Q51608 What do you understand by First Normal Form?


The First Normal Form states that:

There should be no repeating groups in a column. In other words, columns in the table should have atomic values.

A relation R is said to be in the first normal form (1NF) if and only if every attribute contains atomic values only.

The table contains atomic values if there is one and only one data item for any given row and column intersection. Non-atomic values result in repeating groups. A repeating group is the reoccurrence of a data item or group of data items within records.

Example: Consider an Employee table with an attribute Dependents as shown below:

ID Name DeptNo Sal Mgr Dependents
131 Ram 20 10000 134 Father, Mother, Sister
132 Kiran 20 7000 136 Wife, Son
133 Rajesh 20 5000 136 Wife
134 Padma 10 20000   Son, Daughter
135 Devi 30 3000 137 Father, Mother
136 Satish 20 6000   Father, Mother
137 V.V. Rao 30 10000   Wife, First Son, Second Son

Here, the dependents column has non-atomic values. To make the relation in INF, we have to convert the non-atomic values into atomic values as follows:

ID Name DeptNo Sal Mgr Dependents
131 Ram 20 10000 134 Father
131 Ram 20 10000 134 Mother
131 Ram 20 10000 134 Sister
132 Kiran 20 7000 136 Wife
132 Kiran 20 7000 136 Son
133 Rajesh 20 5000 136 Wife
134 Padma 10 20000   Son
134 Padma 10 20000   Daughter
135 Devi 30 3000 137 Father
135 Defi 30 3000 137 Mother
136 Satish 20 6000   Father
137 V.V. Rao 30 10000   Wife
137 V.V. Rao 30 10000   First Son
137 V.V. Rao 30 10000   Second Son

The dependents column in the above table is having atomic values. Observe that for each dependent the other employee details such as ID, Name, Dept No, Sal and Mgr are repeated and will form as a repeating group. As per the definition of INF, the above relation is in INF. However, it is best practice to remove the repeating groups in the table.

Repeating groups refers to any set of columns whose values are related and repeat in the table. According to the rule of first normal form, the table should not have repeating groups of column values.

If there are such groups in the table, the table should be decomposed and the associated columns will form their own table while at the same time ensuring a link of this table with the original table (from where it was decomposed). Thus, the Employee relation can be divided into two relations namely Emp and Emp_Depend as follows:

21 8 image 1479

After first normal form, this table is divided into two tables: Customer and Customer Tran.

Table before First Normal Form Reports Table

Cust_ id Name Address Acc_ id Acc_ type Min_ bal Tran_ id Tran_ type Tan_ mode Amount Balance
001 Ravi Hyd 994 SB 1000 14300   B/F 1000 1000
001 Ravi Hyd 994 SB 1000 14301 Deposit Bycash 1000 2000
001 Ravi Hyd 994 SB 1000 14302 Withdrawal ATM 500 1500
110 Tim Sec’bad 340 CA 500 14303   B/F 3500 3500
110 Tim Sec ‘bad 340 CA 500 14304 Deposit Payroll 3500 7000
110 Tim Sec’bad 340 CA 500 14305 Withdrawal ATM 1000 6000
420 Kavi Vizag 699 SB 1000 14306   B/F 6000 6000
420 Kavi Vizag 699 SB 1000 14307 Credit Bycash 2000 8000
420 Kavi Vizag 699 SB 1000 14308 Withdrawal ATM 6500 1500

Tables after First Normal Form

Cust_id Name Address
001 Ravi Hyd
110 Tim Sec’bad
420 Kavi Vizag
Customer Table

Tran_id Cust_id Acc_id Acc_type Min_bal Tran_type Tan_mode Amount Balance
14300 001 994 SB 1000   B/F 1000 1000
14301 001 994 SB 1000 Deposit Bycash 1000 2000
14302 001 994 SB 1000 Withdrawal ATM 500 1500
14303 110 340 CA 500   B/F 3500 3500
14304 110 340 CA 500 Deposit Payroll 3500 7000
14305 110 340 CA 500 Withdrawal ATM 1000 6000
14306 420 699 SB 1000   B/F 6000 6000
14307 420 699 SB 1000 Credit Bycash 2000 8000
14308 420 699 SB 1000 Withdrawal ATM 6500 1500
Customer_Tran Table

Since Cust_id, Name and Address form a repeating group and hence the Reports table is decomposed into Customer and Customer_Tran tables. (The primary key columns of each table are indicated in bold in figures).

The requirements for a table to be INF is exactly what relational database theory specifies as essential. That is, a table in a relational database must always be in INF.


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