extreme reaction and occurs when heating above 900oc.

10. The depression provided in the face of a brick during its manufacturing is called:
a) Frog
b) Furrow
c) Groove
d) Scallop


Answer: a [Reason:] Frog is the depression provided in the face of the brick. It forms a key of mortar, reduces weight of the brick, provides place for companies to put their trade mark.

Set 3

1. Nowadays, wet method of cement manufacturing is used.
a) True
b) False


Answer: b [Reason:] Wet method was used from 1913 to 1960. Dry method is most adopted because it improves quality of cement, utilizing less power.

2. In the figure below, what does ‘a’ represents?
a) Combustion chamber
b) Wash mill
c) Kiln
d) Dryer


Answer: c [Reason:] After the raw materials are mixed thoroughly, they need to be burned. Hence, ‘a’ in the figure stands for kiln.

3. In the same figure in question 2, what is ‘b’ and its function?
a) Water-plasticity
b) Lime-strength
c) Sulphur-soundness
d) Gypsum-control setting


Answer: d [Reason:] During grinding process, small amount of gypsum is added. It is done to control the setting of cement.

4. How is the argillaceous material used in manufacture of cement stored?
a) Silos
b) Basins
c) Bags
d) Storage tanks


Answer: b [Reason:] Clay is the argillaceous material used. These are mixed with water thoroughly and washed in container-wash mill. The wet mixture is then stored in basins.

5. Which one of the below is rarely used as fuel in burning stage of wet process of cement
a) Wood
b) Gas
c) Pulverised coal
d) Fuel oil


Answer: a [Reason:] Clinkers are formed at a temperature of 1450o c. Wood burns at a temperature of 593oc, natural gas at 2000oc, coal at 3500oc and oil at 2150oc. Wood cannot offer higher temperature at lower cost, time and energy.

6. How much does a bag of cement weigh?
a) 1 kg
b) 25 kg
c) 50 kg
d) 35 kg


Answer: c [Reason:] The weight of one bag of cement is 50 kg everywhere. It is the standard measurement. In the manufacturing unit of cement, it is packed in bags of 50kg.

7. What is released during the production of clinker?
a) CaCO3
b) CO2
c) Ca(OH)2
d) CO


Answer: b [Reason:] Specifically, CO2 is released during calcination of limestone, which goes on to form clinkers ahead. It occurs in upper, cooler end of kiln (precalciner) at temperatures of 600-900oc.

8. What is the advantage of using precalciner?
a) Fine grained cement
b) Larger clinker size
c) Fuel efficiency
d) Sound cement


Answer: c [Reason:] Almost 95% of calcination is completely over in the precalciner, if 50-60% of fuel is added to this chamber. Hence fuel in the kiln required is less.

9. Which stone provides the calcareous component required for manufacture of cement?
a) Lime
b) Limestone
c) Marble
d) Granite


Answer: b [Reason:] Calcareous component used for cement manufacture is calcium carbonate. It is obtained by quarrying limestone.

10. Shale provides argillaceous components required for cement manufacture process.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] Quarrying shale stone gives the argillaceous component. These are silica, aluminium and iron.

11. Which one of the below is not a feature of cement Kiln?
a) Employs alternate fuels
b) Natural alkaline environment
c) High temperature
d) Portable


Answer: d [Reason:] Cement kiln is highly efficient as it incorporates preheater, precalciner, uses alternative fuels-bio fuels, recycled waste, etc. It requires space and is permanently installed in one place. Rotary kiln is the one that is portable.

Set 4

1. Which process comes after batching in manufacture process?
a) Transportation
b) Placing
c) Mixing
d) Compacting


Answer: c [Reason:] Batching involves measuring the amount of raw materials required for manufacture of concrete. The next step is to mix all these ingredients together.

2. Ready mix plant and central mix plant differ in:
a) Transportation
b) Setting time
c) Properties
d) Water addition


Answer: d [Reason:] In ready mix plants, all the other ingredients are mixed, except water. While in central mix plants, water is also mixed along with other ingredients.

3. How many methods of batching are there?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6


Answer: a [Reason:] There are 2 types of batching – weigh and volume batching. In volume batching, volumetric measure of materials is taken (1 bag cement-35 litre). In weigh batching, measurement is in terms of weight (1 bag cement-50 kg).

4. What is the maximum height through which concrete can be poured?
a) 0.1-0.6 m
b) 0.8-1 m
c) 0.5 m
d) 2 m


Answer: b [Reason:] Concrete consists of coarse aggregates. If it is placed or poured from a height above 1 m, segregation of coarse aggregate will take place, leading to improper distribution. It affects strength parameter.

5. How many types of machine mixers are available?
a) 2
b) 5
c) 6
d) 3


Answer: d [Reason:] Based on technique of discharging mixed concrete, there are 3 types of mixers available. They are tilting type, non-tilting type and pan type mixers.

6. In small works, concrete is transported using:
a) Conveyer belts
b) Pumps
c) Pans
d) Buckets


Answer: c [Reason:] In small works, less quantity of concrete is required. So, workers carry it in a pan atop their heads. Conveyer belts and pumps are used for large construction works.

7. Compacting is done to:
a) Place concrete on flat surface
b) Remove air bubbles
c) Place concrete on sloping surface
d) Introduce air bubbles


Answer: b [Reason:] While mixing of concrete, sometimes air gets trapped in it in the form of bubbles. These have to be removed to ensure strength parameters are met with.

8. Concrete is generally placed on a:
a) Form work
b) Stand
c) Mould
d) Platform


Answer: a [Reason:] Form work is a mould in which concrete is poured and allowed to set. It should be properly oiled and cleaned before pouring concrete. It can be used to cast beams, slabs, columns, etc.

9. Which is the best method for curing flat surfaces?
a) Spraying water
b) Placing wet gunny bags
c) Applying curing compounds
d) Stagnating water


Answer: d [Reason:] Curing is the process of maintaining moisture in freshly laid concrete tostrengthen it. For flat surfaces like floors and slabs, ponding or stagnating water is the best method. Temporary bund can be made with mortar and filled with water to cure.

10. Excess vibration during compacting can lead to:
a) Bleeding
b) Segregation
c) High strength
d) Air bubbles


Answer: b [Reason:] Over vibration may lead to a problem called segregation. The coarse aggregate is separated from the cement matrix. This leads to low strength.

11. Steam curing is adopted for:
a) Precast structures
b) Columns
c) Beams
d) Walls


Answer: a [Reason:] The precast structures are placed in enclosed chambers. Then the steam is pumped into the chamber. It accelerates the hydration of concrete and it is left for the curing period.

12. A gap of 0.3m is to maintained between cement bag and wall, while storing cement.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] The storage of cement is important. It should not be placed too close to the wall or other cement bags to avoid air circulation around bags. It may dampen the cement and make it useless.

Set 5

1. How many operations are involved in the manufacturing of tiles?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 10
d) 8


Answer: b [Reason:] The main 6 operations are selection of suitable clay, preparation of clay, moulding, drying and shaping, burning and cooling.

2. What type of clay is selected for tile manufacture?
a) Slightly wet
b) Sticky
c) Dry
d) Rich


Answer: a [Reason:] Clay is cleaned and mixed with other additives. It is stirred in water and allowed to settle. Then slightly wet form is taken.

3. Secondary crushing of small lumps of clay to particles is carried out in:
a) Jaw crusher
b) Ball mill
c) Muller mill
d) Gyratory crusher


Answer: c [Reason:] Primary crushing of clay to small lumps is carried out in jaw crusher or gyratory crusher. A third particle reduction is carried out using ball mill.

4. At what point is a glaze applied to a tile?
a) Finished tile
b) Drying
c) Placing
d) Firing


Answer: d [Reason:] Glaze is a glass material designed to melt on to surface during firing process. It then adheres to tile while cooling.

5. Which of the following is matched properly?
a) Ribbon mixer-helical vanes
b) Shell mixer-revolving plows
c) Intensive mixer-two cylinders joined into a V
d) Pack mixer-uses water


Answer: a [Reason:] These are used for mixing the batched raw material. Shell mixer is the one that consists of 2 cylinders joined into a V. Intensive mixer uses rapidly revolving plows.

6. What is the meaning of slip?
a) Dry mixture
b) Impurities in mixture
c) Water filled mixture
d) Different sized mixture


Answer: c [Reason:] For fine grinding, water is added to the ball mill, where clay particles are obtained as wet mixture. It is called wet milling. Then it is followed by dry milling.

7. How is water content in the slip or slurry removed?
a) Filter pressing
b) Spray drying
c) Sun drying
d) Vacuum pressing


Answer: a [Reason:] If wet milling is carried out, excess water is removed by spray drying. If dry milling is carried out after wet milling, filter pressing is used. It removes 40-50% of moisture.

8. Which method of forming is used for heavily profiled tiles?
a) Dry pressing
b) Ram pressing
c) Pressure glazing
d) Extrusion


Answer: b [Reason:] In Ram pressing, extruded slugs are pressed between 2 halves of hard mould mounted in hydraulic press.

9. Which of the following is not a method of drying?
a) Impulse drying
b) Infrared drying
c) Kiln drying
d) Tunnel driers


Answer: c [Reason:] Impulse drying uses pulses of hot air flowing in the transverse direction. Tunnel driers use gas, oil, infrared lamps or microwave energy. Infrared drying is used for thin tiles.

10. In waterfall method of glazing, glaze is fed through rotating disc that flings glaze onto tile.
a) True
b) False


Answer: b [Reason:] The above described method is employed in centrifugal or discing method. In waterfall or bell method, a stream of glaze falls onto tiles, moving below on a conveyor belt.

11. Which step removes volatiles from material during firing?
a) Glost firing
b) Single firing
c) Fly firing
d) Bisque firing


Answer: d [Reason:] Tile prepared by dry grinding requires 2 step process. In the first step, tile passes through low temperature firing, called bisque firing.

12. Fluorine emission is a pollutant generated during manufacturing process.
a) True
b) False


Answer: a [Reason:] Pollutants released are lead, fluorine, waste water, etc. Fluorine emission can be controlled by using scrubbers.